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[[File:Star-Wars-Logo (1).jpg|center|1000px|]]
{{Topquote|A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....|Star Wars opening text}}
{{Topquote|A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....|Star Wars opening text}}
'''[ Star Wars]''' is one of, if not ''the'', most influential media franchises of modern times, let alone its effect on science-fiction and fantasy. Indeed, among [[/tg/|nerddom]], it is challenged by only a few others, like [[Star Trek]] and [[The Lord of the Rings]]. The incredibly ardent fandom is spread worldwide and has a strong presence in popular culture. Many of the characters, like Darth Vader and Yoda, are iconic even to the general public. John Williams' score for the original trilogy is probably the best-known film score of all time. The universe has spawned numerous video games, hundreds of novels, multiple TV shows, one of the largest merchandising franchises ever, and, relevant to /tg/, a whole bunch of board, card, and roleplaying games.
'''[ Star Wars]''' is one of, if not ''the'', most influential media franchises of modern times, let alone its effect on science-fiction and fantasy. Indeed, among [[/tg/|nerddom]], it is challenged by only a few others, like [[Star Trek]] and [[The Lord of the Rings]].

It is also the current leading world source of [[Skub]].
The incredibly ardent fandom is spread worldwide and has a strong presence in popular culture. Many of the characters, like Darth Vader and Yoda, are iconic even to the general public. John Williams' score for the original trilogy is one of the best-known film scores of all time, right up there with greats like Jaws, Jurassic Park (also composed by John Williams), Indiana Jones (John Williams again!), Shrek, Harry Potter (there's a reason Hollywood often relies on John Williams for their soundtracks)  and the Avengers. The universe has spawned numerous video games, hundreds of novels, multiple TV shows, one of the largest merchandising franchises ever, and, relevant to /tg/, a whole bunch of board, card, and roleplaying games. It is also the current leading world source of [[Skub]].

==The Basic Concept==
==The Basic Concept==
Star Wars was originally a series of epic science-fantasy "space operas" that roughly followed the mythic cycle that's been around since Homer. They're set "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away," [Note: this makes the entire series a fairy tale] where a mysterious life force called (reasonably enough) the Force permeates everything. This, in turn, can be wielded by certain people, giving them pseudo-magical abilities; thank the Emperor (no, the other one) there were no Commissars in that universe. Those who use it for good become mystical, selfless warrior monks called Jedi, whereas those who use it for evil are ruthless, self-serving bastards called Sith. However, the Force must always be in balance, so any time the Sith arise to cause imbalance, the Jedi have to pull together and take them out to restore the natural order.
Star Wars was originally a series of epic science-fantasy "space operas" that roughly followed the mythic cycle that's been around since Homer. They're set "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away," [Note: this makes the entire series a fairy tale] where a mysterious life force called (reasonably enough) [[the Force]] permeates everything. This, in turn, can be wielded by certain people, giving them pseudo-magical abilities; thank the Emperor ([[Emperor|no, the other one]]) there were no Commissars in that galaxy. Those who use it for good become mystical, selfless warrior monks called Jedi, whereas those who use it for evil are ruthless, self-serving bastards called Sith. However, the Force must always be in balance, so any time the Sith arise to cause imbalance, the Jedi have to pull together and take them out to restore the natural order (so we are told in the prequels).

The so-called Original Trilogy (made up of films IV through VI, released from 1977 to 1983) followed a young man named Luke Skywalker who becomes a Jedi and re-balances the Force. Meanwhile, the Rebel Alliance is fighting to end the oppressive Galactic Empire, which is secretly led by the Sith. Luke and his Rebel companions eventually defeat the evil Emperor Palpatine, but along the way they discover that his lieutenant, Darth Vader, is actually Luke's father. A financial, critical, popular and cultural H-bomb, these movies are basically the filter through which Generation X perceives the world... for better or worse.
A financial, critical, popular and cultural success, these movies are basically the filter through which Generation X perceives the world... for better or worse.

The so-called Prequel Trilogy (made up of films I through III, released from 1999 to 2005) explained how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader and how the Galactic Empire was established. This involves a lot of convoluted politicking in the Republic, which is then torn apart in the Clone Wars, where the Republic (with an army of clones led by the Jedi) fights against the Confederacy (with an army of robots led by [[Necrons|General Grievous]] and secretly controlled by the Sith). It was not as well received as the first trilogy, for reasons we'll talk about below.
The so-called Original Trilogy (made up of films IV through VI, released from 1977 to 1983) follows a young man named Luke Skywalker as he learns the ways of the Jedi. Meanwhile, the Rebel Alliance is fighting to end the oppressive Galactic Empire which Darth Vader, a Lord of the Sith, serves. The first movie (initially known as just ''Star Wars'' upon release in 1978 - if you can track down an increasingly rare copy of the original cinematic release, you can see there was no subtitle in the opening crawl - but retroactively tagged ''Episode IV: A New Hope'' in later re-releases and remasterings as sequels were made and the series expanded) posits that the military imperium holds the Emperor as figurehead leader of a Senate, soon to be abolished; as the movies continue, we learn that the emprah is secretly Vader's master. Luke's Rebel companions in ''Episode VI: Return of the Jedi'' defeat the evil Emperor, but along the way Luke discovers who's his daddy - ME! Darth Vader! I'm yo daddy because I did this to yo mama. The third movie's novelization, at last, names the emperor: "Palpatine".

There's also a so-called Sequel Trilogy (made up of film VII and presumably films VIII and IX), which started in 2015 and picked up the story some three decades after the Emperor's defeat with a new generation of heroes taking on the remains of the evil Empire, which is a group of extremist former Imperials calling themselves the First Order. However, Episode VII aka ''The Force Awakens'', was directed by J.J. Abrams, who's mostly known for the [[skub|skubtastic]] [[Star Trek]] reboot, while Episode VIII was written and directed by Ryan Johnson who was a young director known for plot twists and genre experimentation on a handful of movies and television episodes. The result managed to fracture the Star Wars fanbase over issues of dull rehashing for VII and a whole laundry list of reasons for VIII (ranging from small ones such as it being too different, to major issues like half the movie being filler), as well as those who still enjoyed them and very little common ground between the three groups.  
In between we got an "<strike>Extended</strike>Expanded Universe", which LucasArts commissioned, and some leaks of variants of the movies' scripts. We learned from the early drafts that "Starkiller" was the first floated name for Luke, that a "padawan" is an apprentice, and so on. We learned from a ''RotJ'' leak that the Empire's base is <strike>Trantor</strike> Coruscant, a city built over an entire planet. The canonical 1996 All-But-The-Movie multimedia ''Shadows of the Empire'' - which was naff despite being canon, you totally don't have to deal with it yourself, excepting Joel McNeely's soundtrack which was awesome - has scenes on Coruscant. The Expanded Universe goes far, far beyond just this; beyond what the movies demand as canon - as it should be, because by Aristotle we shouldn't need to assume facts not in evidence. As for all the masses and masses of extra lore here, see below.

Finally, there are the so-called Anthology movies, standalone one-shots involving characters and plotlines that aren't a part of the main "Saga" films, except they kind of are.  The first, Rogue One (2016), is an immediate prequel to Episode IV that follows those Rebel spies who stole the Death Star plans. The second film follows a young Han Solo and pals Chewie and Lando.  A third rumored one follows Boba Fett.
The so-called Prequel Trilogy (made up of films I through III, released from 1999 to 2005) explained how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader and how the Galactic Empire was established. This involves a lot of convoluted politicking in the Republic, which is then torn apart in the Clone Wars, where the Republic (with an army of clones led by the Jedi) fights against the Confederacy (with an army of robots led by [[Necrons|General Grievous]]) with both sides secretly being controlled by the Sith. It was not as well received as the first trilogy, for reasons we'll talk about below.

There are also three separate TV series. The first one, ''Clone Wars'', was based on traditional animation, whereas the later one, '''''The''' Clone Wars'', was a weird 3D animation. They're both pretty good. There was also a terrible theatrical release that was basically just an advertisement for ''The Clone Wars'', but, since it's even worse than the Prequel Trilogy (hint: babysitting Jabba the Hutt's kid), nobody talks about it much. The third series is Disney's ''"Rebels"'' which is set between Episodes III-IV and it takes itself far less seriously than Clone Wars did, and is more of a homage to the original trilogy since not every character in the series is the owner of a lightsaber nor are they constantly talking about grown-up politics, senators and trade embargoes... pretty much the things that clogged up the plot of the prequel trilogy.
There's also a so-called Sequel Trilogy (made up of films VII, VIII, and IX), which started in 2015 and picked up the story some three decades after the Emperor's defeat with a new generation of heroes taking on the remains of the evil Empire, which is a group of extremist former Imperials calling themselves the First Order. However, Episode VII aka ''The Force Awakens'', was directed by J.J. Abrams, who's mostly known for the [[skub|skubtastic]] [[Star Trek]] reboot and was widely criticized for ripping off Episode IV (the whole trilogy apes the original trilogy a lot but none as much as VII) and a [[Mary Sue]] protagonist. Meanwhile Episode VIII was written and directed by Rian Johnson who was a young director known for plot twists and genre experimentation on a handful of movies and television episodes that openly said he wanted to "subvert expectations" and make half of viewers dislike his work, then got pissed when half of them disliked his work. The result managed to fracture the Star Wars fan-base over issues of dull rehashing for VII and a whole laundry list of reasons for VIII (ranging from small ones such as it being too different, to major issues like half the movie being filler and the plot not even making basic sense), as well as those who still enjoyed them and very little common ground between the three groups. Abrams returned for Episode IX which got a mixed reception from both those who liked VIII and those who didn't.

And then there's the whole Expanded Universe, which covers pretty much everything not covered by the films, like the Old Republic (set thousands of years before the prequel trilogy, when there were a hell of a lot more Sith and Jedi around) and the New Republic (set immediately after the original trilogy, explaining what became of all the characters. Also features Force-less, extra-galactic, fanatical [[Dark Eldar|space cenobites]] called Yuuzhan Vong that are so grimdark they could've come from 40k rather than Star Wars.
The general issue with the sequels is that, unlike prior films, with long lead-times between releases so every film felt special and the creative forces had lots of time to think and drink in reception, Disney wanted to crank out a ''Star Wars'' film every year and a mainline installment every two years, but didn't want to do the legwork. As a result, because there was no plan on what to do in each part of the trilogy and they came up with everything as they went along, but unlike Lucas didn't have time to work things out between it really shows. It really feels like the whole trilogy lacks direction, as it was directed by two guys with conflicting visions, yet almost complete freedom to do what they wanted, including [[derp|undoing stuff done in the other guy's movie]].

The EU is no longer considered in the main canon of the films and TV series, due to the new sequel trilogy which does not follow EU, the reason for this being, according to Disney, that following EU would restrict their creative freedom.  The reaction to this was, well, [[skub|mixed, for lack of a better word.]] They've since noted that they'll slot ''some'' of it in on a case-by-case basis, but the canon is in a highly fluid state at the moment. EU is now officially called Star Wars Legends, though most fans still refer to it as EU.
Finally, there are the so-called Anthology movies, standalone one-shots involving characters and plot lines that aren't a part of the main "Saga" films, except they kind of are.  The first, Rogue One (2016), is an immediate prequel to Episode IV that follows those Rebel spies who stole the Death Star plans.  The second film follows a young Han Solo and pals Chewie and Lando<s>A third rumored one follows Boba Fett</s> Became a series.

==Why was it so popular?==
There are also four separate TV series. The first one, ''Clone Wars'', was based on traditional animation, whereas the later one, '''''The''' Clone Wars'', was a weird 3D animation. They're both pretty good. There was also a terrible theatrical release that was basically just an advertisement for ''The Clone Wars'', but, since it's quite bad (hint: babysitting Jabba the Hutt's kid), nobody talks about it much. The third series is Disney's ''"Rebels"'' which is set between Episodes III-IV and it takes itself far less seriously than either ''Clone Wars'' did, and is more of a homage to the original trilogy since not every character in the series is the owner of a lightsaber nor are they constantly talking about grown-up politics, senators and trade embargoes, which played a large role in the prequel trilogy and found their way to ''The Clone Wars'' as well. Finally there is ''Resistance'', which only lasted two seasons (for comparison, Clone Wars lasted 7 and Rebels lasted 4) and wasn't particularly well received by the fans, largely due to general lack of interest in the [[fluff]] of the sequel trilogy.

Star Wars is as accessible as science fiction gets. It doesn't require extensive knowledge of a fictional world (a la ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' or ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'') or cultural background (as ''[[Star Trek]]'' sometimes does) to make sense. Those elements are present for those who want them, but they stay in the (very rich and vibrant) background. It has well-shot action and good ''enough'' dialogue to make it interesting for both kids and adults (as well as allowing parents who grew up with it to watch it with their children, thereby hooking the next generation of viewers). It has simple, good-vs.-evil themes that resonate with almost anyone, anywhere, at any time. The science fiction elements are generally handled well if you don't obsess over making science fiction realistic and hard. It's a prime gateway drug for sci-fi which still holds up to the experienced eye, Isaac Asimov saw and rather enjoyed the films. All in Fourteen hours of cinema, plus optional sides for those who want it.
And so, after voicing a Mandalorian character one time in an episode of Clone Wars, Jon Favreau’s ego boner couldn’t contain itself any longer and gave birth to the first live action Star Wars TV series, ''The Mandalorian'' - building on the Disney version of Mandalorians as a sort of [[Eldar Corsairs|weedy, neo space Viking]], which seems feeble when compared to the old EU version of Mandalorians, who were more like space [[Orks|Maoris]]. Still, it ended up being pretty good; good enough for Disney to go ahead with another <s>two</s> four live action series (because if there is anyone who loves to rub skub into their pores, they are Star Wars fans). The first is a prequel to the ''Rogue One'' film, y’know, to build on the backstories of people you never needed to know about in the first place. The second series will focus on Obi Wan Kenobi’s time in exile after saddling Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru with a kid, though which fans have been begging for for a while. There’s also gonna be a one season series on Ahsoka (from 3D Clone Wars) and one on Boba Fett.

There's a ton of merchandise that is, of course, really cool. Also, given it's crossed over into the mainstream, many people feel comfortable being part of the community without feeling judged as "nerds" (as they might with ''Lord of the Rings'', ''D&D'', ''Star Trek'', ''Warhammer'', etc.).  
Anyway, that's the basic concept. As to how it's been handled in the interim, and especially since Lucas dropped the reins . . .

Again, they roughly follow the mythic cycle that's been around since Homer. If you think about it, 4 of the 7 films can be summarized as: hero begins his journey under the tutelage of a wise (more or less) man, they encounter a threat which has captured/enslaved a princess/girl, who was in one way or another connected to an important secret (usually a superweapon but could be the identity of a political figure or the location of someone); the heroes save the princess/girl but someone dies tragically in a battle against the villain while someone else is blowing up a space station or a spaceship afterwards they are happy, they celebrate and mourn the loss of the poor bloke who died.
==The Advanced Concept==
{{topquote|Merchandising!  Merchandising!  Where the real money from the movie is made!|Spaceballs}}

Additionally, the first film can be summarized as a samurai and a gunslinger team up to save a princess from Nazis in space. That is multiple cinematic genres at once, following the style of the epic myth.
Star Wars fundamentally changed, perhaps even created, the concept of consumer entertainment.  Prior to Star Wars, cinema had been an artistic enterprise.  While money-making was always a subtext of Hollywood, the concept of a media "franchise" was almost non-existent, save for cult fandoms of (then) niche programs like Star Trek or Buck Rodgers.  Movies were made because they had a story to tell, or to put a studio's leading talent to work.

Star Wars was different.  To the studios, the story was cliched garbage, the actors were nobodies, and there seemed nothing about it that would compete with the likes of DeMille for raw spectacle. They were certain it would fail, and so they made one critical concession in the negotiations...
* Luke Skywalker: All-round good guy and idealist, despite being a complete idiot, Luke wishes to learn the ways of the Force to defeat the Emperor and save the galaxy. A Jedi prodigy, he can lift heavy ton space fighters with just his force powers, though he struggles with doubts. Although he starts all brash and teenage and shit, by the conclusion of the trilogy, Luke is well on the way to becoming a wise and powerful Jedi ready to rebuild the Order. Then he ends up training Kylo fucking Ren and becomes a [[Neckbeard|grumpy old man who just wants the Jedi Order to die with him since he's been disillusioned in people not being shitty now that his shitty-feeling self is considered the least shitty person in the universe]]. It takes a direct Force-powered intervention from Leia as well as Yoda's Force ghost telling him "don't worry, we both fucked up and the kids still love our <strike>toys</strike> legends" to get him to nut the fuck up and help stop the First Order by embarrassing Kylo Ren in front of everyone.  It got to the point where [[The Last Church|he tried to burn a sacred tree with contained the last books about the Jedi code]].  Yoda appeared as a Force ghost and told Luke the Force weren't limited to buildings or writings, destroying the tree which supposedly contained the last books about the Jedi code and history which turns out to be because Rey had already stolen said books and the destruction of the tree prevented Luke from discovering that fact, ensuring the Jedi will continue regardless of Luke's faith crisis. In the original EU, Luke was '''FAR''' more successful and trained many generations of Jedi including his niece (future Empress of a reformed Empire) and non-evil (although he came close a few times) nephew, destroyed massive remnants of the Empire over and over again, killed the fucking Emperor over and over again, fought off space Cenobites that almost destroyed the galaxy and killed their <s>Emperor</s> best fighter, blew up more Death Star-type things, killed a god made of crystals (we don't like to talk about that one), and hooked up with the Emperor's own hot red-headed assassin.

* Han Solo: Dashing [[rogue]] and space cowboy who somehow shoots his way out of debt to the mob, ends up a general, and bags himself a princess. Not a bad series' work. His ship, the Millennium Falcon, deserves a mention too for being as iconic as he is. Unfortunately his actor Harrison Ford always went back and forth on wanting to continue the franchise, mostly because he thoroughly hated Solo and wanted him to die pretty much from day one, only to be thwarted in Empire and again in Jedi by the character's popularity. Ford agreed to return for Episode 7 when Disney finally gave him his wish, having Solo fail to redeem his son Ben (named after an crazy old man he only knew for a few hours) and getting a metaphorical and literal lightsaber through the heart for it. In pre-Disney continuity he was once a Swoop (flying motorcycle) racer turned Imperial Officer who shot his superior that was beating a Wookie to death and gained a lifelong friend in Chewbacca, post-Disney origin is covered in a solo movie named Solo. It's... well, see below.
They gave George Lucas total control over the merchandising rights.

* Princess Leia: The regulation piece of lady crumpet in the movies, Princess Leia was a leader in the rebel alliance and (spoiler!) Luke's long lost twin sister. Also both a capable soldier and politician. Her being forced to wear a metal thong by an overweight space slug named Jabba the Hutt has since cemented her role as sex idol to legions of adoring fan boys, while her general [[Awesome|door-kicking deadshot sarcastic asskickery]] made her a feminist icon as well (this was back in the 80's when the two could be the same). With her home planet and entire adoptive family destroyed by the Death Star, she became a General although somehow retained her princesshood (yes, she's now a Disney Princess), and went on to become a full-on Jedi warrior in the pre-Disney EU. [[Skub|Not in the new canon though.]] She manages to somehow [[Roboute Guilliman|survive getting shot into space]] using her latent force abilities in TLJ, probably the most ridiculous part of the film. Unfortunately thanks to the death of her actress Carrie Fisher (given the amount of cocaine and partying she's done over the years it was amazing she lived as long as she did) Leia will have to die offscreen between Episode 8 and Episode 9...unless they do an uncanny valley CG model again.
In hindsight this decision goes up alongside IBM letting Microsoft sell DOS to anyone for all time business fails. Because obviously Star Wars didn't fail, it sold like $2 heroin, and so did all the toys.

* C-3P0 and R2-D2: Two robots trapped in a sexless gay marriage who are the only minor characters to have been in all the movies so far, and even in stories like The Old Republic outside of their millennia of existence will usually have an equivalent. C-3P0 is the shiny golden humanoid robot who constantly fusses about keeping the furniture clean and worries that his pies are getting overdone in the oven while R2-D2 is the brash, brave husband figure who swings into action regardless. He looks like a salt shaker next to the Dalek's pepper shakers, although is he more a plucky rabbit to their rabid wild cats. The robots mostly have comedy roles in the movies, since they might threaten to upstage the human actors if they became too useful, though R2 has an electric cattle prod and serves as the party's computer skillmonkey, while C-3P0 saves the day with his mad linguistic skillz at least once per film in the original trilogy. They starred in their own cartoon series that was surprisingly good. After the original trilogy in both pre/post Disney continuity the writers don't seem to know what to do with them, and they just randomly appear sometimes.
Today, studios desperately try to recreate that model, scrutinizing movies not for their artistic or entertainment value but rather for their potential to create a merch franchise.

* Chewbacca: The original furry in space, the dog you can have a beer with in the space Winnebago. Nothing sexy about him; he is just hairy, huge, knows how to pilot a space ship, fix stuff, fire a gun, and generally get shit done which strangely makes him the coolest furry ever. Best friends with Han, has a family that we can all agree did not appear in the terrible Christmas special that does not exist (he got a much more badass family in the Galactic Battlegrounds games, so go with that). Hates Trandoshans like all Wookies, since Trandoshans are almost always assholes and are particularly assholish to Wookies. In the pre-Disney continuity he was a slave that the then-Imperial Han saved and eventually get mooned to death by the extragalactic space cenobites, courtesy of [[R.A. Salvatore]]. In the post-Disney continuity he continues to be awesome and generally ignored in endings. The prequel trilogy revealed he's REALLY FUCKING OLD thanks to Wookie lifespan.
==Why is it so popular?==

* Lando Calrissian: Suave, charismatic, and an expert con artist, this guy is the original pirate king in space. He betrays Han and co. when Vader invades his city, later regrets it, and then atones by saving the cast from the Empire as well as the populace of his city at the same time, then helps save Han from the mafia, and finally leading the fleet that blows up the Death Star 2.0.
{{topquote|Ted, the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the characters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived them Ted. That's cause they '''lived''' the Star Wars.|Marshall from ''How I Met Your Mother''}}

* Obi-Wan Kenobi: If, at any point, in any work of fiction, the hero has an old master/father figure who teaches him part of what he knows, makes sure that he will grow up to be a virtuous and decent hero, but ultimately dies fighting a great evil to buy the hero time to escape, then returns as a spirit guide for the hero later, the Internet has probably accused that character of ripping off Obi-wan Kenobi. The prequels show him as a young Jedi and a deuterotagonist to Anakin Skywalker, acting as ''his'' master, teacher, partner, and dear friend before their eventual falling out [[FATAL|ends with Anakin losing most of his major extremities and organs]] and Obi-wan hiding out in a cave waiting to turn into Alec Guinness.
Star Wars is as accessible as science fiction gets. It doesn't require extensive knowledge of a fictional world (a la ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' or ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'') or cultural background (as ''[[Star Trek]]'' sometimes does) to make sense.  Those elements are present for those who want them, but they largely stay in the (very rich and vibrant) background. It has well-shot action and good ''enough'' dialogue to make it interesting for both kids and adults (as well as allowing parents who grew up with it to watch it with their children, thereby hooking the next generation of viewers). It has simple, good-vs.-evil themes that resonate with almost anyone, anywhere, at any time. The science fiction elements are generally handled well if you don't obsess over making science fiction realistic and hard (or at least they WERE handled well until Episode VII). It's a prime gateway drug for sci-fi which still holds up to the experienced eye, [[Isaac Asimov]] saw and rather enjoyed the films. All in all there’s fourteen hours of cinema, plus optional sides for those who want it.

* Yoda: Ancient wise grand master of the Jedi Order who a tiny green alien is. Never named, his species was. Because of his size and age, most assumed just a harmless old teacher he was, your nice old granddad like. His pulling out a lightsaber and engaging a Sith Lord in combat at the end of ''Attack of the Clones'', one of the most surprising and popular fights of the series is. Became a big franchise mascot he did, despite a surprise for the audience he was meant to be in his first appearance, ruining it for future generations. A unique way of speaking, he has. A very popular target for parody, it has become.
There's a ton of merchandise that is, of course, really cool. Also, given it's crossed over into the mainstream, many people feel comfortable being part of the community without feeling judged as "nerds" (as they might with ''Lord of the Rings'', ''D&D'', ''Star Trek'', ''Warhammer'', etc.).  

* Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker/"The Chosen One": The black-helmeted face of evil and the most well known villain from Star Wars (and arguably the most recognisable characters in cinema). Has become an iconic and memorable figure due to his menacing, robotic appearance and ultra-deep, wheezy respirator voice. He is [[Meme|(spoiler!)]] secretly Anakin, Luke's fallen Jedi father, thus allowing him to be able to say the most memorable line in the film series, "''I'' am your Father!" Abaddon wishes he could be this sinister. His children eventually manage to rekindle the spark of human decency in his heart, and he redeems himself by giving up his own life to save them and destroy the Emperor. Hates sand. Fun Fact: his portrayal required four actors in the original trilogy: body, voice, face and a stunt double. Single-handedly rescues the entire spin-off film Rogue One with [ an '''incredible''' scene at the end].
Again, they roughly follow the mythic cycle that's been around since Homer. If you think about it, 6 of the 9 films can be summarized as: hero begins his journey under the tutelage of a wise (more or less) man, they encounter a threat which has captured/enslaved a princess/girl, who was in one way or another connected to an important secret (usually a superweapon but could be the identity of a political figure or the location of someone); the heroes save the princess/girl but someone dies tragically in a battle against the villain while someone else is blowing up a space station or a spaceship afterwards they are happy, they celebrate and mourn the loss of the poor bloke who died.

* Darth Sidious/Sheev "Can't Peeve the Sheev" Palpatine/The Emperor: A creepy old wrinkly dude who sits in his badass evil throne constantly screaming "[[Just as planned]]!" And occasionally frying fools with force lightning. Built a giant planet-destroying weapon, then built another, bigger one as a trap when the first one blew up. He is very clever, managing to scheme and outwit everyone in the prequel trilogy, moving them all into place so he could take over the galaxy (although he still needed a big superweapon anyway to hold onto said power). Chews so much scenery they had to resort to computer-generated imagery. [[Meme|He is the Senate]].
Additionally, the first film can be summarized as a samurai and a gunslinger team up to save a princess from Nazis in space. That is multiple cinematic genres at once, following the style of the epic myth.

* Admiral Ackbar: Giant tactical fish who has the need to point out obvious traps in memetic fashion. Leads the rebel fleet in the <s>third</s> sixth film. Dies in the eighth.
Due to article bloat [[Star Wars Setting]] is now its own page.

* Wedge Antilles: The anti-redshirt. Has almost no lines in the original movies but somehow survives all of them, even blowing up the second Death Star with Lando. In the EU he is one of, if not ''the'' best starfighter pilot in the galaxy, and co-founder of the über elite Rogue Squadron along with Luke.
Also due to article bloat the [[Star Wars Movies]] are also their own page.

* Padmé Amidala: Darth Vader's waifu who spends most of the prequel trilogy being a hopeless pacifistic idealist [[Derp|(which makes her a hypocrite with all the fight scenes she's in.)]] Get's choked by Vader and dies giving birth to Luke and Leia, which ironically Vader was trying to prevent in the first place after seeing a vision. [[FAIL|Way to go, dumbass]]. Haven't you ''read'' a work of fiction with that kinda prophecy in it before?
==Expanded Universe==

* Jar-Jar Binks: Solely exists to fuck up everything (and we do mean EVERYTHING) at the worst possible moment. This guy is so hated by everyone in and out of universe that even Lucas shitcanned his role down into a very brief cameo at the end of Episode 3. He's actually something of a tragic figure representing someone good who tries to act to save the galaxy but ended up ruining it instead. He manages to be less of an annoying fuckup in the CGI Clone Wars series, though only just. The clones that get stuck with him from time to time ''can't stand'' him. There are rumors that he was originally going to be revealed as a villain but because of his poor reception, this idea was scrapped. People who dislike Episode 7 often refer to its director as Jar Jar Abrams. Got a depressing meta style sendoff in the Aftermath book after Disney got the rights, which is a shame since it was hinted at in the Clone Wars series that he would marry a powerful alien queen who thinks he's a sex magnet. No really.  
It can be said what makes a franchise into a long term lasting thing is when a wealth of extra story and background is created that expands on the original story far beyond what there was. It could be argued Star Wars leads the race in this, as the sheer amount of extra novels, graphic novels and games based on Star Wars can and does overwhelm the ordinary fan.

* Wilhuff Tarkin: [[A Song of Ice and Fire|Tywin Lannister]] [[Indrick Boreale|IN SPHESS]]. Ruthless, ambitious, and cold, Grand Moff (Governor) Tarkin is the epitome of all that is Imperial in the SW Universe. His idea of ruling pretty much comes down to "They can hate me as long as they fear me", which is symbolized ultimately by the Death Star. [[Derp|However, he uses the stick far too often and hardly uses the carrot]], and this policy backfires on him horribly when he destroys Alderaan, a Core World and one of the founders of the Old Republic- for instead of cowing the galaxy into submission, it, along with the Battle of Yavin which saw himself and his battle-station destroyed, [[Fail|galvanized half the galaxy into openly declaring for the Alliance]].
===The original EU/Star Wars "Legends"===

* Jango and Boba Fett: Father and son, though the son is actually an unaltered clone of his father. Badass, mostly-silent mercs who get shit done and come from a line of Spartan/Viking/Māori warriors in space called Mandalorians. Sadly, both had very anticlimactic deaths, though Boba survived his in the EU, through the power of being too popular with the audience to kill permanently. (This became canon after Disney made the entire EU non-canon. Rumour has it Boba will be getting his own spin off movie.)
[[Image: Choices_of_One_PB_art.jpg|right|200px|thumb|The waifu was so strong with Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker himself decided to wife her up]]
The background has expanded into the distant past before the founding of the current Jedi and Sith orders and into the (not-quite-so) far future looking at the descendants of Luke Skywalker and other popular characters. Uniquely, especially considering [[Warhammer 40K|other]] [[Star Trek|franchises']] track records, the Star Wars Expanded Universe is <strike>remarkably</strike> <strike>sorta</strike> sometimes internally consistent, both with other sources within the universe and with the films themselves, at least in comparison to other comparable settings. Of course, it's got plenty of its own [[C. S. Goto|problem children]] that slipped through, and the [[skub]] mine of it all isn't much shallower than that of 40K. Good portions of it do hold up well, largely due to the efforts of Lucas' company's continuity department leaning on everyone to hold it together. One thing that greatly helps is continuity books and articles aren't afraid to make small retcons to make even the most obscure and shitty sources (like that terrible PS1 fighting game) seem like part of an organized plot.  

* Jabba the Hutt: Obese slug who is a cross between a Mexican drug cartel kingpin and Mafia crime-boss. He runs his criminal enterprise from an old palace-monastery on Tatooine. A [[/d/]]eviant at heart, likes to fap to hot alien chicks dancing for him until they try to escape, then faps even harder when he feeds said chicks to Rancor. Gets strangled to death by a bikini-wearing Leia with her own chains, because symbolism.
Particularly well-loved parts include characters like Grand Admiral Thrawn (a rare alien officer in the Empire and popular enough that Disney brought him back to the canon from the EU) and Mara Jade (pictured right, a Force-using former agent of Emperor Palpatine who later turned good, became a Jedi Master, married Luke and had a son with him) - interestingly both were created by the same author [[Timothy Zahn]].

* Mace Windu: The original only black dude in space, he was the hardest-as-nails Jedi master of the council during the prequel trilogy and the best swordfighter in the Order, hence his unique purple lightsaber. That, and Sam Jackson wanted his own color to stand out. If Anakin hadn't interfered, he would have killed Darth Sidious and none of the original trilogy would have taken place. His subsequent anti-climatic death in the movie is regarded with annoyance by his fans. His mastery of the Force allows him to channel his anger and enjoyment of battle into his combat style without being corrupted by the Dark Side. He can also detect what he calls "shatterpoints", which lets him detect weaknesses to either mess people up in combat or exploit the "for want of a nail" proverb to turn situations to his side. Has a novel, Shatterpoint, which is pretty much Heart of Darkness IN STAR WARS. Was rumoured to be Disney’s wannabe Emperor, Supreme Leader Snoke, before *SPOILERS!* <s>Ben Solo</s> Kylo Ren killed him, so no one really cares now.
Upon their acquisition, Disney said "fuck it" and threw out everything but the films and the Clone Wars cartoons...  But since so many of the guys they kept around are the same guys who made the old stuff, they just keep bringing back the Legends stuff they liked. Some popular old stuff got mentions or appearances (and Thrawn got to be a major character), but the overall quality is even lower than the old EU(at least, the cool parts we care to remember). What was set up as a major book contains phrases like "The TIE wibbles and wobbles through the air" and random virtue signalling. As though to top the previous, Disney literally published a book with an entire chapter about mass wedding farts (Yes. Really.). The only good stuff is from established EU authors writing stuff far away from era of the Sequel Trilogy.  

* Qui-Gon Jin: Liam Neeson as a Jedi. He was the only one smart enough to recognize a Sith plot, and would've uncovered and exposed Palpatine if it weren't for Darth Maul's sword going through his gut. Was the master of Obi-Wan, and tried to teach Anakin the basics from beyond the grave.
The [[rage]] over the EU's scrapping was major among many fans of it, but for all Disney's shortcomings, they were in a tight spot. Towards the end all that continuity and consistency got thrown out the airlock for increasingly dumb and disjointed narratives and garbled plot threads to the point that the Star Wars logo was just about as much a sign of quality as the Nintendo approval stamp on shitty SNES games.

*Ahsoka Tano: An orange, female togruta jedi padawan that helps tell the story of growing up. When she was first introduced in the skubtastic Clone Wars movie, she was basically annoying beyond belief and attached to the notoriously reckless Anakin Skywalker. However, she began to grow on fans, eventually becoming a fan favorite Initially, she dressed only a little better than a Dark Eldar wych, raising serious moral questions about a girl her age dressing that way, but this issue was resolved in season 3 of the clone wars. Her character grows from beyond the simplicity of an <s>(un)</s>amusing wisecracker, much like her master, into a wiser, kinder woman, who's actions speak louder than her words. In the final season of the Clone Wars, she leaves her master and the jedi order, and some believe that she unintentionally caused Anakin Skywalker to fall to the Dark side. She reappears in Rebels, where she takes on the wise guide and teacher for Ezra and Kanan, two other jedi who are fighting the Empire. Thought to have died in the second season, she is revealed to have been saved, and was alive even up to Return Of The Jedi.  
Another problem was that Disney is mostly family-friendly, and some of the Star Wars EU could get really dark. As in Warhammer 40k levels of grimdark. Examples of this are the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong - forcenull space-Druchii (no no, not Comorrites though they have the pain and body modification fetishes for it, space-'''Druchii''', riding enslaved tyranid bioships) from another galaxy, Mnggal-Mnggal - mindraping gelatin lost on its way to Star Trek, and Abeloth - an ancient (she predates the Jedi and the Sith) yandere Force entity more like something from the Cthulhu Mythos and is so dangerous the Jedi and the Sith '''joined forces''' to fight her. It's difficult to envision how Disney could have kept the EU when even before all that it was struggling to find a market beyond the most [[neckbeards|dedicated fans]].

* Count Dooku: An elegant, charismatic, gentlemanly Sith lord and master fencer who had dreams of liberating the galaxy from Republic control, but didn't expect his partner in crime to be a backstabbing douchebag. Hates Anakin/Vader for not being a gentleman.
The Old Republic era that takes place millennia before the movies is technically part of the EU as well. But as it doesn't intrude on it, not to mention one game set in it is still receiving new content, almost all fans treat it as canon.

* Darth Maul: Horned Sith only concerned with bloodshed and fighting. He'd do well as a Khornate Champion. Had his legs cut off then was brought back more badass than ever, until he was utterly stomped by the Emperor then gets killed in a duel with an elderly Obi-wan almost 18 years later. Wields a sick-looking double-bladed lightsaber, doesn't actually gets a single line in the first film dubbed in by a different actor, and played by famous martial arts master Ray Park. He was a silent badass in the movie but for some reason he was made very talkative in the animated series. The EU gave him a backstory as the scion of a race of Sith-aligned Force witches that ''The Clone Wars'' later made canon. The director of ''Solo'' picked him out of a hat to be the leader of the nefarious criminal gang Han gets stuck working with.
===The Books===

* General Grievous: A cyborg even more fucked up than what Darth Vader would become, Grievous was the Supreme Commander of the Droid Army during the Prequels and the Clone Wars TV series (both versions), and a sadistic Jedi hunter. His competence is usually portrayed two totally different ways; in the 2D animated TV series (created by the same guy who made [[Samurai Jack|Samurai Jack]]), he is portrayed as an unstoppable killing machine who roflstomps experienced Jedi Masters, and is only bested by Mace "The Ace" Windu. In the CGI series and the third film, he is an [[Stupid Evil|incompetent, frothing loony]] with a record of failure that even Abbadon would laugh at hysterically. Actually has a somewhat-tragic past: he was a great and virtuous hero on his primitive planet, but when the Separatists harvested his shredded body to repurpose into their general/assassin, Dooku had those parts cut out of his brain until only the raging killer was left.
'''The Good EU''' 
[[Image: Heir-to-the-empire-cover.jpg|right|200px|thumb|Heir to the Empire (1991): The book that started it all]]
* '''The Thrawn Trilogy''': The origination point for the EU despite not being the first Star Wars books published, and focuses on the conflict with the Imperial remnants left over after RotJ. Named for one of its two main villains, Grand Admiral Thrawn, who went on to become one of Star Wars most well-loved characters.  Basically the story "The Force Awakens" wishes it was (also introduced the character Mara Jade, a sexy redhead that's everything Disney wishes Rey was and more). Revealed Lucas' ideas and concepts from abandoned drafts like the Republic capital planet Coruscant, later put into the Prequels.
* '''The Han Solo Adventures''': Star's End was the second spinoff book written and the first good one.  Hit store shelves before Empire Strikes Back was even in theaters.  Han and Chewie are trying to get some work done on the Falcon and get volun-told to bust out some political prisoners to pay for it.  The Z-95 Headhunter fighter comes from this one.  Would have made for a better film than ''Solo'' did.  
*'''The Darth Bane Trilogy''': The origin of the Rule of Two for the Sith in Legends, along with a compelling protagonist and his apprentice. Excellent addition to Legends continuum, especially since it does a fairly good job of reconciling Lucas' ideas with contradicting information from KotOR and TotJ .
* '''Cloak of Deception''': Luceno's prequel to the prequels, a political thriller, much more focused than ''The Phantom Menace''. Foreshadows ''Clones'' characters.
* '''Shatterpoint''': The Mace Windu spinoff, ''[[Heart of Darkness]]'' style with Samuel Jackson playing the Charles Marlow role. Windu cracks off lines like "we're going to beat him like a rented gong".
* '''Revenge of the Sith''': The novelization is actually considered a serious improvement over the movie itself (which is already widely considered to be the best of the prequels themselves). Provides brilliant views into Anakin's psyche and motivations over the course of the film, culminating in the single best description of what it is like to be Vader ever.
* '''Jedi Apprentice''': That Qui-Gon / Obi-Wan series for kids, started by Dave Wolverton and continued by Jude Watson over a near-flawless run of eight books, until Xanatos (Qui-Gon's apprentice before Obi-Wan gone bad) bites it and there's no focused villain anymore. What a waste we barely got to see this relationship in the movie.

* Stormtroopers: The elite soldiers of the Galactic Empire. Originally, these soldiers were vat clones of Jango Fett cloned in large numbers, trained from birth in combat and clad in environmentally sealed suits of their famous gleaming white full body armor. After the rebels blew up the gene-banks, the Empire switched to an enlistment system. (Not having a good dental plan to bring in recruits, the First Order resorts to [[Schola Progenium|kidnapping children and raising them as soldiers]] to fill their mook quota.) Numerous sub-categories exist, specializing to operate in different environments (deserts, frozen tundra, zero gravity, underwater, etc.) and serve different roles (scouts, aerial jump-packers, heavy-weapons teams, etc.). They are unwaveringly loyal and obedient to their Empire, ruthless and brutally efficient foes in combat, and incredibly precise shots with their state-of-the-art weapons. Naturally, these qualities all go out the window when they encounter the protagonists, but that's life when you're wearing a [[helmet]].
'''The Bad EU'''
* '''Jedi Academy Trilogy''': Luke sets up his academy on Yavin IV and tries to teach [[Rage|Kyp Durron]].  Imperial remnant superweapons hit [[Mary Sue|ludicrous territory]] with the Sun Crusher. This was the beginning of Kevin J Anderson (already infamous for fucking up [[Dune]]'s EU) hammering out a couple dozen Star Wars books over about four years. As for Kyp himself, he would go on to become a [[Skub|polarizing figure in-universe and out]].
* '''Young Jedi Knights Series''': Set between Jedi Academy and New Jedi Order, mostly follows Han & Leia's kids. Unfortunately, for some odd reason, [[Fail|Jaina Solo was frequently saddled with a damsel in distress role despite being the daughter of one of fiction's most famous feminist icons]].
* '''I, Jedi''': A retelling of the Jedi Academy Trilogy (see above) with more of Corran Horn from the first set of X-Wing books. Less derp in general but significantly more [[Mary Sue]]age of Horn.
* '''Legacy of the Force''': The survivors of the Yuuzhan Vong War are trying to rebuild the galaxy, but Jacen Solo turns Sith and becomes the main villain. The book series is infamous for nearly killing the Star Wars brand and issues between various writers years before Disney went down the same road (Jacen Solo was also a major influence for Kylo Ren).  The biggest complaints were Jacen killing off Mara, villains having plot armor, heroes acting out of character, poor dialogue, long-winded writing and the story being overstuffed with allusions to post 9/11 US culture and politics. Given that Star Wars (especially under Lucas), has always been informed by political events of past and present, that last one ''could'' have been interesting, but a better writer was needed. Overall, the only things this series usually gets any credit for is Jaina Solo finally getting out of her damsel in distress role and becoming a badass worthy of her parents, and her brother turning into a solid Sith villain in Darth Caedus.
* '''Revan Novel''': More "disappointing" than terrible, but for a novel centering on one of the most beloved EU Star Wars characters of all time, it was generally seen as a huge letdown. Problems include a dearth of action (including for Revan himself), the Jedi Exile getting killed off in a way that felt tailor-made to piss off as many KotoR II fans as possible, and with almost none of Revan's companions from the first game getting more than a simple mention. [[Wat|Revan even decides not to bring Jolee and HK-47 on his mission because the former is a Jedi who would be obligated to report him to the Council, and the latter is too "unstable"]], [[Derp|even though HK is totally loyal to Revan and so wouldn't do anything Revan told him not to do, while Jolee is established as being a maverick who doesn't agree with the Council and so wouldn't just tattle on Revan]]. That the novel was written by the lead writer of the first Knights of the Old Republic game just makes the disappointment sting even more.

'''The [[Skub]] EU'''
* Rey: Protagonist of the new trilogy. Most people either think she's a sloppily written Mary Sue and wish-fulfillment character for the writers' female-empowerment fetish or that she's a fine protagonist and the former group is just being salty about new things. People don't like Rey because she comes out of nowhere, from nothing (the damn movies even lampshade that), and yet right off the bat Rey can pilot the Falcon very well. She hasn't undergone the traditional Hero's Journey to earn her skills or develop her character, and many see natural talent and an innate well rounded personality as poor story telling in a fairy tale.
* '''Shadows of the Empire''': This multimedia earns pride-of-place as the most-canon of all the EU content, and as being ''an unfocused mess''. ''Shadows'' fills in the details of where the Rebels got the Death Star II's plans and found where Han was taken; it also had Luke building his own saber, ''etc'', as if it mattered. Since there was a game involved, and since Lucas' team didn't think things through very well, we got introduced to some bounty hunter by the name of Dash Rendar who is just another Han Solo except one we don't care about (he's no Katarn, that's for sure). It was all a Major Multimedia Event at the time (being thought of by the folks behind it as "a movie without a movie"), including a soundtrack and an uneven video game which we'll get to. The game was why Rendar even exists: he's your avatar. The Special Edition rerelease of ''A New Hope'' added the Outrider to the background of one scene. Oh right: and there's a book. Steve Perry wrote it. It's notable for Xizor the ultra sexy crime boss; he comes close to porking Leia, but she evades his wiles. We guess that's why LucasArts didn't pick Crispin to write it. Told an interesting story, and helped expand the criminal underworld aspect of Star Wars. It just needed more cohesion and consistency between the different mediums.
[[Image: Yuuzhan-vong-eu2_bg.jpg|right|200px|thumb|The Yuuzhan Vong, [[Skub|either badass and interesting or grimderp canon-defiling villains]]]]
* '''The Paradise Snare''': AC Crispin's first book (1997) in a new Han trilogy, an ANH prequel this time. Han escapes his Oliver Twist youth ("F8GAN", LOL). He ends up in a "spice" (LOL) operation because it was the late 1990s and we were all reciting "D.A.R.E., Drugs Are Bad Mmkay" in school before heading off to raves at night. Young Harrison Ford shuts down this particular hacienda; with the help of Crispin's self-insert, who then gets to bounce on his lap. Those readers who could ignore the cringe, and we admit there was a ''lot'' of cringe from several directions, were generally entertained. It was all a bit episodic for a film but, again, that didn't stop the Rat House from scrapping it and filming what they filmed instead... which was ''also'' episodic and full of cringe.
* '''New Jedi Order''': The longest-running Star Wars book series (19 books long) and about an extragalactic invasion and the Jedi's role in fighting it.  Luke and his wife Mara are training new Jedi, including Han and Leia's kids, while Han and Leia build bridges between the New Republic and Imperial Remnants.  Cue the invaders, the Yuuzhan Vong - [[Culexus|Force-null]] [[Imperium of Man|religious fanatics]] with [[Tyranids|organic technology]] and a fixation on [[Dark Eldar|pain and body modification]].  The resulting war sees a body count rivalling anything in  Warhammer 40k including Chewie's death (they dropped a fucking moon on him), Han and Leia's youngest son going nuclear and Admiral Ackbar.  Mara gives birth to Ben Skywalker and overcomes a terminal illness.  The Vong take over and [[Tyranids|terraform]] part of the galaxy, including Coruscant, and lots is learned about the Force.  A real love-it-or-hate-it series, some parts are good, some are bad and some are weird.
* '''Dark Empire''': Palpatine's back to save a dying franchise decades before Disney tried it. He even uses clone bodies to do so (but unlike Disney, Dark Horse didn't flip-flop on the lore), wrecks a fleet of enemy ships using the Force and at some point has his power reflected back at him.  Starts off good, falls apart fast.  Known for its love-it-or-hate-it artstyle and dialogue. Original version of Episode 9.
* '''Courtship of Princess Leia''': The queen of a star cluster that could ally with the newly reformed Republic against the Imperial remnants offers a deal which hinges on Leia marrying her prince son.  In response, Han sorta-kinda kidnaps Leia.  Luke teams up with the prince in question (who's a bit of a Jedi fanboy but basically a competent officer) to track them down.  Along the way he finds a crashed Jedi training cruiser and its library of holocrons.  This one introduced the planet Dathomir and the force witches the Nightsisters, which were ultimately adapted to be Maul's homeworld. 
* '''X-Wing''': A long running series that passed between several authors that followed Wedge and his squad post RotJ. Initially focused on the liberation of Coruscant and was solid if formulaic, but eventually spiraled off into skub territory. Generally speaking, the action sequences and space battles are quite good but the characterisation falls flat, ranging from 'three-words stereotypes' to 'utter cringe'. Also tends to over-abuse Deus Ex Machina shenanigans to allow the good guys escaping the villain's ''Perfect Plan One-Billionth To Ensure Their Bloody Demise''™.  Did have some clever ideas like fitting a station with hundreds of torpedo targeting sensors to bluff a star destroyer into surrendering.
* '''Fate of the Jedi''': Want some Cthulhu with your Star Wars?  Luke, his son Ben, Leia and the remaining Jedi work to counter anti-Jedi backlash following the events of LotF while Han takes a bigger role in politics.  Things go from bad to worse when several Jedi suffer mysterious shared bouts of psychosis and an ancient Sith tribe emerges from hiding.  Things then go from worse to cosmic horror when both sides encounter Abeloth, a yandere, Lovecraftian Force entity so dangerous the Jedi and the Sith have to ''team up'' to fight her (yes really!).  But Abeloth escapes her prison, and both sides have to stop her before she plunges the Force and the galaxy into chaos. During these events, Ben Skywalker finds himself in a Batman/Catwoman situation with the Sith apprentice Vestara Khai. While being an OoM better than the preceding book series, FotJ has a very divided opinion among SW fans.
* '''Darth Plagueis''': Shows how Palpatine becomes a Sith Lord under his mentor. Less Star Wars than Star Politics, which is a good thing for this particular story. Very much a "by the fans for the fans" type book, in that it is '''''filled''''' with easter eggs, lore dumps, and other things that, if you're a hard-core lore buff, you'll love, and if you're not, you'll probably be confused as fuck. So a great novel for the die-hards, but a lot denser/harder to get into for the casuals.  

* Finn: A First Order Stormtrooper (serial code FN-2187) who has doubts about the First Order after a battle where he has to shoot innocent civilians, ends up defecting to the Resistance, allowing him to actually aim worth a damn. An obvious token minority shoehorned into the film for diversity points, Finn ends up carrying ''The Force Awakens'' thanks to the acting talents of John Boyega. He probably would have made a much better main character than Rey because at least ''he'' has a fucking ''reason'' to go on a space adventure. He’s basically Kyle Katarn, only he didn’t get to steal the Death Star plans or become a Jedi. Finn unfortunately is a character without an arc, as discussed below.
'''The Not EU''' 
* '''Splinter of the Mind's Eye''': By Alan Dean Foster, apparently short on cash at the time, it’s the now-aborted sequel to ''Star Wars'' before anyone, even Georgie himself, knew what was coming in ''Empire Strikes Back''. Therein lies a tale. A long time ago, in the far far away production of the first movie, no one knew that Star Wars would be a hit, with many seeing it as a bloated costly flop, and even Mr Lucas expecting a mid-level success at best. So the flannel-wearer mooted multiple sequel plans: [proto-]''Empire'' was one, if he'd been allowed the budget; while ''Splinter'' was much smaller in scale, with a single planet with only a few locations, a much simpler plot, etc. Since novelization usually starts during or before production (the ''New Hope'' novelization includes deleted scenes!), this book represents a C-tier movie that never was. So: what did we get? [[Incest Smith|chemistry]] between Luke and Leia, and Darth Vader being defeated [[Fail|by being tripped into a pit]]. So this was one of the first EU stories, although with ''Empire'' and especially ''Return of the Jedi'' it's been retconned off-canon entirely. It tends to be read by ''SW'' autists who wonder What Could Have Been.
* '''Dark Forces''': The novelisation of the games, starring Kyle Katarn. Pretty good writing except for the action scenes, which are rote accounts of the missions in-game. At the time Katarn wasn't considered a canon character and the first game, proposing yet another heist of the Death Star Plans, was explicitly ''disavowed'' as canon. As time went on LucasArts warmed up at least to Katarn who, unlike Dash Rendar, acquired a personality.
* '''Heart of the Jedi''': One of the earliest post-ROTJ books to be commissioned by Lucasfilm after the success of '''Heir to the Empire''', it was cancelled due to publisher issues sometime in 1993. Rereleased in 2021 to tremendous sales success for what is essentially fanfiction. Takes place immediately after the events of ROTJ (so, replaced by '''Truce at Bakura''' both in the timeline and the publishing schedule) and features early takes on many later EU novel staples.

* BB-8: The R2-D2 replacement and mascot of the new trilogy. Poe's buddy robot, started out as the plot device that the First Order was after in The Force Awakens, saves Finn and Rose's asses twice by taking down prison guards and piloting an AT-ST to attack Stormtroopers in The Last Jedi as well as Poe's in the comic.
== Disney Canon ==
[[Image:Star_Wars_Disney_Princesses.jpg|right|400px|thumb|Love it or hate it, they are now official ''Disney Princesses''.]]
It's still [[skub|debatable]] whether or not the new Canon holds up to the old EU, or learns to fix the problems that plagued it. We probably won't see what comes of it for decades to come. Disney Canon, as of 2020, seems to largely be built around the nine main movies though there have been growing rumors of a shakeup that may render the Disney trilogy non-canon due to severe backlash and financial losses.  There's also shows like Rebels and Clone Wars alongside anthology movies fleshing out stories that had been told in comics and books back before the Disney buy-up, but can now be seen on film.

* Poe Dameron: An X-Wing pilot and one of the best pilots in the Resistance who gave Finn his nickname. Poe is the son of an ace pilot and an elite Rebel soldier, who was seemingly conceived in an Ewok hut during the Yubyub song and grew up with a holy Force tree in his yard that was a gift from Luke. Gets captured by the First Order but gets rescued by a defecting Finn and they both escape using a TIE Fighter. Assumed dead by Finn after crashing the TIE Fighter, though ends up coming back shooting down an entire squadron of TIE Fighters. Its never really stated why did he leave Finn behind in the crash site, how did he leave the planet or why did he pretty much abandon his mission of trying to find BB-8. As such he's barely in The Force Awakens. This is because the original script George Lucas proposed for Force Awakens used Poe as a means of Finn escaping, whereupon Finn takes it on himself to complete Poe’s last mission and eventually replace Poe in the Resistance. After Poe’s actor lamented that he dies in every movie, Poe was made to survive the crash and Finn gained a fearful coward who becomes a hero subplot, which unfortunately left both characters with nowhere to go for character arcs. Poe is far more important in The Last Jedi, <nowiki>but not in good ways. He disobeys orders and leads an attack on a First Order capital ship which not only results in the destruction of most of the surviving Resistance small fighters, but delays their escape long enough for the First Order flagship (so large it is essentially a giant capital city for the First Order) to catch up with them and massacre the Resistance. Poe then mutinies when the now-comatose Leia’s subordinate Holdo is put in charge of the Resistance (Ackbar was killed before that because his Voice Actor died, leaving Holdo as highest ranking officer) to enact his own plan using Finn...which fails, resulting in the deaths of most of the rest of the Resistance and the loss of their last capital ship. Poe’s counterattack also fails, and by the end its only thanks to Rey and Luke that anyone survives. By the end, there’s barely enough Resistance left to fill up the Millennium Falcon, although the First Order got it just as bad thanks to Holdo’s last act. In short: Poe is Magnus the Red tier of fuckups (for the same reason too, not being trusted with the truth but with even less justification).</nowiki> If Poe hadn't had the dreadnought destroyed. It would have with ease one-shot their ships and their base if they would have even got there. Not to mention that the bombers where the worst designed starships to date. No big loss there. In other words, he is the only reason they survived.
Another curious thing is that elements of the old EU are being annexed into the Disney Canon. Plotlines like the Emperor returning, the Death Star plans heist and Han's path to become the smuggler we know him as all have bits and pieces from EU canon in them. In some cases, whole characters are ported in; the best example is Admiral Thrawn, who appears in Rebels. Other times, popular characters has their traits or stories ported into new ones (Finn and Cassian are both expies of Kyle Katarn, for example). This gives some credence to the argument that Lucasfilms and Disney wanted to wipe the slate with all the stories that had been told in the EU, so they could create their own, fully realized canon Star Wars setting that one could make movies - ''many'' movies - from. Considering the amount of shitty fan-fiction-esque stories the EU had, this may be for the best, but of course, good storylines that people have loved for ages are also thrown out with the bathwater.

* Maz Kanata: A <s>cartoon Chinese grandma</s> orange alien who knows a lot about the Force. In her backstory she was a Force-sensitive that’s somewhere in Yoda-tier age, but was never trained as a Jedi and instead used her talents to survive among the “third faction” (Hutts, smugglers, mafias, Mandos) while remaining as friendly to the “light side” factions as Hutts are to the “Dark Side” factions. Apparently also a supreme badass, judging from her brief appearance in TLJ. She procured Anakin’s/Luke’s blue lightsaber from the depths of the Bespin gas giant simply because she wanted it, and gave it to Rey in Force Awakens as well as some grandmotherly advice to her and Rey. She appears briefly to give the heroes contact information for a codebreaker in The Last Jedi.  
Detractors of Disney-era Star Wars often talk loads about how many cool characters are either cannibalized for story elements (like Kyle Katarn) or completely removed from canon (like Mara Jade).  These are semi-valid arguments of course, but they ignore some of the biggest issues with the EU originally - it wasn't written by George Lucas and Lucasfilms. They were sponsored fan-fiction in a sense, semi-canon from the outset and not really something that could be considered a part of the Star Wars setting, though George Lucas did work with the writers to a point, such as with the New Jedi Order book series (he gave them permission to kill off Chewbacca in the story). In fact, George never really considered them part of the universe; more like a parallel universe of his own Star Wars works. He accepted it because they bring in the big bucks when people would beg to have the official Star Wars logo on anything they produced, and occasionally lifted neat ideas like Coruscant from them.  

* Kylo Ren: A Dark Jedi who is actually the son of Han and Leia, Ben Solo, which the Internet absolutely refused to shut up about after it was leaked. He idolizes his grandfather, Darth Vader and wears a black suit and a mask to show this. He wields a unique crossguard lightsaber. People thought he would be a badass after seeing the trailers but after seeing the movie, he turned out to be a complete pussy who very often gets temper tantrums and gets his ass kicked by a teenage girl (though to be fair, if he had been a complete badass, everyone would’ve just complained that he was a rehash of Vader. So, you know, rock and a hard place). His name is something of a question mark, considering that most fans associate the name with Obi-Wan but Leia never met him and to Han, he was little more than a customer whom he knew for less than 24 hours. Would have made perfect sense for Luke to name his son Ben, which he did in EU but for Han and Leia it makes little sense (their older son was named Jacen, the younger son the cringeworthy Anakin in the EU; Kylo is far more similar to the constantly Dark Side tempted Jacen than Anakin, who dies young alongside Chewie). Kylo's character became significantly more fleshed out in TLJ, ironically making him one of the only characters to have actual development in the whole movie, and he has managed to win over many fans, with some citing him as probably the most interesting character in the Sequels.
The biggest universal complaints have been around story telling. Operation Cinder and the Battle of Jakku have been a nightmare of lore and sooo many retcons exist because of the lack of creative focus and control on the part of post-Endor lore. This has been fixed partially by the Mandalorian but it has been a shit load of retcons. One example being the multiple changes between books, with some stating Palps could not come back, but also he can, but he is also a clone..... and you can see why people think this has been a disaster.  

* Snoke: Supreme Leader of the First Order who speaks to his underlings through a massive hologram. Very little is known about him at the moment. Though many fan theories say that he is Darth Plagueis, the old master of Palpatine who was assumed dead, the powers that be have repeatedly denied the theory (though it's admittedly a better guess than suggesting that Snoke is [[What|Mace Windu, Boba Fett, or a clone of Darth Vader]], which we would like to stress are [[Derp|actual fan theories]])...unfortunately, we will have to wait for an inevitable comic book or novel to explain it, since he [[RAGE|gets killed like a chump by his own servant, Kylo "Emofag" Ren.]] It is possible he may return given that the ring on his finger has inscriptions that translate to various rephrasing of “survive death”, but that may actually be a nod to Palpatine’s EU resurrections.  
Toxic fan groups have also been a problem with the Sequel Trilogy Fans and Sequel Trilogy Haters picking fights. Other toxic fan groups exist such as a really annoying and pretentious group of fans who do not believe in redemption (a key concept in Star Wars), and no interest in stories around morally grey groups (Bounty Hunters and Criminals). Then you have that one group of really hostile fans who think anyone who likes Imperials like Pealleon and Thrawn are "Simperials", "Holocaust Deniers" and Nazis. On the flip side, you also have those faction extremist groups which believe in either pledging themselves to [[Pol|the Empire]] or [[SJW|the Rebels]] despite them being fake factions from a fictional universe. Some people do these things ironically but then you have people actually believing the kool-aid they drink, resulting in flame wars, pointless vitriol, and the occasional bit of IRL harassment when the hardcore nutters go at each other. Both sides have normals, but crazy and stupid fans cause a lot of problems and some dumb discord, reddit, and general fan groups are really fucking annoying. Generally speaking it is not a major problem but it is simply more trash popped on top of a waste pile.  

* General Hux: The First Order's Tarkin equivalent and a moustacheless ginger Hitler in space. Delivers a pretty cool speech, but can't fight to save his life.. The backstory for Hux is his father was an Imperial hero, and Hux wants to be the First Order version of his old man and lead the FO to a final victory. Hux openly dislikes Kylo Ren and has frustration with the Force-users borders on meta at times. Spends most of TLJ as a foil to the edgier and more toyetic bad guys, but he seems to be the only one to have noticed how impractical the Empire/FO's fuckhuge weaponry can be when you're fighting something smaller than a planet and have lost the element of surprise.
One case for the sequel trilogy is that, as underwhelming as it may be, was George's idea in broad strokes. The series was always going to have a sequel trilogy, and George Lucas was in fact putting the production for it together, having secured Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford to reprise their roles when Disney made the offer. The outcome isn't exactly what he (or we) wanted, but some of it is. Luke being an exile on a far-away planet, who has to be roused to fight by a new, female Jedi? George's idea, not Disney's. A son of Han and Leia struggling with the Dark Side? Also George's idea (though Disney lifted a lot form the original version - Jacen Solo - for Kylo Ren). With that said, a lot is different between the two, so the argument only carries one so far: the central conflict is scrappy rebels vs empire again instead of taking back the republic infrastructure from organized crime and warlords led by a galactic kingping (originally intended to be Maul). Luke doesn't train the new female Jedi, just gives her a quick fact-check and keels over in 8. Not only does he not rebuild the Jedi Order but essentially has to admit to ghost of Yoda he was never much of a Jedi to begin with. The character was so completely different Mark Hamill spontaneously christened it Jake Skywalker, a name some parts of the fandom embrace today. Leia abandons the Republic in disgust instead of becoming the Supreme Chancelor of the restored Republic. The Republic stops active resistance to the Empire midway only to get the Alderaan treatment. While it had similar ideas, it took those to wildly different directions.

* Captain Phasma: A First Order operative in charge of instructing the new Stormtrooper legions, Phasma serves as the Boba Fett of TFA - which is to say that she does nothing of note other than stand around and look cool until she figuratively and literally gets thrown into the trash in Force Awakens. Lucasfilm have apologized for overadvertising the character in the lead-up to the film and have promised to give Phasma an actual role and backstory for TLJ that will play into Finn's story. (This turned out to be bullshit due to the fucked-up nature of TLJ's production, but the reshoots managed to give her a good showing anyway.) Her backstory was released in a novel where she was a tribal on a planet the Empire stripped into the stone age, who backstabbed her tribe for a stronger tribe, backstabbed her second tribe and brother to rescue a stranded Imperial officer and join the Empire, backstabbed her mentor to become the supreme commander of the Stormtrooper Corps in the First Order, then in the comic series she was shown to have survived the trash compactor when a Resistance bomb blew it up and she entirely disregarded everything (including saving Starkiller Base or Kylo Ren) to frame one of her subordinates for lowering the shields then promptly hunted him down to “bring him to justice”. So [[Skaven|she’s a spear-wielding backstabber extraordinaire.]]
[ Lucas' sequel trilogy concept was about Leia and Anakin's grandchildren and restoration of the Republic in a post-empire lawless age, with a side-order of Luke restoring the Jedi Order.] The main character Kira was similar enough to Rey that the basic concept may have been kept. However, Kira finding Luke in self-imposed exile and being trained as a Jedi was supposed to happen in ep 7, and Luke was supposed to be strugling with the Dark Side, not guilt. The central conflict was supposed to be against the galactic underworld that took over much of the infrastructure and logistics in the chaos after the Empire's fall. The Underworld was to be led by a Maul as a "godfather of crime", which is likely why the character was resurrected in the Clone Wars. The Empire was restructured back to the Republic (just like the Republic was restrucured into the Empire) and the Imperial Remnant is a few hardliners who have been driven to the fringe. By the end of the sequel trilogy The Republic has been restructured, Lei has become it's Supreme Chancelor, and Luke has rebuilt the Jedi Order.

* FN-2199/"TR-8R": a First Order Stormtrooper who wields a badass riot baton in combat. Notable only for two reasons; he shouts "Traitor!" at Finn, and then he kicks his punk ass despite the latter wielding a fucking lightsaber. Such is the stuff that memes are made of. Even if he goes out like a punk to Han Solo, by all accounts, FN-2199 is what Phasma '''should''' have been. [ He would make a great commissar].
The claim wasn't helped by J.J. Abrams' and Rian Johnsson's repeated assertions that they were given free reing over 7 and 8, nor the fact that Bob Iger's autobiography had him admitting that the story treatments of Lucas were abandoned, and that Lucas felt betrayed by it (meaning any similarities between the two are likely just coincidence). Multiple writers and directors not working together led to the suicidal Rise of Skywalker where even the actors were just lost. It also emerged that John Boyega got side-winded along with Oscar Isaac - especially in the versions edited for China ([ compare and contrast]) - which is ironic/hypocritical from a company claiming to promote diversity. There are a lot of problems none the less. (Although according to Boyega, it was Disney racial treatments shafting him and Kelly Marie Tran's characters developments and social media attacking his race character.)

* Jyn Erso: A former member of the Space Taliban who is captured by the Rebels so they can talk to Space Bin Laden about rumors of a planet killer being fueled by Space Iraqi oil crystals, one that was partially designed by her father. Jyn is angry all of the time because her life sucks, she watches every parental figure in her life die in front of her, most of them over the period of a single day, and the movie hopes this will hide the fact that she really doesn't do much other then flip authority figures the bird. Her name mirrors that of Jan Ors, partner-in-crime of legendary badass Kyle Katarn.
It should be noted that the TV shows below are either now part of the Disney canon (such as the 2008 Clone Wars series), or made by Disney.  There is also a major Star Wars project called Star Wars: The High Republic.  It's an upcoming multimedia project spanning books and comics worked on by various writers including Claudia Gray and Cavan Scott ([[Warhammer Adventures|yes, ''that'' Cavan Scott]]). The stated goal is to tell one cohesive story set in the High Republic Era, two centuries prior to Phantom Menace.  It was slated for a 2020 release but was pushed back to 2021, purportedly due to the COVID-19 pandemic (purportedly because they could still work on the story from home in this day and age but have chosen to extend the deadline) and the first comics were released to tepid reception.  However so far less interest has existed around the High Republic because of a combination of lack of trust with fans and the fact its not a time frame anyone cares for (which granted, is due to it being a newly established time frame). More people are interested in Post-Endor, Clone Wars Era, Imperial Era, and the Old Republic Era. Still, some are glad that they are finally doing something new. Overall, High Republic has been mostly under the radar, not really generating strong feelings either way (definitely not compared to things like The Mandalorian or The Sequel Trilogy). The release of a video game set in the timeframe called "Star Wars: Eclipse" might help to give this era more exposure and popularity, assuming the game's any good.  

* Cassian Andor: A Rebel spy and assassin, Cassian angsts about the fact that he lives in a political thriller set mere days before the simple morality of the original trilogy kicks in. His only friend is a droid, but that's not exactly unusual. Shares an award with Luke for not getting the girl in the end. Kind of. The Disney Canon variant of Kyle Katarn, an Imperial officer turned Rebel turned Jedi Master, who is so badass he shaves with a lightsaber. A massive waste of character.
So for better or worse, the Disney Canon is the first time the wider setting of Star Wars beyond the series and movies have become irrevocably canon, rather than "kinda-sorta-canon". Much, but importantly not all, of what we've gotten that is new is based roughly on George's own work as well. Remember this when discussing EU vs Disney in Star Wars - Either setting is cool for their own reasons, but the Mouse got little to do with it - and if you don't like it, bring it up with big man Lucas.

* K-2S0: What C-3P0 would be if he grew a pair. A reprogrammed Imperial tactical droid and Cassian's only friend. Does that thing where he spits out survival odds in stressful moments. Caught a grenade in mid-air then tossed it back at it's original thrower without even looking. He dies first in order to establish that shit gets real in the last twenty minutes of the movie.
Whatever the case, CEO Big Iger briefly resigned in 2019... before being brought back in 2020 following severe financial and PR losses for Disney due to comparatively poor reception of the Disney canon, controversial statements from Disney staff against fans and shutdowns related to the global coronavirus pandemic.  Disney preceded to rebuild that goodwill and hope with The Mandalorian, only for two later events to undermine it.

* Chirrut Îmwe: <s>Discount Jedi</s> The real star of Rogue One. A blind martial artist who may or may not have force powers, can beat a squad of Stormtroopers with a staff, shoot TIE Fighters out of the air, and could take your girl if he wanted to. Haha, jk, he's totally homo for his bara partner-in-crime with the badass autocannon. Even his actor (from the badass "Ip Man" series) admitted that he was shoehorned into the movie in a desperate attempt to make China give a shit about Star Wars.
The first big problem was Disney's controversial handling of a situation involving leading actress from "The Mandalorian", Gina Carano, culminating in Gina being fired for political reasons regarding a social media post (not her first controversial post, or, as her later suggesting that the war in Ukraine was a government conspiracy shows, her last, but nevertheless caused an outcry).  The second was several poor quality media projects such as a comic series where one of the characters is an alien who's [[Derp|essentially a rock named "Geode" that crews a spaceship named "Vessel".]]  There have been sweeping changes and even a civil war in Disney-owned Lucasfilm between factions of staff supporting producers/directors Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau and staff supporting Lucasfilm president/film producer Kathleen Kennedy. Recent hints and events have suggested that Kathleen Kennedy's influence has been restricted, with Filoni and Faverau spearheading projects.  

* Baze Malbus: Chirrut's best mate and self-appointed bodyguard. Has three lines, but comes off as memorable because of his hellgun-looking backpack mounted autocannon with a scanvisor that lets him hold down the trigger and headshot stormtroopers until they are all dead. In early scripts Chirrut was his father figure, in the finished product they're ambiguously gay even though the director intended there to be a "finding peace with the pastor who heard his confession after a very grim life" vibe.
Things have also been not helped by evidence of fan art being stolen by Marvel Comics writers who then used them lazily in comics, posters, and other media. The fan relations are still very low with the exception of people like Timothy Zahn, Dave Filoni, and Jon Favreau. Common speculation on the major develops include rumors of a retcon of sequel trilogy but little evidence exists except for the planned project combining Clone Wars, Rebels, The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, Rangers of the New Republic, The Bad Batch, and possibly Andor and Obi-Wan.  

* Orson Krennic: Director of the Imperial Military Research Division. Forces Jyn's father into building the Death Star for him, then proceeds to spend the rest of the movie getting roasted by the more competent Imperial characters because he's a fucking moron with a grudge.
So far most fans are excited for the following:
*The Bad Batch
*Anything not involving the First Order. (Seriously this group is just not liked by the fans at all, not even Sequel trilogy fans in a "Love to Hate" kind of way)

* Saw Gerrara: Originally a member of the Space Viet Cong, this guy doesn't fuck around. Torture civilians? Check. Massacre entire patrols of Imperials? Check. In fact, his methods were considered so extreme that even the Rebel Alliance wanted nothing to do with him. Strictly speaking, he's a pre-Disney character as his first appearance on-screen was as part of the Clone Wars TV series; his first episode airing the same month that Disney acquired the franchise, making him one of the few characters to make the transition from the small screen to the big screen. Though he gets deaded within the first 30 minutes of Rogue One he has a lot more of his back-story filled out in the Rebels TV series, including being played by actor Forest Whitaker.
Speculation has emerged around why these TV Shows and series are doing well and a few theories exist. Some point to the presence of a Old Guard from the days of George Lucas and his apprentice/Protégé Dave Filoni, though some fans dispute this believing Filoni was a hack. Others point to a presence of care for the lore and the characters. Stormtroopers in the Mandalorian are not stupidly incompetent (They actually hit Mando even though he has literal plot armor) but decent troopers who are only beat by lucky and sheer offensive capabilities, characters like Boba Fett, Ahsoka Tano, and Darth Maul are given more development and respect as characters, and the stories feel like Star Wars. This leads to the generally accepted theory, which is Star Wars stories from these series are based on classic film styles. The Mandalorian is a Western with some episodes taking a more Japanese and Asian Fight film with Samurai style fight scenes and themes. The Bad Batch bases itself on Old War films and with elements of Westerns present. Overall a pattern emerges where the star wars presentation of classic and traditional story themes, motifs and concepts allows it to keep itself Star Wars and good quality overall.  

* Amilyn Holdo: An [[Tumblr|overbearing, purple-haired “Rebel hero”]] who somehow winds up being one of the key leaders of the Resistance, despite displaying no actual military acumen or diplomatic skill what-so-fucking-ever or even feeling the need to wear an uniform, instead wearing a [[what|ballgown]]. Is basically a pointless character that would have made a better impact if she was a Mon Calamari whose name rhymes with Allahu Akbar, her only role was to basically die in style but unfortunately she was pretty forgettable and nobody actually cared when she was atomized. (Tie-in material tries to "fix" this; the only real requirement for joining the Resistance was "didn’t think Leia was crazy for thinking the First Order was going to perform Star Wars 9/11”, and Holdo was only the captain of a small frigate before her battlefield promotion.) As a matter of fact, [[skub|her "super-duper secret plan" ends up getting most of the Resistance killed after Finn and Poe fuck it up]], due to the fact that she decided to [[skub|not tell a demoted and disgraced hot shot pilot who had just lost the resistance the last of their bombers her plan]] causing him to mutiny, and she only partially redeems herself via [[What|FTL ramming their command ship into the First Order command ship, destroying most of the FO fleet, establishing that any freighter with a hyperdriver is a WMD]], which is briefly visually spectacular but [[fluff]]-wise highly.... [[skub|take a guess]].  
Notably, the mini-wars over what in Disney Star Wars is good and what isn't is not as clean-cut as one might assume. While it is true that the thoughts on the Sequel Trilogy (mostly) fell along fan/critic divides, this isn't true of other things. Book of Boba Fett for instance, got flak from both corners, as did Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Episode 9, which got the worst critic reviews of ''any'' Skywalker Saga movie, is also plenty hated by a lot of the fans. This makes complaints by both groups about the franchise pandering to the other side somewhat ironic, as many fans and critics actually like and hate some of the same stuff.  

* Rose Tico: A maintenance worker who acts as a tagalong for some of the most boring and annoying parts of The Last Jedi. After losing her sister in the retarded cripplefight at the beginning of the movie, she catches her idol Finn trying to desert ship in order to warn Rey not to rendezvous as they were being chased by the First Order's fleet. She later went along with Finn to the Gilded Age planet to find the expert capable of helping them deactivate the First Order's tracking system. Her lust for Finn's BBC drives her to cockblock his heroic sacrifice on Salt Hoth before confessing his love for him at the worst possible moment in a plot point that will likely go nowhere. Also delivers the worst line in the entirety of the franchise: "[[What|That's how we are going to win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love.]]" This quantum singularity of [[AIDS]] led to a substantial fraction of TLJ's fan backlash being directed at her actress.
December 2020 announced several new films and TV series, as well as further information about already announced things. The stuff already out includes:

* Qi'ra: Han Solo's old girlfriend and partner introduced in ''Solo: A Star Wars Story,'' filling in for a number of older EU characters. Grew up with Han on Corellia before getting forced into the Crimson Dawn, which is like the Mafia in space except run by Darth Maul instead of the Hutts. Helps Han survive an unobtainium deal gone bad, then backstabs her boss to become her gang's alpha dog and Maul's personal agent. Too bad this will probably never be followed up on outside of tie-in novels thanks to how bad the movie did.
* '''[[Star Wars:The Mandalorian|The Mandalorian]]''': Live-action series that started in 2019. Unsurprisingly, Season 3 is on it's way and will release in 2022.
* '''The Bad Batch''': Animated series and a spin-off of The Clone Wars. Focuses on the titular clone commando unit that was introduced in the last season of The Clone Wars, set during Republic's transition into the Empire. They are forced to look after “Omega,” which has the potential to bring back the cloning project at the cost of her life. For full details, see its page.
* '''Visions''': 2021 [[Anime]] anthology-series made by different anime studios across Japan. 10 episodes, two by studios Trigger and Science SARU and the other episodes one for each studio. Released to a strongly positive reception from critics and fans, showing that the non-divisive nature of The Mandalorian was not necessarily a fluke. Getting a second season, one that will not be strictly Anime like the first but instead have animation styles from all over.
** '''The Duel''', the first episode of Visions, is a must watch for deliberately trying to mimic the old Kurosawa era Samurai films.
* '''The Book of Boba Fett''': 2021 live-action series, revealed post-credits in the last episode of The Mandalorian Season 2, which had Boba Fett returning to Jabba's palace, kill everyone inside and then sit on his old boss's throne. Out of the things that have come out after the sequel trilogy, it proved to be the most [[skub|skubtastic]] thing thus far.
* '''Obi-Wan Kenobi''': Live-action series featuring the return of Ewan McGregor as the titular character set 10 years after Revenge of the Sith. Proved to be somewhat [[skub|skubtastic]] (not in small part due to the original pitch being for a 2-hour movie, which would have been more than sufficient), though not to the degree of The Book of Boba Fett.
* '''Andor''': Live-action series and a spy-thriller focusing on the titular character who was introduced in Rogue One. Has a more grounded take on Star Wars, focusing on life under the imperial regime from the perspective of regular citizens instead of Jedi or soldiers, with villains also fairly ordinary like corporate security officers or Imperial Security Bureau agents.
* '''Tales of the Jedi''': A collection of six CGI-animated shorts about Dooku and Ahsoka.  

* L3-37: While K-2S0 brought droid characters to an awesome new high, L3-37 brings them to an embarrassing new low, becoming the most hated character in a Star Wars film since Jar Jar Binks. The /v/-tier name is only the warning label on this crock of shit. A <s>STRONG AND INDEPENDENT WOMXN WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN</s> droid that constructed a body for herself from spare parts, L3-37 is a [[SJW|woke robot feminist in space by direct admission of the writers, with everything that implies.]] Gets killed/destroyed in an escape attempt (to the rejoicing of movie audiences everywhere) but ends up as one of the droid brains running the Millennium Falcon. (Yes, the same computer C-3P0 complained about in the original trilogy; draw your own conclusions.) The avatar of why ''Solo'' is shit: the "tragic feminist revolutionary" bullshit was added in the infamous reshoot period and as a result nearly every scene involving L3-37 is some combination of tonal whiplash and plot holes.
The upcoming stuff includes:
* '''Ahsoka''': Live-action series by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni (the chads responsible for The Mandalorian, the latter also responsible for  [[Star Wars:The Clone Wars|The Clone Wars]], [[Star Wars:Rebels|Rebels]] and the character of Ahsoka (and [[Star Wars:Resistance|Resistance]] but [[heresy|let's not talk about that]])) featuring the titular fan favorite character who made her live-action debut in The Mandalorian Season 2, starring Rosario Dawson and is a spin-off of The Mandalorian and will have cross-overs with it. Also has the live-action debut of [[tactical genius|Thrawn]], who was name-dropped by Ahsoka in The Mandalorian as her quarry. Release date unknown but is confirmed to run only for one season. Her Lekku will actually be the correct length after [[/tg/ gets shit done|fan complaint]] from the Mandalorian. Trailers show it will have the first ever orange lightsabers in live action courtesy of the Dark Side bad guys, one of whom had their role effected by the untimely death of his actor Ray Stevenson, though to what extent remains to be seen.
* '''Rangers of the New Republic''': <s>Live-action series and another spin-off of The Mandalorian, again by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni and is said to have cross-overs with The Mandalorian and Ahsoka. Not much is known at the moment but the name tells us at that it would focus on the titular galactic government, something we still don't know much about due to the world-building fuck-up of the sequel trilogy. Release date unknown. </s> Cancelled / put on hold, likely due to the firing of Gina Carano (who was expected to have a major role) after controversies regarding her tweets. 
* '''The Acolyte''': Live-action series set during the High Republic-era, a thus-far unexplored era 100-300 years before the original movie during which the Republic was at it's peak. Release date unknown. Unfortunately, the [[SJW|background]] of the director has led to fears that she is interested in something else than just telling a good story.
* '''A Droid Story''': Animated series featuring R2-D2 and C-3PO and a new character, possibly a droid as well. That is all we know for now but will likely be targeted towards kids, just like the animated series Droids from the 80s that it seems to be inspired by. Release date unknown.
* '''Lando''': Live-action series focusing on the titular character. Not much known aside from that at the moment, not even will it feature Billy-Dee Williams or Donald Glover. Release date unknown.
* '''Rogue Squadron''': <s> Live-action film, the first one after the sequels. Will feature the titular elite starfighter squadron and is directed by Patty Jenkins, the director of Wonder Woman (but also [[RAGE|writer and director of Wonder Woman 1984]]). Will it focus on the Rogue Squadron from EU led by Wedge Antilles or will it be completely different remains to seen. Release in 2023. </s> Cancelled (at least for now), so it looks like we'll never know (but if it was anything like WW84, maybe for the best).
* '''Film by Taika Waititi''': Nothing about it is known at the moment except that it is happening, it is live-action and will be directed by Taika Waititi of Thor: Ragnarök-fame who also played IG-11 in The Mandalorian and directed the last episode of the first season. Makes fans nervous because his latest project, Thor: Love and Thunder, was trash. Release likely in either 2024 or 2025.
* '''The Skeleton Crew''': Just announced at the 2022 Star Wars Celebration, it will feature Jude Law and be about a bunch of kids who are stranded somewhere in the Galaxy and trying to find their way back home. Nothing else is known yet, [[Dark Angels|as Disney has been keeping a super tight lid on details,]] [[Star_Trek#Prodigy|but we're sure we haven't seen this idea before.]]
* '''The Rian Johnsson Trilogy''': Announced during the hype-up to The Last Jedi, we have been repeatedly assured it is coming, but it seems to be stuck in Development Hell.
* '''New Rey Movie''': To the horror and despair of her haters and the mild surprise of everyone else, a new Star Wars movie starring Rey (played again by Daisy Ridley) was announced at Celebration 2023. Will take place 15 years after Episode IX, and focus on Rey trying to succeed where Luke failed in restarting the Jedi Order. That the director is an [[SJW|activist]] (albeit one boasting international recognition and a couple of academy awards) who only got into film-making as she saw it as a method to push for social change does not give people much reason to be excited for it. Even if you're not bothered by that, the fact that the majority of her prior works are non-fiction documentaries that are a far cry from space operas is also a cause for concern.
* '''Dave Filoni Movie''': Also announced at Celebration 2023, it's basically meant to be the "Avengers" style crossover film that The Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, and upcoming Ahsoka have all been building towards. Presumably, this means Thrawn will be the big bad.  
* '''James Mangold Movie''': The last of the three movies announced at Celebration 2023, this one will be set in the distant past and serve as an origin story for the Jedi Order, explaining how the first Jedi came to be. Mangold has directly compared it to old-school biblical epics like The Ten Commandments, making this potentially the most [[Awesome]] of the bunch...if it actually releases that is. With so many announced projects over the years ending up getting quietly cancelled or plunging into Development Hell, fans have become a little cautious about any of these actually seeing the light of day.  

==The rise of the original trilogy==
===The Fan / Critic War: Overhyped?===

A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away....etc etc you all know the lines.
Ever since The Last Jedi came out to rave reviews from most critics and the complete opposite from most of the fanbase, a popular narrative has been that fans and critics [[Horus Heresy|are completely and utterly at odds and can't agree on anything.]] But while this is definitely true in the case of Episode VII and VIII, how true it is outside of that is kind of questionable when you think about it. Pretty much everyone hates Episode IX for instance, and The Mandalorian has been a hit with critics and fans alike (as was Star Wars: Visions). Meanwhile, Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi got mediocre responses overall from most critics and were not generally loved by many fans either, with only some positive responses from both camps. Rogue One is usually seen by most critics and fans as either "good but not great midquel" or "fantastic and edgy masterpiece", with folks who outright hate it being in the minority for both, while Solo: A Star Wars Story got a tepid response from most critics and isn't most fan's favorite Star Wars movie. Finally, the more recent Andor has done well with critics and with fans overall.  

A man called George Lucas had the idea to create a series of epic sci-fi space operas that would become so successful that Disney would take notice and give it the franchise fluttering eye lashes, trying to seduce it.
This seems to extend to video games as well: critics called out EA for its bullshit when Battlefront II launched with microtransactions, and gave Jedi: Fallen Order overall good reviews, which lines up with how most fans felt. Its sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor likewise did well with both critics and fans (with the exception of those of the latter who tried the game on PC, and even then that was due to performance issues, not problems with the story).  

They would be called... ''Flash Gordon''.
In all, it doesn't seem like there's actually ''that'' much of a gap between the two groups outside of the Sequel Trilogy itself. In theory, this ''should'' mean it's possible to make more stuff everyone likes, but the feud is likely to keep going anyway.

Unfortunately for Georgie boy, and fortunately for modern nerddom, Dino de Laurentiis already owned ''Flash Gordon'', and were busy making their own, hilariously eighties version, so he said, screw it, I'll make my own!
One of the largest fan wikis ever created, this bad boy is extensively cited, has enormous variety, and has page upon page of talk. It was if Lexicanum, the 40k fan wiki, and our own glorious site were fused into a terrible beast. Is well cited, but is most notable among fan circles for having a picture of Aayla Secura top naked under the article "Breast". Any attempt to remove the page for relevance reasons is met with [[BLAM|appropriate responses]].

He decided to start with the fourth movie in the series he envisioned, for at the time he didn't have the special effects to create the first three to the standard he wanted, and/or he just kinda made up the first move up as he went along (drawing heavily on Akira Kurosawa's seminal samurai action film, ''Hidden Fortress'' in the process as well as the book [ ''The Hero with a Thousand Faces''], a complex 1949 Joseph Campbell analysis of the various mythologies of human history all boiled down into the basic archtypes and elements required in heroic myth). So Episode Four ''A New Hope'' was created (simply titled ''Star Wars'' at the time) and it is not an exaggeration to say it changed the face of sci-fi and general moviemaking forever, bringing a new era of special effects and imagination to cinema and changing the lives of many who would go onto to become dedicated fan boys.
In all seriousness, the website is great. It is full of ads, but adblocks are easy to get and you can spend hours reading about characters, planets, and weapons from all over the star wars universe. Has an entire non-canon section, much like Wikitroid.

Originally, the studio had forced Lucas to take ever-increasing paycuts for what they were sure was going to be a flop, and only let him keep merchandising rights.  However, whatever his flaws, George Lucas was a man of vision.  Having helped pioneer the summer blockbuster, he went on to do the same to ginormous piles of movie-tie-in memorabilia.  His production company, Lucasfilm ended up rolling in dosh, and with Episode Five ''The Empire Strikes Back'' and Episode Six ''The Return of the Jedi'', the legend of Star Wars and its place in cultural history was assured.
==Impact on 1d4chan and associated games etc==

tl;dr: [ Pretty much this.]
Star Wars has had subtle and clear impacts on a number of other franchises and genres and it can be ''incredibly'' hard to gauge the extent of it all. Certainly it didn't create the concepts of sci-fi, space battles, sweeping storylines, and a blending of mystical and scientific ideas, but it certainly popularized them during the years of the original trilogy and influenced many people that would go on to have interests in sci-fi, fantasy and epic adventure today.

==The coming of the prequel trilogy==
Hell, look me in the eye and tell me that the lightsaber didn't give us the [[power weapon]]. But then again, magic weapons.
With the year 2000 coming, George Lucas felt that special effects technology had reached the level he wanted and began to create the first three movies in the star wars story he had envisioned. (As a side-note, he also made some touch-ups to the three original films, re-mastering them with special effects and a couple of extra scenes that weren't doable with the eighties' animatronics. But those were mostly accepted/shrugged away since they didn't deeply modify anything.)
==Sabacc and Pazaak==
[[Image:Idiots_Array.jpg|left|400px|thumb|When a damn fool bets the ship, nothing beats the smugness in laying down an Idiot's Array]]
A rather unusual entry here but it's well in line, Sabacc is an actual tabletop card game from the Star Wars universe which is basically a hybrid of Poker and Blackjack. A Sabacc Deck has 80 cards, most of which in four suits of 16 cards numbered one to 16 (two suits positive, two suits negative), plus 16 wildcards that could be positive/negative or (in the case of the Idiot) Zero. The goal of the game is to have a set of three cards who's total as close as possible to, but not over, 23 or -23. If you got 23/-23 (Pure Sabacc) which could only be beaten by an Idiot's Array (the Idiot, a Two and a Three, thus 23). The stakes are raised every cycle until the cards go down or one player is left standing who gets the pot.  Like most card games there are variations, such as a single suit hand beating a mixed hand of equal value, light beating dark, dark beating light, instant tiebreaker with new hands in the case of a tie; one variation even uses dice (presumably to set a handicap the hand has to overcome).

The hype for the movies was immense.
The notable thing about Sabacc that sets it apart from real world card games is that the Cards can change value every turn. A Pure Sabacc can easily become an instant lose 25 and an absolutely lousy hand can become an Idiot's Array. They can be stabilized to fix their value, but everyone knows when you do so. This feature has so far prevented Sabacc from being released in tabletop form as of yet.  ''(Of course, there are ways to deal with this, such as simply re-dealing unfixed cards, but never let it be said that nerds will choose practicality over purity.)''

And then the first movie, Episode One ''The Phantom Menace'' came out.....and there was nerd rage beyond expectation.
It should also be noted that you CAN buy a version of Sabaac from Disney (this writer got his set at Disney World) but it plays differently in that cards do not change value and the goal is to be as close to 0 as possible. It has cool cards too.

Part of the problem was that the immense expectations of the fandom had grown until anything less-than-perfect simply would not do, so perhaps that is somewhat to blame for the reaction to the prequel trilogy. In a vacuum one has to admit that they aren't completely ''[[Twilight|terrible films]]'' .
In universe, Han Solo won the Millenium Falcon off Lando in a game of Sabacc.

Episode Two ''Attack of the Clones'' and Episode Three ''Revenge of the Sith'' followed after a few years each and didn't garner nearly as much hatred, though fans complained they didn't match the greatness of the original trilogy, more concerned with flashy action and effects than competent story-telling,
Pazaak is an older game from an in-universe perspective, similar to Blackjack but its player versus player rather than player versus dealer and also has some aspects of a collectible card game. Goal of the game is to raise cards from the main deck until their total value is 20 or they can also choose to stand if they get close but don't want to risk it. Best out of five wins.

''Revenge of the Sith'' did, however, receive higher ratings than ''Return of the Jedi'', and is generally seen as the best and most-complete of the three prequel films as a story. Unusually the novelization alters some details and is considered a legitimately good book on its own merits.
CCG-aspect of Pazaak comes from the sidedeck: both players collect ten cards for their side deck and then randomly take four cards from their side deck to their hand in the beginning of the game. Hand cards are used to either lower or raise the total value: so if the player raises cards from the main deck to the total value of 25, they can prevent dropping out if they have a -5 card or higher in their hand.
Cards which only either raise or lower the value are the most common of the side cards.
More rarer are cards which can be used to both raise and lower the value.
Then there are flip cards, which change certain main deck cards on the table to negative ones. So if the player plays a 2&4 flip card, all 2:s and 4:s on the table become -2:s and -4:s. Flip cards exist in 2&4:s and 3&6:s.
Then there is the double card, which doubles the value of the last played card. So if the player raises a 5 from the main deck, playing the double card would turn it into a 10.
Finally, the rarest side deck card is the tiebreaker, which grants the player a win if the game would otherwise end in a tie.

What was generally more well received (despite a rocky start with a two hour pilot being pressed into service as a movie and an art style that took some time to gel) during this time for Star Wars was the Clone Wars animated series (both the traditionally-animated ''Clone Wars'' and the later seasons of the CGI show '''''The''' Clone Wars'', the latter which most everyone agrees is what the prequels should have been), following the war between the Republic and the Confederacy that sprung up during the time between the second and third of the prequels.
==Tabletop games for Star Wars==

In defense of the prequel trilogy's sins, they did at least do their own thing.  Because of how much money the original trilogy made, practically every form of media in the 80s and 90s aped it to some form or another, and instead of falling back on the same old shit the prequels branched out and tried to get out of the franchise's comfort zone a bit. While a lot of it sucked, it blazed a trail for better writers to follow and helped liven up the universe by showing us the galaxy beyond fuckhueg spaceships and faux-Western shitholes like Tatooine. And all but the most [[Neckbeard|diehard OT purists]] can get behind shit like Naboo architecture, the Clone Army and Mace "The Ace" Windu.
=== Role-playing Games ===

==Disney and the sequel trilogy==
[[West End Games]] made a Star Wars [[role-playing game]] called [[Star Wars RPG|Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game]] AKA '''Star Wars D6'''.  Like many West End products, it's a good game with the great misfortune of being published by West End Games.

Finally, all the efforts by Disney to woo George Lucas paid off and in 2012 Disney acquired the Star Wars franchise for 4 billion dollars and immediately announced they would produce a new trilogy of films set after the original trilogy.
[[Wizards of the Coast]] picked up the license later and made two distinct RPGs based on their [[d20 System]], called [[Star Wars D20]] (imaginatively).  Could be fun, but generally broken as hell, much like [[Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition|its parent game]]. It was then utterly revised that into what they called the '''Saga Edition''', which is relatively balanced and pretty good.

Expectations were almost as high as the private fears of the fans. Bringing on the creative talent behind the [[skub|skubtastic]] ''[[Star Trek]]'' reboot was equally... well, [[skub|take a wild guess]].
[[Fantasy Flight Games]] is presently selling [[Star Wars Roleplaying Game|a whole line of Star Wars-themed RPGs]], each one focusing on a specific style of play. You want to play a bunch of scruffy space outlaws (Edge of the Empire), members of the nascent Rebellion (Age of Rebellion), or exiled Jedi Knights (Force and Destiny), then they got you covered. Unlike their [[Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay]] games, which are all ''juuuuust'' different enough from one another to completely buttfuck any attempts at blending, all three gamelines use identical mechanics and are fully cross-compatible. Uses symbol-counting [[dice pool]]s with ludicrously overpriced custom dice.
Like the other RPGs they decided with the retardedly similar name, and thus this one is sometimes called '''Star Wars FFG''' to avoid confusion.

===The Mouse Awakens===
FFG have kept milking the franchise and in summer 2017, decided to [[Necromancer|reanimate]] the [[Star Wars RPG|Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game]] with a "30th Year Anniversary Edition" print of the original game. It '''''finally''''' shipped in July 2018 after spending a year in limbo.
''Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens'' debuted in December of 2015, and reception was what you would expect: the film was immediately a massive success from a monetary standpoint as everyone ([[China|almost]]) everywhere rushed to the theaters in response to the hype, with children engaging in as many repeat viewings as their parent's money could allow as fans did the same thing with their own. It has become a financial hit with the general public and a (critically) generally well-reviewed piece, with decent cinematography, special effects, technical stuff, etc. It also went on to become the third biggest financial success in film history, when not adjusted for inflation.

Fan response was a good deal more mixed.  Many criticize the plot for rehashing Episode IV, without doing anything to establish its own identity and claim that it had a bland main character, [[Mary Sue|who had too many abilities]] whereas others find the replication of ''Star Wars'' feel an acceptable trade and praise it for being a decent action film, [[Skub|and point out the lead doesn't even outdo any of the previous main characters in anything.]] In fact, some would argue that by rehashing the original trilogy it basically nullified the accomplishments of the original crew; the Empire's still around, they've got yet another superweapon, Han & Leia split up, Luke failed to rebuild the Jedi, etc. Other fans praised it simply for being a new Star Wars that was better than the prequel trilogy.  
Unofficially, a fan overhaul of the [[Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition]] system exists, called [ Star Wars 5e]. To put it short, it is a considerable rework with a good lot more features and more customization when compared to 5E but is ultimately constrained by some of the system's inherent limitations.

And at least the jokes were better this time.
=== Card Games ===

Coincidentally, when Hamill and Fisher were originally approached by Disney to reprise their roles as Luke and Leia, they ''didn't want to do it'' right from the start. But, they didn't want to give an out-and-out "no" answer either, so they told Disney they'd return if Harrison Ford agreed to return as Han Solo as well. Knowing how much Ford ''hated'' Solo, Hamill and Fisher figured they were safe, until Disney irresistibly sweetened the deal for Ford by agreeing to kill off his character, thus forcing a reluctant Hamill and Fisher to make good on their deal.
The big [[card game]] set in the Star Wars universe is the [[Star Wars Customizable Card Game]].  It's no longer produced by Decipher, but there is still a sufficiently large player community to organize annual tournaments, rule on cards, and so on.  SWCCG was radically different from the norm of card games, being divided into light and dark side cards with different backings, with light and dark always playing against each other. For tournament play a player would need both a light and dark deck.  The gameplay was also radically different from most CCGs; in Magic terms the closest analog would be that every SWCCG deck was fundamentally a mill deck, with some hard to assemble insta-win combos themed to the plots of the movies.

Disney also released ''Star Wars: Rebels'', their own CGI series, which is actually pretty ok (considering that it airs on Disney XD, it should be no surprise that they've toned down the graphic depictions of gratuitous violence, much to the chagrin of [[Neckbeards|those who love overly gory deaths]]). It focuses less on the Jedi that have come to dominate the franchise and more on the "boots on the ground" experience of the average characters, and while the show started slow and small, the plot has started to gain momentum as the series has progressed, especially after the first season. The Rebel movement has started to grow, several characters have returned from ''The Clone Wars'', and the enemies the main characters have had to face have been steadily getting darker and more dangerous as more of the Empire’s attention is attracted. When Darth Vader gets involved (played by none other than [[Awesome|James Earl Jones himself]]) he immediately proceeds to [[Awesome|open a 24-pack of unstoppable whoop-ass on the rebel scum]]. The return of Maul resulted in three character deaths (possibly four), the crippling of one main character with another well on his way down the dark side, and to top it all off Maul himself is on the loose once again. Things did not turn out so well [[Grimdark|last time that happened]], so expect the body count to rise, especially with [[Creed|Grand Admiral Thrawn]] now also coming onto the scene. The show also continues the trend set by ''The Clone Wars'' in making the Force mystical again, though whether this is a good or bad thing depends on how you felt about the <s>bullshit</s> <s>scientific</s> [[Skub|skubtastic]] midichlorian explanation of the Prequels. The animation is on point with ''The Clone Wars'', which considering it's Disney should surprise less than nobody. Oh, and Steve Blum voices one of the main characters. However, it is also noted that Star Wars Rebels may indeed have [[Grimdark|dark ending]].
[[Wizards of the Coast]] made the [[Star Wars Trading Card Game]]. It is now dead.

[[Skub|The way that Filoni (the creator of Rebels and The Clone Wars) has handled the Mandalorians, a fan-favorite warrior-culture based upon the Scots and Vikings, has either been met with praise from those who despised Traviss and her overpowering of said culture, or utter RAGE that he turned many of them into either pacifist morons or bloodthirsty barbarians- usually that particular criticism comes from the Traviss fanboys]]. Do take note, however, that the old ways for the Mandalorians are making their way back into canon, such as the language, the emphasis on martial honor, and the decentralized nature of their government.
[[Fantasy Flight Games]] made [[Star Wars: Destiny CCG]]. It is also now dead.

December of 2016 brought us the first standalone Star Wars movie, "Rogue One", showing the theft of the original Death Star plans.  While "Rogue One" has been criticised for being lacking in character development; (fair warning) literally the entire cast of the movie who doesn't appear in Episode IV dies by the end, and it still manages to pack more than it's fair share of awesome into the movie, with Donnie Yen, Alan Tudyk and Darth Vader all used to great effect. Rogue One also answers several questions, plugs several plot holes, and just generally makes A New Hope make a lot more sense in retrospect. (No wonder Vader wasn't impressed when Leia claimed to be on a "diplomatic mission.") It also has the distinction of being the only Star Wars movie to focus on regular soldiers instead of Jedi. Much, much [[Skub]] still exists of course, since no Star Wars movie will ever please all the neckbeards but out of the four post-Disney Star Wars movies released so far, this one is definitely the least divisive and arguably the best of the bunch.
Obviously, nobody is capable of creating a Star Wars card game with an interesting name.

===Star Wars 8: The Last Royalty Check (aka zomg Luke dies!)===
Aside from the real, physical, games there was also ''Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game''. It was a real, functioning, card game within the MMO that used all virtual cards. Unfortunately no server emulators have implemented it yet.
On December 14 2017, ''Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi'' was released world wide. The critical reception was [[Bullshit|extremely positive]], with many critics considering it the best movie in the series since The Empire Strikes Back. The fan reception has been a great deal more [[Skub|mixed]], and a number of fans are convinced that Disney leaned on media outlets to shill the new movie or else. If you have watched the Empire Strikes Back, you ''WILL'' be [[Rage|disappointed at best]], if you want to see a Star Wars film that would finally expand the character of Kylo Ren, you ''WILL'' be satisfied, and if you want to watch the film because it is the last film starring the great and wonderful Carrie Fisher, you ''WILL'' feel hollow and sad inside. The Last Jedi is seen as one of the most divisive films in the franchise by the fandom, [[FAIL|which is one hell of an achievement]] considering other films in the franchise.

The complaints about The Last Jedi are many: the treatment of Luke (which even his actor, Mark Hamill, hated, to the point that he has no interest in playing Luke again), Leia's Superman asspull, Finn's plot arc that serves practically zero purpose, the forced humor, the complete disregard for established [[fluff]], disregard for even the most basic laws of physics, the fact that the central conflict is essentially the same as the one in the originals right down to the last stand ripped straight out of ''Empire'' and the PC bullshit (an admiral with problem hair who the plot always treats as being in the right despite killing 90% of the Resistance, the Gilded Age planet arc that [[Namek|sucks up a third of the movie to no benefit,]] Rose expressing her desire to get BLACKED with a horrendous and forced #LoveTrumpsHate one-liner in the final act) added solely to virtue-signal.
=== Miniature Games ===

Fans have also criticized the movie for dropping or discarding major plot points from TFA and repeatedly invoking Shamalamadingdong-tier plot twists that are somehow less interesting than the recycled cliches they play off of. Director Rian Johnson has responded by shitting on said critics and trying to defend the film on social media like something out of an ED article. (Important note: George Lucas never tried to defend the prequels, despite the huge backlash at the time, and he agreed with fans that [[C.S Goto|The Star Wars Holiday Special]] was an abomination.) It later came out that Johnson had not been given any kind of roadmap beyond Lucas' old and unfinished concept scripts and was not allowed to see what Abrams had done until TLJ was too far into production to write in most of the previous movie's plot points, which makes the fail Disney's fault just as much as it is Johnson's. As with TFA Lucasfilm has tried to paper over the holes with tie-in material, and just like TFA the fans recognize the damage control.
The first Star Wars miniatures game was ''Star Wars Miniature Battles'' released by West End Games in 1989. It and the minis were readily available through the early half of the 1990's, although the line was never particularly diverse. Even accounting for vehicles the whole line was only a couple dozen figures and you could get all the rebel heroes in a single box if you just wanted them for the RPG, plus a another box for Vader and a mix of imperials.

The Last Jedi has without a doubt torn the fanbase apart in ways even the prequels didn't come close to, with many fans declaring that they have dropped the sequel trilogy. Even Star Wars' famous merchandising has taken a mauling, as [[/toy/]] giggles at Rose Tico and General Hux figures warming shelves while new product shipments go straight from the transport case to the clearance bin.
Concurrent to this, Galoob managed to get their hands on Star Wars for their Micro Machines toy line, and released an '''enormous''' line of minis which conformed to no consistent scale but were at least cheap, durable, and prepainted.  Homebrew adaptations of other systems to use them were a thing in the 90's but vanished as they became scarce.

===[ I'm Solo, Han Solo, Han Solo]===
[[Wizards of the Coast]] did a tabletop battles game imaginatively called Star Wars: Miniatures, based on an extremely dumbed down version of the D&D ruleset. The figures were meant to tie in with the Saga edition RPG, it wasn't terrible on its own, just impossible to collect for competitive play since figures came in random booster packs so you never know what you were getting for what faction. Who could possibly stand for that?
On May 25th 2018, the 41st anniversary of the franchise, ''Solo: A Star Wars Story'' was released. The general consensus seems to be that it is the most average film in the series. At the very least, most people agree that it is at least better than The Last Jedi (if barely) and the backlash from that movie can be felt even in Solo: many fans have chosen to boycott the movie. Even before release, many fans had derided the whole affair as unnecessary: no one was really asking for a Han Solo origin movie, particularly one without Harrison Ford. Han Solo's entire life history had already been explored thoroughly in EU novels and comics, so the movie could only be a retread or a retcon, both things most fanbases tend to disapprove of. Whether it is because of this boycott or not, [[Not as planned|something no one expected happened:]] ''Solo'' was a box office bomb. Its opening weekend performed way below expectations and as of this writing, it has only made half of the money it needs for it to break even. Disney still continued to labor under the delusion that China would save their bottom line regardless of the fact that Star Wars has never been popular in China.

So what is it like? Well, rather than being a space opera like the other films, this is a space Western. Rather than being about large-scale battles and saving the galaxy from tyranny, it's about heists and the galactic underworld. (Except for the Mimban sequence, which you'd swear was lifted from a live-action Imperial Guard movie.) It's essentially Disney's reboot/retcon of the old EU Han Solo novels, taking things that were mentioned offhand in the original trilogy (like how Han did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs) and making that the subject of an entire movie. The film was perhaps cursed from the beginning due to its [[Fail|troubled production.]] How troubled? The lead needed an acting coach to get through his shoots and 70% of the movie had to be reshot by a different director due to [[Butthurt|creative differences]] between Lucasfilm and the original directors.
[[Fantasy Flight Games]] is producing the [[X-Wing]] miniatures game based on individual starfighter combat (because, let's be honest, that's what ''Star'' Wars is all about). They have also released [[Star Wars: Armada]] which is a larger scale "fleet" combat simulator, using capital ships and squadrons of starfighters.

The fail only compounded when it premiered and fans got to see what those "creative differences" may have wrought: the writing staff started spewing bullshit to the press about Lando being "pansexual" with no precedent in any Star Wars production including ''Solo'', the film's tone is a schizophrenic nightmare to the last-minute reshoots and Han's sidekick for most of the movie is [[What|a self-built female droid social justice warrior]] named [[/v/|L3-37]]. Audiences ''cheered and applauded'' when that <s>man</s>human-hating self-insert character finally fucking died. Perhaps the most damning sin is that these are the movie's only notable qualities: take them away and you're left with a movie that would make you think "Huh, that was okay," and then never think about it again for the rest of your life, were it not for the crippling disappointment of seeing one of the most beloved franchises in the world fall so far. Between the boycotts, the mediocrity of the movie itself, and [ certain news outlets] claiming that everyone who didn't love it is a Trump supporter, ''Solo'' cratered so badly that [[Exterminatus|all non-''Episode 9'' Star Wars movies were for a short time shelved indefinitely, and the only side-movie still being worked on is the obligatory Boba Fett origin movie, which is more likely to sell tickets based on the name alone.]] Incidentally, one of the writers picked by Lucasfilm to handle ''Solo'''s tie-in content, Cavan Scott, has been hired by [[Games Workshop]] for the [[Warhammer Adventures]] series.
'''Star Wars: Imperial Assault'''

==Expanded Universe==
The latest [[Fantasy Flight Games]] addition to its Star Wars related games is a mix between a miniature board game and a skirmish wargame. It has two play modes:

It can be said what makes a franchise into a long term lasting thing is when a wealth of extra story and background is created that expands on the original story far beyond what there was. It could be argued Star Wars leads the race in this, as the sheer amount of extra novels, graphic novels and games based on Star Wars can and does overwhelm the ordinary fan.
One for campaign play where 1-4 players control a team of Rebel heroes and another player has the role of the DM, who controls the Imperial forces. The campaign, as the name suggests, focuses on character personalization, xp gain and the like, which you can find in any light RPG-esque (board)game. The main goal is to get a few friends together and casually play through the missions. Think of it as a Star Wars version of the original [[Hero Quest]].

The background has expanded into the distant past before the founding of the current Jedi and Sith orders and into the (not-quite-so) far future looking at the descendants of Luke Skywalker and other popular characters. Uniquely, especially considering [[Warhammer 40K|other]] [[Star Trek|franchises']] track records, the Star Wars Expanded Universe is remarkably internally consistent, both with other sources within the universe and with the films themselves. Sure, every once in a while the odd [[C. S. Goto|problem child such]] slips through, but on the whole it holds up well (largely due to the efforts of Lucas' company's continuity department leaning on everyone to hold it together).
The other play mode is skirmish play, where two players each get to assemble a team of miniatures plus a command deck (cards that have specific effects when played) and play against each other in an open-play scenario. The play area is still very limited to a few game tiles (as in a campaign mission) but players are free to bring whatever they want (with a few limitations of course). The skirmish part of Imperial assault is as close as you can get to an actual Star Wars skirmish wargame, but it is a missed opportunity from Fantasy Flight to create a true skirmish wargame (ala [[Infinity (wargame)|Infinity]]), not based on tiles and so confined spaces. Who knows what they have plans for though...

Upon their acquisition, Disney said "fuck it" and threw out everything but the films and the Clone Wars cartoons. Some popular old stuff got mentions or appearances (and Thrawn got to be a major character), but the overall quality is even lower than the old EU. What was set up as a major book contains phrases like "The TIE wibbles and wobbles through the air" and random virtue signalling. As though to top the previous, Disney literally published a book with an entire chapter about a fart (Yes. Really.). The only good stuff is from established EU authors writing stuff far away from era of the Disney films.
'''Star Wars Legion'''
Star Wars:The Clone Wars
While we're on the topic of the EU,let's talk about TCW. One of the most universally known and loved parts of Star Wars,most fans worth their action figures and limited edition movie sets have watched the show and have an opinion on it one way or another. Some of the most notable characteristics are:

* The Clone Troopers are fleshed out,and we see that they are manly motherfuckers who make Guardsmen's balls of steel look like the cardboard their armor is made out of (seriously,in the movie,they literally charge straight into close combat with ''giant armored walkers with large guns'' and jump off roofs to get top of them to shoot them point blank.)
And Fantasy Flight have now given us a fully fledged wargame, complete with AT-ST in the first wave. (They're 32mm scale, which means [[Games Workshop|no reusing your Imperial Assault miniatures]].) Legion has an integrated turn system, and the usual FF custom dice and forest worth of dead trees in cards and tokens that will be familiar to X-Wing and Armada players. The miniatures are PVC, reasonably detailed, easy to assemble pieces. A standard battle is 800 points, which could be anywhere from half a dozen to 16 units on the field, with an average army fielding 8-12 units comprising 30-ish models.
* Anakin Skywalker is actually a good, fleshed out character, with a good voice actor and shows his descent to child-murdering Force-choking asshat wasn't just him going 'welp,guess I'll fall to the Dark Side.'
* Non-OP non-Mary Sue female Jedi as a major character who doesn't invalidate characters from the movies.
* Obi-Wan being a one-liner spouting sarcastic badass.
* And many others.

=== Board Games ===
Being an entire, interconnected galaxy with a general lack of genocidal war (with one major exception, see below *), Star Wars has more alien species than you can imagine. The most common are those with prominent roles in the film, though some background characters would become representative of fairly major species.
* [[Human]]s are what you'd expect. They originated in the core worlds, but have spread to most inhabited planets, possibly as slaves to a now extinct race of precursors. Many races are considered "Near-human", which are basicly just humans with funny colors and unusual stuff (though what, exactly, separates near-human from humanoid is unclear).
** Mandalorians are genetically human, yet culturally distinct. A society of space [[Spartans]] with cool armor.
* Wookiees are powerful, furry brutes that can't speak (but absolutely understand) Basic. Most are actually pretty peaceful and intelligent and they have produced a lot of highly skilled engineers. They have claws, but have a cultural taboo against using them in battle. They highly value people who save their life, becoming their eternal friend in what is known as a Lifedebt. Has the unfortunate distinction of being the first species in Star Wars lore to have their homeplanet and culture detailed... via the Star Wars Holiday Special. The broad stroke view of Wookiee culture is pretty much all the EU ever referenced that for.
* Trandoshan are brutish, scaly [[Lizardfolk]] capable of regenerating severed limbs. Hailing from the same system as Wookiees, they have frequently warred with each other long before hyperspace travel came along. Their religion is about scoring "points", and the only known method of gaining them is violent action and the only known method of losing them is being captured alive by enemies. The system was first mentioned a mere three years after ''[[Doom]]'' so the fact that they essentially see life as a giant, violent video game is likely pure coincidence. Despite this they aren't universally evil, though often are.
* [[Twi'lek]] are the obligatory sexy aliens. Enough have been transported off world, generally as slaves, they can be found anywhere, and many have never seen their ancestral home. Given it's a shithole where the only economic value is drugs and slaves, they aren't missing anything.
* Duros are the typical "[[Wikipedia:Gray alien|Grays]]" (albeit with red eyes instead of black) seen briefly in the cantina of A New Hope. Despite how utterly minor they are in the film, they're a fairly prominent species in the galaxy, possibly as a result of Grays being well known as stock aliens. They were among the first to develop hyperdrives and are the only non-human species to have an equivlent of "near-human" in a few "near-Duros" species.
* Bothans are short, furry men with wolf heads and elf ears. Allegedly have a trait of being spies. In truth the best and early EU works portray them as something far worse: Political schemers. The most prominent Bothan is Borsk Fey'lya, a Bothan politician who used his role in the acquisition of the second Death Star plans to maintain a place in the New Republic's senior leadership and uses that for self enrichment.
* Rodian are green bug-like (though there are many species that are much more insectoid looking) humanoids. Their home planet means they are often aggressive and put hunters in high regard so they are often found in criminal groups, but there are many species that are far worse than they are and Rodians are quite capable of being productive citizens. Greedo was a Rodian, as were several background characters in ''Return of the Jedi'', which is where idea they are generally criminals comes from.
* Gran are three eyed goat (?) like aliens with rough, tan skin. They are quite nice and peaceful with excellent vision, especially in distinguishing color. Unfortunately for the galaxy at large, Gran exile most of their criminals: They consider being unable to see the rich and beautiful environments of their homeworld a fate worse than death. These exiles often fall into criminal groups.
* Mon Calamari are amphibious humanoids from Dac. Their long history of making airtight vehicles has made them excellent ship-builders. During the early days of the Rebellion the Mon Calamari were one of the few races to successfully throw off the Empire during Operation Domino and not be subject to immediate reprisal thanks to their isolated location and strategy of mining hyperspace routes to ensure incoming Imperials would be heavily damaged (ships coming out of hyperspace have no shields, so even the mightiest Super Star Destroyer would suffer heavy damage), and lent their ship-building prowess to the Rebellion. Admiral Ackbar and his crew are notable Mon Calamari.
** The Quarren are Dac's other sapient species. Prideful isolationists who stick to the depths with their main contact to the surface being trading deep sea mined materials to the Mon Calamari. 
* Gamorreans are space [[Orc]]s: Pig-like, brutish, stupid and violent. Constantly at war with each other, their clan identity is so strong they'll try to kill each other if from opposing clans if they meet off-world. Frequently brought into the galaxy as slaves or by clans trading labor for outside resources. Like Wookiees, can't physically speak Basic. Unlike Wookiees, only their clan matrons and some high ranking men are literate in their native language.
* [[Robot|Droids]] aren't a true species, but are playable in all RPGs. Most droids are little more than appliances, but a few (including all droid PCs) develop sapience if left on too long without formatting. This is rare and most just develop harmful errors like screaming at random, so droids (especially those owned by businesses or governments instead of individuals) are regularly memory wiped to prevent this.
** Class 1 droids are designed to preform scientific applications like medicine or lab work. Since they were designed to be used in fixed locations most, but not all, have limited mobility.
** Class 2 droids are designed to preform technical labor like repair work. Since they are expected to work within artificial locations they are generally on wheels or treads and have short, non-human shapes. One notable subcategory of Class 2 droids are Astromech Droids (like the famed R2 series), which are designed to plug into fighters and bombers where they function as a co-pilot, navicomputer and in-flight repair.
** Class 3 droids are designed for human interaction, with jobs like translator or chef. Some lower end Class 3 droids were made for positions like waiter. Almost all of them are roughly human shape.
** Class 4 droids are the most varied but have one thing in common that clearly separates them: They are made for combat. Class 4 droids vary in intelligence from blaster turrets with some targeting AI to clever and ruthless assassins/commandos. Even [[Android|Human Replica Droids]], designed to be indistinguishable from humans, are technically Class 4. Many Class 4 droids have their nature obfuscated by building them into the shell of a Class 1 or Class 3 droid.
** Class 5 droids are made for manual labor like heavy lifting or a power generator with legs. They are barely intelligent, rarely have names and almost never become sapient.
* Zabrak are humans with mostly bald, spikey heads. They often tattoo their faces and have a second heart. They were actually pretty divided internally till the Empire decided to oppress them all and force them to join together.  Eeth Koth of the Jedi Council is one.
** Dathomirians are a sub-species of Zabrak native to Dathomir who supposedly interbred with humans to create a new group, which was separated according to gender, though their origins have been neglected in current canon. Even so, the females of this sub-species do not have the spiked heads typical of other Zabraks. Darth Maul is the most prominent Dathomirian in the films and TV series.
* Hutts are large, slug-like hermaphrodites. Despite seeming slothful and immobile, Hutts are actually quite strong and exceptionally durable while the younger ones quite agile. Until the Imperial Era, they controlled an independent sector of space known as Hutt Space. Even after joining the Empire this region enjoys a large degree of autonomy. They have exploited this to control a large chunk of the galaxy's organized crime. Nar Shadda, the moon of their capital planet Nal Hutta, is covered by a large city that's a base for loads of criminal groups. Hutts are known to keep attractive women as slaves, though for most this is mostly to show their subordinates and other humanoids how powerful they are instead actual attraction, though [[/d/|allegations persist that some (like Jabba) have genuine lust for them]]. Due to their size and power, they are rarely playable.
* Neimoidians: Relatives to the Duros, the Neimodians produce lots of grubs which are raised in warrens fighting over a limited amount of food in which the weak are culled. Unlike how this usually goes, this process makes the Neimodians prone to hording resources and wary of death. Most of the Trade Federation's offices were held by senior Neimoidians.
* Yuuzhan Vong: An extra-galactic race of tall humanoids with skull-like faces (AKA "The Far Outsiders).  The destruction of their homeworld - both living planet and their top god - cut them off from The Force [[What|and made them immune to it]].  They're big on [[Dark Eldar|pain and body modification]], very religious and hate manufactured technology (because it was [[Men of Iron|AI robots]] who destroyed their homeworld - [[Tyranid|their own tech is grown or bio-engineered]]).  They invaded the galaxy in a war that nearly destroyed the New Republic, *caused the genocide of multiple species and had a death toll of '''hundreds of trillions''' ([[Rage|including Chewbacca]]).  It's later revealed [[Goge Vandire|their entire society and religion were perverted and driven to this war by one devious and sadistic individual]].  After the war, they laid low on a planet spawned from their living homeworld, re-connected to the Force and started terraforming worlds as penance.  Rendered part of the Legends by Disney, but since they're part of Thrawn's story and he's canon again...

==Impact on 1d4chan and associated games etc==
The most famous and arguably best one is [[Star Wars: Rebellion]], an asymmetric two-player game that plays through the Original Trilogy in a wargame/worker placement-esque game. The Empire player must expand their already huge military base over the galaxy to build more ships and huge superweapons while searching for the Rebel Base, while the Rebels do their best to bite them in their heel, obscuring their movements and annoying the Empire until they have enough support to overthrow the Empire. As a [[Fantasy Flight Games|FFG]] boardgame, it's filled with a ludicrous amount of bits and pieces (including sweet models of Star Destroyers, Death Stars and Calamari Cruisers), as well as the trademark filled-with-small-exceptions ruleset. It's pretty sweet and still considered one of the best board games of its kind.

Star Wars has had subtle and clear impacts on a number of other franchises and genres and it can be ''incredibly'' hard to gauge the extent of it all. Certainly it didn't create the concepts of sci-fi, space battles, sweeping storylines, and a blending of mystical and scientific ideas, but it certainly popularized them during the years of the original trilogy and influenced many people that would go on to have interests in sci-fi, fantasy and epic adventure today.
=== Card Miniature Games ===

Hell, look me in the eye and tell me that the lightsaber didn't give us the [[power weapon]]. But then again, magic weapons.
In the late 00's, WizKids produced a short lived construct-able miniatures Star Wars game based on their styrene card system for Pirates of the Spanish Main. Although the game sold well, when NECA bought WizKids from Topps the rights did not transfer and it went out of print.
A rather unusual entry here but it's well in line, Sabacc is an actual tabletop card game from the Star Wars universe which is basically a hybrid of Poker and Blackjack. A Sabacc Deck has 70 cards, most of which in four suits of 16 cards numbered one to 16, plus sixteen wildcards in two sets with values that were either negative or (in the case of the Idiot) Zero. The goal of the game is to have a set of three cards who's total as close as possible to, but not over, 23 or -23. If you got 23/-23 which could only be beaten by an Idiot's Array (One Idiot, a two and a three, thus 23). The stakes are raised every cycle until the cards go down or one player is left standing who gets the pot.

The notable thing about Sabacc that sets it apart from real world card games is that the Cards can change value every turn. A Pure Sabacc can easily become an instant lose 25 and an absolutely lousy hand can become an Idiot's Array. They can be stabilized to fix their value, but everyone knows when you do so. This feature has so far prevented Sabacc from being released in tabletop form as of yet.
==Assorted list of Awesome From Star Wars==
* X-Wing starfighters = spaceborne sex
* Fucking ''[[Lightsaber|Lightsabers!]]''
* The fucking [[Approved music|OST]]
* What is likely the greatest duel in cinematic history, that takes place on a [[Death World|lava planet.]]
* Deathly Stormtroopers, heroic Clonetroopers or sinister First Order troopers; whatever they're called, stormtroopers are awesome! Contrary to popular belief, [ shot counts have proven they have ridiculously good aim].
* Darth Vader whenever he gets a speaking line or to murder rebel scum - that is to say, all the time.
* Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace, TCW and Rebels.
* Lightsaber Rifles
* The entirety of the Umbara campaign, where <s>Imperial Guardsmen</s> Clone Troopers die in the dozens attempting to win some godforsaken planet, earning them balls of titanium that make the guard look ba- {{BLAM| '''*BLAM*''' Heresy!}}, all while serving under a <s>Commissar</s> different Jedi, one who sees the Clone Troopers as cannon fodder.
** It's basically Space Vietnam, on a world which is permanently nighttime. Seriously, fucking watch it.
* 97% of the Creatures.
* 98% of the Starfighter designs.
** Hell even the bad ones are just a laugh riot. Except the (worse than) World War 2 bombers in 8, that was bad.
* Costumes that mix about every possible inspiration, Chinese, Mongolian, Japanese, Ancient Greece and Rome, Elizabethan, Moebius or Pulp Sci-Fi from the 60's, giving the whole series a distinctive style and gives Padme Amidala an excuse to show off with all her dresses.
* Boba (before his stand-alone live-action series) and Jango Fett, and the rest of the Mandalorians (unless they're written by [[Karen Traviss]], in which case they're Skub).
* KOTOR (both games) plot making you think this shit is actually logical and has so much philosophical background. One of the creepiest depictions of the Universe. Everything is brutal, with big vibrating knives, blood, those machines for Sith snuff movies, more blood, bastards, badass bastards and so on. Everything while somebody is talking with you about existence.
* Our saviour Lord Revan. He's like if [[Horus|fucking Horus]] just became [[Big Bad Evil Guy|fucking bad enough]] (but not that [[Erebus|bad]]) to fucking destroy the [[Chaos Gods|Dark Gods]] so he can solve his daddy issues.
* Double-bladed Lightsabers, curve-hilted lightsabers, lightsaber pikes, the Darksaber...basically, almost any lightsaber variant automatically counts as this.
* Lando Calrissian.
* [ Obi-Wan Kenobi.]
* The High Ground.
* TIE fighters. They have the most distinctive scream of any fighter in cinematic history that just yells "I'm evil!". Tell me I'm wrong. I'll wait.
** The fact that they managed to do that using what is essentially a shitty visual pun.
* Most of Episode 3.
* The entirety of Anakin's story, especially when you add the Clone Wars and prequels due to them expanding heavily on it. While you're at it, watch CinemaWins' perspective on it the series.
* Admiral Ackbar the Memeable!
* Palpatine getting into some Tzeentchian-level scheming and backstabbing in order to overthrow the Jedi and the Republic.
* Battle of Yavin.
* Battle of Hoth.
* Battle of Endor.
* Battle of Scariff.
* Grand Admiral Thrawn: So awesome that he rose to a high rank in the anthropocentric Empire despite being an alien and was one of the first things to be imported straight from Legends to Disney.
*Imperial Warlords: Groups of isane fuckers or tactical geniuses who formed Chinese style Warlord states. Famous ones include Ardius Kaine, Zsinj, and Trueten and Kosh Teradoc. 
* [ Imperial Pilots] get a mention, seeing as they fly literal garbage fighters against superior rebel fighters. Yes, we are talking about the the same TIE Fighters we mentioned before.  By garbage, we mean despite how cool looking and sounding TIE Fighters are, they are actually a ridiculously impractical design and the standard TIE Fighters are mass produced extremely cheaply even if they don't look like it (except Darth Vader's, which is custom made and modified by Vader himself).  Even 40k's Imperium has better fighter designs. At least the Imperium's fighters conserve the life of the fucking pilot.  Also, clearly super skilled since they have roughly an equal kill-death ratio with the Rebels in the movie battles.
* [ Obi-Wan Kenobi. Again.]
* The Millennium Falcon has a 3D chess board, secret compartments for smuggling space cocaine and a walk in closet specifically for capes.
* Princess, later Senator Leia Organa; the original badass-yet-hot boss lady in space. Ends up leading two separate, successful underground freedom movements against impossible odds. Did we mention she's a Jedi in both canons?
** The women in the franchise in general. It would be easier to list the women in Star Wars who ''aren't'' badass, empowered warriors and/or leaders than it would be to list the ones who are.
* The trench run in ANH. Not cheering when Han flies in to save the day is heresy. Heresy is punishable by having the Death Star's main laser fired at you.
* Han Solo, who is so badass that hot Leia falls in love. He has the smuggler's best friend, a Wookie, who is also the worst opponent you can face in a [[Chess|Dejarik match]].
* Just... Star Destroyers. When you see a huge, imposing warship from an evil Empire, this is the granddaddy they all look up to.
* The moon sized space stations that zap other planets to bits? They’re pretty neat.
* Werner Herzog, asking if he can look at your baby and assuring you that he will be quiet.
* Tyber Zann, the Galaxy's greatest crime boss.
* Absolutely Beautiful Art Deco designs.
* Star Wars: Visions. Even if you aren't big on Anime, nearly all of the Visions shorts are good to great, and were exactly the sort of "think outside the box" stuff that the franchise needed after the Sequels and Solo came under fire for being too nostalgic.
* Star Wars: Eclipse's trailer. Those drums...
* The Andor show, if you've got the patience for it.
* Oh, did we mention the lightsabers?

==Tabletop games for Star Wars==
== See Also: ==
=== Role-playing Games ===
[[West End Games]] made a Star Wars [[role-playing game]] called [[Star Wars RPG|Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game]] AKA '''Star Wars D6'''.  Like many West End products, it's a good game with the great misfortune of being published by West End games.
[[Wizards of the Coast]] picked up the license later and made two distinct RPGs based on their [[d20 System]], called [[Star Wars D20]] (imaginatively).  Could be fun, but generally broken as hell, much like [[Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition|its parent game]]. It was then utterly revised that into what they called the '''Saga Edition''', which is relatively balanced and pretty good.
[[Fantasy Flight Games]] is presently selling [[Star Wars Roleplaying Game|a whole line of Star Wars-themed RPGs]], whether you want to play a bunch of scruffy space outlaws, members of the nascent Rebellion, or exiled Jedi Knights. Unlike their [[Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay]] games, which are all ''juuuuust'' different enough from one another to completely buttfuck any attempts at blending, all three gamelines use identical mechanics and are fully cross-compatible. Uses symbol-counting [[dice pool]]s with ludicrously overpriced custom dice.
Like the other RPGs they decided with the retardedly similar name, and thus this one is sometimes called '''Star Wars FFG''' to avoid confusion.
FFG have kept milking the franchise and in summer 2017, decided to [[Necromancer | reanimate]] the [[Star Wars RPG|Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game]] with a "30th Year Anniversary Edition" print of the original game. It '''''finally''''' shipped in July 2018 after spending a year in limbo.
=== Card Games ===
The big [[card game]] set in the Star Wars universe is the [[Star Wars Customizable Card Game]].  It's no longer produced by Decipher, but there is still a sufficiently large player community to organize annual tournaments, rule on cards, and so on.
[[Wizards of the Coast]] made the [[Star Wars Trading Card Game]].
[[Fantasy Flight Games]] is presently selling [[Star Wars: The Card Game]].
Obviously, nobody is capable of creating a Star Wars card game with an interesting name.
=== Miniature Games ===
[[Wizards of the Coast]] did a tabletop battles game imaginatively called Star Wars: Miniatures, based on an extremely dumbed down version of the D&D ruleset. The figures were meant to tie in with the Saga edition RPG, it wasn't terrible on its own, just impossible to collect for competitive play since figures came in random booster packs so you never know what you were getting for what faction. Who could possibly stand for that?
[[Fantasy Flight Games]] is producing the [[X-Wing]] miniatures game based on individual starfighter combat (because, let's be honest, that's what ''Star'' Wars is all about). They have also released [[Star Wars: Armada]] which is a larger scale "fleet" combat simulator, using capital ships and squadrons of starfighters.
'''Star Wars: Imperial Assault'''

The latest [[Fantasy Flight Games]] addition to its Star Wars related games is a mix between a miniature board game and a skirmish wargame. It has two play modes:  
* ''[ Darths & Droids]'': A webcomic, made using photo-stills of the ''Star Wars'' movies to tell a story about gamers blundering through each of the six movies in sequence... though not quite exactly how you might expect.  Think ''DM of the Rings'' in overall visual style, though unlike ''DM of the Rings'', ''Darths & Droids'' features several heavy twists on the actual events of the films, subplots about the players and their lives outside the game alongside the campaign, and a better overall quality of gamer.  Whereas ''DM of the Rings'' features a railroading DM and players who are therefore somewhat antagonistic to him, ''Darths & Droids'' has a GM who adjusts his game to his players' actions and players who generally get along with both him and each other.  The plot of ''DMotR'' is very similar to that of the movies (but avoids a few plot elements), but the plot (and, indeed, the universe) of ''Darths & Droids'' is only very loosely based on the ''Star Wars'' films. (For a somewhat spoilery example: "Darth" is a courtesy title for retired Jedi, such as Chancellor Palpatine.)

One for campaign play where 1-4 players control a team of Republic heroes and another player has the role of the DM, who controls the Imperial forces. The campaign, as the name suggests, focuses on character personalization, xp gain and the like, which you can find in any light RPG-esque (board)game. The main goal is to get a few friends together and casually play through the missions. Think of it as a Star Wars version of the original [[Hero Quest]].
* "[ Endor Holocaust]": An excellent example of the [[skub]] Star Wars can create. Rebuttal: " [ Endor Rebuttal]"

The other play mode is skirmish play, where two players each get to assemble a team of miniatures plus a command deck (cards that have specific effects when played) and play against each other in an open-play scenario. The play area is still very limited to a few game tiles (as in a campaign mission) but players are free to bring whatever they want (wit ha few limitations of course). The skirmish part of Imperial assault is as close as you can get to an actual Star Wars skirmish wargame, but it is a missed opportunity from Fantasy Flight to create a true skirmish wargame (ala [[Infinity (wargame)|Infinity]]), not based on tiles and so confined spaces. Who knows what they have plans for though...
* [[Timothy Zahn]]

'''Star Wars Legion'''
{{Star Wars}}

And Fantasy Flight have now given us a fully fledged wargame, complete with AT-ST in the first wave. (They're 32mm scale, which means [[Games Workshop|no reusing your Imperial Assault miniatures]].) Legion has an integrated turn system, and the usual FF custom dice and forest worth of dead trees in cards and tokens that will be familiar to X-Wing and Armada players.  The miniatures are PVC, reasonably detailed, easy to assemble pieces.  A standard battle is 800 points, which could be anywhere from half a dozen to 16 units on the field, with an average army fielding 8-12 units comprising 30-ish models.
[[Category: Television]]
== See Also: ==
* ''[ Darths & Droids]'': A webcomic, made using photo-stills of the ''Star Wars'' movies to tell a story about gamers blundering through each of the six movies in sequence... though not quite exactly how you might expect.  Think ''DM of the Rings'' in overall visual style, though unlike ''DM of the Rings'', ''Darths & Droids'' features several heavy twists on the actual events of the films, subplots about the players and their lives outside the game alongside the campaign, and a better overall quality of gamer.
*[[Timothy Zahn]]

[[Category:Star Wars]]
[[Category: Star Wars]]

Latest revision as of 16:46, 22 June 2023

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."

– Star Wars opening text

Star Wars is one of, if not the, most influential media franchises of modern times, let alone its effect on science-fiction and fantasy. Indeed, among nerddom, it is challenged by only a few others, like Star Trek and The Lord of the Rings.

The incredibly ardent fandom is spread worldwide and has a strong presence in popular culture. Many of the characters, like Darth Vader and Yoda, are iconic even to the general public. John Williams' score for the original trilogy is one of the best-known film scores of all time, right up there with greats like Jaws, Jurassic Park (also composed by John Williams), Indiana Jones (John Williams again!), Shrek, Harry Potter (there's a reason Hollywood often relies on John Williams for their soundtracks) and the Avengers. The universe has spawned numerous video games, hundreds of novels, multiple TV shows, one of the largest merchandising franchises ever, and, relevant to /tg/, a whole bunch of board, card, and roleplaying games. It is also the current leading world source of Skub.

The Basic Concept[edit | edit source]

Star Wars was originally a series of epic science-fantasy "space operas" that roughly followed the mythic cycle that's been around since Homer. They're set "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away," [Note: this makes the entire series a fairy tale] where a mysterious life force called (reasonably enough) the Force permeates everything. This, in turn, can be wielded by certain people, giving them pseudo-magical abilities; thank the Emperor (no, the other one) there were no Commissars in that galaxy. Those who use it for good become mystical, selfless warrior monks called Jedi, whereas those who use it for evil are ruthless, self-serving bastards called Sith. However, the Force must always be in balance, so any time the Sith arise to cause imbalance, the Jedi have to pull together and take them out to restore the natural order (so we are told in the prequels).

A financial, critical, popular and cultural success, these movies are basically the filter through which Generation X perceives the world... for better or worse.

The so-called Original Trilogy (made up of films IV through VI, released from 1977 to 1983) follows a young man named Luke Skywalker as he learns the ways of the Jedi. Meanwhile, the Rebel Alliance is fighting to end the oppressive Galactic Empire which Darth Vader, a Lord of the Sith, serves. The first movie (initially known as just Star Wars upon release in 1978 - if you can track down an increasingly rare copy of the original cinematic release, you can see there was no subtitle in the opening crawl - but retroactively tagged Episode IV: A New Hope in later re-releases and remasterings as sequels were made and the series expanded) posits that the military imperium holds the Emperor as figurehead leader of a Senate, soon to be abolished; as the movies continue, we learn that the emprah is secretly Vader's master. Luke's Rebel companions in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi defeat the evil Emperor, but along the way Luke discovers who's his daddy - ME! Darth Vader! I'm yo daddy because I did this to yo mama. The third movie's novelization, at last, names the emperor: "Palpatine".

In between we got an "ExtendedExpanded Universe", which LucasArts commissioned, and some leaks of variants of the movies' scripts. We learned from the early drafts that "Starkiller" was the first floated name for Luke, that a "padawan" is an apprentice, and so on. We learned from a RotJ leak that the Empire's base is Trantor Coruscant, a city built over an entire planet. The canonical 1996 All-But-The-Movie multimedia Shadows of the Empire - which was naff despite being canon, you totally don't have to deal with it yourself, excepting Joel McNeely's soundtrack which was awesome - has scenes on Coruscant. The Expanded Universe goes far, far beyond just this; beyond what the movies demand as canon - as it should be, because by Aristotle we shouldn't need to assume facts not in evidence. As for all the masses and masses of extra lore here, see below.

The so-called Prequel Trilogy (made up of films I through III, released from 1999 to 2005) explained how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader and how the Galactic Empire was established. This involves a lot of convoluted politicking in the Republic, which is then torn apart in the Clone Wars, where the Republic (with an army of clones led by the Jedi) fights against the Confederacy (with an army of robots led by General Grievous) with both sides secretly being controlled by the Sith. It was not as well received as the first trilogy, for reasons we'll talk about below.

There's also a so-called Sequel Trilogy (made up of films VII, VIII, and IX), which started in 2015 and picked up the story some three decades after the Emperor's defeat with a new generation of heroes taking on the remains of the evil Empire, which is a group of extremist former Imperials calling themselves the First Order. However, Episode VII aka The Force Awakens, was directed by J.J. Abrams, who's mostly known for the skubtastic Star Trek reboot and was widely criticized for ripping off Episode IV (the whole trilogy apes the original trilogy a lot but none as much as VII) and a Mary Sue protagonist. Meanwhile Episode VIII was written and directed by Rian Johnson who was a young director known for plot twists and genre experimentation on a handful of movies and television episodes that openly said he wanted to "subvert expectations" and make half of viewers dislike his work, then got pissed when half of them disliked his work. The result managed to fracture the Star Wars fan-base over issues of dull rehashing for VII and a whole laundry list of reasons for VIII (ranging from small ones such as it being too different, to major issues like half the movie being filler and the plot not even making basic sense), as well as those who still enjoyed them and very little common ground between the three groups. Abrams returned for Episode IX which got a mixed reception from both those who liked VIII and those who didn't.

The general issue with the sequels is that, unlike prior films, with long lead-times between releases so every film felt special and the creative forces had lots of time to think and drink in reception, Disney wanted to crank out a Star Wars film every year and a mainline installment every two years, but didn't want to do the legwork. As a result, because there was no plan on what to do in each part of the trilogy and they came up with everything as they went along, but unlike Lucas didn't have time to work things out between it really shows. It really feels like the whole trilogy lacks direction, as it was directed by two guys with conflicting visions, yet almost complete freedom to do what they wanted, including undoing stuff done in the other guy's movie.

Finally, there are the so-called Anthology movies, standalone one-shots involving characters and plot lines that aren't a part of the main "Saga" films, except they kind of are. The first, Rogue One (2016), is an immediate prequel to Episode IV that follows those Rebel spies who stole the Death Star plans. The second film follows a young Han Solo and pals Chewie and Lando. A third rumored one follows Boba Fett Became a series.

There are also four separate TV series. The first one, Clone Wars, was based on traditional animation, whereas the later one, The Clone Wars, was a weird 3D animation. They're both pretty good. There was also a terrible theatrical release that was basically just an advertisement for The Clone Wars, but, since it's quite bad (hint: babysitting Jabba the Hutt's kid), nobody talks about it much. The third series is Disney's "Rebels" which is set between Episodes III-IV and it takes itself far less seriously than either Clone Wars did, and is more of a homage to the original trilogy since not every character in the series is the owner of a lightsaber nor are they constantly talking about grown-up politics, senators and trade embargoes, which played a large role in the prequel trilogy and found their way to The Clone Wars as well. Finally there is Resistance, which only lasted two seasons (for comparison, Clone Wars lasted 7 and Rebels lasted 4) and wasn't particularly well received by the fans, largely due to general lack of interest in the fluff of the sequel trilogy.

And so, after voicing a Mandalorian character one time in an episode of Clone Wars, Jon Favreau’s ego boner couldn’t contain itself any longer and gave birth to the first live action Star Wars TV series, The Mandalorian - building on the Disney version of Mandalorians as a sort of weedy, neo space Viking, which seems feeble when compared to the old EU version of Mandalorians, who were more like space Maoris. Still, it ended up being pretty good; good enough for Disney to go ahead with another two four live action series (because if there is anyone who loves to rub skub into their pores, they are Star Wars fans). The first is a prequel to the Rogue One film, y’know, to build on the backstories of people you never needed to know about in the first place. The second series will focus on Obi Wan Kenobi’s time in exile after saddling Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru with a kid, though which fans have been begging for for a while. There’s also gonna be a one season series on Ahsoka (from 3D Clone Wars) and one on Boba Fett.

Anyway, that's the basic concept. As to how it's been handled in the interim, and especially since Lucas dropped the reins . . .

The Advanced Concept[edit | edit source]

"Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the real money from the movie is made!"

– Spaceballs

Star Wars fundamentally changed, perhaps even created, the concept of consumer entertainment. Prior to Star Wars, cinema had been an artistic enterprise. While money-making was always a subtext of Hollywood, the concept of a media "franchise" was almost non-existent, save for cult fandoms of (then) niche programs like Star Trek or Buck Rodgers. Movies were made because they had a story to tell, or to put a studio's leading talent to work.

Star Wars was different. To the studios, the story was cliched garbage, the actors were nobodies, and there seemed nothing about it that would compete with the likes of DeMille for raw spectacle. They were certain it would fail, and so they made one critical concession in the negotiations...

They gave George Lucas total control over the merchandising rights.

In hindsight this decision goes up alongside IBM letting Microsoft sell DOS to anyone for all time business fails. Because obviously Star Wars didn't fail, it sold like $2 heroin, and so did all the toys.

Today, studios desperately try to recreate that model, scrutinizing movies not for their artistic or entertainment value but rather for their potential to create a merch franchise.

Why is it so popular?[edit | edit source]

"Ted, the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the characters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived them Ted. That's cause they lived the Star Wars."

– Marshall from How I Met Your Mother

Star Wars is as accessible as science fiction gets. It doesn't require extensive knowledge of a fictional world (a la The Lord of the Rings or Warhammer 40,000) or cultural background (as Star Trek sometimes does) to make sense. Those elements are present for those who want them, but they largely stay in the (very rich and vibrant) background. It has well-shot action and good enough dialogue to make it interesting for both kids and adults (as well as allowing parents who grew up with it to watch it with their children, thereby hooking the next generation of viewers). It has simple, good-vs.-evil themes that resonate with almost anyone, anywhere, at any time. The science fiction elements are generally handled well if you don't obsess over making science fiction realistic and hard (or at least they WERE handled well until Episode VII). It's a prime gateway drug for sci-fi which still holds up to the experienced eye, Isaac Asimov saw and rather enjoyed the films. All in all there’s fourteen hours of cinema, plus optional sides for those who want it.

There's a ton of merchandise that is, of course, really cool. Also, given it's crossed over into the mainstream, many people feel comfortable being part of the community without feeling judged as "nerds" (as they might with Lord of the Rings, D&D, Star Trek, Warhammer, etc.).

Again, they roughly follow the mythic cycle that's been around since Homer. If you think about it, 6 of the 9 films can be summarized as: hero begins his journey under the tutelage of a wise (more or less) man, they encounter a threat which has captured/enslaved a princess/girl, who was in one way or another connected to an important secret (usually a superweapon but could be the identity of a political figure or the location of someone); the heroes save the princess/girl but someone dies tragically in a battle against the villain while someone else is blowing up a space station or a spaceship afterwards they are happy, they celebrate and mourn the loss of the poor bloke who died.

Additionally, the first film can be summarized as a samurai and a gunslinger team up to save a princess from Nazis in space. That is multiple cinematic genres at once, following the style of the epic myth.

Setting[edit | edit source]

Due to article bloat Star Wars Setting is now its own page.

Movies[edit | edit source]

Also due to article bloat the Star Wars Movies are also their own page.

Expanded Universe[edit | edit source]

It can be said what makes a franchise into a long term lasting thing is when a wealth of extra story and background is created that expands on the original story far beyond what there was. It could be argued Star Wars leads the race in this, as the sheer amount of extra novels, graphic novels and games based on Star Wars can and does overwhelm the ordinary fan.

The original EU/Star Wars "Legends"[edit | edit source]

The waifu was so strong with Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker himself decided to wife her up

The background has expanded into the distant past before the founding of the current Jedi and Sith orders and into the (not-quite-so) far future looking at the descendants of Luke Skywalker and other popular characters. Uniquely, especially considering other franchises' track records, the Star Wars Expanded Universe is remarkably sorta sometimes internally consistent, both with other sources within the universe and with the films themselves, at least in comparison to other comparable settings. Of course, it's got plenty of its own problem children that slipped through, and the skub mine of it all isn't much shallower than that of 40K. Good portions of it do hold up well, largely due to the efforts of Lucas' company's continuity department leaning on everyone to hold it together. One thing that greatly helps is continuity books and articles aren't afraid to make small retcons to make even the most obscure and shitty sources (like that terrible PS1 fighting game) seem like part of an organized plot.

Particularly well-loved parts include characters like Grand Admiral Thrawn (a rare alien officer in the Empire and popular enough that Disney brought him back to the canon from the EU) and Mara Jade (pictured right, a Force-using former agent of Emperor Palpatine who later turned good, became a Jedi Master, married Luke and had a son with him) - interestingly both were created by the same author Timothy Zahn.

Upon their acquisition, Disney said "fuck it" and threw out everything but the films and the Clone Wars cartoons... But since so many of the guys they kept around are the same guys who made the old stuff, they just keep bringing back the Legends stuff they liked. Some popular old stuff got mentions or appearances (and Thrawn got to be a major character), but the overall quality is even lower than the old EU(at least, the cool parts we care to remember). What was set up as a major book contains phrases like "The TIE wibbles and wobbles through the air" and random virtue signalling. As though to top the previous, Disney literally published a book with an entire chapter about mass wedding farts (Yes. Really.). The only good stuff is from established EU authors writing stuff far away from era of the Sequel Trilogy.

The rage over the EU's scrapping was major among many fans of it, but for all Disney's shortcomings, they were in a tight spot. Towards the end all that continuity and consistency got thrown out the airlock for increasingly dumb and disjointed narratives and garbled plot threads to the point that the Star Wars logo was just about as much a sign of quality as the Nintendo approval stamp on shitty SNES games.

Another problem was that Disney is mostly family-friendly, and some of the Star Wars EU could get really dark. As in Warhammer 40k levels of grimdark. Examples of this are the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong - forcenull space-Druchii (no no, not Comorrites though they have the pain and body modification fetishes for it, space-Druchii, riding enslaved tyranid bioships) from another galaxy, Mnggal-Mnggal - mindraping gelatin lost on its way to Star Trek, and Abeloth - an ancient (she predates the Jedi and the Sith) yandere Force entity more like something from the Cthulhu Mythos and is so dangerous the Jedi and the Sith joined forces to fight her. It's difficult to envision how Disney could have kept the EU when even before all that it was struggling to find a market beyond the most dedicated fans.

The Old Republic era that takes place millennia before the movies is technically part of the EU as well. But as it doesn't intrude on it, not to mention one game set in it is still receiving new content, almost all fans treat it as canon.

The Books[edit | edit source]

The Good EU

Heir to the Empire (1991): The book that started it all
  • The Thrawn Trilogy: The origination point for the EU despite not being the first Star Wars books published, and focuses on the conflict with the Imperial remnants left over after RotJ. Named for one of its two main villains, Grand Admiral Thrawn, who went on to become one of Star Wars most well-loved characters. Basically the story "The Force Awakens" wishes it was (also introduced the character Mara Jade, a sexy redhead that's everything Disney wishes Rey was and more). Revealed Lucas' ideas and concepts from abandoned drafts like the Republic capital planet Coruscant, later put into the Prequels.
  • The Han Solo Adventures: Star's End was the second spinoff book written and the first good one. Hit store shelves before Empire Strikes Back was even in theaters. Han and Chewie are trying to get some work done on the Falcon and get volun-told to bust out some political prisoners to pay for it. The Z-95 Headhunter fighter comes from this one. Would have made for a better film than Solo did.
  • The Darth Bane Trilogy: The origin of the Rule of Two for the Sith in Legends, along with a compelling protagonist and his apprentice. Excellent addition to Legends continuum, especially since it does a fairly good job of reconciling Lucas' ideas with contradicting information from KotOR and TotJ .
  • Cloak of Deception: Luceno's prequel to the prequels, a political thriller, much more focused than The Phantom Menace. Foreshadows Clones characters.
  • Shatterpoint: The Mace Windu spinoff, Heart of Darkness style with Samuel Jackson playing the Charles Marlow role. Windu cracks off lines like "we're going to beat him like a rented gong".
  • Revenge of the Sith: The novelization is actually considered a serious improvement over the movie itself (which is already widely considered to be the best of the prequels themselves). Provides brilliant views into Anakin's psyche and motivations over the course of the film, culminating in the single best description of what it is like to be Vader ever.
  • Jedi Apprentice: That Qui-Gon / Obi-Wan series for kids, started by Dave Wolverton and continued by Jude Watson over a near-flawless run of eight books, until Xanatos (Qui-Gon's apprentice before Obi-Wan gone bad) bites it and there's no focused villain anymore. What a waste we barely got to see this relationship in the movie.

The Bad EU

The Skub EU

  • Shadows of the Empire: This multimedia earns pride-of-place as the most-canon of all the EU content, and as being an unfocused mess. Shadows fills in the details of where the Rebels got the Death Star II's plans and found where Han was taken; it also had Luke building his own saber, etc, as if it mattered. Since there was a game involved, and since Lucas' team didn't think things through very well, we got introduced to some bounty hunter by the name of Dash Rendar who is just another Han Solo except one we don't care about (he's no Katarn, that's for sure). It was all a Major Multimedia Event at the time (being thought of by the folks behind it as "a movie without a movie"), including a soundtrack and an uneven video game which we'll get to. The game was why Rendar even exists: he's your avatar. The Special Edition rerelease of A New Hope added the Outrider to the background of one scene. Oh right: and there's a book. Steve Perry wrote it. It's notable for Xizor the ultra sexy crime boss; he comes close to porking Leia, but she evades his wiles. We guess that's why LucasArts didn't pick Crispin to write it. Told an interesting story, and helped expand the criminal underworld aspect of Star Wars. It just needed more cohesion and consistency between the different mediums.
The Yuuzhan Vong, either badass and interesting or grimderp canon-defiling villains
  • The Paradise Snare: AC Crispin's first book (1997) in a new Han trilogy, an ANH prequel this time. Han escapes his Oliver Twist youth ("F8GAN", LOL). He ends up in a "spice" (LOL) operation because it was the late 1990s and we were all reciting "D.A.R.E., Drugs Are Bad Mmkay" in school before heading off to raves at night. Young Harrison Ford shuts down this particular hacienda; with the help of Crispin's self-insert, who then gets to bounce on his lap. Those readers who could ignore the cringe, and we admit there was a lot of cringe from several directions, were generally entertained. It was all a bit episodic for a film but, again, that didn't stop the Rat House from scrapping it and filming what they filmed instead... which was also episodic and full of cringe.
  • New Jedi Order: The longest-running Star Wars book series (19 books long) and about an extragalactic invasion and the Jedi's role in fighting it. Luke and his wife Mara are training new Jedi, including Han and Leia's kids, while Han and Leia build bridges between the New Republic and Imperial Remnants. Cue the invaders, the Yuuzhan Vong - Force-null religious fanatics with organic technology and a fixation on pain and body modification. The resulting war sees a body count rivalling anything in Warhammer 40k including Chewie's death (they dropped a fucking moon on him), Han and Leia's youngest son going nuclear and Admiral Ackbar. Mara gives birth to Ben Skywalker and overcomes a terminal illness. The Vong take over and terraform part of the galaxy, including Coruscant, and lots is learned about the Force. A real love-it-or-hate-it series, some parts are good, some are bad and some are weird.
  • Dark Empire: Palpatine's back to save a dying franchise decades before Disney tried it. He even uses clone bodies to do so (but unlike Disney, Dark Horse didn't flip-flop on the lore), wrecks a fleet of enemy ships using the Force and at some point has his power reflected back at him. Starts off good, falls apart fast. Known for its love-it-or-hate-it artstyle and dialogue. Original version of Episode 9.
  • Courtship of Princess Leia: The queen of a star cluster that could ally with the newly reformed Republic against the Imperial remnants offers a deal which hinges on Leia marrying her prince son. In response, Han sorta-kinda kidnaps Leia. Luke teams up with the prince in question (who's a bit of a Jedi fanboy but basically a competent officer) to track them down. Along the way he finds a crashed Jedi training cruiser and its library of holocrons. This one introduced the planet Dathomir and the force witches the Nightsisters, which were ultimately adapted to be Maul's homeworld.
  • X-Wing: A long running series that passed between several authors that followed Wedge and his squad post RotJ. Initially focused on the liberation of Coruscant and was solid if formulaic, but eventually spiraled off into skub territory. Generally speaking, the action sequences and space battles are quite good but the characterisation falls flat, ranging from 'three-words stereotypes' to 'utter cringe'. Also tends to over-abuse Deus Ex Machina shenanigans to allow the good guys escaping the villain's Perfect Plan One-Billionth To Ensure Their Bloody Demise™. Did have some clever ideas like fitting a station with hundreds of torpedo targeting sensors to bluff a star destroyer into surrendering.
  • Fate of the Jedi: Want some Cthulhu with your Star Wars? Luke, his son Ben, Leia and the remaining Jedi work to counter anti-Jedi backlash following the events of LotF while Han takes a bigger role in politics. Things go from bad to worse when several Jedi suffer mysterious shared bouts of psychosis and an ancient Sith tribe emerges from hiding. Things then go from worse to cosmic horror when both sides encounter Abeloth, a yandere, Lovecraftian Force entity so dangerous the Jedi and the Sith have to team up to fight her (yes really!). But Abeloth escapes her prison, and both sides have to stop her before she plunges the Force and the galaxy into chaos. During these events, Ben Skywalker finds himself in a Batman/Catwoman situation with the Sith apprentice Vestara Khai. While being an OoM better than the preceding book series, FotJ has a very divided opinion among SW fans.
  • Darth Plagueis: Shows how Palpatine becomes a Sith Lord under his mentor. Less Star Wars than Star Politics, which is a good thing for this particular story. Very much a "by the fans for the fans" type book, in that it is filled with easter eggs, lore dumps, and other things that, if you're a hard-core lore buff, you'll love, and if you're not, you'll probably be confused as fuck. So a great novel for the die-hards, but a lot denser/harder to get into for the casuals.

The Not EU

  • Splinter of the Mind's Eye: By Alan Dean Foster, apparently short on cash at the time, it’s the now-aborted sequel to Star Wars before anyone, even Georgie himself, knew what was coming in Empire Strikes Back. Therein lies a tale. A long time ago, in the far far away production of the first movie, no one knew that Star Wars would be a hit, with many seeing it as a bloated costly flop, and even Mr Lucas expecting a mid-level success at best. So the flannel-wearer mooted multiple sequel plans: [proto-]Empire was one, if he'd been allowed the budget; while Splinter was much smaller in scale, with a single planet with only a few locations, a much simpler plot, etc. Since novelization usually starts during or before production (the New Hope novelization includes deleted scenes!), this book represents a C-tier movie that never was. So: what did we get? chemistry between Luke and Leia, and Darth Vader being defeated by being tripped into a pit. So this was one of the first EU stories, although with Empire and especially Return of the Jedi it's been retconned off-canon entirely. It tends to be read by SW autists who wonder What Could Have Been.
  • Dark Forces: The novelisation of the games, starring Kyle Katarn. Pretty good writing except for the action scenes, which are rote accounts of the missions in-game. At the time Katarn wasn't considered a canon character and the first game, proposing yet another heist of the Death Star Plans, was explicitly disavowed as canon. As time went on LucasArts warmed up at least to Katarn who, unlike Dash Rendar, acquired a personality.
  • Heart of the Jedi: One of the earliest post-ROTJ books to be commissioned by Lucasfilm after the success of Heir to the Empire, it was cancelled due to publisher issues sometime in 1993. Rereleased in 2021 to tremendous sales success for what is essentially fanfiction. Takes place immediately after the events of ROTJ (so, replaced by Truce at Bakura both in the timeline and the publishing schedule) and features early takes on many later EU novel staples.

Disney Canon[edit | edit source]

Love it or hate it, they are now official Disney Princesses.

It's still debatable whether or not the new Canon holds up to the old EU, or learns to fix the problems that plagued it. We probably won't see what comes of it for decades to come. Disney Canon, as of 2020, seems to largely be built around the nine main movies though there have been growing rumors of a shakeup that may render the Disney trilogy non-canon due to severe backlash and financial losses. There's also shows like Rebels and Clone Wars alongside anthology movies fleshing out stories that had been told in comics and books back before the Disney buy-up, but can now be seen on film.

Another curious thing is that elements of the old EU are being annexed into the Disney Canon. Plotlines like the Emperor returning, the Death Star plans heist and Han's path to become the smuggler we know him as all have bits and pieces from EU canon in them. In some cases, whole characters are ported in; the best example is Admiral Thrawn, who appears in Rebels. Other times, popular characters has their traits or stories ported into new ones (Finn and Cassian are both expies of Kyle Katarn, for example). This gives some credence to the argument that Lucasfilms and Disney wanted to wipe the slate with all the stories that had been told in the EU, so they could create their own, fully realized canon Star Wars setting that one could make movies - many movies - from. Considering the amount of shitty fan-fiction-esque stories the EU had, this may be for the best, but of course, good storylines that people have loved for ages are also thrown out with the bathwater.

Detractors of Disney-era Star Wars often talk loads about how many cool characters are either cannibalized for story elements (like Kyle Katarn) or completely removed from canon (like Mara Jade). These are semi-valid arguments of course, but they ignore some of the biggest issues with the EU originally - it wasn't written by George Lucas and Lucasfilms. They were sponsored fan-fiction in a sense, semi-canon from the outset and not really something that could be considered a part of the Star Wars setting, though George Lucas did work with the writers to a point, such as with the New Jedi Order book series (he gave them permission to kill off Chewbacca in the story). In fact, George never really considered them part of the universe; more like a parallel universe of his own Star Wars works. He accepted it because they bring in the big bucks when people would beg to have the official Star Wars logo on anything they produced, and occasionally lifted neat ideas like Coruscant from them.

The biggest universal complaints have been around story telling. Operation Cinder and the Battle of Jakku have been a nightmare of lore and sooo many retcons exist because of the lack of creative focus and control on the part of post-Endor lore. This has been fixed partially by the Mandalorian but it has been a shit load of retcons. One example being the multiple changes between books, with some stating Palps could not come back, but also he can, but he is also a clone..... and you can see why people think this has been a disaster.

Toxic fan groups have also been a problem with the Sequel Trilogy Fans and Sequel Trilogy Haters picking fights. Other toxic fan groups exist such as a really annoying and pretentious group of fans who do not believe in redemption (a key concept in Star Wars), and no interest in stories around morally grey groups (Bounty Hunters and Criminals). Then you have that one group of really hostile fans who think anyone who likes Imperials like Pealleon and Thrawn are "Simperials", "Holocaust Deniers" and Nazis. On the flip side, you also have those faction extremist groups which believe in either pledging themselves to the Empire or the Rebels despite them being fake factions from a fictional universe. Some people do these things ironically but then you have people actually believing the kool-aid they drink, resulting in flame wars, pointless vitriol, and the occasional bit of IRL harassment when the hardcore nutters go at each other. Both sides have normals, but crazy and stupid fans cause a lot of problems and some dumb discord, reddit, and general fan groups are really fucking annoying. Generally speaking it is not a major problem but it is simply more trash popped on top of a waste pile.

One case for the sequel trilogy is that, as underwhelming as it may be, was George's idea in broad strokes. The series was always going to have a sequel trilogy, and George Lucas was in fact putting the production for it together, having secured Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford to reprise their roles when Disney made the offer. The outcome isn't exactly what he (or we) wanted, but some of it is. Luke being an exile on a far-away planet, who has to be roused to fight by a new, female Jedi? George's idea, not Disney's. A son of Han and Leia struggling with the Dark Side? Also George's idea (though Disney lifted a lot form the original version - Jacen Solo - for Kylo Ren). With that said, a lot is different between the two, so the argument only carries one so far: the central conflict is scrappy rebels vs empire again instead of taking back the republic infrastructure from organized crime and warlords led by a galactic kingping (originally intended to be Maul). Luke doesn't train the new female Jedi, just gives her a quick fact-check and keels over in 8. Not only does he not rebuild the Jedi Order but essentially has to admit to ghost of Yoda he was never much of a Jedi to begin with. The character was so completely different Mark Hamill spontaneously christened it Jake Skywalker, a name some parts of the fandom embrace today. Leia abandons the Republic in disgust instead of becoming the Supreme Chancelor of the restored Republic. The Republic stops active resistance to the Empire midway only to get the Alderaan treatment. While it had similar ideas, it took those to wildly different directions.

Lucas' sequel trilogy concept was about Leia and Anakin's grandchildren and restoration of the Republic in a post-empire lawless age, with a side-order of Luke restoring the Jedi Order. The main character Kira was similar enough to Rey that the basic concept may have been kept. However, Kira finding Luke in self-imposed exile and being trained as a Jedi was supposed to happen in ep 7, and Luke was supposed to be strugling with the Dark Side, not guilt. The central conflict was supposed to be against the galactic underworld that took over much of the infrastructure and logistics in the chaos after the Empire's fall. The Underworld was to be led by a Maul as a "godfather of crime", which is likely why the character was resurrected in the Clone Wars. The Empire was restructured back to the Republic (just like the Republic was restrucured into the Empire) and the Imperial Remnant is a few hardliners who have been driven to the fringe. By the end of the sequel trilogy The Republic has been restructured, Lei has become it's Supreme Chancelor, and Luke has rebuilt the Jedi Order.

The claim wasn't helped by J.J. Abrams' and Rian Johnsson's repeated assertions that they were given free reing over 7 and 8, nor the fact that Bob Iger's autobiography had him admitting that the story treatments of Lucas were abandoned, and that Lucas felt betrayed by it (meaning any similarities between the two are likely just coincidence). Multiple writers and directors not working together led to the suicidal Rise of Skywalker where even the actors were just lost. It also emerged that John Boyega got side-winded along with Oscar Isaac - especially in the versions edited for China (compare and contrast) - which is ironic/hypocritical from a company claiming to promote diversity. There are a lot of problems none the less. (Although according to Boyega, it was Disney racial treatments shafting him and Kelly Marie Tran's characters developments and social media attacking his race character.)

It should be noted that the TV shows below are either now part of the Disney canon (such as the 2008 Clone Wars series), or made by Disney. There is also a major Star Wars project called Star Wars: The High Republic. It's an upcoming multimedia project spanning books and comics worked on by various writers including Claudia Gray and Cavan Scott (yes, that Cavan Scott). The stated goal is to tell one cohesive story set in the High Republic Era, two centuries prior to Phantom Menace. It was slated for a 2020 release but was pushed back to 2021, purportedly due to the COVID-19 pandemic (purportedly because they could still work on the story from home in this day and age but have chosen to extend the deadline) and the first comics were released to tepid reception. However so far less interest has existed around the High Republic because of a combination of lack of trust with fans and the fact its not a time frame anyone cares for (which granted, is due to it being a newly established time frame). More people are interested in Post-Endor, Clone Wars Era, Imperial Era, and the Old Republic Era. Still, some are glad that they are finally doing something new. Overall, High Republic has been mostly under the radar, not really generating strong feelings either way (definitely not compared to things like The Mandalorian or The Sequel Trilogy). The release of a video game set in the timeframe called "Star Wars: Eclipse" might help to give this era more exposure and popularity, assuming the game's any good.

So for better or worse, the Disney Canon is the first time the wider setting of Star Wars beyond the series and movies have become irrevocably canon, rather than "kinda-sorta-canon". Much, but importantly not all, of what we've gotten that is new is based roughly on George's own work as well. Remember this when discussing EU vs Disney in Star Wars - Either setting is cool for their own reasons, but the Mouse got little to do with it - and if you don't like it, bring it up with big man Lucas.

Whatever the case, CEO Big Iger briefly resigned in 2019... before being brought back in 2020 following severe financial and PR losses for Disney due to comparatively poor reception of the Disney canon, controversial statements from Disney staff against fans and shutdowns related to the global coronavirus pandemic. Disney preceded to rebuild that goodwill and hope with The Mandalorian, only for two later events to undermine it.

The first big problem was Disney's controversial handling of a situation involving leading actress from "The Mandalorian", Gina Carano, culminating in Gina being fired for political reasons regarding a social media post (not her first controversial post, or, as her later suggesting that the war in Ukraine was a government conspiracy shows, her last, but nevertheless caused an outcry). The second was several poor quality media projects such as a comic series where one of the characters is an alien who's essentially a rock named "Geode" that crews a spaceship named "Vessel". There have been sweeping changes and even a civil war in Disney-owned Lucasfilm between factions of staff supporting producers/directors Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau and staff supporting Lucasfilm president/film producer Kathleen Kennedy. Recent hints and events have suggested that Kathleen Kennedy's influence has been restricted, with Filoni and Faverau spearheading projects.

Things have also been not helped by evidence of fan art being stolen by Marvel Comics writers who then used them lazily in comics, posters, and other media. The fan relations are still very low with the exception of people like Timothy Zahn, Dave Filoni, and Jon Favreau. Common speculation on the major develops include rumors of a retcon of sequel trilogy but little evidence exists except for the planned project combining Clone Wars, Rebels, The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, Rangers of the New Republic, The Bad Batch, and possibly Andor and Obi-Wan.

So far most fans are excited for the following:

  • The Bad Batch
  • Ahsoka
  • Thrawn
  • Mandalorians
  • Anything not involving the First Order. (Seriously this group is just not liked by the fans at all, not even Sequel trilogy fans in a "Love to Hate" kind of way)

Speculation has emerged around why these TV Shows and series are doing well and a few theories exist. Some point to the presence of a Old Guard from the days of George Lucas and his apprentice/Protégé Dave Filoni, though some fans dispute this believing Filoni was a hack. Others point to a presence of care for the lore and the characters. Stormtroopers in the Mandalorian are not stupidly incompetent (They actually hit Mando even though he has literal plot armor) but decent troopers who are only beat by lucky and sheer offensive capabilities, characters like Boba Fett, Ahsoka Tano, and Darth Maul are given more development and respect as characters, and the stories feel like Star Wars. This leads to the generally accepted theory, which is Star Wars stories from these series are based on classic film styles. The Mandalorian is a Western with some episodes taking a more Japanese and Asian Fight film with Samurai style fight scenes and themes. The Bad Batch bases itself on Old War films and with elements of Westerns present. Overall a pattern emerges where the star wars presentation of classic and traditional story themes, motifs and concepts allows it to keep itself Star Wars and good quality overall.

Notably, the mini-wars over what in Disney Star Wars is good and what isn't is not as clean-cut as one might assume. While it is true that the thoughts on the Sequel Trilogy (mostly) fell along fan/critic divides, this isn't true of other things. Book of Boba Fett for instance, got flak from both corners, as did Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Episode 9, which got the worst critic reviews of any Skywalker Saga movie, is also plenty hated by a lot of the fans. This makes complaints by both groups about the franchise pandering to the other side somewhat ironic, as many fans and critics actually like and hate some of the same stuff.

December 2020 announced several new films and TV series, as well as further information about already announced things. The stuff already out includes:

  • The Mandalorian: Live-action series that started in 2019. Unsurprisingly, Season 3 is on it's way and will release in 2022.
  • The Bad Batch: Animated series and a spin-off of The Clone Wars. Focuses on the titular clone commando unit that was introduced in the last season of The Clone Wars, set during Republic's transition into the Empire. They are forced to look after “Omega,” which has the potential to bring back the cloning project at the cost of her life. For full details, see its page.
  • Visions: 2021 Anime anthology-series made by different anime studios across Japan. 10 episodes, two by studios Trigger and Science SARU and the other episodes one for each studio. Released to a strongly positive reception from critics and fans, showing that the non-divisive nature of The Mandalorian was not necessarily a fluke. Getting a second season, one that will not be strictly Anime like the first but instead have animation styles from all over.
    • The Duel, the first episode of Visions, is a must watch for deliberately trying to mimic the old Kurosawa era Samurai films.
  • The Book of Boba Fett: 2021 live-action series, revealed post-credits in the last episode of The Mandalorian Season 2, which had Boba Fett returning to Jabba's palace, kill everyone inside and then sit on his old boss's throne. Out of the things that have come out after the sequel trilogy, it proved to be the most skubtastic thing thus far.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi: Live-action series featuring the return of Ewan McGregor as the titular character set 10 years after Revenge of the Sith. Proved to be somewhat skubtastic (not in small part due to the original pitch being for a 2-hour movie, which would have been more than sufficient), though not to the degree of The Book of Boba Fett.
  • Andor: Live-action series and a spy-thriller focusing on the titular character who was introduced in Rogue One. Has a more grounded take on Star Wars, focusing on life under the imperial regime from the perspective of regular citizens instead of Jedi or soldiers, with villains also fairly ordinary like corporate security officers or Imperial Security Bureau agents.
  • Tales of the Jedi: A collection of six CGI-animated shorts about Dooku and Ahsoka.

The upcoming stuff includes:

  • Ahsoka: Live-action series by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni (the chads responsible for The Mandalorian, the latter also responsible for The Clone Wars, Rebels and the character of Ahsoka (and Resistance but let's not talk about that)) featuring the titular fan favorite character who made her live-action debut in The Mandalorian Season 2, starring Rosario Dawson and is a spin-off of The Mandalorian and will have cross-overs with it. Also has the live-action debut of Thrawn, who was name-dropped by Ahsoka in The Mandalorian as her quarry. Release date unknown but is confirmed to run only for one season. Her Lekku will actually be the correct length after fan complaint from the Mandalorian. Trailers show it will have the first ever orange lightsabers in live action courtesy of the Dark Side bad guys, one of whom had their role effected by the untimely death of his actor Ray Stevenson, though to what extent remains to be seen.
  • Rangers of the New Republic: Live-action series and another spin-off of The Mandalorian, again by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni and is said to have cross-overs with The Mandalorian and Ahsoka. Not much is known at the moment but the name tells us at that it would focus on the titular galactic government, something we still don't know much about due to the world-building fuck-up of the sequel trilogy. Release date unknown. Cancelled / put on hold, likely due to the firing of Gina Carano (who was expected to have a major role) after controversies regarding her tweets.
  • The Acolyte: Live-action series set during the High Republic-era, a thus-far unexplored era 100-300 years before the original movie during which the Republic was at it's peak. Release date unknown. Unfortunately, the background of the director has led to fears that she is interested in something else than just telling a good story.
  • A Droid Story: Animated series featuring R2-D2 and C-3PO and a new character, possibly a droid as well. That is all we know for now but will likely be targeted towards kids, just like the animated series Droids from the 80s that it seems to be inspired by. Release date unknown.
  • Lando: Live-action series focusing on the titular character. Not much known aside from that at the moment, not even will it feature Billy-Dee Williams or Donald Glover. Release date unknown.
  • Rogue Squadron: Live-action film, the first one after the sequels. Will feature the titular elite starfighter squadron and is directed by Patty Jenkins, the director of Wonder Woman (but also writer and director of Wonder Woman 1984). Will it focus on the Rogue Squadron from EU led by Wedge Antilles or will it be completely different remains to seen. Release in 2023. Cancelled (at least for now), so it looks like we'll never know (but if it was anything like WW84, maybe for the best).
  • Film by Taika Waititi: Nothing about it is known at the moment except that it is happening, it is live-action and will be directed by Taika Waititi of Thor: Ragnarök-fame who also played IG-11 in The Mandalorian and directed the last episode of the first season. Makes fans nervous because his latest project, Thor: Love and Thunder, was trash. Release likely in either 2024 or 2025.
  • The Skeleton Crew: Just announced at the 2022 Star Wars Celebration, it will feature Jude Law and be about a bunch of kids who are stranded somewhere in the Galaxy and trying to find their way back home. Nothing else is known yet, as Disney has been keeping a super tight lid on details, but we're sure we haven't seen this idea before.
  • The Rian Johnsson Trilogy: Announced during the hype-up to The Last Jedi, we have been repeatedly assured it is coming, but it seems to be stuck in Development Hell.
  • New Rey Movie: To the horror and despair of her haters and the mild surprise of everyone else, a new Star Wars movie starring Rey (played again by Daisy Ridley) was announced at Celebration 2023. Will take place 15 years after Episode IX, and focus on Rey trying to succeed where Luke failed in restarting the Jedi Order. That the director is an activist (albeit one boasting international recognition and a couple of academy awards) who only got into film-making as she saw it as a method to push for social change does not give people much reason to be excited for it. Even if you're not bothered by that, the fact that the majority of her prior works are non-fiction documentaries that are a far cry from space operas is also a cause for concern.
  • Dave Filoni Movie: Also announced at Celebration 2023, it's basically meant to be the "Avengers" style crossover film that The Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, and upcoming Ahsoka have all been building towards. Presumably, this means Thrawn will be the big bad.
  • James Mangold Movie: The last of the three movies announced at Celebration 2023, this one will be set in the distant past and serve as an origin story for the Jedi Order, explaining how the first Jedi came to be. Mangold has directly compared it to old-school biblical epics like The Ten Commandments, making this potentially the most Awesome of the bunch...if it actually releases that is. With so many announced projects over the years ending up getting quietly cancelled or plunging into Development Hell, fans have become a little cautious about any of these actually seeing the light of day.

The Fan / Critic War: Overhyped?[edit | edit source]

Ever since The Last Jedi came out to rave reviews from most critics and the complete opposite from most of the fanbase, a popular narrative has been that fans and critics are completely and utterly at odds and can't agree on anything. But while this is definitely true in the case of Episode VII and VIII, how true it is outside of that is kind of questionable when you think about it. Pretty much everyone hates Episode IX for instance, and The Mandalorian has been a hit with critics and fans alike (as was Star Wars: Visions). Meanwhile, Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi got mediocre responses overall from most critics and were not generally loved by many fans either, with only some positive responses from both camps. Rogue One is usually seen by most critics and fans as either "good but not great midquel" or "fantastic and edgy masterpiece", with folks who outright hate it being in the minority for both, while Solo: A Star Wars Story got a tepid response from most critics and isn't most fan's favorite Star Wars movie. Finally, the more recent Andor has done well with critics and with fans overall.

This seems to extend to video games as well: critics called out EA for its bullshit when Battlefront II launched with microtransactions, and gave Jedi: Fallen Order overall good reviews, which lines up with how most fans felt. Its sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor likewise did well with both critics and fans (with the exception of those of the latter who tried the game on PC, and even then that was due to performance issues, not problems with the story).

In all, it doesn't seem like there's actually that much of a gap between the two groups outside of the Sequel Trilogy itself. In theory, this should mean it's possible to make more stuff everyone likes, but the feud is likely to keep going anyway.

Wookieepedia[edit | edit source]

One of the largest fan wikis ever created, this bad boy is extensively cited, has enormous variety, and has page upon page of talk. It was if Lexicanum, the 40k fan wiki, and our own glorious site were fused into a terrible beast. Is well cited, but is most notable among fan circles for having a picture of Aayla Secura top naked under the article "Breast". Any attempt to remove the page for relevance reasons is met with appropriate responses.

In all seriousness, the website is great. It is full of ads, but adblocks are easy to get and you can spend hours reading about characters, planets, and weapons from all over the star wars universe. Has an entire non-canon section, much like Wikitroid.

Impact on 1d4chan and associated games etc[edit | edit source]

Star Wars has had subtle and clear impacts on a number of other franchises and genres and it can be incredibly hard to gauge the extent of it all. Certainly it didn't create the concepts of sci-fi, space battles, sweeping storylines, and a blending of mystical and scientific ideas, but it certainly popularized them during the years of the original trilogy and influenced many people that would go on to have interests in sci-fi, fantasy and epic adventure today.

Hell, look me in the eye and tell me that the lightsaber didn't give us the power weapon. But then again, magic weapons.

Sabacc and Pazaak[edit | edit source]

When a damn fool bets the ship, nothing beats the smugness in laying down an Idiot's Array

A rather unusual entry here but it's well in line, Sabacc is an actual tabletop card game from the Star Wars universe which is basically a hybrid of Poker and Blackjack. A Sabacc Deck has 80 cards, most of which in four suits of 16 cards numbered one to 16 (two suits positive, two suits negative), plus 16 wildcards that could be positive/negative or (in the case of the Idiot) Zero. The goal of the game is to have a set of three cards who's total as close as possible to, but not over, 23 or -23. If you got 23/-23 (Pure Sabacc) which could only be beaten by an Idiot's Array (the Idiot, a Two and a Three, thus 23). The stakes are raised every cycle until the cards go down or one player is left standing who gets the pot. Like most card games there are variations, such as a single suit hand beating a mixed hand of equal value, light beating dark, dark beating light, instant tiebreaker with new hands in the case of a tie; one variation even uses dice (presumably to set a handicap the hand has to overcome).

The notable thing about Sabacc that sets it apart from real world card games is that the Cards can change value every turn. A Pure Sabacc can easily become an instant lose 25 and an absolutely lousy hand can become an Idiot's Array. They can be stabilized to fix their value, but everyone knows when you do so. This feature has so far prevented Sabacc from being released in tabletop form as of yet. (Of course, there are ways to deal with this, such as simply re-dealing unfixed cards, but never let it be said that nerds will choose practicality over purity.)

It should also be noted that you CAN buy a version of Sabaac from Disney (this writer got his set at Disney World) but it plays differently in that cards do not change value and the goal is to be as close to 0 as possible. It has cool cards too.

In universe, Han Solo won the Millenium Falcon off Lando in a game of Sabacc.

Pazaak is an older game from an in-universe perspective, similar to Blackjack but its player versus player rather than player versus dealer and also has some aspects of a collectible card game. Goal of the game is to raise cards from the main deck until their total value is 20 or they can also choose to stand if they get close but don't want to risk it. Best out of five wins.

CCG-aspect of Pazaak comes from the sidedeck: both players collect ten cards for their side deck and then randomly take four cards from their side deck to their hand in the beginning of the game. Hand cards are used to either lower or raise the total value: so if the player raises cards from the main deck to the total value of 25, they can prevent dropping out if they have a -5 card or higher in their hand. Cards which only either raise or lower the value are the most common of the side cards. More rarer are cards which can be used to both raise and lower the value. Then there are flip cards, which change certain main deck cards on the table to negative ones. So if the player plays a 2&4 flip card, all 2:s and 4:s on the table become -2:s and -4:s. Flip cards exist in 2&4:s and 3&6:s. Then there is the double card, which doubles the value of the last played card. So if the player raises a 5 from the main deck, playing the double card would turn it into a 10. Finally, the rarest side deck card is the tiebreaker, which grants the player a win if the game would otherwise end in a tie.

Tabletop games for Star Wars[edit | edit source]

Role-playing Games[edit | edit source]

West End Games made a Star Wars role-playing game called Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game AKA Star Wars D6. Like many West End products, it's a good game with the great misfortune of being published by West End Games.

Wizards of the Coast picked up the license later and made two distinct RPGs based on their d20 System, called Star Wars D20 (imaginatively). Could be fun, but generally broken as hell, much like its parent game. It was then utterly revised that into what they called the Saga Edition, which is relatively balanced and pretty good.

Fantasy Flight Games is presently selling a whole line of Star Wars-themed RPGs, each one focusing on a specific style of play. You want to play a bunch of scruffy space outlaws (Edge of the Empire), members of the nascent Rebellion (Age of Rebellion), or exiled Jedi Knights (Force and Destiny), then they got you covered. Unlike their Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay games, which are all juuuuust different enough from one another to completely buttfuck any attempts at blending, all three gamelines use identical mechanics and are fully cross-compatible. Uses symbol-counting dice pools with ludicrously overpriced custom dice. Like the other RPGs they decided with the retardedly similar name, and thus this one is sometimes called Star Wars FFG to avoid confusion.

FFG have kept milking the franchise and in summer 2017, decided to reanimate the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game with a "30th Year Anniversary Edition" print of the original game. It finally shipped in July 2018 after spending a year in limbo.

Unofficially, a fan overhaul of the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition system exists, called Star Wars 5e. To put it short, it is a considerable rework with a good lot more features and more customization when compared to 5E but is ultimately constrained by some of the system's inherent limitations.

Card Games[edit | edit source]

The big card game set in the Star Wars universe is the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. It's no longer produced by Decipher, but there is still a sufficiently large player community to organize annual tournaments, rule on cards, and so on. SWCCG was radically different from the norm of card games, being divided into light and dark side cards with different backings, with light and dark always playing against each other. For tournament play a player would need both a light and dark deck. The gameplay was also radically different from most CCGs; in Magic terms the closest analog would be that every SWCCG deck was fundamentally a mill deck, with some hard to assemble insta-win combos themed to the plots of the movies.

Wizards of the Coast made the Star Wars Trading Card Game. It is now dead.

Fantasy Flight Games made Star Wars: Destiny CCG. It is also now dead.

Obviously, nobody is capable of creating a Star Wars card game with an interesting name.

Aside from the real, physical, games there was also Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game. It was a real, functioning, card game within the MMO that used all virtual cards. Unfortunately no server emulators have implemented it yet.

Miniature Games[edit | edit source]

The first Star Wars miniatures game was Star Wars Miniature Battles released by West End Games in 1989. It and the minis were readily available through the early half of the 1990's, although the line was never particularly diverse. Even accounting for vehicles the whole line was only a couple dozen figures and you could get all the rebel heroes in a single box if you just wanted them for the RPG, plus a another box for Vader and a mix of imperials.

Concurrent to this, Galoob managed to get their hands on Star Wars for their Micro Machines toy line, and released an enormous line of minis which conformed to no consistent scale but were at least cheap, durable, and prepainted. Homebrew adaptations of other systems to use them were a thing in the 90's but vanished as they became scarce.

Wizards of the Coast did a tabletop battles game imaginatively called Star Wars: Miniatures, based on an extremely dumbed down version of the D&D ruleset. The figures were meant to tie in with the Saga edition RPG, it wasn't terrible on its own, just impossible to collect for competitive play since figures came in random booster packs so you never know what you were getting for what faction. Who could possibly stand for that?

Fantasy Flight Games is producing the X-Wing miniatures game based on individual starfighter combat (because, let's be honest, that's what Star Wars is all about). They have also released Star Wars: Armada which is a larger scale "fleet" combat simulator, using capital ships and squadrons of starfighters.

Star Wars: Imperial Assault

The latest Fantasy Flight Games addition to its Star Wars related games is a mix between a miniature board game and a skirmish wargame. It has two play modes:

One for campaign play where 1-4 players control a team of Rebel heroes and another player has the role of the DM, who controls the Imperial forces. The campaign, as the name suggests, focuses on character personalization, xp gain and the like, which you can find in any light RPG-esque (board)game. The main goal is to get a few friends together and casually play through the missions. Think of it as a Star Wars version of the original Hero Quest.

The other play mode is skirmish play, where two players each get to assemble a team of miniatures plus a command deck (cards that have specific effects when played) and play against each other in an open-play scenario. The play area is still very limited to a few game tiles (as in a campaign mission) but players are free to bring whatever they want (with a few limitations of course). The skirmish part of Imperial assault is as close as you can get to an actual Star Wars skirmish wargame, but it is a missed opportunity from Fantasy Flight to create a true skirmish wargame (ala Infinity), not based on tiles and so confined spaces. Who knows what they have plans for though...

Star Wars Legion

And Fantasy Flight have now given us a fully fledged wargame, complete with AT-ST in the first wave. (They're 32mm scale, which means no reusing your Imperial Assault miniatures.) Legion has an integrated turn system, and the usual FF custom dice and forest worth of dead trees in cards and tokens that will be familiar to X-Wing and Armada players. The miniatures are PVC, reasonably detailed, easy to assemble pieces. A standard battle is 800 points, which could be anywhere from half a dozen to 16 units on the field, with an average army fielding 8-12 units comprising 30-ish models.

Board Games[edit | edit source]

The most famous and arguably best one is Star Wars: Rebellion, an asymmetric two-player game that plays through the Original Trilogy in a wargame/worker placement-esque game. The Empire player must expand their already huge military base over the galaxy to build more ships and huge superweapons while searching for the Rebel Base, while the Rebels do their best to bite them in their heel, obscuring their movements and annoying the Empire until they have enough support to overthrow the Empire. As a FFG boardgame, it's filled with a ludicrous amount of bits and pieces (including sweet models of Star Destroyers, Death Stars and Calamari Cruisers), as well as the trademark filled-with-small-exceptions ruleset. It's pretty sweet and still considered one of the best board games of its kind.

Card Miniature Games[edit | edit source]

In the late 00's, WizKids produced a short lived construct-able miniatures Star Wars game based on their styrene card system for Pirates of the Spanish Main. Although the game sold well, when NECA bought WizKids from Topps the rights did not transfer and it went out of print.

Assorted list of Awesome From Star Wars[edit | edit source]

  • X-Wing starfighters = spaceborne sex
  • Fucking Lightsabers!
  • The fucking OST
  • What is likely the greatest duel in cinematic history, that takes place on a lava planet.
  • Deathly Stormtroopers, heroic Clonetroopers or sinister First Order troopers; whatever they're called, stormtroopers are awesome! Contrary to popular belief, shot counts have proven they have ridiculously good aim.
  • Darth Vader whenever he gets a speaking line or to murder rebel scum - that is to say, all the time.
  • Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace, TCW and Rebels.
  • Lightsaber Rifles
  • The entirety of the Umbara campaign, where Imperial Guardsmen Clone Troopers die in the dozens attempting to win some godforsaken planet, earning them balls of titanium that make the guard look ba- *BLAM* Heresy!, all while serving under a Commissar different Jedi, one who sees the Clone Troopers as cannon fodder.
    • It's basically Space Vietnam, on a world which is permanently nighttime. Seriously, fucking watch it.
  • 97% of the Creatures.
  • 98% of the Starfighter designs.
    • Hell even the bad ones are just a laugh riot. Except the (worse than) World War 2 bombers in 8, that was bad.
  • Costumes that mix about every possible inspiration, Chinese, Mongolian, Japanese, Ancient Greece and Rome, Elizabethan, Moebius or Pulp Sci-Fi from the 60's, giving the whole series a distinctive style and gives Padme Amidala an excuse to show off with all her dresses.
  • Boba (before his stand-alone live-action series) and Jango Fett, and the rest of the Mandalorians (unless they're written by Karen Traviss, in which case they're Skub).
  • KOTOR (both games) plot making you think this shit is actually logical and has so much philosophical background. One of the creepiest depictions of the Universe. Everything is brutal, with big vibrating knives, blood, those machines for Sith snuff movies, more blood, bastards, badass bastards and so on. Everything while somebody is talking with you about existence.
  • Our saviour Lord Revan. He's like if fucking Horus just became fucking bad enough (but not that bad) to fucking destroy the Dark Gods so he can solve his daddy issues.
  • Double-bladed Lightsabers, curve-hilted lightsabers, lightsaber pikes, the Darksaber...basically, almost any lightsaber variant automatically counts as this.
  • Lando Calrissian.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • The High Ground.
  • TIE fighters. They have the most distinctive scream of any fighter in cinematic history that just yells "I'm evil!". Tell me I'm wrong. I'll wait.
    • The fact that they managed to do that using what is essentially a shitty visual pun.
  • Most of Episode 3.
  • The entirety of Anakin's story, especially when you add the Clone Wars and prequels due to them expanding heavily on it. While you're at it, watch CinemaWins' perspective on it the series.
  • Admiral Ackbar the Memeable!
  • Palpatine getting into some Tzeentchian-level scheming and backstabbing in order to overthrow the Jedi and the Republic.
  • Battle of Yavin.
  • Battle of Hoth.
  • Battle of Endor.
  • Battle of Scariff.
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn: So awesome that he rose to a high rank in the anthropocentric Empire despite being an alien and was one of the first things to be imported straight from Legends to Disney.
  • Imperial Warlords: Groups of isane fuckers or tactical geniuses who formed Chinese style Warlord states. Famous ones include Ardius Kaine, Zsinj, and Trueten and Kosh Teradoc.
  • Imperial Pilots get a mention, seeing as they fly literal garbage fighters against superior rebel fighters. Yes, we are talking about the the same TIE Fighters we mentioned before. By garbage, we mean despite how cool looking and sounding TIE Fighters are, they are actually a ridiculously impractical design and the standard TIE Fighters are mass produced extremely cheaply even if they don't look like it (except Darth Vader's, which is custom made and modified by Vader himself). Even 40k's Imperium has better fighter designs. At least the Imperium's fighters conserve the life of the fucking pilot. Also, clearly super skilled since they have roughly an equal kill-death ratio with the Rebels in the movie battles.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi. Again.
  • The Millennium Falcon has a 3D chess board, secret compartments for smuggling space cocaine and a walk in closet specifically for capes.
  • Princess, later Senator Leia Organa; the original badass-yet-hot boss lady in space. Ends up leading two separate, successful underground freedom movements against impossible odds. Did we mention she's a Jedi in both canons?
    • The women in the franchise in general. It would be easier to list the women in Star Wars who aren't badass, empowered warriors and/or leaders than it would be to list the ones who are.
  • The trench run in ANH. Not cheering when Han flies in to save the day is heresy. Heresy is punishable by having the Death Star's main laser fired at you.
  • Han Solo, who is so badass that hot Leia falls in love. He has the smuggler's best friend, a Wookie, who is also the worst opponent you can face in a Dejarik match.
  • Just... Star Destroyers. When you see a huge, imposing warship from an evil Empire, this is the granddaddy they all look up to.
  • The moon sized space stations that zap other planets to bits? They’re pretty neat.
  • Werner Herzog, asking if he can look at your baby and assuring you that he will be quiet.
  • Tyber Zann, the Galaxy's greatest crime boss.
  • Absolutely Beautiful Art Deco designs.
  • Star Wars: Visions. Even if you aren't big on Anime, nearly all of the Visions shorts are good to great, and were exactly the sort of "think outside the box" stuff that the franchise needed after the Sequels and Solo came under fire for being too nostalgic.
  • Star Wars: Eclipse's trailer. Those drums...
  • The Andor show, if you've got the patience for it.
  • Oh, did we mention the lightsabers?

See Also:[edit | edit source]

  • Darths & Droids: A webcomic, made using photo-stills of the Star Wars movies to tell a story about gamers blundering through each of the six movies in sequence... though not quite exactly how you might expect. Think DM of the Rings in overall visual style, though unlike DM of the Rings, Darths & Droids features several heavy twists on the actual events of the films, subplots about the players and their lives outside the game alongside the campaign, and a better overall quality of gamer. Whereas DM of the Rings features a railroading DM and players who are therefore somewhat antagonistic to him, Darths & Droids has a GM who adjusts his game to his players' actions and players who generally get along with both him and each other. The plot of DMotR is very similar to that of the movies (but avoids a few plot elements), but the plot (and, indeed, the universe) of Darths & Droids is only very loosely based on the Star Wars films. (For a somewhat spoilery example: "Darth" is a courtesy title for retired Jedi, such as Chancellor Palpatine.)
Star Wars
About: The Franchise, The Setting, The Movies, The Video Games
Television Shows: The Clone Wars, Rebels, Resistance, The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, Disney + Originals
Star Wars Games
Miniature: X-Wing, Armada, Legion
Tabletop: Rebellion
Roleplaying: FFG, WotC (d20), WEG (d6)