Template:D&D-Nonhuman-Deities: Difference between revisions

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1d4chan>Biggus Berrus
Added some entries for the dwarves.
1d4chan>Biggus Berrus
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[[Category:Dungeons & Dragons]][[Category:Gods]]
[[Category:Dungeons & Dragons]][[Category:Dungeons & Dragons Gods]]

Revision as of 11:09, 7 June 2018

The non-human deities of Dungeons and Dragons
Leader Others
Dragons: Io Aasterinian - Astilabor - Bahamut - Chronepsis - Falazure - Garyx - Hlal - Lendys - Tamara - Tiamat
Drow: Lolth Eilistraee - Ghaunadaur - Keptolo - Kiaransalee - Malyk - Selvetarm - Vhaeraun - Zinzerena
Dwarves: Moradin Abbathor - Berronar Truesilver - Clangeddin Silverbeard - Deep Duerra - Dugmaren Brightmantle
Dumathoin - Gorm Gulthyn - Haela Brightaxe - Hanseath - Laduguer - Marthammor Duin - Muamman Duathal
Mya - Roknar - Sharindlar - Thard Harr - Tharmekhûl - Thautam - Ulaa - Valkauna - Vergadain
Elves: Corellon Larethian Aerdrie Faenya - Alobal Lorfiril - Deep Sashelas - Elebrin Liothiel - Erevan Ilesere - Fenmarel Mestarine - Hanali Celanil
Labelas Enoreth - Naralis Analor - Rillifane Rallathil - Sehanine Moonbow - Vandria Gilmadrith - Solonor Thelandira
Giants: Annam Diancastra - Grolantor - Hiatea - Iallanis - Karontor - Memnor - Skoraeus Stonebones - Stronmaus - Surtr - Thrym
Gnomes: Garl Glittergold Baervan Wildwanderer - Baravar Cloakshadow - Callarduran Smoothhands - Flandal Steelskin - Gaerdal Ironhand
Gelf Darkhearth - Nebelun - Rill Cleverthrush - Segojan Earthcaller - The Glutton - Urdlen
Goblinoids: Maglubiyet Grankhul - Hruggek - Khurgorbaeyag
Halflings: Yondalla Arvoreen - Dallah Thaun - Brandobaris - Charmalaine - Cyrrollalee - Sheela Peryroyl - Urogalan
Orcs: Gruumsh Bahgtru - Ilneval - Luthic - Yurtrus - Shargaas
Others: Blibdoolpoolp - Diinkarazan - Diirinka - Great Mother - Gorellik - Ilsensine - Jazirian - Kurtulmak
Merrshaulk - Psilofyr - Quorlinn - Ramenos - Sekolah - Semuanya - Vaprak - Wastri