Marthammor Duin

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Marthammor Duin
Upright Mace Against A Fur-Trimmed Leather Boot
Aliases The Finder, Finder-of-Trails, the Hammer, the Wanderer, the Watcher over Wanderers, the Watchful Eye
Alignment Neutral Good
Divine Rank Lesser God
Pantheon Morndinsamman (Dwarf)
Portfolio Adventuring, Exploring, Expatriates, Travelers, Wanderers, The Lost
Domains 2E: All, Astral, Combat, Creation, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Protection, Sun, Travelers, Weather minor Animal, Charm, Elemental (Earth), Necromantic, Plant, Summoning
3E: Dwarf, Good, Protection Travel
4E: Earth, Wilderness
5E: Nature, Trickery
Home Plane 2E: Cavern of Rest (Outlands)
3E: Dwarfhome
Worshippers Dwarven Explorers, Adventurers, Travelers, Expatriates, Wanderers, Rangers, Fighters
Favoured Weapon Glowhammer (Mace)

Marthammor Duin (Finder-of-Trails, the Watcher over Wanderers, the Watchful Eye, the Hammer, the Finder, the Wanderer) is the God of Travel and Exploration in the Morndinsamman, the Dwarf Gods of Dungeons & Dragons. He contested this role for a short time with Muamman Duathal, but ultimately wrested it from that rival and subsumed him.

First appearing in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons splatbook of "Dwarves Deep", for the Forgotten Realms, Marthammor was subsequently expanded in "Demihuman Deities", an ostensibly Realms-exclusive splatbook that was, in practice, the best source on demihuman faiths for any setting, beause Realmslore was already trying to push Greyhawk out of the spotlight. He returned with the rest of his brethren from that book in 3e's "Faiths and Pantheons", again marketed for the Realms, and then in 5e's "Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide" and "Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes".

Marthammor has one of the odder portfolios in the Morndinsamman, at least, this was the case when he was just starting out, when dwarves were defined as basically preferring to stay underground and/or at home at all times. And yet Marthammor is the patron of all dwarves who not only have to make trips across the surface, but also of those who choose to live on the surface alongside the human, elf, gnome and halfling races. All of these "Wanderers", as they are called, make offerings to him for good fortune, and he is the patron of all dwarves who choose to become adventurers or explorers.

Of course, such an odd portfolio requires an odd god. Dwarves would bristle if you said that Marthammor acts more like a gnome than a dwarf, but would ultimately concede it's not an inaccurate claim. He's open and friendly, and possesses a strong sense of curiosity about what lies over the next horizon. Extroverted, he's far less xenophobic than most dwarves (or dwarven gods), and takes a keen interest in the doings of the multiverse as a whole. He takes the form of a thin, raven-bearded dwarf, typically dressed in natural-colored leather armor & furs and often carrying a rough, home-made walking stick whittled from a suitable branch or sapling. He is one of the younger members of the Morndinsamman, and doesn't get on well with his more lawful kin - although he does get on very well with Dugmaren Brightmantle, as they find a common cause in their overlapping portfolio.

The dogma of the Marthammorian church is simple: "If the Children of Moradin are to survive as a race, they must adapt, grow, and learn to dwell in harmony with other good races, particularly humans. The Stout Folk must be encouraged to emerge from the illusory safety of their hidden delves and find true security in fellowship with humankind and demihumankind. Help fellow wanderers and sojourners in the world, giving all that is needful. Guide those who are lost and guard those who are defenseless. Seek out new ways and new paths, and discover the wide world in your wanderings. Herald the way of newfound hope."

Marthammor is known to manifest in four different ways to help dwarves, or, more rarely, dwarven allies:

  • A glowing illusory mace may appear to troubled dwarves and slowly float in a direction that will lead them to the safest way or just the best way to proceed.
  • A glowing, blue-white disembodied hand will appear before dwarves to signal them to stop when they are in danger of stumbling into precipices, pit-traps or other dangers, before pointing out either the location of the danger or a safer route to take.
  • When the homes of dwarves are being robbed, a mace of pulsing light may materialized, clashing against the surfaces to create a clamour to rouse the occupants and even striking out at thieves.
  • In the case of an imminent invasion or other natural disaster that dwarven residents cannot hope to defeat, Marthammor will appear in their dreams to warn them to flee; if none are sleeping, he will manifest as a glowing illusion of his symbol that will speak his warning, shouting for all to hear... though woe betide the wizard who tries to emulate this, as Marthammor will send his avatar - often backed by those of Clangeddin Silverbeard and Gorm Gulthyn - to teach the upstart a lesson.

Marthammor's faith is a fairly niche group in AD&D, being restricted to dwarf "wanderers"; those who choose to explore the surface or live alongside humans. His priests tend to live semi-nomadic existences; constantly creating & marking trails through the wilderness and establishing way-caches of food & supplies, as well as patroling their routes in order to provide aide for any dwarves they meet along the way.

Indeed, it is said that when particularly diligent servants of Marthammor die, their ghosts continue their routines by guarding trails, delves and mountain passes they worked amongst in life; when dwarves or dwarven allies are lost in such places, such as during blizzards or storms, the phantasms of these priests appear and silently gesture for these lost travelers to follow them to safety.

The priesthood of Marthammor is appealing to renegades amongst the dwarves; as such, he has never been as strictly gender-segregated as the other Morndinsamman were prior to the Time of Troubles. Unlike most dwarven faiths, priests of the Watcher only pray underground on holy days or for the most important rituals, when they seek out purely natural and unaltered caves; otherwise, he is worshipped on stony tors under moonless nights. Marthammor's temples always consist of a simple stone cairn of wooden tripod that supports a stone hammer or mace, head uppermost. Prayers are done standing whilst looking at the hammer, seeking Marthammor's guidance as to where they are needed and what they have done wrong or poorly. Marthammor's priests rely on divine visions to determine where they are supposed to go - who will guard specific temples, who will explore particular areas, and so forth.

Specialty priests are called "trailblazers". Novitiates in the priesthood are called the Lost, whilst full priests are Watchful Eyes, who ascend through the ransks of Sun Seeker, Far Wanderer, Trail Finder, Vigilant Guardian, Stalward Protector, and Valiant Hammer.

Priests of Marthammor wear gray robes and maroon overtunics emblazoned on both the front and back with a watchful eye symbol over the holy symbol of Marthammor. When adventuring, they favor cloaks of camouflage colors - gray, or mottled green, brown & gray - over armor, and they particularly favor the use of hamemrs and staves. Glowstones are particularly prized by adventuring Marthammorites.

The discovery of river-polished stones, especially in rivers leading to human settlements, is a sign of Marthammor's pleasure. His disfavor is indicated by getting lost, or being haunted by the phantasmal whining and growling of animals (especially dogs) that nobody else can seem to hear.

Holy days to Marthammor are hard to determine because, unlike most of the gods in Demihuman Deities, they're exclusively tied to dates on the Forgotten Realms calender. It says that "each festival day in the Calendar of Harptos", and the ninth day after each festival day, are holy days, as is the ninth day after Shieldmeet. On most holy days, followers of Marthammor burn used ironwork and dwarf-made footwear as a sacrifce to honor their god; this is voluntary, but every member of the faithful should do it at least once per year.

The specific list of Faerunian holy days are:

  • Midwinter ("The Rooting"): Celebrates the reforging of ties to the dwarven homelands.
  • 9th of Alturiak ("The Rebirth"): Celebrates the (re)emergence of dwarven wanderers from their peoples' mountain fastnesses.
  • Greengrass ("The Wind"): Celebrates new discoveries.
  • 9th of Mirtul ("The Wayfaring"): Celebrates extended sojourns in the homelands of other races.
  • Midsummer ("The Hammer"): Celebrates dwarven craftsmanship and creativity.
  • 9th of Eleasias ("The Anvil"): Celebrates dwarven craftsmanship and creativity.
  • Highharvestide ("The Thunderbolt"): Prayers are made for guidance in any upcoming battles.
  • 9th of Leafall ("The Fulmination"): Prayers are made for guidance in any upcoming battles.
  • The Feast of the Moon ("The Beacon"): Celebrates the path revealed by Marthammor.
  • 9th of Nightal ("The Runestone"): Celebrates the knowledge learned by interacting with other cultures.

Faeruian worshippers of Marthammor also celebrate Shieldmeet as "The Shepherding", a day when they are expected to introduce the hidden to their human and demihuman neighbors.

Marthammor passed into 3rd edition with only minimal changes, reflecting the slightly less xenophobic nature of dwarves in that edition. His faithful gained their own Dwarven name; volamtar ("blazers of fresh trails"), and his dogma got a little more... aggressively pro-dwarven: "Eschew the illusory safety of the clanhold and instead travel widely to spread the words of the Morndinsamman to those of other races, that they might gain the product of dwarven wisdom. Help fellow wanderers and sojourners to the best of your ability, for the road is easier endured amid the tread of companionship. Seek out new ways and paths, and discover the wide world in your wanderings. Herald the way of newfound hope."

In 4th edition, like most of the Morndinsamman, he was downgraded from a god to an exarch of Moradin, and so didn't receive any independent clerical writeups. Still, if you knew the lore from the last editions, you could easily replicate him by making a Good-aligned dwarf cleric with the Earth and Wilderness domains (and arguably others) from Divine Power.

In 5th edition, Marthammor returned as the dwarven god of wanderers in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, and was subsequently reprinted in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. In the latter sourcebook, the long-forgotten Muamman Duathal returned. Neither sourcebook presented any information beyond his portfolio, alignment, holy symbol and associated domains, though.