Ilneval | ||
Bloodied longsword | ||
Aliases | The Horde Leader, the Lieutenant of Gruumsh, the War Maker | |
Alignment | Lawful Evil | |
Divine Rank | Intermediate God | |
Pantheon | Orcish | |
Portfolio | Warfare | |
Domains | 3E: Courage, Destruction, Evil, Mysticism, War 5E: War |
Home Plane | Nishrek (Acheron) | |
Worshippers | Orc Warlords and Commanders | |
Favoured Weapon | Longsword |

Ilneval is the Orc God of War in Dungeons & Dragons. Whilst this may seem redundant at a glance, Ilneval is essentially the Orcish equivalent of Athena, whilst his rival Bahgtru is the Orcish Ares; Ilneval focuses on leadership in battle, strategy, cunning and courage - a god for orcish generals and commanders, not so much the common orc grunt. Whilst Gruumsh doesn't trust Ilneval due to his intelligence, he is useful enough that the One-Eyed God tolerates him for now, especially in their endless battles against the goblinoid gods.
Karaash[edit | edit source]
Karaash | ||
Huge two handed greatsword with wicked looking edges on its upper part | ||
Aliases | Ilneval | |
Alignment | True Neutral | |
Divine Rank | Initiate Immortal | |
Pantheon | Mystaran (Thought) | |
Portfolio | Warfare, tactics | |
Domains | Thought, War, Strength | |
Worshippers | Humanoids | |
Favoured Weapon | Greatsword |
In Mystara, Ilneval is an alias for the orc Immortal Karaash, the patron of humanoids, especially orcs.
History[edit | edit source]
Karaash was once a mighty king who lead great hordes of orcs in ravaging and pillaging cities and kingdoms, making him a hero amongst the orcs. He eventually reached Immortality, suprisingly choosing the Sphere of Thought.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Karaash appears as a orc in the prime of his life, wearing a spiked and fanged suit of plate, and carrying his greatsword, and his symbol, at his side.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Karaash is a war-leader, stern, uncompromising, and composed, with a fondness for proving his strength in battle. He has noa real allies, though he shares a mutual respect for Halav. He hates Atzanteotl for interfering with his favored races, and Ranivorus for trying to gain the hold over the Krugel Horde.