Primordial Evolution Game

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Revision as of 17:06, 10 July 2012 by 1d4chan>AwesomePoe (Western Tribes)
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Worem evolution. Too big for thumbnail ->
Fus Evolution.

Primordial Evolution Game is a series of evolution, tribal and civ games being run in /tg/.

This article will be expanded with pictures and descriptions of the creatures created by the participants, as well as timelines, lineages, tribes, and technologies connected to them. As soon as I dredge up the foolz archives and suptg archives.

Evolution Games


Main Article: Ocean

Life springs forth in the sea. From three small creatures comes an ocean of diversity. In this page you will read about the evolution of the Sluck, Worem, and Fus, which produced the Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, and Pluup. Creatures of special note are the Blade Worem which became the super predator of the sea in its time, the Shield Worem which had an extremely successful population, and the Colony Fus which was the first example of inter-species cooperation.

Amphibious And First Land Creatures

Main Article: First Land

Life begins again. The creatures from the Ocean thread dragged themselves onto dry Land. In this thread we see the first example of a complete ecosystem. The Evolva become floating platforms to host the loyal Frowg and the less-than-loyal Stalck. And Wesck are marauders in the Sky. Flouz became very adaptable, having more mutations than the other species. The hostile Yantar learn to welcome Glund into their roots, creating an effective nesting structure. During the first Land thread, a new form of life crashes into the plant, the jelly LemUy.

Central Continent Desert

Main Article: Central Desert ((pics and rest of Wespar come later something about

dual parasitism becoming symbiosis

Western Continent

Main Article: Western Continent

















Island Archipelago





Tribal Games

Western Tribes


A Melova tribe


Plains Frowgmen tribe of the Frilla Woods. They are friendly and have an interest in trading. Having neutral relations with the Tundra Frowgmen, they acknowledged their similarity and were open to trading between them. Their dress was exceptional using various dyes and accessories.


The nest of Glund in the Southern Marshes


A Melova tribe that settled the Northwestern coast. They designed a suitable hut for their unique needs. They worship the sun and the trees as sources of life and energy. They called themselves the /wiggle wiggle screech flap/, which loosely translates as Jenter.


Tundra Frowgmen tribe of the North. They are hardy and curious. They lived under the shadow of the Tundra mountain range. The Kunna peak was often attempted but ultimately unreachable. Through forethought and sideways thinking, they developed a friendly relationship with the Ta’mirel, a warrior tribe to the west. They merged with the Fo’wil tribe through intermarriage and council between elders. From this union came the greater tribe Lastér.


The greater Frowgman tribe Lastér. Through wisdom and forethought they created the government and infrastructure of the Northern Tundra. With the alliance of other Tundra tribes such as the Ta’mirel and the Onolkeshan, they formalized the politics of the Enclave. Within there were conflicts between the traditionalist, those who wanted to keep their Lem allies, and the patriots, who thought the Frowg were better separated from their neighbors.


A lone Vyrii Tribe separated from the rest of the Continent by the Kunaban Mountain Range. The Mo'Shunka tribe toiled long and hard to carve out a meager existence for themselves in the barren, unforgiving islands of the north. Their development was isolated from other Tribes. When they moved south they quickly came into conflict with the Enclave, a collection of allied Tundra Tribes.


The tribal Hoppa that wandered and settled the Southern River. Heavily focused on the Herd, they developed shamanistic beliefs based on their ability to control other hoppa through pheromones. After their nomadic journey was stalled in fertile lands, the Nad’lun experimented with agriculture and settled the river banks. They created ships to travel and fought the River Slizer that threatened their settlement.


The tribal Hoppa that separated from the Nad’lun during their wandering. Their herd suffered predation. In response they grew fearsome and aggressively raided others. They stole the ships of the Nad’lun and discovered alcohol and narcotics. They became the pirates of the South.


The wisemen Lem tribe of the North. Leadership of the tribe is hereditary. When the leader self-divides, the two Lem fight to the death. The one to survive takes leadership of the tribe. They held a caution for the seas which hampered their ship making. They closely guarded their knowledge and technology. Under false pretenses they joined the Enclave, a coalition of North Tribes of Lem and Frowgmen. This caused internal strife which resolved just before the Tomorrow War.


The tribe of Lem on the island.


A Lem hunter tribe of the North tundra. Having strong belief but no social tact. They are held together by alien familiarity. Individual memories are shared with the whole tribe after death. Lem that survive reproduce by self-division each new Lem having the memories of the old. Early in their development, they started believing in a end-of-the-world war they called the Tomorrow War. This led to rapid development of war technology over agriculture or government. Their beliefs were vindicated by the Vyrii Invasion.

Legends of the Western Continent

Central Tribes





M'wa Dyp






Eastern Tribes

Ca'rethil: Joord tribe played by NOTRIPFORTHEHIVE (also known as NO TRIP and formerly as Burrahn)

Gwiliak: Govkar tribe played by Nad (formerly known as Nad'lun)

Kaze: Skulk tribe played by Gaghiel EXTINCT

Kharum: Govkar tribe played by Onolkeshan

Mohu'awane: Gantu tribe played by FortuneHost

Sama'Guchy: Skulk tribe played by Kilo

Silith: Govkar tribe played by Solomon

Za'zas'iel: Skulk tribe played by nongent

Great Bord Empire

How the mighty have fallen.

Hooo-boy. You better sit down for this one. Basically, the Bord started as a joke, but now they're a huge part of Primordial canon. Alright, the basics: the Bord are an avian species of sentient aliens that rule a vast interstellar empire beyond the world on which Primordial takes place. They're technologically advanced, militarily capable, and we have no idea where they come from. All their vehicles look like effigies of themselves, and there's a possibility they might be fascistic.

In-Universe History

Honestly? We know very little of the Bord beyond when they crashed onto the planet. Scattered hints tell of a mighty and vainglorious people, one that has technology take care of their every need, leaving the average citizen weak and helpless with their machine-servants to cater to their every whim.

Brainstorming has been conducted by co-host nongent, players: Nad, FortuneHost, and NOTRIPFORTHEHIVE (usually shortened to NOTRIP) and a helpful guest named Deus vs. Machina (host of the Convergence games), but there is little concrete information at this time.

FortuneHost has revealed that IG has BIG plans for the Bord in the future. Beyond that, though, Fortune's keeping his lips sealed. What was it that he and Indonesian Gentleman talked about? What secrets were revealed to this no-name attention whore that even the co-host nongent has not been made aware of? Your guess is as good as ours, dear reader.

Origins IRL

The Bord were a small, fat, pudgy race of birds native to the tundra region. Problem was, IG couldn't figure out how to explain their presence in that region. A joke image from NOTRIP showed the Bord emerging from a crashed spaceship, as if they had flown and landed there from another world. Players liked the idea so much, IG eventually took it and ran with it, and it was soon made canon.

The Bord later returned during the ocean reef games, where some toxic waste dumped into the world's oceans bore a familiar symbol on the side, the symbol of the Bord Empire. Cue a cutaway to Bord politicans denying any pollution of the waters of "Borgas IV", the Bord's name for the planet that comprises Primordial's setting.


{SectionalPromotions}} Left broken for now.

Archived Thread Links


1. Primordial Ocean foolz archive

2. Primordial Land I. foolz archive

3. Primordial Land II.

4. Islands Archipelago

5. Tundra I.

6. Tundra II. foolz archive

7. Ancient Abyss foolz archive

8. Ancient Desert I. foolz archive

9. Ancient Desert II. foolz archive

10. Ancient Desert III. foolz archive

11. Sandbar Island foolz archive

12. Ancient Reef I. foolz archive

13. Ancient Reef II.

14. (Modern) Reef III.

15. Eastern Continent I.

16. Eastern Continent II. foolz archive

17. Eastern Continent III.

18. Southern Caverns I. foolz archive

19. Southern Caverns II. foolz archive

20.Southern Continent I. foolz archive

21.Southern Continent II. foolz archive

22.Southern Continent III. foolz archive


1. Western Continent I foolz archive

2. Western Continent II foolz archive

3. Western Continent III foolz archive

4. Western Continent IV foolz archive

5. Central Continent I foolz archive

6. Central Continent II foolz archive

7. Central Continent III foolz archive

8. Eastern Continent I foolz archive

9. Eastern Continent II foolz archive

10. Eastern Continent III foolz archive

11. Eastern Continent IV foolz archive

12. Eastern Continent Final foolz archive


Central Desert Discussion Thread foolz archive

Fortune Evolution Game Discussion Thread 6 Contains some discussion on the Bord.

Ancient East Tribal Discussion I

Ancient East Tribal Discussion II foolz archive Technically the beginning of Tribal, but for the most part until the end, it's discussion.