Tyranid Harpy

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Harpies in 6th Edition. If its weapons aren't deadly enough than its scream would be the end of you. Just don't bring a Harpy to a Valkyrie fight.
When you thought there are no Harridans around, and when you also thought that Gargoyles weren't bad enough.

The Tyranid Harpy is a Flying Monstrous Creature that is meant to hunt enemy infantry or tanks. A Harpy is a large winged species of Tyranid comparable to a winged Trygon. They appear at the initial stages of Tyranid attacks working together with the similarly winged Gargoyles and other flying individuals of the Tyranid host.

A Harpy has a long and sinuous body with massive leathery wings and a broad, armoured head. To better harness thermal currents, its body is hollow, resulting in it being relatively fragile compared to Tyranid creatures of similar size. However it has superior agility in the air than even technological fighter-craft can manage.

The Harpies' undersides are covered in bloated cysts that can rain down Spore Mines onto luckless prey. It can also emit an ear-splitting shriek that might rupture eardrums and is excruciatingly painful or even fatal, and at the very least causes disorientation. It may also be given twin-linked Stranglethorn Cannons, Heavy Venom Cannons or Scything Talons, equipped according to the tactical needs of the Hive Fleet. Opportunistic by nature, Harpies avoid protracted assaults, preferring instead strafing runs and swooping dives, or engaging enemy skimmers ill-suited to fighting back. Their shriek is what gave them their name and their relation to the Trygons is a highly argued topic by the Magos Biologis of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Although it is a flyer and despite what fluff may dictate, it's mostly useless against other flyers, as its primary weapons cannot hit airborne target. Possibly related to Hive Tyrants and/or Harridans.

Tyrannic Bio-Organisms
Leader Organisms: Broodlord - Hive Tyrant - Neurotyrant - Norn Queen - Tyranid Warrior
Small Creatures: Barbgaunt - Gargoyle - Genestealer - Hormagaunt
Neurogaunt - Ripper - Spinegaunt - Termagant
Medium Size
Biovore - Hive Guard - Lictor - Neurothrope - Parasite of Mortrex - Pyrovore
Ravener - Tyrant Guard - Venomthrope - Von Ryan's Leaper - Zoanthrope
Monstrous Creatures: Carnifex (Screamer-Killer - Stone Crusher - Thornback) - Dimachaeron
Exocrine - Haruspex - Malanthrope - Maleceptor - Mawloc
Psychophage - Tervigon - Toxicrene - Trygon - Tyrannofex
Gargantuan Creatures: Cerebore - Dactylis - Hierodule - Malefactor - Nautiloid - Viragon
Flying Creatures: Harpy - Harridan - Hive Crone - Mucolid Spore
Bio-Titans: Dominatrix - Hierophant - Hydraphant - Viciator
Floral Structures: Capillary Tower - Reclamation Pool
Spaceborne Creatures: Ether-Swimming Brood - Mycetic Spore - Tyrannocyte
Other Organisms: Bio-Weapons - Cortex Leech - Meiotic Spore - Neurocyte
Neuroloid - Spore Mine - Sporocyst - Zoats
Unique Creatures: Deathleaper - Laius Horror - Old One-Eye - The Red Terror - Swarmlord
Auxiliaries: Genestealer Cult