
The Psychophage is a new species of Tyranid that first made its debut in 10th Edition. Looking suspiciously similar to the Venomcrawler, we in /tg/ aren't too sure whether it was a case of genuine convergent evolution, or that the Hive Mind grew 'inspired' by the Venomcrawler after attacking a few samples.
Overview[edit | edit source]
These guys is a new addition to the Mawlocs and Haruspexes exclusive club of having the biggest OM NOM NOM. The Psychophage however, does try to make an attempt to differentiate itself from its cousins. As its name heavily implies, the Psychophage specialises in shoving psykers into its gurgly, gassy bloated belly.
They have evolved to have a digestive tract that is able to metabolise psychic lifeforms into psychocorrosive ash, which it projects forward in blistering psychoclastic torrents from its assholes spinal ducts; turning the creature into a psychic organic furnace. Now what these 'psychoclastic torrents' do, we have no idea, possibly covering the landscape in a corrosive cloud of psychic dampening fields, akin to a localised Shadow of the Warp effect. The mass of whipping tentacles around their gaping maw can strip the mind from psykers before they can lift their sorcerous weaponry in defence.
These guys are also quite tough, being protected by a layer of Armoured Exoskeleton. So it is best to bring out your flotilla of anti-tank weapons when needed.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Proving that GW will steal from anything, not even themselves.