
Neurogaunts are a new species hailing from the Gauntii genus that first made its debut in 10th Edition. They are one of the two new Gaunt species being introduced, with the other being the Barbgaunts.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Neurogaunts are a Tyranid bioform, which serve as crucial relays for the Synapse network, and bodyguards for those that would focus it. To fulfill their task, Neurogaunts are hosts for parasitic Neurocytes. Larger Nodebeasts can be distinguished by the bulbous growth on their backs, while the smaller gaunts chitter around it with sharp claws and teeth.
Now the difference between a Nodebeast and a regular Neurogaunt is that the former acts more like a squad leader. It is slightly larger, has exposed brain matter, and has more Chitin armour, making it slightly tougher.
Neurogaunts as aforementioned, are living psychic relays and sub-stations, which allows a Synapse creature to further expand its psychic influence over the battlefield. They also act as crucial meatshields for said Synapse creature, making them pretty important overall. They are close-combat specialists, so all of them are armed with Claws and Teeth and a pair of Scything Talons.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
Crunchwise, in 10th Edition, Neurogaunts behave like your typical Gaunt. Fast but very squishy and weak. Movement of 6", T3, SV6+, W1, LD8+, OC1. Their only weapon, their claws and teeth, is A1, WS4+, S3, AP0, D1. What you want your Neurogaunts is to enhance the range of your Synapse, since these are cheap, disposable Synapse routers that would greatly create redundancy in your army.
These creatures can also act as a retinue for a Neurotyrant, giving the giant floating brain a wall of disposable bodies but limiting their abilities as Synapse boosters.
Gallery[edit | edit source]