- – An Imperial Guardsman shitting himself after seeing a Neurotyrant liquify someone's brain for biomass

The Neurotyrant is a new species of Tyranid that first made its debut in 10th Edition. They are the literal big brains of all Tyranid psychic units that makes the like of a Zoanthrope look as psychically neutered as a Tau.
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Gigachads of Synapse creatures, Neurotyrants are a Tyranid bioform which acts as a focusing node for the Shadow in the Warp, liquifying the minds of its prey as it orchestrates hordes of Tyranids to victory. Yes, these guys are the Hive Mind's personal psychic internet router. The god damn Hive Tyrants of psychic Tyranids.
The Neurotyrant is a support-focused creature. It hovers across terrain much like a Zoanthrope. It sports a multitude of thrashing tendrils to whip at anything within reach. Its giant brain exists to focus the mental powers of the Tyranids, increasing the psychic pressure exerted by the Shadow in the Warp while simultaneously relaying the critical Synapse network to less developed creatures.
It is supported by two Neuroloid psychic bodyguards that act as a support unit to that support unit and is protected by a thick Armoured Exoskeleton, so it ain't a squishy wizard you can squash.