
The Swarmlord, also known as Schwarmfuhrer (due to his first leaked images comming from german WD scans, also it sounds way cooler), Gargamel (owing to how he fucked over Papa Smurf) and also the Trumplord (owing to how the leader of the Tyranids impressive 8th edition rules was the first indicator that 8th edition Tyranids are making a comeback as a force to be reckoned with), is one of the few Tyranid character with a little bit of personality. Essentially the Granddaddy of all Hive Tyrants, the Swarmlord is the Creed of the Tyranid army, and also the most intelligent, cunning and experienced Hive Tyrant of the swarm. Whenever the Hive Mind can't overwhelm the opposition with sheer numbers or adapting new tactics, it spawns the Swarmlord, and he gets shit done. And besides being a super-general, the Swarmlord is also a close combat monster and powerful psyker, capable of facing off with the Despoiler himself. Although it should be noted this is only in Crunch as, in Fluff, the Swarmlord has rarely managed to win a fight against serious opposition and is weaker than Marneus Calgar in a duel, meaning Abaddon is most likely the stronger fighter in the actual narrative.
He's also immortal, as his memories and personality are constantly saved by the hive mind and are placed in brand new shiny body if the previous one got blasted apart with massed melta fire. While the hive mind could potentially spawn a new Swarmlord without the previous one being slain, which could lead to multiple Swarmlords on different battlefields, no evidence of such cloning exists. However, if the Macragge Swarmlord is still alive, hibernating under the surface of the planet, there ARE at least two Swarmlords in the Galaxy.
He's something of an Ensemble Darkhorse on /tg/, well liked and thought of as incredibly badass. Shitting all over Calgar probably has something to do with it.
He serves as the Super-Heavy unit of the Tyranid Army in Dawn of War 2.
List of deeds
- First seen on Tyran, leading Hive Fleet Behemoth's final assault on a Mechanicum outpost. Not quite clear why, because the battle was pretty one-sided, although he could have been gathering more data about human warfare.
- Showed up on Macragge and kicked major ass, outclassing Marneus Calgar in both tactics and close combat. He cut off Papa Smurf's limbs, guts and one eye, but due to plot armor, failed to kill him. The honor guard managed to recover their Chapter Master thanks to the
force-feedingheroic sacrifice of their commander to the Swarmlord to buy some time. While the Ultramarines withdrew to the space, the Swarmlord led his forces to the polar fortresses to omnomnom the First Company and Ultramar PDF. And he succeeded. Unfortunately, the space battle for Macragge hadn't gone so well, mainly because the Imperial Fleet had the balls of steel Ultrasmurfs lacked; while the Tyranids won the planet, they lost the war. It's not quite clear what had happened to the Swarmlord, as his body was never found. It's possible that he's still under the surface of Macragge, waiting for a new hive fleet.
- It's likely that the The Great Beast, who lead Hive Fleet Kraken's invasion on Craftworld Iyanden was the Swarmlord itself. The Avatar of Khaine attempted to goad the creature in single combat during the fighting. However, the Swarmlord, not really knowing nor giving a damn about honorable duels and such, tricked The Avatar into getting shit kicked by twelve Carnifexes. It also avoided all Eldar attempts to assassinate him until the corsair prince Yriel finally managed to stab him in the face with a cursed spear. (If you look closely at the wording used, it's more likely to be a Hive Tyrant with Armoured Carpace.)
- Showed leading Hive Fleet Leviathan at the last years of M41, where it once planned and executed multiple simultaneous and devastating attacks on Hodur Sector, resulted in omnomnoming two dozens of imperial worlds (including one space marine chapter home world) in less then two months. Such a rapid and unstoppable Tyranid advance is rumored to be the main reason for inquisitor Kryptman's decision to launch his infamous mass-exterminatus cordon project and stolen-genestealer project to redirect Leviathan into an ork empire.
- Launched a campaign against Vior'Los, where he faced off in a Duel against Farsight and got his ass kicked.
- Now he's rumored to be in the Octarius empire, pwning Orks. It was going well, but then the Eldar went and purged the entire system of all life, and after that Ghazgkhull showed up, hopped up on WAAAAGH energy and blessed by the direct intervention of Gork and Mork themselves.
The Reality
The truth of the Swarmlord's 'achievements' in the actual story are a lot more dubious though. The Swarmlord itself has rarely, if ever, won a battle against another major enemy faction, usually only winning if its enemies are unknown members of some barely mentioned group not encountered till it fought them, and this 'fearsome' Tyranid 'master strategist' has lost almost every major battle its been involved in, from Macragge to Ichar and again on Kolovan (in particular if the Swarmlord is ever going up against an Ultramarine named character, then you know the war is as good as lost for the Tyranid already).
His reputation as a dangerous fighter is also a little more suspect in the fluff. Despite being described as the 'Pinnacle of Tyranid Evolution' and, thus, something akin to a Tyranid Primarch, the Swarmlord has fallen in combat numerous times when fighting against opponents you'd think a super-duper Hive Tyrant grown to specifically be the 'best of the best' the Tyranid have to offer should be able to beat. The Swarmlord has only ever had one proper fight with Marneus Calgar, in which the two squared off without minions assisting them, and the Swarmlord lost that battle quite handily. Ortan Cassius has killed the Swarmlord too, actually, and the Swarmlord has absolutely no impressive one-on-one victories in the fluff against any known major character.
To date the only significant enemy the Swarmlord has fought a campaign against and not lost is when it battled Khorne's Blood Crusade to a tie, although it should be noted it only achieved this with the assistance of Ghazghkull and his Orks.
All in all the reality is that, if the Swarmlord is the pinnacle of Tyranid evolution, then things don't necessarily look so bad, as this Hive Tyrant consistently fails the moment it meets any serious resistance. Like Ghazghkull and Abaddon the Swarmlord is yet another enemy who is far more hyped then it deserves, seeing as it has lost almost every well-known fight it has been involved in. Unlike the former two examples it is true the Swarmlord at least tends not to run away like a coward, but the end result is that the Swarmlord has simply died more often as it has never achieved anything via this approach.

On the tabletop
The Swarmlord is one of the most deadly and expensive HQs in the game, being able to buff his army and slaughter almost anything in close combat with high weapon skill instant death attacks. It is as vulnerable to anti-tank fire as any other Tyrant with only one extra wound and a basic tyrant armor save, but more survivable in close combat due to a 4++ he gets from parrying attacks with his swords. There are only a couple HQ models outside Apocalypse capable of killing a Swarmlord in a challenge with a chance of or better than 50% - Primarchs, Draigo, Lysander, Abaddon and Skarbrand primarily, but also anything with a lot of high strength/AP attacks, anything that causes instant death or anyone that has Eternal Warrior, and even that doesn't save them sometimes most of the time. Give him a unit of Tyrant Guard and he's damn near unstoppable. If you have a friend who is a Blood Angels player who won't shut up about how powerful Mephiston is, just say "Swarmlord" and you instantly end/win any ensuing argument. Also it's hilarious.
And then, 6th edition happened. It lost Eternal Warrior, and Tyranids as a whole lost access to the main book psychic powers, including their buffs. And he lost his special rule that made enemies reroll successful invuln saves, AND got 5 point price increase as a final slap in the face. What does he get from all of this? One additional attack and he's level 3 psyker. ONE, UNO, EIN attack and ML3 when there isn't really much to use it on due to the Tyranid psychic table being at most decent-ish and unspectacular, and he gets less rolls for powers than he used to. Christ...
Given the removal of the Parasite, the nerfs to walking Hive Tyrants (R.I.P armored shell), and the obscene overcosting of Primes, the general theory on why the Swarmlord and other Tyranid HQs was hit so hard is that GW wants to promote sales of Flyrants and Tyrant Guard which are not only big and expensive models, but big and expensive models you have to buy a lot of. Everyone already had walkrants, most people only ever got one swarmlord, and the prime is a rather small model by GW standards. Tyrant Guard weren't spectacularly buffed, but Flyrants are one of the clear winners of the new book.
The Swarmlord however, is likely going to be sitting this edition out unless a new FAQ, Dataslate, Supplement, or Forgeworld book allows Tyranids to roll on BRB powers, and maybe give him back his rerolls while they're at it. So ends a year and a half of true glory, replaced with bitter mediocrity and memories of godhood now lost.
8th Ed Updates

So 8th edition was released and now we finally get to talk about the brand new Swarmlord.
- 12 wound - not so much and it's more then 10, so he is able to be targeted despite being a character. But Tyrant Guards.
- Move 9" - Great and this can be potentially doubled.
- Two casts in psychic phase and two denies - Good when dealing with armies that use Psykers for their ranged abilities, or just in general.
- No shooting weapons? Fuck off. I better go and advance again - yeah, this bastard is able to move again in the shooting phase or let any other unit within 6" do the same.
- His fucking charge - 7 attacks (take the warlord trait that gives him +1 attack for even more rape), minus one cause tail (one attack with tail with 0 AP), but still on 2+, Strenght 8, AP-3 (yeah, marines still have 6+), but D6 damage.
- All tyrants have a 5+ invulnerable save, but the Swarmlord's gets upped to 4+ against wounds caused by Melee weapons.
Still not sure how capable of assrape he is? Put him in a motherfucking tyrannocyte and he is sure to kick someone's ass. Really hard. To death. Even Magnus, Guilliman, Knights, or any HARDTOKILL shit that your opponent thinks is impossible to kill.
This monster chooses his target, comes and gets it. Every time. Always. Just like he was always meant to.
Side Note: it is widely speculated that The hive mind tracked down and Devoured Kenshiro to Upgrade the Swarmlord, his biomass was recycled and his DNA repurposed to strengthen the swarmlords genes. RIP kenshiro, he is already dead.
The Swarmlord and a certain tactical genius team up. Can I get a "Hell yeah!", people?
El Señor de la Horda y su corcel, el Terror Rojo.