The Taurox is a vehicle used by the Imperial Guard serving as a low cost APC. By comparison to the other Dedicated Transport available to the Imperial Guard - the Chimera - the Taurox is less armored (AV 11 on the front instead of 12), is not an Assault vehicle, and can carry less than a Chimera (capacity 10 instead of 12). However, it has several advantages of it's own. The Taurox is considerably faster, less likely to damage itself from moving through Dangerous Terrain and is shootier.
There are two variants of the Taurox. The Taurox and the Stormtrooper exclusive Taurox Prime.
This is available to the regular guard. A fast vehicle that looks a lot like an ork truck and is basically a big Metal Box on top of four smaller Metal Boxes. The Taurox is the faster, more fragile and shootier cousin to the Chimera, having a Twin-linked Autocannon instead of a Multilaser.
Taurox Prime
This is only available to the Stormtroopers. It's basically a version of the Taurox with a Hot-shot volley gun in place of the Autocannons (points can be paid to swap back to the Autocannon) and a Taurox Battle Cannon. The Battle Cannon on the Taurox is a mini version of the Battle Cannon on the Leman Russ; being 48" S7 AP4 Heavy 1, Blast as opposed to the Leman Russ 72" S8 AP3 Ordnance 1, Large Blast. It can be further swapped for a Taurox Gatling Cannon (another mini version of a present weapon, this one having half the shots of a Punisher Gatling Cannon and being Strength 4) or a Taurox Missile Launcher which is basically a Missile Launcher that fires twice.