
When a Magos from the Adeptus Mechanicus reaches his rank as Magos, he is allowed certain special privileges that his lesser kin is disallowed from. One of them is gaining access to a Mechanicum mobility scooter called an Abeyant. This floating pimp-throne is the Mechanicus version of the Sisters of Battle's Pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica, but larger and with more tentacally bits.
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Abeyant is considered in part as a symbol of status as well as a functional tool; an Abeyant is a name given to a class of hovering conveyances into which the rider's augmentic and life support systems are connected so that the machine-vehicle becomes an extension of their own body. Often taking the form of a stylized throne or enclosing scarab-like framework, its levitation suspensor field allows the owner to cross most war-torn battlefields with ease. They are commonly used by high-ranking Techpriests, especially in battlefield situations, with the most infamous being the traitor Heretek Draykavac.
The front hull of the Abeyant itself can be armed with either a Graviton Gun, Conversion Beamer, Rotor Cannon or a Meltagun. It is often accompanied with several Servo-skulls and its entire bottom section is filled with connection cables in case the Magos would like to plug his machine-vehicle into an even larger cogitator, ship or some mechanical monstrosity. Something akin to the Grimdark equivalent of Sega's 32X and CD add-on for the Genesis.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On the Horus Heresy tabletop, these are your special rides for your Magos; this grants 1 Wound, Move Through Cover, Very Bulky, IWND and Hardened Armor (re-rolls failed armour saves from template or blast weapons, but reduces charge, sweep advance and run moves by -1" and counts as Void Hardened in ZM). You'll always want them, but keep in mind that they are rather pricey.