Scylla Light Tank

The Scylla Light Tank is a vehicle used by the Imperial Guard and is a relatively lightly armed but fast and nimble vehicle used for scouting and reconnaissance missions as well as acting as a light support for infantry firefights.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Built from a stripped down Chimera chassis, the Scylla Light Tank is less of a Light Tank and more like a Tankette crossed with a weedy self-propelled gun in terms of function. Due to its stripped down nature, the Scylla is dangerously vulnerable to even the most basic of anti-tank weapons, a single Krak grenade should be suffice to split open the vehicle like an aluminium can. As such, it is designed to work as a support vehicle to act as a force multiplier for Imperial Guard Squads, Chimera divisions, Sentinel Divisions or Leman Russ Battle Tank Divisions.
A single Scylla is not capable of facing a baseline tank, but its weapons are capable of dealing with other light vehicles and enemy infantry. This is not surprising given that the Scylla is surprisingly armed for a vehicle of such small stature; its primary armament consists of a single hull mounted Multi-laser, Lascannon, Heavy Flamer, or Autocannon and can be swapped depending on the driver's preferences. The crew of the Scylla can be as small as one, but a crew of two (Driver and gunner) is still considered the bare minimum for maximum combat efficiency.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
Games Workshop employee Guy Marc Raley, had created the Scylla to be a stand in for his Armoured Sentinels as they function similarly. This makes the Scylla the first canonical DIY Proxy in 40k history.