Ashen Circle

The Ashen Circle was a unique Word Bearers formation during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy and were effectively masters in the art of Scorched Earth.
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Ashen Circle was created to oversee the destruction of culture, learning and faith. Serving alongside Destroyer Squads, these Space Marines were iconoclasts charged with hunting down individuals, works, and relics considered to be of false doctrine, eradicating them with their Hand Flamers. In addition to their flame weapons, Ashen Circle Legionaries were equipped with Jump Packs and Axe-Rake Chain Weapons similar to Assault Marines.
Outside of their weapons, they also carry a healthy complement of Melta Bombs and wear incredibly modified and highly unique looking Mark II: Crusade Armour with a high-collar neck guard, possibly to avoid splash damage from their own weapons.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On the Horus Heresy tabletop, the Ashen Circles are the Word Bearers unique take on Destroyer squads. They aren't Corrupted, but that doesn't really matter as they have the Bitter Duty rule and can only be joined by Moritats anyway, so to make them Corrupted would be a waste of points. But for less than the cost of a Destroyer Assault squads you get a squad armed with Shred AP3 power weapons (Power Axes are gone though), Torrent & Pinning flame pistols, Melta Bombs instead of Rad Grenades, Crusader instead of Counter-attack, and a special upgrade to their Hammer of Wrath attacks that gives them an extra attack at higher strength.
These guys aren't character or Death Star slayers, but they are really good MEQ/GEQ hunters who are able to throw out more wounds than their Destroyer equivalents. Just don't forget they're WS 4 now for some reason, meaning they'll struggle even against WS5 Veterans. Buff them with Favour from the Dark Gods the first chance you get, preferably twice, and watch them gleefully slaughter MEQs, Dreadnoughts and Vehicles.