Vor Nergeth

The Vor Nergeth otherwise more commonly known in Low Gothic as Order of the Procurators were Horus Heresy-era Word Bearers Apothecaries. Instead of being healers, however, these guys were That Guy of combat medics, as the Procurators searched for dead or wounded Loyalist Legionaries in battles, so they could be ritually desecrated in order to summon forth Daemons.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Of particular allure to the Procurators, were the Loyalist's Progenoid Glands as they which proved particularly potent in attracting the most powerful and aggressive beings of the Warp. In order for the summoning to occur, the Procurators tore out the Progenoids of their sacrifices, as they muttered catechisms of damnation in order to secure the Daemons' aid. While this occurred, the Procurators were helped by Word Bearers known as Procurants, who served as their apprentices.
They also served as zealous bodyguards, who were fanatically devoted to the Procurators for the blessed atrocities they committed. As their masters chanted over the dying sacrifices, the Procurants would hack arcane ruins into their victims, which caused the veil to the Warp to weaken. This allowed the Daemons the Procurators had bargained with, to enter Realspace and fall upon the Word Bearers' foes. The ritual would also imbue the Procurators and Procurants with the stolen life force of their victims, which reinvigorated them in a similar fashion to the Dark Eldar. However sometimes the summoned Daemons would reject their sacrifices as being unworthy and they would then attack the Traitor Legion and anyone else that was around them.
Besides using their victims as sacrifices to Daemons, the Procurators would also take body parts as trophies to adorn their power armor with. The Procurators and Procurants could also go to battle equipped with Warhawk Jump Packs.
Outside of their Jump Packs, almost all Vor Nergeth wore Mark IV: Maximus Armour save for the lead Procurator (Who wears Artificer Armour) and carried standard Apothecary equipment like the Narthecium and are armed with Bolt Pistols, Plasma Pistols, Hand Flamers, Chainswords, Power Swords, Powerfists, and Heavy Chainswords alongside a shit load of Frags and Krak Grenades.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On the Horus Heresy tabletop, these guys are essentially a squad of Despoilers with an Apothecary for a squad sergeant. Made up of 4 Procurants and 1 Procurator, the whole unit has Bolt Pistols and Chainswords that can be swapped for Power Weapons or Heavy Chainswords, and one in five can take a Power Fist and swap their Bolt Pistol for a Plasma pistol or Hand-Flamer.
The Procurator has a Narthecium, giving the whole squad a Feel No Pain (5+) and he comes with Artificer Armour as well, meaning the unit can be a little tougher to shift than at first glance. In addition, a Squad of 10 can bring a second Procurator, and a squad of 15 can bring a third. They can't be joined by any Independent Character that doesn't have the Grim Purpose special rule (so nobody can join them at all), but they have a pretty nasty bonus of granting an extra Victory point for every squad they Sweeping Advance on top of giving friendly psykers within 6" an extra d6 that replaces the highest on their psychic tests when casting Diabolism, Anathemata and Harbinger of Chaos powers. Because of this they should be used as a bully unit that goes after smaller or weakened units so you can beat them in melee, sweep them and gain additional victory points.