Commander (Pathfinder)

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Commander is a Spheres of Might class for Pathfinder that helps exemplify the non-combat potential of the system. While a d8 Hit Die and 6+Int skill points isn't too bad, having a poor BAB and limited proficiencies makes them far from fit. Instead, they extensively rely upon the Warleader sphere in order to command their allies around using either AoE tactics or directed shouts. Their options for Enhanced Tactics all serve to improve the effectiveness of this one sphere, while they also have a special standard action they can spend to restore Martial Focus to other practitioners or a morale bonus to any attacks, defenses and saves for those that already have focus or couldn't get it anyway.

Aside from that, the Commander's greatest advantage is their ability to call in help. Aside from their naturally mighty Diplomacy skill (due to Warleader giving max skill ranks in Diplomacy) is their Logistic Specialty feature. This gives them the ability to handle all manner of assistance without needing an additional player by calling in NPCs, between calling in wizards, grabbing discounts on purchases, and finding shortcuts for overland traveling.

Though rather back-field for a commander, they do gain archetypes to change how they boost allies or offer melee capabilities.

  • Bearon replaces the Warleader Sphere with a dependency on the memetic Bear Sphere, gaining the ability to share buffs to others instead of commands. This even comes with special Logistic Specialties that add more bears.
  • Braveheart adds in the Skald's raging song, with a special feat allowing them to blend their tactics into their songs. This does, however, cost them any out-of-combat versatility.
  • Dreadlord dyes the Commander in shades of the Death sphere, gaining not only casting but also a special skeletal minion and variants to Logistic Specialty for more spooky aid.
  • Noble replaces the Warleader sphere with the Cohort part of the Leadership sphere, with the lackey gaining the benefits from the Enhanced Tactics without needing to issue anything.
  • Vanguard makes the Commander better suited for the mid-field or the front, using the aid another action to exceptional effect.

5E[edit | edit source]

The porting to 5E has made the Commander less dependent on any specific sphere in order to operate. Instead of boosting Shouts and Tactics, the Commander instead spends bonus actions to grant allies attacks and spends reactions to add a bonus to ally skill checks with a die of increasing value (giving vibes of Bardic Inspiration but with less set-up). Helping matters is that the lack of BAB means that they aren't so utterly damned to the back lines even if they just stick with simple weapons.

The various subclasses don't dip into casting, but instead give different variations to how the Commander leads their forces.

  • Defender focuses on the Patrol part of the Guardian sphere, giving extra attacks when triggering reactions and being able to use commands to debuff enemies attacking the party.
  • Drill Sergeant gives the Gladiator sphere and the ability to issue commands when using Boasts. The more useful feature is the ability to share a talent with allies during a rest, adding to their effectiveness in combat.
  • General gives you something more akin to the classic PF Commander by providing the Warleader sphere. Not only does this give serious buffs to the sphere's tactics, but it also offers an extra use of Command and buffs to party initiative.
  • Politician provides the Leadership sphere for a special lackey. This is where the ability to call in specialists got ported, here as specialized but temporary lackeys.
The Third Party Classes of Pathfinder
Psionics: Psion - Psychic Warrior - Soulknife - Wilder
Aegis - Cryptic - Dread - Marksman - Tactician - Vitalist
Path of War: Stalker - Warder - Warlord - Harbinger - Mystic - Zealot
Akashic Mysteries: Daevic - Eclipse - Guru - Nexus - Radiant - Rajah - Stormbound - Vizier - Zodiac
Spheres of Power: Armorist - Elementalist - Eliciter - Fey Adept - Hedgewitch - Incanter
Mageknight - Shifter - Soul Weaver - Symbiat - Thaumaturge - Wraith
Spheres of Might: Armiger - Blacksmith - Commander - Conscript
Savant - Scholar - Sentinel - Striker - Technician
Spheres of Guile: Agent - Courser - Envoy - Mastermind - Professional
Champions of the Spheres: Prodigy - Sage - Troubadour - Dragoon - Mountebank - Necros - Reaper
Warden - Crimson Dancer
Pact Magic: Pactmaker (formerly known as Medium)