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Spray of colors from an open hand
Alignment Neutral Good
Divine Rank Lesser Goddess
Pantheon Oerth (Suloise)
Portfolio Music, Knowledge, Daylight
Domains Good, Knowledge, Sun, Travel
Home Plane Release-From-Care (Elysium)
Worshippers Singers, Feminists, Teachers, Midwifes
Favoured Weapon Shaft of light (Shortspear)

In the Greyhawk setting of D&D, Lydia is a neutral good goddess of music, light and knowledge (but hates secrets). She usually manifests as a white-haired woman with bright blue eyes, wearing a robe trimmed with silver and gold, and is worshipped by musicians, bards, sages and famewhores.

Pretty much nothing has been said or done with her since 2000 and Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition.