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Iron mule
Aliases The Iron Mule
Alignment True Neutral
Divine Rank Lesser God
Pantheon Oerth (Oeridian), Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnome)
Portfolio 3E: Metal, Mines, Smiths
5E: Labor, Craft
Domains 3E: Creation, Earth, Fire, Strength
5E: Forge, Light
Home Plane The Golden Hills (Bytopia)
Worshippers Miners, metalworkers
Favoured Weapon Fury (Warhammer)

Bleredd (pronounced BLAIR-ed), is the Oeridian god of metals, mines, and smiths, who taught the Oeridians how to work iron. He is perhaps most interesting for being one of the few examples of inter-racial deities in old school D&D, being a human god who has married a dwarf goddess by the name of Ulaa.

Dogma[edit | edit source]

The earth’s gifts are there for the taking, and creating a perfect suit of armor or flawless weapon is a goal to which all war-crafters should aspire. Mining and smithy-work is not for the weak, so those who worship Bleredd should be strong in mind and body, for a weak will forges a weak weapon. Anyone with the talent for this craft should be taught it, and those who keep secret more efficient or effective ways of finding or working metal will be punished.