
The Numerologists were high-ranking members within the Thousand Sons' Order of Ruin, during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. They primarily served as Techmarines, although they also had the task of creating of battle plans, maintaining logistics and other sorts of calculations (much to the likes of Dune's Mentats).
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Order of Ruin itself was a sect of mystics said to be obsessed with numerology and the hidden structure of the universe. Its members were known as calculators, logicians, analysts, and organizers of supreme ability. Basically, a bunch of mathematic NEEEERDS that steeped too much into logistics. They were symbolised by a poised serpent.
In terms of the Numerologists themselves, they were famed with their almost preternatural speed with which they could develop new plans to counter enemy movements and relay orders to one another. Thousand Sons battlegroups containing Numerologists could react to changes in tactical plans with fluid synchronicity with one another, even when separated by hundreds of kilometers. Much of their success can be attributed to the psychic abilities of the Numerologists, who employed both divination and telepathy to predict enemy movements and effortlessly relaid such changes to their allies.
After the Horus Heresy, the now depleted Numerologists now found themselves frequently deployed in the front lines of battle. In order to minimize their risk, many were accompanied by Thousand Sons known as Life Wards, who had sworn to protect the Numerologists no matter the cost. These groups were called Numerologist Cabals and normally consisted of 1 Numerologist and 4 Life Wards. Though this could be increased to ultimately 9 Life Wards if the need arose.
They wore Mark III: Iron Armour and carried a Achea Khopesh and a wide variety of ranged weapons he can choose to his liking. His underlings, the Life Wards on the other hand, usually equip themselves with a Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Volkite Caliver and a Rotor Cannon.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On the Horus Heresy tabletop, these are psychic Techmarines (Numerologist) and his meatshields (Life Wards), all with only bolt pistols and melee weapons (Achean khopesh for the Numerologist, chainswords for the others). Unlike a Techmarine Covenant, they can't split up and cannot be accompanied by other characters, but at least the bodyguards are capable of blocking anything with Precision Hits or Precision Shots. The Numerologist can take a Cyber Familiar and can take most of the Techmarines weapon options allowing him to be fairly flexible in shooting. The issue with this is that the entire squad is pretty much geared for close-quarters combat, with only the Numerologist being able to take a wide variety of guns while the troops can only take a Volkite Caliver or rotor cannon per five models in this squad. If you plan on going in with melee, you can at least replace the chainswords with power weapons or fists.
Nevertheless, like the Khenetai Occult, these guys come with their own unique power instead of a Minor Arcana. On a successful cast, they can gain a geo-locator beacon and can forgo shooting to allow two friendly Thousand Sons units within 6" to gain +1 to their BS, which is great since you can dump the +1BS on a squad of Heavy Support marines and/or Tank squadron and improve their shooting effectiveness, and since the Numerologist has Battlesmith (4+) you do want the squad near tanks to keep alive and firing. This can also be useful for buffing squads that cannot take a normal Techmarine for Cognis-Signum, like Terminators or Destroyers.