Scarab Occult

The original pre-Rubric Terminator Squad and quasi-Honour Guard for Magnus the Red during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. These guys were the elite of the Thousand Sons legion and were known as the Sekhmet or Magnus's Veterans.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Belonging to the 1st Fellowship of the legion, they were under the command of 1st Fellowship Captain Ahzek Ahriman. They were incredibly proud but also, incredibly stoic and quiet, resembling automatons more than actual people. They were veterans of both battle and the Thousand Sons' psychic discipline system, with no member being of lower cult grade than Philosophus. This meant that each warrior was able to mentally transcend their personal humours, making them the most zen-like monks in the Space Marine space warrior monk archetype.
The total number of the Sekhmet is unknown, but the force present with Ahriman on Aghoru numbered eighty-one. Aghoru was one of the first times that they deployed their newly issued Rotor Cannons, although they deliberately chose to continue to refer to the weapon by the name of the previous Terminator-issue support cannon, the Reaper. This was due to the numerological significance of the word reaper, which fitted perfectly with the philosophy of the Thousand Sons. Following the Council of Nikaea, the Scarab Occult Terminators took to cutting a vertical scar through the right lenses of their helmets in their primarch's image.
These guys were all clad in Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armour and all carried a Combi-Bolter, Power Fist alongside a Achea Khopesh for combat.
Where Are They Now?[edit | edit source]
Crunch[edit | edit source]
In the Horus Heresy, they were WS5 Cataphractii terminators that come default with an Achea Pattern force weapon. Can be upgraded to have a Psychic discipline on the Inceptor, giving them some genuine utility on their weapons. Taking Biomancy on the other hand with their Achea Pattern Khopesh means you get back to S8 and thus can ID without using Power Fists. However, you can take actual Power Fists (as well as the usual Sx2 AP2 Unwieldy weapons) if you want a bit more reliability or you want a different Psychic discipline with Telepathy being hilarious for turning off Overwatch.
Overall, these guys are far too expensive for their worth. At 50 points a model, you are paying Justaerin amounts of points for a unit that has nowhere near the Justaerin's utility.