Doom Wing

The Doom Wing is a Daemonic aircraft aligned with the Chaos God Tzeentch. The aircraft is capable of tremendous speeds due to its three powerful engines, making it capable of devastating attack-runs and also having the ability to engage enemy aircraft. It also looks like a Pterodactyl or Bird of Prey with jet engines.
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Doom Wing is a fast aircraft comparable to an Imperial interceptor or fighter craft. The Tzeentchian Fire Lord Daemon Engine, on the other hand, fills the roll of heavy attack craft or bomber for his forces. The Doom Wing can be used as both an atmospheric fighter and as a void-based Attack Craft. These Daemon Engines are carried into combat in the hangers of Chaos starships, such as the Devastation-class Cruiser.
Doom Wings are typically mounted with the potent Warpfire Flame Cannon mounted under its bird-shaped front-end. The Flame Cannon fires deadly Warpfire, and is capable of being used to strafe ground targets and attack other aircraft.