Fire Lord of Tzeentch
Not to be confused with the Space Marine Chapter, the Fire Lords

The Fire Lord is a Daemonic super-heavy assault aircraft aligned with the Chaos God Tzeentch. It is the heavy bomber to the Doom Wing's nimble fighter. Despite being slower than its smaller cousin, the aircraft is capable of tremendous speeds, making it capable of devastating attack-runs, while dropping its cargo filled with Just as Planned on its targets below.
Overview[edit | edit source]
As mentioned before, the Doom Wing operates as an interceptor and fighter craft. The Fire Lord is protected and escorted while in flight by flocks of Doom Wings. The Fire Lord can be used as both an atmospheric fighter and as a void-based Attack Craft. These machines are carried into combat in the hangers of Chaos starships, such as the Devastation-class Cruiser.
Fire Lords being a giant bomber is equipped with its cargo of Firestorm Bombs for assaulting entrenched positions while also carrying a complementary amount of Lascannons mounted on the swiveling turret-mounts and the pinions of its large, majestic wings bear a pair of deadly Warpfire Flame Cannons for defense against other enemy aircraft. Because obviously fire in the best thing to use against aircraft going several times the speed of sound.