Created page with "{{dnd-stub}} Alright, so, when Dungeons & Dragons did their ''Stormwrack'' supplement for 3rd edition, they realized that they actully didn't have that many aquatic races..."
Alright, so, when [[Dungeons & Dragons]] did their ''Stormwrack'' supplement for 3rd edition, they realized that they actully didn't have that many aquatic races other than aquatic elves, [[triton]]s, [[merfolk]] and [[koalinth]]s (basically aquatic [[hobgoblin]]s).
Alright, so, when [[Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition]] did their ''[[Stormwrack]]'' supplement, they realized that they actully didn't have that many aquatic races other than aquatic elves, [[triton]]s, [[merfolk]] and [[koalinth]]s (basically aquatic [[hobgoblin]]s).
So, in the best spirit of D&D, they took the obvious route and made up a new race or two. One of those was the ''Darfellan'': aquatic humanoids who could technically be called orca-folk, but in practice look more like ripped, hairless, web-digited humans with black & white-patterned skin.
So, in the best spirit of D&D, they took the obvious route and made up a new race or two. One of those was the ''Darfellan'': aquatic humanoids who could technically be called orca-folk, but in practice look more like ripped, hairless, web-digited humans with black & white-patterned skin.
So, in the best spirit of D&D, they took the obvious route and made up a new race or two. One of those was the Darfellan: aquatic humanoids who could technically be called orca-folk, but in practice look more like ripped, hairless, web-digited humans with black & white-patterned skin.
The race's primary defining trait is that they fought a century-long war against the sahuagin which almost rendered them extinct. The survivors are mostly broody wanderers who crave to exact some measure of vengeance against their shark-like enemies.
+2 Strength, -2 Dexterity
Base Land Speed: 20 feet
Swim Speed 40 feet
+8 racial bonus to Swim checks made to perform a special action or avoid a hazard, can always Take 10 on a Swim check, can "Run" whilst swimming so long as they do so in a straight line
Hold Breath (Ex): A darfellan can hold their breath for 8 * Constitution score rounds before risking drowning.
Natural Attack: Bite (1d6), can be used as a primary attack when fighting without a weapon, otherwise is a secondary attack.
Echolocation: Blindsense 20 feet, but only when in water and against things also in the water.
Racial Hatred: Sahuagin (+2 racial bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls)