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In-depth character descriptions of the Board-Tans living in 4chan House for the [[4 chan anime]]
{{Template:Board-tan Index}}
[[File:All board-tans.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Aw shit, here comes 4chan.]]

A series of [[4 chan anime Writefaggotry|short stories]] have been written.
This is a directory for linking to in-depth character descriptions of the [[Board-tans]] living in 4chan House for the [[4 chan anime]]. [[/tg/]], as it is one to do, has written a few relevant [[4 chan anime Writefaggotry|short stories]]. There is an [ image gallery] and [ character discussion boards].

There is an [ image gallery] and [ character discussion boards]
Due to the chaotic nature of 4chan, there will never be a [[canon]] for the board-tans. There may be consensus, but it is best to treat all of the characters as fanon. If a certain character design upsets you, use the interpretation that you like the most, or be a real [[fa/tg/uy]] and [[Character Creation|make your own]].

= /a/ - Anime & Manga =
Once upon a time, [[:File:4ChanHouse.jpg|an image]] was posted on the /r9k/ board of 4chan labeled "4chan house" that showed all the then-boards of [[4chan]] as little stick figures doing board-relevant things. Then a [[drawfag]] named {{Anonymous|Three Angled Blue}} drew [ a comic] immortalizing /b/'s failed invasion of /v/, showing both boards personified as characters. A new era dawned unexpectedly.
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male, some what androgynous looking. Cross dresses so frequently that everyone believes that he is in fact female. /co/, /d/, and /v/ are among the few that know that he's male. Wears skirts and t-shirts (often labeled "/a/"). Hair is short, black, with a flower hair clip. An antenna strand of hair is always sticking up, used to express emotion. Thin-framed rectangular glasses.  

'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' /a/ is very tsundere towards most other characters due to personal jealousy of some type, or an unwillingness to admit his feelings, but he also embodies several anime stereotypes. /a/ tends to read loli doujinshi and manga openly in public, enjoys reading untranslated manga despite a very basic understanding of Japanese (if any). Is constantly obsessing over power levels, and gets jealous if anyone is stronger than them. Can be some what mischievous or conniving. Quite obviously is very interested in and opinionated about anime and manga.  
Prior to these events, 4chan's boards did not have character representations. There was always the portrayal of {{Anonymous}} as the featureless green-skinned "<nowiki>[No Picture Available]</nowiki>" man-in-a-suit, and there were certainly [[Yotsuba|mascots]], but a character that ''was'' a whole board? Preposterous.
[[Image:Board-tans_cosplay_ck_co_i_x.jpg|thumb|320px|Cosplay of /ck/, /co/, /i/ and /x/'s board-tans, from way back when sometimes 4chan users actually went outside and had meetups.]]
Fast forward some years through multiple iterations of failed group projects, thread deletions, and moderate obscurity and you get to where we are today: a vast and rather unorganized collection of scribbles, fiction, and even cosplays that portray the various boards of 4chan as anthropomorphized characters living out their crazy lives.

'''Special Power:''' Has a transformation ability. He transforms into a magical "girl", following all of the genre stereotypes (amulet as source of power, risque henshin sequence, speeches and attack calls during battle). He remains male but when transformed wears a short fluffy skirt with matching top, all of which is filled with pink lace ribbons and bows. His power is generally combat magic utilizing all sorts of beam spam, quick nearly instantaneous flash steps and when needed he can even use his magic wand as a melee weapon.
Some thought it brilliant, and others equated those people to fanfiction-loving scum. In the end, it's a matter of [[skub|taste]].

'''Relationships:''' Tsundere to everyone, especially /v/. The only person he isn't mean to at all is /c/, who sees him as a big sister. /a/ is protective of /c/, can be very moody, but he's also paranoid about people finding out the secret of his gender or his magical "girl" powers. Doesn't actually admit to liking men, and prefers to spend a night in his room with a couple of loli doujins, but is inexplicably attracted to /v/. Jealous of /x/'s extremely high magic potential, and is always attempting to prove that he is the stronger magic user when in his magical girl form. Is friendly with /co/ as long as it isn't about anime or manga. He gets along with /m/ while they watch anime together, but is secretly jealous of his effortless ability to be "pretty".
The -tan suffix is a [[weeaboo]] holdout, in the vein of the [ OS-tan] characters.

'''Job:''' Manages the anime & manga section of /co/'s shop.
==See Also ==
* [Http://  The image dump for all things Board-tan]
* The [[: File: Boardponies.jpg|My Little Ponies version]]
* [[/d/-tan Gets it Done]]
* [ A very outdated shipping grid]

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[[Category:Not related]]
= /an/ - Animals & Nature =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Female, mid-thirties to early forties. Shoulder length chestnut hair, usually tied up or away from her face in some way. Light freckles, hazel eyes. Athletic build. Usually wears practical clothing (overalls, jeans, etc).
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Tomboyish, but occasionally wears girly clothing, (old fashioned, sundresses, etc), and in a gimmick-y way ends up turning heads of the other boards. Loves and respects all animals, but despises the extremes- whether that be an animal abuser or PETA. Has many, many pets, almost all which are named Biscuit - including a ''Velociraptor'' and some horrible abomination that looks like a cross between carp and elephant. Very respectful of nature in general, and enjoys gardening, hiking, and fishing. She likes teaching others about the world of animals and nature and how to understand and share the world with animals. Inquisitive about what makes animals behave the way they do, and what makes them so special. Although she’s polite and well mannered, she’s not afraid to speak her mind. She has a pet spider (species undetermined) who lives in her hair - everyone is afraid to touch her because of that, except /k/.
'''Relationships:''' In a relationship with /k/ (married?), who is also her childhood friend. They wed before he joined the military, and she grew closer to animals and nature while he was away from her out of loneliness. Gets along well with /ck/, and she usually provides ingredients for /ck/’s cooking. Is a big sister figure, and often plays with /c/ and teaches the young girl about animals - usually the cute, fluffy kinds.
'''Job:''' Veterinarian
'''Maybes:''' Greenhouse attachment? Small garden? Potted plants on roof?
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= /b/ - Random =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' White male. Average-built. Hipster youth with tousled hair, constantly with a sadistic grin or a scowl. Wears T-shirts with offensive remarks or memes. Occasionally wears a zany suit. /b/ can be drawn in any form, but should never be outright labeled with "/b/" as his actions should be the ones to betray who he is. Eye color is very dark, although this does not prevent him from using colored contacts.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Unpredictable and full of contradictions. Novelty-seeking, contrarian, anarchic, gleeful, destructive, misanthropic, and occasionally obsessive. Has an interest in very many topics and is knowledgeable about them if he concentrates for a bit. Capable of being altruistic, if he's in a good mood. Is seldom serious although may appear to be so. Constantly pulling pranks, which range from harmless to destructive. Emotionally unstable under a facade of indifference and bigotry. Extremely self-loathing. Hates everyone and everything (especially humanity's constant bullshit), except for cats and Yotsuba Koiwai. Has a strong capacity for rage, but it falls short of /v/'s. May have at some point in his past attempted to "fight the world" as a starry-eyed idealist but not only did the world win, it kicked /b/ around for a while afterward and he lost all hope.
'''Special Power:''' /b/ is a shell of a human who is constantly possessed by spirits (effectively, "Anonymous," but this meta detail is not stated outright). /b/ is invincible, and even if the shell is destroyed, the spirits of /b/ will inhabit another. Possibly is able to summon minions for raids. Alternatively has random tough guys following him constantly, even though they don't understand why they do it. Either version of minions have power in numbers, not by themselves. Minions may or may not listen to /b/; his control over minions is very rudimentary.
'''Relationships:''' Everyone hates /b/, but not as much as /b/ hates himself. /b/ is not very social and prefers to be left alone. Interactions with other boards are often hostile (especially against /x/), but not always so. May or may not play the vidya with /v/ and watch animu with /a/. /b/ has a cat, which is the only thing he loves unconditionally, probably because it reminds him of his own selfish antisocial self, but his love is not reciprocated.
'''Job:''' /b/ has no job other than collecting rent from the other boards as he is the de facto landlord of 4chan House. He had rich parents who didn't care and wrote him a blank check when he left or was disowned. Had a few jobs, mostly low-skill service jobs. Can't really hold any job down because of inevitable trolling. /b/'s finances are unclear: at times he is able to afford anything, while at other times he does not have enough for necessities.
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= /c/ - Anime/Cute =
[[Image:C-tan Flowers.jpg|thumb|right|/c/-tan]]
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Female. While /c/ claims to be 9-and-a-half, her lack of any records makes determining her exact age difficult, although she is clearly a child. Her long blond hair is frequently in ribbons, and it would be very uncharacteristic of her to wear something that wasn't in pastel colors. Wears two hair-clips in the shape of hears that have "/c/" printed on them. Her characteristic dress has a large bow on the front.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' Innocent, and cutesy. In sharp contrast to the rest of the cast, /c/ loves everything. She cheerfully listens to everyone, although her attention span is that of a normal child's. She is frequently at play and wandering the 4chan house when she is not in the room she and /toy/ share.
She uses a variety of Japanese words mixed with her English, usually those involving referencing other people. She refers to /a/ as her "nee-chan", and truly does seem to treat /a/ as an older sister.
/c/ is oblivious to almost everything, including all the horrible things that happen around her, probably because her godly luck causes her to avoid everything harmful. /c/ doesn't understand the adult world around her, especially all the sexual innuendo.
'''Relationships:''' Like the other inhabitants of 4chan House, /c/ has no relatives, so /ck/ looks after her as a surrogate mother figure. Her father figure is /trv/, who often sends her gifts. She rooms with /toy/, and considers /a/ to be her older sister. She is otherwise on good terms with almost everyone in 4chan House. Often seen togetherwith /cm/, /toy/, and /i/.
'''Job:''' None. She's a kid.
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= /cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male in his early 20s, a crazy cross-dresser who will never take his bag off. The bag is often labeled "/cgl/." People also refer to him as Bagman. Is often wearing a self-made knockoff costume of Kirsten Dunst's weeaboo outfit, although has very many outfits. The constant thing between all the costumes is the bag. Will sometimes be seen in nude picture.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' Attends countless anime/manga and video game conventions, and loves cosplay. Can be antisocial or awkward due to Asperger's syndrome. Tries to conceal his inner weeaboo by releasing his fanboy thoughts onto coscom. Often trolls females whom he considers bitches and whores. Will photoshop his own pictures badly. Is incredibly two-faced: /cgl/ will gladly help you with your costume, but then will go drown you in drama behind your back. /cgl/ only comes out of his room for conventions, where he might go stalk /a/ and drink with /co/.
Due to his cosplay experience, he can change clothes incredibly quickly. Also has unparalleled skill with sewing equipment and prop-creation.
'''Relationships:''' Holds few relationships due to his oft-changing appearance and almost-elitist attitude about cosplay. Does have an on-again, off-again relationship with /a/, whom he sometimes stalks for copies of new series. Constantly bickers with /fa/ about whether lolita is a fashion or a costume. Has a love/hate relationship with /y/. /c/ thinks /cgl/-tan is very skilled in his costuming, but that something is not quite right about him.
'''Job:''' Occasionally works the odd job (i.e. Costume Bar) to save up money for costumes, anime/manga, and convention costs. Will engage in prostitution to afford brand-name items, but mostly leeches off elderly parents.
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= /ck/ - Food & Cooking =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Female, late twenties/early thirties. Dirty blond hair. Often wears a white apron and chef's hat.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Energetic, even a tad jumpy. Motherly and nurturing except when it comes to picky eaters (vegetarians and vegans especially). Is addicted to coffee, and adds different spices and herbs to suit her mood or needs. Food is often so delicious it is reinvigorating.
'''Relationships:''' Married to /co/. Gets along well with /k/ and /an/ as they help supply her with fresh herbs/vegetables/meat. Does not get along well with /fit/ due to his eating habits.
'''Job:''' Owner and head cook at TGINF.
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= /cm/ - Cute/Male =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male. Blue/purple hair with cat ears. Wears shorts and sleeveless shirts. No older than 12.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Innocent and oblivious like /c/, although not quite as giddy because he is a boy, after all.
'''Relationships:''' Looks up to /y/ as an older brother and seeks his attention unsuccessfully. /y/ often points things out to /cm/, but /cm/ takes them in the most non-sexual way possible. Frequently plays with /c/, /i/, and /toy/.
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= /co/ - Comics & Cartoons =
[[Image:Co-tan.jpg|thumb|right|/co/-tan in his superhero form]]
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male, late twenties/early thirties. Normally wears a green lantern hoodie and jeans. When he assumes his superhero persona he dons a trench coat, fedora, and mask. His superhero persona is /co/nrad.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Generally easy going and friendly. Very theatrical and has been known to monologue. Has been known to break into song and dance on occasion. Still a bit of a child at heart.
Helpful almost to a fault. Is a ladies man, leading to run-ins with /d/. Has a strong sense of justice which has led him into a double-life as a masked crime fighter.
/co/nrad has a vast array of crime fighting gadgets that he keeps in his trench coat. He possesses an amazing level of insight that allows him to plan and adapt to nearly any situation.
'''Relationships:''' Gets along well with almost everyone. Best friends with /tg/. Known to hang out with /a/ and /v/, but has gotten pretty sick with how gay they are for each other. Married to /ck/. Is a bit of a father-figure for /i/, but treats her like a younger sister.
'''Job:''' Owner of FLGS.
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= /d/ - Hentai/Alternative =
[[Image:DnCO.jpg|thumb|right|/d/-tan and /co/]]
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Hermaphrodite. /d/ is a shapeshifter, but she has two basic forms that she uses most of the time. Her normal form is that of a tall, busty, mature woman with long black hair and a carefully hidden penis, based off of Lust from FMA. She likes to tie her hair back, wear glasses, and dress conservatively during the day when she's not at work, in order to avoid any extra attention. /d/ also has a second succubus form that comes out at night. She uses a toned down version of this form while she runs her sex shop. Her succubus form has green hair, horns, fangs, a third eye, and a tail. She can only manipulate her genitalia while her third eye is open. She often alters herself further from the succubus form by growing tentacles from her back, limbs, or hair, and/or turning parts of her to slime, the color green a constant throughout.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' /d/ is generally friendly, respectful, and tolerant, especially in concern with other people's hobbies. During the day when she's not at work, she likes to hang out with /tg/, /co/, and /a/. She even develops a relationship with /x/, though the others might fail to draw the connection between the two.
She shows genuine interest in the other characters' hobbies, but sex is always in the back of her mind, leading to some occasional awkward moments.
She enjoys toying with/tempting the other boards on occasion (especially the h-boards), but she is very careful to respect their boundaries most of the time.
After nightfall, when most of the boards are asleep, she transforms into her succubus form.  This form represents the physical embodiment of her desires. /d/ will try to seduce one of the other boards, changing her form and bargaining with them in order to overcome their reluctance to accept her. While she doesn't need to find a mate every night, going too long without leads to sexual starvation and her demon side becomes more ravenous. Eventually she loses control of herself and takes her victim by force, her mind completely absent from the experience as she is overtaken by her latent demonic side. Otherwise her mate wakes up safely the next day, little bruised but their ego.
Luckily, being a succubus, there are others outside of the house to satisfy her.
'''Special Power:''' Transformation. /d/ is capable of transforming into any biological form that she can imagine, but she must stay at least partially human in order to maintain control.
She cannot access her powers fully during the day, only capable of making minor cosmetic changes (e.g. hair, horns and "leather" for work) without the power of the eye.
Controlling her powers becomes more difficult when she is trying to control too much mass at one time, or she becomes extremely aroused.
'''Relationships:''' /d/ is on friendly (though cautious) terms with /tg/, /co/, /a/, and the hentai boards because of shared interests, among other things. She has a unique relationship with /x/ as well, coming from the fact that /d/ actually believes /x/ about her paranormal experiences, having experienced a few herself.
'''Job:''' /d/ runs a sex shop with /h/ as her model. Her personality opens up a bit while she's at work, and she becomes more outgoing and relaxed when she's in her element. She gets a thrill from turning people on to new things, and is a helpful (if somewhat aggressive) salesperson. Since starting work at the shop, she has built a small stockpile of personal items from her deliveries.
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= /e/ - Ecchi =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Female. Caucasian, in the same vein that "we are Japanese but we all look white." Hair is in the blond end of copper-blond, usually in pigtails. Her pigtails go to her waist, but the rest of her hair is shoulder-length. Eyes are purple. Always wears earrings in the shape of "/e/" She is 17, and goes to high school as a senior. /e/ has curves in the right places and has an attractive figure in general. Her breasts are large but not disproportionate top the rest of her figure. She wears a Japanese schoolgirl uniform to school, but her casual attire consists of "hot girl" clothes: tight jeans, tanktops, babydolls, halter tops, etc. During cold months, she can be found wearing a sweater with a skirt. /e/'s wardrobe is composed with a goal of accentuating her body.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' /e/ is a social butterfly: she has a deep understanding of social interactions, and can rapidly work her way up to the top of social circles with that knowledge and her good looks. She is an unintentional klutz, primarily for comedic purposes which somehow lead to her exposing more undergarments than she would like to be seen.  /e/ is not an attention whore: she naturally turns heads, but her way of dressing is not a way to gain attention. Instead, it is a way for her to conceal deep insecurities about her appearance: she is obsessed with what the perfect body should look like. /e/ resents being associated with the rest of the boards residing in 4chan, she considers them freaks and misfits. She constantly strives to live a "normal" life, but the pursuit is futile (and somewhat endearing).
'''Relationships:''' /d/ and /h/ are like siblings to /e/ (the key word is "like"), but she tries to avoid them because she considers them to be offensive freaks.
She has a huge fondness for /m/, and fantasizes about being the bridge bunny for his fabulous spaceship.
'''Job:''' /e/ works as a waitress in /ck/'s diner but aspires to be a model.
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= /fa/ - Fashion =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Hipster male. Extremely underweight. Dark eye-circles. Hitler Youth haircut.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Total bitch. Hates everything you're wearing. You don't know shit about fashion. Smokes. Girls sit next to him on the bus.
'''Relationships:''' Love/hate homosexual relationship with /fit/, where he is the bottom.
'''Job:''' No job. All money comes from a trust fund.
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= /fit/ - Health and Fitness =
[[Image:Fit-tan.png|thumb|right|/fit/-tan with /fa/-tan]]
Male, with short hair. In great shape, and stronger than most men. Friends/training buddies with /sp/. Is the top in his homosexual relationship with /fa/.
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= /g/ - Technology =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male. In poor physical condition, as he rarely leaves the basement and sleeps even less. However, his inactivity is balanced by his tendency to forget to eat, so he is underweight.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' /g/ loves technology, much in the same way that most people love oxygen. He is obscenely good with computers, which he uses to fuel his thirst for the latest technological info, as well as earn his money via freelance hacking. It is suspected that he has vast sums of money stored away. He is arrogant and reckless, rarely considering the consequences before he does something, at least when it comes to computers.
Despite his reclusive nature, his obsession makes him a perfect fit for the 4chan house, and he knows he is accepted there. He will not only perform various favors in return for blank CD's and cases of energy drinks, but maintains the network for the entire building as well.
'''Relationships:''' Close friends with /m/, as well as /v/. However, he values /k/ for his practicality.
'''Job:''' /g/ is a freelance hacker, and it is heavily implied that he has worked with some shady people. He makes quite a bit of money doing this, though he occasionally pays the rent by upgrading the building.
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= /g/ - Guro =
Teenaged female. Caucasian, black hair, short. Has obsession with blood and gore, can be deadly. (Dies in some sort of blender accident, witnesses say she seemed to enjoy it.)
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= /gif/ - Animated GIF =
Pleasantly plump individual with a beret and a thin hook mustache. Creates short film, most of which are erotic.
= /h/ - Hentai =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Female. 4'11", 100 pounds. 
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' /h/ is a college student, who is a part-time bikini model. Earnest and hardworking to a point, she'll never pass up the opportunity to slack off. /h/ loves reading romance novels, and often gets caught up in them.
'''Relationships:''' /h/ is like a sibling to /e/
'''Job:''' /d/ offered /h/ a modeling job for her sex shop, which /h/ accepted eagerly. It turned out to be more work that /h/ anticipated, but when she tried to leave, /d/ revealed certain compromising photographs, and /h/ has kept her job as /d/'s cover girl.
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= /hr/ - High Resolution =
The Hobbits got him....
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= /jp/ - Japan/General =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' /jp/-tan is a little girl who likes to wear silly hats and frilly dresses. She has black hair, twin braids and wears glasses.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' She spends most of her time alone in her room playing games that most people never heard of.
Even though she is young, she pretends to be one of the most (if not THE most) intelligent person in the house. She is strict on proper language and punctuation. Though some people call her weeaboo now and then, she adamantly refuses that she has any admiration for the japanese and therefore must not be.
She is tsundere about Japanese culture. Whenever someone asks her about it (an act that annoys her greatly), she pretends to hate it and shoos them away.
She often attempts to start original projects but inevitably ends up hating them and throwing them out the window.
She has a pet bird that can cook spaghetti.
She never leaves her room, which is why most of the other residents don't know her well.
/jp/-tan compulsively divides any female characters in stories into "good girl" and "slut" categories, and generally has no real cohesion as to what sets them apart.
Can identify anything Japanese. Also a master of nitpicking.
'''Relationships:''' She was good friends and roommates with /a/ because they shared the same interests till one day they grew apart, mostly because she thought /a/ was too normal for her tastes. Truth is she was kicked out because of her extreme obsessions. She has no regrets.
She looks up to /tg/ and wished to be good friends, but her reclusiveness operates against any meaningful contact with other people. She believes /d/ is a "good girl".
She has a somewhat good relationship with /g/ even though she can't explain why. Some say it was due to a spell cast by the ancient wizard of <code>/prog/</code>.
Because of her pseudo-intellectual profile she loathes /b/ and his way of acting.
'''Job:''' Resident master of [[Touhou]].
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= /k/ - Weapons =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male, mid-thirties to early forties. Tall and lean, with brown hair and sideburns that go almost all the way down his jawline. He wears a trucker hat, sunglasses, hunting vest, white t-shirt, blue jeans, and hiking boots.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:'''  He loves his guns, which is probably an understatement, and is an expert marksman with almost everything.
Is very protective of the 4chan house and those that live there, once even going so far as to mine the front lawn. For obvious reasons, he was forced to remove them. He is always ready for a fight and is difficult to catch off-guard.
/k/ always has a weapon on his person. He also has very deep contacts in both the US military and the black market.
'''Relationships:''' /an/'s hunting buddy and possible romantic interest. Friends with /trv/, but /trv/ is rarely there. Argues constantly with /v/ and /m/, especially about the impracticality of many of the weapons and vehicles that /v/ idolizes in his games and /m/ tries to build. Will sometimes participate in various wargames with /tg/ but is very critical of their accuracy or lack thereof. He gets along well with most of his fellow tenants, and he sees himself as their protector.
'''Job:''' Retired. Previously: Unknown position in the U.S. army, followed by a brief stint as a professional bodyguard.
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= /m/ - Mecha =
'''Gender/Physical Appearance:''' Male. Has a bishonen, yet rugged and hotblooded, look. Long, red hair. He is never seen without his trademark bandanna and wild, fiery sideburns. Has a small scar on his face over his eye.
/a/ considers him extremely pretty, and is secretly jealous of him for that. Even though he has a scar running down his chest and on his arms he proudly leaves his hairless chest bare for all to see. The one exception to that rule is when he is piloting his mech.
He frequently wears his shirt tied around his waist while he's tinkering with his mech, or attempting to modify any of the household appliances.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:'''/m/ seems to spend most of his time preparing for some epic battle that only he is aware of. He can be seen constantly tinkering with various household electronics, training his body or upgrading not only his mech but various appliances around the house. When not prepairing for an obscure epic battle, /m/ enjoys watching mecha anime series to relax. This is the one time /a/ can hang out with him and not freak out over how damn pretty he is.
He does seem to have dissociative identity disorder, going from Hotblooded super robot hero to concerned real robot hero. While in his Super robot hero identity he has a tendency toward the dramatic, occasionally giving long hotblooded monologues when he becomes excited. He also goes out of his way to be "manly", which has an opposite effect on the males of 4chan house, since most write him off as a homo.
When his Real robot personality is out he tends to become overly concerned about others almost to the point where he can feel someone else’s feelings. However he doesn’t know how to express this to the others around him, he explains it as feeling “pressure” from someone.
In general, /m/ welcomes a challenge and lives for a chance to prove that he is the hero that he knows himself to be. /m/ is oblivious to the advances of the various female characters swooning over him, often comically so. He is secretly a lolicon, and has an attraction to /toy/ he is somewhat unaware of.
He also tends to enter rooms by using a Rider kick on the doors, and always winds up fixing said door later in the day. In addition to his repair skills, he has an expansive model collection. He displays this model collection atop his old cardboard mecha box that he created in his earlier years.
'''Relationships:''' /m/ gets along well with /g/, since they both enjoy tinkering/upgrading things, and can work together on /m/'s mech. /e/ is constantly hounding him for attention, which he is completely oblivious to. He enjoys his regular anime sessions with /a/ and /toy/, though it seems that /a/ can't tolerate him the rest of the time for some reason. He also gets along with /v/ and can sometimes be seen battling with him in Armored Core or discussing Super Robot Wars , although he's completely oblivious to /v/ and /a/'s love/hate relationship, unlike /co/. He plays a lot with /toy/, and helps her construct models from various mecha series. Is close to her, almost too close. He has an odd relationship with /o/ as he loves to ride his motorcycle around and talk with /o/ about riding, but nobody from the house ever sees them together.
'''Job:''' Now a mechanic. He was previously working at a Hobby shop, only to be fired due to him hiding the new and good models for himself.
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= /mu/ - Music =
Male. Semi-reclusive musician. Works as a DJ at a night club, loves metal and everything vaguely related to it.
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= /n/ - Transportation =
Man on a mission to find prefection in Transportation.....
The hobbits got him too.
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= /o/ - Auto =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' An old (mid 60's) grey haired man. Very slim build and a bit short(5'9"). Bones showing through hands. Shakes constantly similar to someone with parkinsons, Hands become as steady as a surgeon when he's holding a wheel or a wrench. Wears mainly nomex racing suits, oil stained ancient coveralls, and occasionally a polo shirt with neatly pressed trousers, and driving loafers. Drives a caterham super 7.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' Never ever ever happy with anything. His cars, his performance on track, his peers, his friends. Can name something wrong with any car you can present him with. Extremely bitter. Possibly the most insufferable of all the boards. When he sits in a chair, he constantly bounces his right leg on the ball of his foot, and taps his fingers on his knee. He used to race in rallies and touring cars in the mid 50's through the 60's, and retired in the early 90's. Was snubbed for le mans and Race Of Champions on numerous occasions for much much younger drivers. Has thousands of stories aobut his younger days, Like punching cale yarbrough in the face in a bar brawl, and Parnelli Jones still possessing his 10mm deep well socket.
He has a very strong focus, and is a lot stronger than he seems. Due to his mechanic work, he has an encyclopedic knowledge of everything automotive.
'''Relationships:''' Hates everyone, especially /n/ and /trv/.
'''Job:''' Retired. SCCA Flagman and volunteer driving instructor on weekends.
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= /p/ - Photography =
'''Gender/Physical Description:'''Male,17 years 5' 10" with unkept black hair and decent build.Always wearing a slim jacket and backpack full of shoolwork and camera equipment
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:'''Is a senior at school with /e/. Hopes to make it big as a professional photographer.Always taking pictures, kind of a voyeur and gets into problems with a lot of the other inhabitants of 4chan House espically /e/. Loves motion blur and spending 10,000 hours in Photoshop.
'''Relationships:''' Used to be close friends with /hr/ before the hobbits got him.
Traveled once with /trv/, he has never revealed photos of the trip or /trv/'s face.
'''Job:''' used to shoot /h/ at /d/'s sex shop, but now does on/off request photo shoots to get by
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= /po/ - Papercraft & Origami =
<strike>Variant 1: A retired martial artist of some sort whose body has seen countless battles, but that he will never talk about. Has retired to 4chan House and spends his time making Origami.</strike>
''Variant 2: A young female graphics designer with round glasses and brown shoulder-length hair in a ponytail. Cheerful and comedic.'' Due to /po/-tan's reclusive nature, she is not believed by any other board but /x/ to actually exist.
<strike>Variant 3: An eccentric young male who wears a paper hat (with horns), and is constantly accompanied by at least one paper crane (as a kind of familiar). Wears a t-shirt and plaid shorts.</strike>
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= /r/ - Request =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male, Pale skinned, average to thin build with short dark hair. Dresses in Clothes which do not draw attention to himself, normally a black&white long sleeve baseball t-shirt and dark blue jeans. But more often than not he has been seen in a Bomber jacket, Bandanna and totting a messengerbag About the same age as /x/
/r/ is a quiet and diligent researcher. He does not like what he is  often asked to find for others but To him it is just a job he does, Nothing more. Likes to help out others only if they request it.
/r/ can often determine the origins of anything, no matter how obscure the thing is. He often delves into his "hammerspace" Saddlebag/messengerbag for producing objects.
'''Personality''' Possibly suffers from ADD/ADHD But is a kind guy. He is scatter-brained and Forgetful at times. But Does keep his promises.... Eventually...
'''Relationships:''' Old friend of /rs/ (Neither will admit it but /r/ has a picture in his wallet of the pair when they were younger).
Researcher for most others but good friends with /x/ and /tg/ to the point he has been pulled on a research trip.
'''Job:''' Informant and researcher for hire.
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= /r9k/ - ROBOT9000 =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male. Possibly a real <s>boy</s> android.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' /r9k/ is a nihilistic, depressed loner who whines about how he hates life and how life hates him back. Is misogynistic due to repeated rejection, and spends his time philosophizing about politics, religion, and other weighty subjects. Poorly. Nonetheless brutal at dissecting the character flaws of others in public. Secretly wants to have sex with his sister. He also thinks he is a robot, and is trying to hide this from the other boards, though he has been known to slip up.
'''Relationships:''' None. Ronery. /r9k/ is a loner and despises the rest of 4chan as inferior imbeciles. Reserves contempt for all other boards, but especially /b/.
'''Job:''' No job, is studying computer science at university.
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= /s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women =
loved the hobits.... they stook her too.
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= /sci/ - Science & Math =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male, mid-20s. Thin and somewhat tall, but doesn't look off. Has a longish neck, and shoulder-length grey-dyed hair, leading to a bishie look. Hair parts down the middle, but a strand tends to hang down, just enough to cover the top of one of his eyes. /sci/ wears jeans and a labcoat with a ringer shirt underneath, and carries pens in his labcoat.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' Has a deep desire to be right constantly, which leads to long arguments. Verbose and contrarian. Knows math well, but constantly tries to disprove things. Obsessed with Carl Sagan. Likes to argue about religion.
'''Relationships:''' Something with /x/?
'''Job:''' Graduate student in university.
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= /sp/ - Sports =
[[Image:Sp-tan.jpg|thumb|right|/sp/-tan next to /c/-tan]]
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Large, Black Male (6'4", 250 lbs), extremely muscular and athletic, tends to wear an old #18 sports jersey.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Extremely belligerent and spiteful, often reacting with threats of violence to even the most minor of offense. Obviously a steroids user, most likely from his days playing "in the pro leagues" (however, asking what sport he played, or why he no longer plays it, will cause /sp/ to react violently). Generally, the pompous jerk of the house, but still easier to stand than /b/. Likes watching and/or playing several sports, but also critiques them to no end.
'''Relationships:''' Doesn't relate well with the other boards, although a rivalry with /fit/ is present. /sp/ carries a gun but does not know how to use it, leading to some run-ins with /k/.
'''Job:''' A former professional athlete, but now is simply a sports beat writer for the local newspaper/online blog.
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= /t/ - Torrents =
[[Image:T-tan.png|thumb|right|/t/-tan with his pet parrot]]
Male pirate. Western European. Black hair. Thick mustache and beard. Scar over right eye and on left cheek, presumably because of battles with the law. Has a parrot that squeaks out phrases such as "MOAR!" Wears tricorn hat. Owns and can use cutlass. May or may not have small or large boat.
Owns and operates a junk shop or library (we don't know which) with /rs/. Friends with /v/, as /v/ has an excellent gaming computer.
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= /tg/ - Traditional Games =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male. Somewhat skinny, average height, brown hair that reaches his shoulders and is sometimes in a ponytail. Slight stubble. Wears jeans and a t-shirt depicting the [[Angry Marines]] >:C face. Has a bright yellow and red powerfist for his left hand. Wears oversized steampunk goggles around his neck.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' /tg/ is an obsessive fan of many tabletop games, the foremost being ''Dungeons & Dragons'' and ''Warhammer 40,000''. His behavior is influenced by this in some ways -- for example, he has a tendency to narrate his own actions when things get hectic (i.e. rushes into a room by forcing the door open, yelling "I KICK IN THE DOOR!") Considers his appearance to be irrelevant, and would rather spend money on new WH40k figurines than clothes.
He has some fencing skill, and sometimes uses the powerfist as a weapon. He owns a large bright yellow custom war hammer with "d12" emblazoned on it. It is heavy for everyone but /tg/ who has proficiency with it.
'''Special Power:''' When sufficiently angry, /tg/ turns into his bulkout form: a large angry fatguy("AngryMarine"?), the kind you knew not to mess with back in school.
'''Relationships:''' /tg/ mainly hangs out with /co/ and /x/. He's also hung out with /v/, /ck/, /k/, and several other boards from time to time. Had a bit of a run-in with /co/ about who would get /ck/. After /co/ and /ck/ became a pair /tg/ got together with /x/
'''Job:''' /tg/ works at the LGS owned by /co/, managing the tabletop games section.
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= /toy/ - Toys =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Female. /toy/ is young, and as such her body is still in the lanky phase of early adolescence. She has short, brown hair that is often smothered by her iconic red baseball cap, and tends to wear oversize shirts that are obvious hand-me-downs from other members of the 4chan house, giving her an eclectic selection of clothes.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' /toy/ loves her toys, probably too much. /toy/ rooms with /c/. Has spent some time on the street. Because of that, she tends to hoard her possessions, especially her toys and a growing stash of food. Despite her past, she is generally cheerful, and filled with common youthful vigor. She sometimes talks to her toys as if they were alive.
'''Relationships:''' /toy/ rooms with /c/, and treats /trv/ as a father figure, even though he is almost never home. She instead spends her time wandering around the 4chan house and playing with the other children, although she is truly fascinated by the "big toy" /m/ is building in the garage. /m/ sometimes helps /toy/ put together mecha models. She also seems to like the mini's in /tg/s room, as well at the stories of heroes and adventure that /co/ tells.
/ck/ looks after /toy/ in a motherly way. For some unknown reasons, /g/ seems to think/thought that /trv/ wants him to keep an eye on her.
'''Job:''' None. She's a kid.
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= /trv/ - Travel =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male. His actual features are of much debate, as no one can seem to agree what he really looks like. This may be because of the distracting attire he wears, usually consisting of a variety of hats, khaki shorts and some truly horrendous Hawaiian shirts. More likely, this is because the pictures in the postcards he sends back never contain a clear shot of his face. Somehow it manages to get blocked out of every picture, or lost during photo development.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' It's hard to say what /trv/'s true personality is, as he is always traveling rather than chatting. In the postcards he frequently sends home, he seems to be a jovial, if sometimes rash, individual. His kindness, however, can not be disputed, as he acts like a father to /toy/ and /c/. It seems that /trv/ expects /g/ to look after them while he is gone.
/trv/ communicates in the form of postcards, to be read at the indicated time. The comments seem random at first, but are oddly fitting when read at the correct time.
Out of the huge number of postcards he sends back, a fair number of them contain what seem to be fragments of conversation which only make sense at a later date. It is not unusual for a randomly picked up postcard to contribute to the current conversation, if not appearing to be an actual response to something just spoken aloud.
'''Relationships:''' /trv/ has more or less adopted both /c/ and /toy/, sending them postcards and gifts often. He also sends gifts to a number of the other inhabitants of the 4chan house, usually accompanied by a note saying only "Saw this and thought of you." He seems to have a past connection to /g/, but the nature of this is unknown.
'''Job:''' Unknown. While /trv/ often reports doing odd jobs in his travels, it is implied that he does them more for the thrill then the money.
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= /tv/ - Television & Film =
A Semi-coherent Critic with french roots.
Male.  Always obsessed with a new actress, writes Supernatural fanfiction.
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= /u/ - Yuri =
[[Image:u.png|thumb|right|/u/-tan twins]]
Variant 1: Female. Shy, but perverted lesbian, like to hang out at the LGS. Enjoys "accidentally" touching /e/ and other females. Is not attracted to /a/ for reasons she doesn't know.
''Variant 2: Pair of female twins. Skimpy get-ups, one has purple hair and the other orange.''
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= /v/ - Video Games =
[[Image:V-tan.jpg|thumb|right|/a/-tan and /v/-tan]]
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male in his early twenties. Brilliant green eyes covered with square thin-framed glasses. His brown hair is slicked back and spiked at the end. Has moderate sideburns, and a goatee on his pointed chin. Tends to wear loose-fitting clothes and has pockets for every wireless controller and handheld game system in existence. Is frequently assumed to be much younger than he actually is.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' Enjoys showing off for others, brags about his stats on the leaderboards and his Gamerscore. Loves FPSs, will JRPG occasionally (especially Pokemon). Tends to get on people's nerves because he's constantly angry or complaining, but is well-tolerated. Clumsy in real-world sports, blames it on "his controller". Refers to visuals as "graphics", to sounds as "audio". Is constantly very angry and argumentative.
/v/ is frequently inappropriate, and has been compared to /b/ in that regard. Has a short attention span. He likes "mature games for mature gamers such as himself" and strongly despises casual gaming, although he will participate in it from time to time without feeling guilty. He prefers the Xbox360 to the Playstation3, often stating that the latter has no games. Pirates games frequently. Is actually rather skilled at DDR, although it is one of the few things he will not boast about.
/v/ is always in some sort of difficult monetary situation. Despite having a job and something of a relationship with /a/, he often feels lonely and unloved. Often feels like a failure, but does nothing to escape from his gaming hobby because it's a comfortable state of escapism.
'''Special Power:''' Rageman. Rage-powered jetpack. Rage beams.
'''Relationships:''' Secretly loves /a/ but is too stubborn to admit it.  Is in a tsundere relationship with /a/. /v/ is one of the few who know /a/ is a guy. Despite both refusing to admit that they are gay does not prevent them from having angry sex, though /v/ is Bi. Gets along with his co-workers. Doesn't realize how much he annoys people, and doesn't understand why /k/ hates him so much since they both like guns.
'''Job:''' Works at the FLGS with /co/, /tg/, and /a/.
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= /w/ - Anime/Wallpapers =
Small time artist working at a local studio, would-be apprentice to /ic/ and /i/. Friend and partner in crime to /wg/
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= /wg/ - Wallpapers/General =
Small time artist working at a local studio, would-be apprentice to /ic/ and /i/. Friend and partner in crime to /w/.
Both taken by hobbits
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= /x/ - Paranormal =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Female. Attractive in a weird way. Somewhat short. Slavic accent. She has long, loosely curled, black hair which usually covers her left eye which is either completely red or black with a red pupil. She wears a black tank-top with a skull on it and rainbow-colored socks. Seldom, if ever, wears pants when in her room, where she spends the majority of her time. When she goes out she usually wears either pants or a long skirt.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' /x/ is a shy, quiet girl. She's intelligent, creative, and paranoid, sometimes to the point of insanity. Sometimes it seems she knows more about the way the world works than she lets on, maybe even more than most people. She loves to read, and her favorite books include the ''Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark'' series and ''House of Leaves''.
/x/ "dabbles" a bit in witchcraft. She has a lot of magical potential, but she's too afraid of it to use it.
'''Relationships:''' Of course, we all know that she and /tg/ become an item and that she is extremely afraid of /b/. As for the rest of the characters, she gets along with them and is pretty comfortable around them, but she wouldn't really call them friends.
'''Job:'''She is either a supernatural/horror author with a cult following, or writes a series of books in which she gathers "true" hauntings and other supernatural events.
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= /y/ - Yaoi =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male. In his early 20s with shoulder-length blond hair and red eyes. Attractive, but makes a more conscious effort, unlike /m/. Wears white gloves, a police cap with “/y/” and the male symbol: “♂”. Each ear has a thick loop gold earring. Has a has v-shaped torso with well-sculpted muscles. Usually goes around naked, with his leather “♂” costume, but doesn't mind wearing other costumes, like school or sailor uniforms.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Openly and flauntingly homosexual. An over-excited loose cannon, but often ends up disappointed. Has a very well-developed gaydar which helps him butt into situations relevant to his interest. Generally does not respect others' privacy, i.e. borrows others' shit and returns it sticky. Primarily concerned with sex as he does not know the anime characters he faps to, and does not want any kind of long-term relationship. Likes to experiment, either with costumes, or various fetishes. Could pass as a top or a bottom, because he is able to suppress his forceful personality. Very judgmental.
'''Relationships:''' Interactions with others mostly based around sexual situations: /y/-tan frequently shows up, dick in hand, whenever things get too gay. Constantly hits on /b/ to prove that /b/ is a faggot. Visits /v/ frequently, because /v/ is full of the gay. Possibly watches through the window as /v/ and /a/ have angry man-on-trap sex. Looks down on /cm/ because /cm/ focuses too much on the non-sexual aspect of relationships. Often tries to explain the inadequacies of women and the benefits of homosexuality, but /cm/ doesn't seem to understand it.
'''Job:''' Is a superstar at the gay bar.
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= /i/ - Oekaki =
[[Image:i-tan.jpg|thumb|right|/i/-tan and /ic/-tan]]
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Young female, no older than 8 years. Blonde hair. Wears hair in three ponytails: one each to the sides of her head and one to the top. Wears dresses. Cute.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Is always drawing. Even though she seems to be about as old as /c/, she is a lot less innocent, and draws sexual materials (especially penises) constantly. She likes drawing fanart, especially anime fanart. Her drawing abilities are... lacking. Is somewhat simplistic, but, unlike /c/ and /cm/, she understands the innuendo and sexual references that surround her. This is for the worse, because of her somewhat poor luck.
Despite her bad luck and poor art skills, she makes a better vigilante than /co/.
'''Relationships:''' She is always with /ic/ who she treats as (and may well be) his brother. She is constantly working to gain his acceptance, but he rebukes her because her art skills are poor. At times the other residents ask /i/ to draw something for them, but the results tend to be unsatisfying, probably because /i/ draws her own interpretation. Often discusses crossovers and fandoms with /c/. Sees /co/ as a super-cool authority/father figure.
'''Job: She's just a kid.'''
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= /ic/ - Artwork/Critique =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male, overweight. Short red hair with thick eyebrows. Stubble, indicating poor hygiene. Seldom wears a shirt, and tends to have the button and fly of his pants open. Always smoking a cigarette and drinking hard alcohol, yet never seems drunk.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' He is an art critic at heart, and seldom approves. "All Art Is Shit," after all. He is angry, blunt and comes off as offensive, but that's because he's brutally honest.
'''Relationships:''' He acts like /i/'s older brother (which he probably is), but is a dick about it, constantly rebuking her. Can be helpful at times because of his brutal honesty.
'''Job:''' Professional artist who hasn't made it big yet.
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= /f/ - Flash =
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Black male. Poorly kept black hair. Small, not very buff, but isn't malnutritioned. Doesn't get out much because he's on his computer all day. Wears cargo shorts and a white tanktop.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' /f/ is a black nerdy guy. His skin color inevitably comes up in conversation, at which point he points out that he knows where the hood is. He has an interest in flash animation, anime, music, and Touhou. While he knows what makes good animation, he does not have the skills to make one, but it doesn't stop him from trying.
/f/ doesn't speak much, but can often deliver requests for other characters from his vast archive of flash videos. When he does speak, he is generally non-threatening and civil, but can offer his disapproving opinion on something. Is rather open about sexuality, and can at times seem perverse due to his large collection of flash porn.
/f/ will sometimes go clubbing at night, as he enjoys dance music. Other times when he goes out, he carries his boombox which has the additional feature of being able to play videos.
'''Relationships:''' Is fairly secluded, but knows way more about other residents and their hobbies than they seem to know of him. Somewhat closer to /b/, but drifted away from him in later years.
'''Job:''' Owns several websites, with various themes.
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= /rs/ - Rapidshares =
[[Image:rs-tan.jpg|thumb|right|/rs/-tan holding /i/-tan and /c/-tan]]
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Hot male librarian, glasses, short blond hair. Thin build.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.:''' Soft spoken and apparently kindhearted. Never is offended by what he has to bring out to those who ask for his aid in finding files.
Possibly bisexual.
Plays with /i/ and /c/.
'''Relationships:''' Childhood friends with /r/ but doesn't want to admit it. Possible some intimate relation to /t/ (Son or lover?)
Care taker of /i/ and /c/.
'''Job:''' Librarian, database manager, and research assistant to /r/
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Latest revision as of 14:22, 20 June 2023

[ a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / vrpg / w / wg ] [ i / ic ] [ r9k ] [ s4s ] [ vip ] [ cm / hm / lgbt / y ] [ 3 / aco / adv / an / asp / bant / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x ] [ rs / q / qa ] [ /mlpol/ ] [ trash ] [ home ]

Aw shit, here comes 4chan.

This is a directory for linking to in-depth character descriptions of the Board-tans living in 4chan House for the 4 chan anime. /tg/, as it is one to do, has written a few relevant short stories. There is an image gallery and character discussion boards.

Due to the chaotic nature of 4chan, there will never be a canon for the board-tans. There may be consensus, but it is best to treat all of the characters as fanon. If a certain character design upsets you, use the interpretation that you like the most, or be a real fa/tg/uy and make your own.

History[edit | edit source]

Once upon a time, an image was posted on the /r9k/ board of 4chan labeled "4chan house" that showed all the then-boards of 4chan as little stick figures doing board-relevant things. Then a drawfag named Three Angled Blue drew a comic immortalizing /b/'s failed invasion of /v/, showing both boards personified as characters. A new era dawned unexpectedly.

Prior to these events, 4chan's boards did not have character representations. There was always the portrayal of Anonymous as the featureless green-skinned "[No Picture Available]" man-in-a-suit, and there were certainly mascots, but a character that was a whole board? Preposterous.

Cosplay of /ck/, /co/, /i/ and /x/'s board-tans, from way back when sometimes 4chan users actually went outside and had meetups.

Fast forward some years through multiple iterations of failed group projects, thread deletions, and moderate obscurity and you get to where we are today: a vast and rather unorganized collection of scribbles, fiction, and even cosplays that portray the various boards of 4chan as anthropomorphized characters living out their crazy lives.

Some thought it brilliant, and others equated those people to fanfiction-loving scum. In the end, it's a matter of taste.

The -tan suffix is a weeaboo holdout, in the vein of the OS-tan characters.

See Also[edit | edit source]