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Gender/Physical Description: White male, extremely underweight. Dark eye-circles and Hitler Youth haircut. His clothes alternate between chic and ridiculous, but all of them are "fashionable."
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: Being a total bitch. Hates everything everyone is wearing, except for what he is wearing because it's the best (and expensive.) You don't know shit about fashion in his eyes, but he will still ask whether or not he should cop a specific garment. Girls sit next to him on the bus because he is the least threatening thing to ever live. In spite of his weird tastes he does seem to know how to properly dress, regardless of what your age, skintone or environment is.
Relationships: Love/hate homosexual relationship with /fit/, where he is the top. Doesn't like how /cgl/ keeps trying to be like him, because lolita is not a fashion.