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Gender/Physical Description: Pointed nose, often stuck in the air, and thick glasses. A reedy intellectual if there ever was one. You might get the impression he's a underage.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior: /lit/ spends much of his time discussing literature with varying degrees of civility. Lesser-known or genuinely good books tend to be treated with respect, while mainstream titles or awful artists are endlessly derided. Mentioning Ayn Rand around him will result in a very passionate tirade about how she was a fool or a genius, usually creating such a commotion that you will be b&.
Relationships: /lit/ sees himself as the most intelligent or enlightened board and refuses to dabble in other subjects. This snobbery and his extremely narrow repertoire of interests distance him from much of the site, which he enjoys very much. They once threw a Great Gatsby fanatic into /v/ to rile him up, for laughs.
Was merged with /fit/ on April Fool's Day 2017. They got along well and shared their respective knowledge despite having next to nothing in common, thus becoming Well-Rounded Citizens.
Job: Author/Librarian