
[ a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / vrpg / w / wg ] [ i / ic ] [ r9k ] [ s4s ] [ vip ] [ cm / hm / lgbt / y ] [ 3 / aco / adv / an / asp / bant / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x ] [ rs / q / qa ] [ /mlpol/ ] [ trash ] [ home ]
Gender/Physical Description: Black male. Poorly kept black hair, to the point of having an afro. has a Pendant with the Adobe flash insignia on it. wears shorts and often seen changing T-shirts. He usually wears shirts with the certain flavor that the board /f/ has on that certain day, from Miku Mondays, to Touhou Tuesdays, to ThursGay and Saturday nights. The default shirt that /f/ wears is a T-shirt with a loli catgirl dancing street guys on it. Doesn't get out much because he's on his computer all day.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior: /f/ has not changed in the past seven years. Nobody knows how he manages to do this. He is prone to asking people where the hood is at. He has an interest in flash animation, anime, music, and loli catgirls. While he knows what makes good animation, he does not have the skills to make one, but it doesn't stop him from trying. Talks too fucking loud.
Relationships: Is fairly secluded from nearly every other board; the only time other boards have an interest in his life is when Zone or some other porn artist comes to visit. A close relative of /b/, but the pair have drifted apart as /b/ slowly became infested with newfagitis. /f/ has been shown to be friends with /jp/ seeing as the both of them have a fondness for Touhou as well as other Japanese culture-oriented flashes.