
[ a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / vrpg / w / wg ] [ i / ic ] [ r9k ] [ s4s ] [ vip ] [ cm / hm / lgbt / y ] [ 3 / aco / adv / an / asp / bant / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x ] [ rs / q / qa ] [ /mlpol/ ] [ trash ] [ home ]
Gender/Physical Description: Male, with short hair. In great shape, may or may not be beach muscle. Shorter than average and very self-conscious about it.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: His manlet complex and childhood as a fat, weak kid make him incredibly self-conscious. As a means of asserting himself, he took to weightlifting and later described his reason for working out as "for girls" despite clearly admiring men. He is still too socially awkward and uncomfortable to interact meaningfully with anyone, yet he will insist that he has copious amounts of sex. Knows how to sculpt a body well and has a strict dietary and exercise regiment, consisting of absolutely no cardio whatsoever.
Relationships: /fit/ would like to antagonize people, but all the muscle in the world can't make him confident enough. Other boards are weaklings to him, and he is the only one who qualifies as natty. Has a deep-seated love for the angel of gains, Zyzz, and his newer still-living idol known only as Scooby. He also admires /fa/ due to his ability to dress well, though he wishes he wasn't a skeleton.
Was merged with /lit/ on April Fool's Day 2017. They got along well and shared their respective knowledge despite having next to nothing in common, thus becoming Well-Rounded Citizens.