
[ a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / vrpg / w / wg ] [ i / ic ] [ r9k ] [ s4s ] [ vip ] [ cm / hm / lgbt / y ] [ 3 / aco / adv / an / asp / bant / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x ] [ rs / q / qa ] [ /mlpol/ ] [ trash ] [ home ]
Gender/Physical Description: Male, late twenties/early thirties. Wears a superhero costume consisting of a trench coat, fedora, and mask.
Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: Generally easy going and friendly, with a great love of both comics and cartoons spanning throughout the ages. He tends not to mind most anime, although a lot of the moeshit /a/ and company obsess over doesn't seem to appeal to him. Acts distinctly different from other 4chan boards; while they alternate between being assholes or simpletons, /co/ has a personality resembling the rest of the internet. This makes him more personable, but at the same time his lack of real hang-ups prevent him from seeing the underbelly society he so desperately wants to battle.
Wants to be a superhero, or a cartoonist.
Relationships: Gets along well with almost everyone. Best friends with /tg/. Known to hang out with /a/ and /v/, although both tend to get sick of his normalfaggotry. Married to /ck/. His younger sister is /mlp/, to which he finds irritating. People insist they see him with a fat little woman who yells about social justice, but he denies it.