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[[File:The Sigillite clean.jpg|thumb|300px|The [[Administratum]] of the 41st millennium wishes it could be half as competent as Malcador. On second thought, [[Grimdark|no they won't]]. [[Unknown Primarchs|Interesting armrests...]]]]
[[File:The Sigillite clean.jpg|thumb|300px|The [[Administratum]] of the 41st millennium wishes it could be half as competent as Malcador. On second thought, [[Grimdark|no they don't]]. [[Primarch#Two_Missing_Primarchs_.7C_The_Forgotten_.26_The_Purged|Interesting armrests...]]]]
{{topquote|“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.|The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R Tolkien}}
{{topquote|No one records something they wish to forget.|Anonymous, though often quoted by Malcador the Sigillite, ''The Last Council}}
{{topquote|I am here because when all else fails, when all the other [[Primarchs|mighty gods]] have [[Horus Heresy|gone off to war]], I am all that's left. Home. Hearth. I am the last Olympian.
{{topquote|Whereas the Emperor's knowledge and mastery of all seems an innate part of Him, Malcador gives the impression of someone who has come by his wisdom through long study. He is a man of detail, of long and dry and boring detail. Please note, I do not say these things to mock or minimize him. We neglect the detail at our greatest peril. Malcador is, dare I say, as essential to the Imperium as my father.|Alpharius (maybe), ''The Head of the Hydra}}
|Hestia, to Percy Jackson, in The Last Olympian}}
{{topquote|I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.|''The Lord of the Rings'', [[J.R.R. Tolkien]]}}
{{topquote|I am here because when all else fails, when all the other [[Primarchs|mighty gods]] have [[Horus Heresy|gone off to war]], I am all that's left. Home. Hearth. I am the last Olympian.|Hestia, to Percy Jackson, in ''The Last Olympian''}}

Malcador the Sigillite (also known as Malcador the Hero or Malcador the Laundryman Of Teh Emprah) was Regent of Terra, Master of the [[Administratum]], first Grand Master of the [[Officio Assassinorum]], and all around bestest bud of the [[God-Emperor of Mankind|Emperor of Mankind]] during the [[Great Crusade]] and the [[Horus Heresy]]. The real-life equivalent of Malcador's position in the Imperium is that of Prime Minister/Chancellor, who acted as de facto head of government in the name of the sovereign (the Emperor).
'''Malcador the Sigillite''' (also known as Malcador the Hero or Malcador the Laundryman Of Teh Emprah or Malcador the Mammy) was Regent of Terra, Master of the [[Administratum]], first Grand Master of the [[Officio Assassinorum]], the founder of the [[Inquisition]], and all around bestest bud of the [[God-Emperor of Mankind|Emperor of Mankind]] during the [[Great Crusade]] and the [[Horus Heresy]]. The real life equivalent of Malcador's position in the Imperium is that of Prime Minister/Chancellor/Majordomo, who acted as de facto head of government in the name of the sovereign (the Emperor). He was also originally known as '''Brahm al-Khadour''' (Brah, Malkhadour '''WUT?'''), last of the Sigillites, the cursed wanderer, the perpetual.

In some respects, Malcador represents something of the Emprah's final dream for mankind as well as something of the nightmare that the Imperium became. In every sense he is just a man. Not a super augmented warrior monk, just a clever old bugger. Like Big E, he understood that the Imperium needed taxes and administration as well as generals and he entrusted those duties to other normal humans. Without him, most of the things he created became horribly corrupt because <s>humans are kinda jerks</s> '''[[Grimdark|GRIMDARK]]''' but even then at least it was humans being [[dick]]s to each other not [[Primarch|demigods]] lording it over the rest.
In some respects, Malcador represents something of the Emprah's final dream for mankind as well as something of the nightmare that the Imperium became. In every sense he is just a man. Not a super augmented warrior monk, just a clever old bugger. Like Big E, he understood that the Imperium needed taxes and administration as well as generals and he entrusted those duties to other normal humans. Perhaps because of his belief that humanity would not outgrow the Emperor's influence, many of the organisations he created lacked adequate oversight, and descended into corruption in the wake of the Horus Heresy. Even so, this was at least humans being [[dick]]s to each other not [[Primarch|demigods]] lording it over the rest.

Having served the Emprah during the Unification of [[Terra]] ''(by his own reckoning he was 6718 years old by the close of the Heresy)'', he was present during the creation of the [[Primarchs]] and advised the Emperor during the early stages of the [[Great Crusade]]. Interestingly, the very first Space Marines (as in pre-legion Dark Angels) were noted to have fought with the Emperor against a psychic group called the '''Sigillites''' (even being mentally shielded against psychic assault by the Emperor himself for the campaign; warriors from said campaign had a base d+10 on psychic defense rolls), implying that Malcador may have been one of their number.
Having served the Emprah during the Unification of [[Terra]] ''(by his own reckoning he was 6718 years old by the close of the Heresy)'', he was present during the creation of the [[Primarchs]] and advised the Emperor during the early stages of the [[Great Crusade]]. Interestingly, the very first Space Marines (as in pre-legion Dark Angels) were noted to have fought with the Emperor against a psychic group called the '''Sigillites''' (even being mentally shielded against psychic assault by the Emperor himself for the campaign; warriors from said campaign had a base d+10 on psychic defense rolls), implying that Malcador may have been one of their number. ''The Last Council'' confirms this, in addition to revealing that he is a [[Perpetual]]. According to at least one source, it was Malcador that convinced the Emperor to call Himself "The Emperor"; when they met, the "emperor" was just the greatest of Terran warlords and little else.  

Malcador himself explains that he is the last of the Sigillite order and further goes on to explain that they were a group which existed to preserve the memories of the past; it was Malcador's duty to remind the Emperor of the lessons of the past and to guide Him in the future. This still doesn't fully explain his seeming immortality and why the Emperor didn't kill him like he did most of his enemies. On his long life, he does point out that it doesn't come from the Emperor. According to Malcador, when he met the Emperor, the "emperor" was just the greatest of Terran warlords and little else.  
Malcador himself explains that he is the last of the Sigillite order, and further goes on to explain that they were a group which existed to preserve the memories of the past; it was Malcador's duty to remind the Emperor of the lessons of the past and to guide Him in the future. One can surmise that Emps discovered his Perpetual nature and figured he may as well put him to use in studying Terra's history and using it as a foundation for the further expansion of what would become the Imperium. That said, the Emperor killed the rest of the Sigillites and used their base as the core of the Imperial Palace. It has been implied that the Sigillites were also violent warlords that did their fair share of oppressing.

When the Primarchs started getting collected and the new Imperium spread outwards, Malcador served as the Regent of Terra, acting as a prime minister who kept the day-to-day activities of the [[Imperium of Man]] running, sponsoring various agencies (like the [[Remembrancer|Remembrancer Order]]), appointing the [[High Lords of Terra|Council of Terra]] and building the [[Administratum]] from the ground up. He also was behind the creation of the [[Officio Assassinorum]], because he realised that not all problems could be solved with either [[Iterator|diplomacy]] or a [[Space Marines|public power boot]] to the arse.
When the Primarchs started getting collected and the new Imperium spread outwards, Malcador served as the Regent of Terra, acting as a prime minister who kept the day-to-day activities of the [[Imperium of Man]] running, sponsoring various agencies (like the [[Remembrancer|Remembrancer Order]]), appointing the [[High Lords of Terra|Council of Terra]] and building the [[Administratum]] from the ground up. He also was behind the creation of the [[Officio Assassinorum]], because he realised that not all problems could be solved with either [[Iterator|diplomacy]] or a [[Space Marines|public power boot]] to the arse. He also established the Conservator Order to preserve history and the Order Elucidatum to burn any historical texts deemed religious or inconvenient, so the "modern" Inquisitorial infighting is nothing new.

After the Emperor returned to Terra and set up the Council of Terra, the Emperor appointed Malcador to the position of First Lord of the Council (essentially the Prime Minister of the Imperium at that point, where the [[Horus|Warmaster]] was the overall military commander), while the Emperor descended into the Imperial palace and set to work on gaining access to the [[Webway]]. Though he tried to be some kind of cool uncle/granddad to the Primarchs, most of them seem to have gotten jealous of his closeness to the Emperor. All of them showed off their physical oomph in front of him (though at the time Mortarion was the most recent Primarch to be discovered, so we don't know if [[Jaghatai Khan]], [[Alpharius]] and the rest decided to lay the smackdown on grandpa), and at least two of them straight-up assaulted him.
After the Emperor returned to Terra and set up the Council of Terra, the Emperor appointed Malcador to the position of First Lord of the Council (essentially the Prime Minister of the Imperium at that point, where the [[Horus|Warmaster]] was the overall military commander), while the Emperor descended into the Imperial palace and set to work on gaining access to the [[Webway]]. Though he tried to be some kind of cool uncle/granddad to the Primarchs, most of them seem to have gotten jealous of his closeness to the Emperor; all of them made threatening displays of physical oomph in front of him, and at least two of them straight-up assaulted him, with Mortarion strangling him because muh psyker-hate and Lorgar backhanding him so hard he flew 20 meters somehow (65 Frickin' Feet!); in Lorgar's defense though, this was after Emps burned Monarchia for the crime of being religious. At the time, Mortarion was the most recent Primarch to be discovered, so we don't know if [[Jaghatai Khan]], [[Alpharius]] and the rest decided to lay the smackdown on grandpa. Suffice to say, the Emperor only had to deal with the Primarchs at their best on the weekend whereas Malcador had to deal with the behemoth brats for the rest of the week, meaning he got the shit end of the stick. Weirdly, the Primarch that had the best relationship with 'ol Malcy was shown to be [[Leman Russ]], who actually did treat him like a beloved old grandad that he could chill and play hrafnkel with.
His reputation with the Primarchs, especially Horus and [[Alpharius#But_Wait.21|"Alpharius"]], was not helped by the fact that it was him who ultimately made the decision to commit damnatio memoriae on the [[Primarch#Two_Missing_Primarchs_.7C_The_Forgotten_.26_The_Purged|2nd and 11th]], this prompted Horus to confront Malcador about this, then proceeded to throw a pre-heresy [[Butthurt|hissyfit]] so Malcador made sure to force choke him until he calmed his demihuman tits meanwhile [[Jaghatai Khan]] & [[Alpharius]] watched like children while their drunk dad beat their older brother. Which may have played a part in forming Horus' opinions on humans and not only their ability to, but what right they had, to self-govern.

When the [[Horus Heresy]] broke out, Malcador worked closely but-not-always-that-closely with [[Rogal Dorn]] (there were [[skub|some divergences of opinions]] between the loyal-to-the-point-of-naivety Dorn and the pragmatic-to-the-point-of-cynicism Malcador) in preparing the defenses of Terra and coordinating the logistics of the war effort, as well as overseeing a formation of special projects such as the [[Astronomican|Adeptus Astronomican]] and, towards the end of the Horus Heresy, the [[Grey Knights]].
When the [[Horus Heresy]] broke out, Malcador worked closely but-not-always-that-closely with [[Rogal Dorn]] (there were [[skub|some divergences of opinions]] between the loyal-to-the-point-of-naivety Dorn and the pragmatic-to-the-point-of-cynicism Malcador) in preparing the defenses of Terra and coordinating the logistics of the war effort, as well as overseeing a formation of special projects such as the [[Astronomican|Adeptus Astronomican]] and, towards the end of the Horus Heresy, the [[Grey Knights]].

While he globally did a pretty decent job of keeping the Imperium running, there was one decision that in hindsight came to bite them in the ass spectacularly. With the worlds directly around Terra exsanguinated by the demands of the [[Great Crusade]], Malcador and the Council decided to implement supplementary taxes on top of the already existing [[Imperial Tithe]] to pay for support for the now-widespread and far-flung Expeditionary Fleets. While this was a good idea in theory, in practice it proved to be a source of discontent and rebellion. Where those worlds that had been visited by the [[Salamanders]] or [[Raven Guard]] (whose ''modus operandi'' was to limit casualties) or the [[Ultramarines]] (who wrecked things but rebuild afterwards) could and did contribute relatively easily; those that had gotten rekt by the likes of the [[Death Guard]] or [[Iron Hands]] '''really''' weren't inclined to pay even more to the Imperium that devastated their planet.
Sometime during the Siege on Terra, [[Magnus the Red]] appeared at the Imperial Palace, disguising himself, [[Ahriman]] and a handful of [[Thousand Sons]] as Custodes to invade the bowels of the imperial palace to reclaim a soul fragment of his. It was there that he found himself in an underground neighborhood with twenty individual houses for all the Primarchs, thereby putting to rest whether or not the Primarchs were ever actually meant to be raised on Terra.
It was here that Malcador and the perpetual Olivia (from the book 'Vengeful Spirit') were waiting for Magnus, [[Irony|where the two super humans shared an exchange of how both parties fucked everything up and it was neither of their intent to do anything wrong]]. Magnus calls bullshit on Malcador's feigned ignorance, grabs Malcador by the neck and demands to know where his soul shard is. When he's told that it was basically used up like a battery and doesn't exist anymore, Magnus became so enraged that it blinded him to the fact he was burning Malcador to death with his psychic rage, thereby putting to rest who the stronger psyker really is.
Magnus came to when Olivia attempted to intervene and received a bolter round in the gut for her trouble, for which Magnus killed his own son before finally looking (with full cognition) on Malcador's beef-jerkey remains still gripped in his hand. After dropping Malcador's corpse on the ground in shock, a regenerated Olivia looks over and just gifts Malcador her own life (okay) thereby putting to rest when and where Malcador became a perpetual. Except he already was established to be a perpetual circa ''The Last Council'' before the Horus Heresy began.
It was at this point Magnus fucked off to make an attempt on the Emperor's life, leaving Malcador to his own devices. Malcador gave a disapproving scowl.
While he globally did a pretty decent job of keeping the Imperium running, there was one decision that in hindsight came to bite them in the ass spectacularly. With the worlds directly around Terra exsanguinated by the demands of the [[Great Crusade]], Malcador and the Council decided to implement supplementary taxes on top of the already existing [[Imperial Tithe]] to pay for support for the now-widespread and far-flung Expeditionary Fleets. While this was a good idea in theory, in practice it proved to be a source of discontent and rebellion. Where those worlds that had been visited by the [[Salamanders]] or [[Raven Guard]] (whose ''modus operandi'' was to limit casualties) or the [[Ultramarines]] (who wrecked things but rebuilt afterwards) could and did contribute relatively easily, those that had gotten rekt by the likes of the [[Death Guard]] or [[Iron Hands]] '''really''' weren't inclined to pay even more to the Imperium that devastated their planet.

==Malcador's Fate==
==Malcador's Fate==
Malcador is dead. Very, very dead. During the Siege of Terra, the only chance that the Emperor could get to join the battle would be if someone took his place sitting on the Golden Throne (since [[Magnus]] broke it and threatened Terra with a new [[Eye of Terror]]). Malcador's psychic power meant he was the only potential candidate to do so while the Emperor fought off the [[Chaos Space Marines]]. However, since he was really not on the same psychic level as Big E, the process of painfully shutting the door in the daemon's faces each time they tried to open it burned him out (literally) in a matter of hours. He crumbled to dust after the Emperor was returned to the seat by Rogal Dorn and Jaghatai Khan. With his last ounce of strength, he allowed the Emperor to communicate with his mortal servants one last time. Truly, an all around awesome bureaucrat and manipulator.
Malcador is dead. Very, very dead. During the Siege of Terra, the only chance that the Emperor could get to join the battle would be if someone took his place sitting on the Golden Throne, since [[Magnus]]'s interference broke it and threatened Terra with a new [[Eye of Terror]]. Malcador's psychic power meant he was the only potential candidate to do so while the Emperor fought off the [[Chaos Space Marines]]. However, since he was really not on the same psychic level as Big E and neither possessed his nearly divine physical abilities , the process of painfully shutting the door in the daemon's faces each time they tried to open it burned him out (literally) in a matter of hours. He crumbled to dust after the Emperor was returned to the seat by Rogal Dorn and Jaghatai Khan. Keeping in mind that Malcador is a [[perpetual]], that's some pretty hardcore currents flowing through and goes even further to show how ridiculously OP the Emperor is. With his last ounce of strength, he allowed the Emperor to communicate with his mortal servants one last time. Truly, Malcador was an all around awesome bureaucrat and manipulator to the very end.
Though, the fact he disintegrated after being taken off of the golden throne sort of defies the claim made in ''The Last Council'' that he's a perpetual. One could argue that he sacrificed his perpetual power to marginally restore the Emperor back to consciousness, what can't be waived away is the fact that unlike any other perpetual, he's a decrepit old man by the time of the Horus Heresy, and it's known he used his psyker powers to mask his age whenever it suited him and he's been subject to rejuvenation treatments to extend his own life; both are things that shouldn't be necessary for a perpetual, impossible in the former's case ([[derp|unless it happens he was faking being old this whole time]]). In an attempt to cure this bizarre inconsistency, ''Fury of Magnus'' tries to retcon the fact that Malcador was already established to be a perpetual after the [[Rangdan Xenocides]] concluded in ''The Last Council'' by having a perpetual named Olivia give it to him after he got barbecued by Magnus during the Siege on Terra, making her own sacrifice a total waste and utterly pointless. The very idea that he self-immolated on the atomic level just so the Emperor could speak without having to use his own psyker powers is made all the more monumentally stupid considering how much more good he could've done had he not, unless it happened there was no chance he could regenerate anyway and was just making some last ditch effort to save the Imperium before the inevitable... save for the fact he had another perpetual on tap just to pointlessly waste it on reviving himself from an unnecessary confrontation with Magnus instead of reserving it for when he's about to die on the Golden Throne or have Olivia give it to the Emperor after fighting Horus.
It might be that he was doing more than just sacrificing his perpetual status so the Emperor could open his eyes slightly and slur out some orders like an alcoholic on a binge struggling to stay awake. The going fan-theory is that the Emperor might himself be a perpetual, but the message being sent by this revelation is that while the Emperor is indeed a perpetual himself as of the time he was interred to the Golden Throne, he wasn't always, and it took Malcador giving it to him at the expense of his own life to make it happen, which would make better sense considering that while ordinarily being turned into a rotting corpse means you're not a perpetual as they heal like [[fail|Wolverine in X-Men 3]]. Except now Malcador has been given double perpetual status somehow, meaning he should still be alive regardless.
In terms of Malcador's double Perpetual status we know from Vulkan lives that allegedly a sufficiently potent psykic force can overcome a perpetuals ability to regenerate and cause true death (see Fulgurite) making it likely that Magnus incinerating Malcador was a trauma of sufficient potency to strip Malcador of his ability to regenerate this needing Olivia' sacrifice to restore his status. Likewise this would explain true death on the Golden Throne. We also know from Saturnine that not all perpetuals are regenerators; Erda states as much when speaking to John Gramaticus that the ability to ressurect from death is rare amongst perpetuals thus why the Primarchs being perpetuals aren't all able to regenerate (yes Erda states this too, all Primarchs are created as perpetuals) this could explain Malcador's inability to ressurect himself following Magnus' temper tantrum.

==Malcador's Insights==
==Malcador's Insights==
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*Malcador worried about the Emperor being so far above humanity, [[The Last Church|so inspirational in his efforts to squeeze out superstition and false religion]] that it would eventually cause [[Imperial Cult|religious cults]] to form around himself and his sons instead, which is [[Derp|exactly what happened.]]
*Malcador worried about the Emperor being so far above humanity, [[The Last Church|so inspirational in his efforts to squeeze out superstition and false religion]] that it would eventually cause [[Imperial Cult|religious cults]] to form around himself and his sons instead, which is [[Derp|exactly what happened.]]
*He also warned that humanity would be so invested in the Emperor that if he were to ever leave or die, humanity would not be able to handle the shock and would be left paralysed and without direction. The Emperor himself dismissed this as nonsense, since his intention was to raise humanity and allow it to think for itself, but again it is exactly what happened in the end - another [[Not as Planned|miscalculation]] on his part. To be fair, the Emperor’s plan for human independence was not completed by the time things went to hell.
*He also warned that humanity would be so invested in the Emperor that if he were to ever leave or die, humanity would not be able to handle the shock and would be left paralysed and without direction. The Emperor himself dismissed this as nonsense, since his intention was to raise humanity and allow it to think for itself, but again it is exactly what happened in the end - another [[Not as Planned|miscalculation]] on his part. To be fair, the Emperor’s plan for human independence was not completed by the time things went to hell.
**When looked at from a different point of view: the Emperor's plan to invade and conquer the Webway ''(which Magnus was supposed to assist with if he had not broken it)'', then lead humanity into enlightenment away from the dangers of unrestrained psychic potential ''(which Mortarion was supposed to be the poster boy for if he hadn't switched sides)'' was so utterly dependent on the Emperor being the center of it all that he was was practically setting himself up for failure. While the Emperor was betting the future of the species on the outcome of his own plan, Malcador was thankfully setting up contingencies just in case everything went tits up.
**When looked at from a different point of view: the Emperor's plan to invade and conquer the Webway ''(which Magnus was supposed to assist with if he had not broken it)'', then lead humanity into enlightenment away from the dangers of unrestrained psychic potential ''(which Mortarion was supposed to be the poster boy for if he hadn't switched sides)'' was so utterly dependent on the Emperor being the center of it all that he was was practically setting himself up for failure. To be fair no one knows how far The Emperor's plans went, the Imperium could've been step two in his plans. While the Emperor was betting the future of the species on the outcome of his own plan, Malcador was thankfully setting up contingencies just in case everything went tits up.

Therefore it could be said that all of Malcador's efforts to create the agencies that the Imperium would need later were all part of an insurance policy that humanity could deploy if it ever turned out that the Emperor and his Primarchs could [[Horus Heresy|not be relied upon]] to carry humanity on their [[Pauldron|shoulders]]. Needless to say, if Malcador were the Emperor, [[noblebright|things might have turned out better for the Imperium]].
Therefore it could be said that all of Malcador's efforts to create the agencies that the Imperium would need later were all part of an insurance policy that humanity could deploy if it ever turned out that the Emperor and his Primarchs could [[Horus Heresy|not be relied upon]] to carry humanity on their [[Pauldron|shoulders]]. Needless to say, if Malcador were the Emperor, [[noblebright|things might have turned out better for the Imperium]].

One of his more amusing requests was that [[Fabius Bile|the Primarchs be made female instead of male, or at the very least, add female Primarchs into the mix.]] His primary reasoning was that it would largely deter conflicts within his children, as boys tended to have a competitive "dick-measuring attitude" towards each other, preventing them all from cohesively working with each other. [[Skub|Girls are generally more level-headed than boys and act more as the voice of reason in a family]], which would probably have [[waifu|eased]] some of the tensions that led to the primarchs despising each other. The Emperor eventually dismissed this, both as a joke and as an impossibility since the Space Marine gene-seed was keyed towards male subjects (He'd apparently tried to create [[female Space Marines]] at one point but it didn't work out). (''Take this paragraph, once again, with a healthy dose of salt considering previous paragraphs.'')
One of his more amusing requests was that [[Fabius Bile|the Primarchs be made female instead of male, or at the very least, add female Primarchs into the mix.]] His primary reasoning was that it would largely deter conflicts within his children, as boys tended to have a competitive "dick-measuring attitude" towards each other, preventing them all from cohesively working with each other. The apparent idea was that girls are generally more level-headed than boys and act more as the voice of reason in a family ([[Derp|according to people who don't have more than one daughter or sister]]), which would probably have eased some of the tensions that led to the Primarchs despising each other. The Emperor eventually dismissed this, both as a joke and as an impossibility, since the Space Marine gene-seed was keyed towards male subjects. He'd apparently tried to create [[female Space Marines]] at one point but it didn't work out; [[Skub|his refusal makes sense]] as the changes to physiology would effectively change supplicants into hyper-competitive dick-measurers anyway in terms of muscle mass, endurance, stamina, and aggression, what with the sheer amounts of testosterone needed for the rapid growth process. So, males it was; it's worth taking this in particular, with a ''healthy dose'' of salt, considering previous paragraphs.

[[Skub|His refusal makes sense]] as not only would the changes to physiology effectively change supplicants into hyper-competitive dick-measurers anyway for muscle mass, endurance, stamina, and aggression with sheer amounts of testosterone needed for the rapid growth process. So, males it was.
The Emperor expected his sons to be of one mind as he planned to train them under his [[Imperial Truth|unified guidance]], ensuring they would work [[Krieg|utterly objectively with no personal feelings to get in the way]] (much like him). This expectation went to shit when the Chaos Gods spirited the Primarchs away from Terra and they landed on different planets and being raised with different backgrounds and beliefs, causing friction between those whose home culture did not really mesh with each other. To make matters worse, they tended to have complete faith in their own rectitude, [[Thunder Warriors|with utter intolerance of anyone who got in the way]] (much like him). This undiluted brotherly rivalry wasn't helped by the Emperor not bothering to ease the tensions between his sons, which as mentioned above may or may not have been intentional on His part, and it would all eventually royally bite him back in his golden buttplate when the Horus Heresy erupted. As previously indicated, it also caused Malcador quite a lot of physical pain.

The Emperor expected his sons to be of one mind as he planned to train them under his [[Imperial Truth|unified guidance]], ensuring they would work [[Krieg|utterly objectively with no personal feelings to get in the way]] (much like him). This expectation went to shit when the Chaos Gods spirited the Primarchs away from Terra and they landed on different planets and being raised with different backgrounds and beliefs, causing friction between those whose home culture did not really mesh with each other. This undiluted brotherly rivalry (not helped because the Emperor did not bother to ease the tensions between his sons, which as mentioned above may or may not have been intentional on His part) would eventually royally bite him back in his golden buttplate when the Horus Heresy erupted. It also caused Malcador quite a lot of physical pain - all the Primarchs made a show of their physical strength in front of him at some point, with Mortarion choking him and Lorgar backhanding him around like a ragdoll.

==Planning for the Horus Heresy==
He was the third most powerful human [[psyker]] of his time after Big E and [[Magnus the Red]] (and those two can be barely considered 'human'), being able to do things such as plunging the entire moon of [[Solar System#Saturn|Titan]] in the Warp to protect what would become the Grey Knights from the attacking Traitor Legions. He was also able to prevent a volkite gun from firing even while [[What|surrounded by a squad]] of [[Sisters of Silence]], who were there to keep the psyker [[Knights-Errant|Sevarian]]'s powers in check, without showing any sort of discomfort or loss of concentration.

In ''Malcador: First Lord of the Imperium'' a <u>VERY</u> interesting claim was made by Malcador himself to his dying confidante [[Sibel Niasta]] was that the Heresy was all [[Just as planned|part of the plan]], that the Primarchs were designed as "conquering tools and nothing more", set on course to fight for dominance and eventually turn on each other and challenge the Emperor directly. This is corroborated by what we already "knew" from ''Master of Mankind'' and the Emperor's own attitudes towards the Primarchs (which admittedly has constantly been shown to be shifting. As has been frequenty pointed out the final confrontation between Horus and the Emperor - as we currently know it - would not make any sense if he merely considered them to be disposable tools anyway. Why "hold back" then to start out with?). The Primarchs were manipulated against each other with [[Rogal Dorn|unequal]] [[Perturabo|favour]], jealousies stoked in order to achieve this, and he also claims that those who [[Magnus|would not be manipulated]] [[Primarch#Two Missing Primarchs|never reach the end game.]] What is not certain is whether he was speaking the ''whole'' truth since he does later admit privately just after the conversation that he had to lie to mortals to spare their sorrow, so what parts he "lied" about are uncertain (he could've made the whole "just as planned" story up, it could've all been true and he was regretting manipulating the Primarchs and their legions, it could even refer to a single sentence where he implies that the Emperor will save her soul after death); he also admits that the outcome had been altered by the [[Chaos Gods|great enemy]] who had emboldened their champions and started the battle early so he did not know with absolute certainty how it was going to turn out.
His powers were strong enough to casually FORCECHOKE (well, he kinda prepped himself up for the confrontation, even went to pickup his power staff to help focus his powers) [[Horus]] almost to death, when the latter grew angry about one of the missing Primarch's legacies being erased and tries to say their name. Malcador says he can "unmake" Horus there and then, but relents when the Khan begs. Hard to tell if this was a bluff or not. This is before Horus gets blessed by Chaos, but it is still an incredible feat (especially considering that [[Forge World]] gave Horus ''Adamantium Will'' and a terminator armour that makes him near invulnerable to psychic powers regardless of the psykers' might), though Horus could resist to the point that it tired out the old man quite a lot. Also led to Horus being obsessed with Malcadors private history for a few decades, which he shared with the Khan before the Heresy.

However, as shown from ''"The Board is Set"'' or the novel "The Outcast dead" Malcador and the Emperor were certainly shown to have considerable amounts of foreknowledge regarding the Horus Heresy and certainly ''did'' play the Primarchs against each other in order to attempt to counter the manipulations of Chaos. In aforementioned novel the Emperor plays chess with a traumatized astropath and reveals that he "sacrificed" Ferrus Manus like you would remove a figure from the board to give you a better edge. However in the Board is Set, Malcador is shown that the Primarch's destinies were not necessarily fixed and could have been played in different ways; some Primarchs were [[Sanguinius|sacrificed]] for greater goals whilst [[Roboute Guilliman|others]] were crucial to final victory. Malcador is also shown to not have been aware of the full plan or the flow of destinies; he is unaware of how certain seeming "winning" strategies are left unplayed because they have unexpected knock-on effects, or that certain moves played early or late could have had disastrous consequences.
Though it has never been seen, he must have been one badass warrior too, since he was the Grand Master of the Assassins. Says something that he took a bone-crunching backhand from Lorgar on the chin. This, in addition to his above-mentioned prodigious psychic power, shows what sort of man Malcador was. With his power - and considering only a few Primarchs are psychic or have psychic defenses (actually they all had psychic potential but most didn't realise, or at least understand, their full potential) - he probably could've put Lorgar on a time out. On the moon. With his mind. Because Lorgar's powers hadn't come into their own yet, Malcador could've put him down for the count quite easily back then. It's also worth mentioning that he was more or less able to withstand the strain of the Golden Throne [[Awesome|''all by himself'']] (and even managed to save some psychic strength for the Emperor) before he died, a feat which in the current era requires the strength of over a thousand trained psykers and the dead Emperor himself to pull off effectively. What a hero.
*Such as why the [[Rogal Dorn|"Invincible Bastion"]] is not used to take the [[Horus|"Lord of Hearts"]] [[Battle of Phall|early on in the war]], since it would force both of the [[Alpharius|"Twin"]] pieces to switch sides to the Warmaster and be able move on the Emperor's home space and cause the game to be lost. This is also significant because it shows that whichever side the Primarch had joined could have been variable, and did not automatically mean that it was working towards the same goal as its leaders.
*Malcador was also surprised to find out that the game could be changed by factors they might be unaware of, such as the "Corruption" of the [[Mortarion|Lord of Clouds]] in the mid-game when they had expected him to resist like he had in their previous playthroughs. The Emperor appeared genuinely saddened by this change, hinting that he either still cared about them even when they had already turned against him, or that some Primarchs could have potentially been recovered and returned to the fold after the conflict had ended. Malcador was also shocked to think that the Emperor could be blind-sided by such an alteration; with Malcador only beginning to see the game for what it truly might have been, rather than simply a means of testing strategy.
*It is important to note that from the beginning of the game, the "Primarch" pieces were essentially blank slates, and only gained their unique shapes and identities as part of their first activations after the Scattering, possibly indicating that the Primarchs could have potentially switched roles with one another depending on the first few moves. ''(Perhaps Sanguinius could have become the Lord of Hearts? or Perturabo become the Invincible Bastion?)''

Taking several factors into account, it is absolutely certain that Malcador and the Emperor had enough foreknowledge to know that the Horus Heresy was going to happen and they certainly manipulated the Primarchs from the point of the '''Scattering''' onward. To say that it was all part of the "original" plan would be a stretch, that many of the Primarchs had municipal gifts ''(Perturabo's architectural mastery, Fulgrim's artistry etc)'' or came with purposes suited to the Emperor's grand plan for a post-human society ''(Magnus' and the Webway, Mortarion as a witchseeker)'' shows that the Emperor probably did have a plan for his Primarchs that didn't involve losing half of them and then chaining himself to the Golden Throne. Now that the game had actually started, the Primarchs were being forced into roles they never intended for. For instance: Ferrus Manus and Sanguinius were both sacrificed by the Emperor, and the loss of Magnus was a crippling blow the the Webway project. The game being played by Chaos against the Emperor seems to have been forced upon him and he spent much of the Heresy on the back foot, attempting to avoid outright disaster. So the so-called "manipulations" of the Primarchs were designed to seek the best possible outcome based on the options available to him. With the loss of so many Primarchs to Chaos, the Emperor was never going to get whatever result that he was originally hoping for when he conceived the Primarchs in the first place
He proposed the [[Chaplain]] edict, ironically taking the idea from [[Lorgar]] and [[Sanguinius]] though back then they were more like [[Commissar]]s, keeping order and looking for <s>[[heresy]]</s> non-compliance, instead of the modern day warrior-priests.

In fact; ''The Board is Set'' goes a long way in explaining why the Emperor <u>couldn't</u> do any more with his advanced notice of impending conflict. Note that "destiny" is different from what the Primarchs were "designed" for ''(case and point: Magnus being designed to operate the Golden Throne, but also being destined to damage it)''. While Emperor had designed all of his Primarchs for specific tasks, he would not have been able to identify the destined role that each Primarch was meant to play until events had already been set into motion and fixed those destinies in stone. So until the first moves had been made and the battlelines were drawn he could only treat the Primarchs according to their gifts; hailing them as heroes, building them statues and trying to steer them away from obvious sources of corruption such as [[Magnus|sorcery]] or [[Lorgar|religion]]. Even if he had suspected which ones would turn against him and eliminate them before they became problems, their destinies could have unfolded in a completely different way, potentially causing a similar conflict to happen albeit with a different combination of playing pieces on the board, or alternatively sacrificing any control he might have actually had over the Primarchs and still have ended up with a disaster on his hands. Also bearing in mind that he still needed to complete the Great Crusade and his Webway project; to put those plans on hold until the issue with Primarchs had sorted themselves out would probably have done him no good either because like the Emperor himself, [[Chaos]] is capable of playing the long game.
There is also [[Malcador Heavy Tank|a tank named after him]], though nowadays another tank named after [[Leman Russ|an important hero and leader]] of the Imperium is used more often, the [[Leman Russ Battle Tank|Leman Russ]], passing over yet another [[Macharius Heavy Tank|perfectly servicable vehicle]]. Russ is a [[Galactic Partridges|glory hog]] like that.

[[Lorgar]] is an interesting issue: Malcador once claimed that if he could have saved just one of the traitor Primarchs, it should have been Lorgar. However, from the Board is Set, the Emperor makes it clear that the game '''always''' starts with the "Chosen" piece, strongly believed to represent Lorgar with his initial swaying of Horus and thus beginning the Heresy. This implies that no matter what moves are planned for, or what Primarchs ended up on either side; Chaos will ''always'' have a "Chosen" piece to start the game with. If Horus had been protected, Lorgar might have simply started the conflict with someone else, making Chosen/Lorgar perhaps the more crucial piece. Though keep in mind that Malcador speaks with the benefit of hindsight, and the Emperor was not omniscient, it is possible that neither of them were to fully realise that Lorgar was the Chosen until the first move of the game had already been made. What is most tragic is that Lorgar ''really'' wanted the love and approval of his father and was probably the most fanatically loyal to him in the early days, so turning him into Chaos most pivotal piece is a cruel irony. If it were possible to have actually saved Lorgar before the conflict started, it would have probably unbalanced the game as Chaos would have been forced to find a different Primarch to fill the role of  "Chosen", potentially upending the game altogether. 
He was also potentially the busiest man in existence, having founded the [[Adeptus Terra|administration]] of pretty much the ENTIRE Imperium single-handedly. The organizations he founded - the [[Administratum]], the [[Officio Assassinorum]], the [[Astronomican|Adeptus Astronomica]] and the [[Inquisition]] - have been borderline fucking up everything else (and each other) ever since without his guidance. So far, however, humans still exist; a testament to Malcador's administrative foresight. After all, a stable government gets the job done even with the worst sort.
Until the end of the Heresy, Malcador was not actually aware of how the final conflict actually played out; having seen himself only as an advisor, he was ignorant of his own role. The Emperor showed him in the final days that his piece, "The Fool", would switch places with the Emperor to snatch victory and allow the [[Roboute Guilliman|"Uncrowned Monarch"]] to play his "Salvation" strategy and win the game against chaos by tearing the throat out of the serpent. Malcador's "lie" to his servant was most likely to provide the illusion of control; when in fact the Emperor and Malcador were desperately seeking to find an alternate solution that would not doom everyone. But pretty much like the Emperor stated in "The Outcast dead": "Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep [[Chaos|your opponent]] from winning.".
He was the third most powerful human [[psyker]] of his time (after Big E and [[Magnus the Red]]), being able to do things such as plunging the entire moon of [[Solar System#Saturn|Titan]] in the Warp to protect what would become the Grey Knights from the attacking Traitor Legions. He was also able to prevent a volkite gun from firing even while [[What|surrounded by a squad]] of [[Sisters of Silence]], who were there to keep the psyker [[Knights-Errant|Sevarian]]'s powers in check, without showing any sort of discomfort or loss of concentration.
Though it has never been seen, he must have been one badass warrior too, since he was the Grand Master of the Assassins. Says something that he took a bone-crunching backhand from Lorgar on the chin. This, in addition to his above-mentioned prodigious psychic power, shows what sort of man Malcador was. With his power - and considering only a few Primarchs are psychic or have psychic defenses (actually they all had psychic potential but most didn't realise, or at least understand, their full potential) - he probably could've put Lorgar on a time out. On the moon. With his mind. Because Lorgar's powers hadn't come into their own yet, Malcador could've put him down for the count quite easily back then.

He proposed the [[Chaplain]] edict, ironically taking the idea from [[Lorgar]] and [[Sanguinius]] though back then they were more like [[Commissar]]s, keeping order and looking for [[heresy]], instead of the modern day warrior-priests.  
His force staff was originally thought to have passed to the [[Matt Ward|Ultramarines]], but it turned out it was lost instead and was later found by the AdMech.

There is also [[Malcador Heavy Tank|a tank named after him]], though nowadays another tank named after [[Leman Russ|an important hero and leader]] of the Imperium is used more often, the [[Leman Russ Battle Tank|Leman Russ]], passing over yet another [[Macharius Heavy Tank|perfectly servicable vehicle]]. Russ is a [[Galactic Partridges|glory hog]] like that.
What's the best part? He is just a normal dude. A race of potential Malcador's doesn't sound too bad, does it? Yeah, a 6,000 year old wizard who can self-resurrect, just another ordinary human.

He was also potentially the busiest man in existence, having founded the [[Adeptus Terra|administration]] of pretty much the ENTIRE Imperium single-handedly. The organizations he founded - the [[Administratum]], the [[Officio Assassinorum]], the [[Astronomican|Adeptus Astronomica]] and the [[Inquisition]] - have been borderline fucking up everything else (and each other) ever since without his guidance. So far, however, humans still exist; a testament to Malcador's administrative foresight. After all, a stable government gets the job done even with the worst sort.
As a trivia note, his true name and title, Brahm Al-Khadour the cursed wanderer, is based off of two immortal figures in the real world's cultural legends. One is Al Khadir, an immortal figure in Middle Eastern mythology depicted as a wise sage that acts as a guide. The other is the Wandering Jew, who was cursed, like Cain in the Old Testament, to wander but unlike Cain, is subject to unwilling immortality while his journey would last until the end of time.

His force staff may have also passed into the hands of [[Varro Tigurius]], because [[Matt Ward|Ultramarines]].
MOST IMPORTANTLY without his sacrifice the Emperor couldn't have confronted Horus and thus ended the Siege before Terra was taken (thus forcing Vulkan to blow up the planet thus dooming the Imperium)

== See also ==
== See also ==

Latest revision as of 03:05, 22 June 2023

The Administratum of the 41st millennium wishes it could be half as competent as Malcador. On second thought, no they don't. Interesting armrests...

"No one records something they wish to forget."

– Anonymous, though often quoted by Malcador the Sigillite, The Last Council

"Whereas the Emperor's knowledge and mastery of all seems an innate part of Him, Malcador gives the impression of someone who has come by his wisdom through long study. He is a man of detail, of long and dry and boring detail. Please note, I do not say these things to mock or minimize him. We neglect the detail at our greatest peril. Malcador is, dare I say, as essential to the Imperium as my father."

– Alpharius (maybe), The Head of the Hydra

"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien

"I am here because when all else fails, when all the other mighty gods have gone off to war, I am all that's left. Home. Hearth. I am the last Olympian."

– Hestia, to Percy Jackson, in The Last Olympian

Malcador the Sigillite (also known as Malcador the Hero or Malcador the Laundryman Of Teh Emprah or Malcador the Mammy) was Regent of Terra, Master of the Administratum, first Grand Master of the Officio Assassinorum, the founder of the Inquisition, and all around bestest bud of the Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. The real life equivalent of Malcador's position in the Imperium is that of Prime Minister/Chancellor/Majordomo, who acted as de facto head of government in the name of the sovereign (the Emperor). He was also originally known as Brahm al-Khadour (Brah, Malkhadour WUT?), last of the Sigillites, the cursed wanderer, the perpetual.

In some respects, Malcador represents something of the Emprah's final dream for mankind as well as something of the nightmare that the Imperium became. In every sense he is just a man. Not a super augmented warrior monk, just a clever old bugger. Like Big E, he understood that the Imperium needed taxes and administration as well as generals and he entrusted those duties to other normal humans. Perhaps because of his belief that humanity would not outgrow the Emperor's influence, many of the organisations he created lacked adequate oversight, and descended into corruption in the wake of the Horus Heresy. Even so, this was at least humans being dicks to each other not demigods lording it over the rest.

History[edit | edit source]

Having served the Emprah during the Unification of Terra (by his own reckoning he was 6718 years old by the close of the Heresy), he was present during the creation of the Primarchs and advised the Emperor during the early stages of the Great Crusade. Interestingly, the very first Space Marines (as in pre-legion Dark Angels) were noted to have fought with the Emperor against a psychic group called the Sigillites (even being mentally shielded against psychic assault by the Emperor himself for the campaign; warriors from said campaign had a base d+10 on psychic defense rolls), implying that Malcador may have been one of their number. The Last Council confirms this, in addition to revealing that he is a Perpetual. According to at least one source, it was Malcador that convinced the Emperor to call Himself "The Emperor"; when they met, the "emperor" was just the greatest of Terran warlords and little else.

Malcador himself explains that he is the last of the Sigillite order, and further goes on to explain that they were a group which existed to preserve the memories of the past; it was Malcador's duty to remind the Emperor of the lessons of the past and to guide Him in the future. One can surmise that Emps discovered his Perpetual nature and figured he may as well put him to use in studying Terra's history and using it as a foundation for the further expansion of what would become the Imperium. That said, the Emperor killed the rest of the Sigillites and used their base as the core of the Imperial Palace. It has been implied that the Sigillites were also violent warlords that did their fair share of oppressing.

When the Primarchs started getting collected and the new Imperium spread outwards, Malcador served as the Regent of Terra, acting as a prime minister who kept the day-to-day activities of the Imperium of Man running, sponsoring various agencies (like the Remembrancer Order), appointing the Council of Terra and building the Administratum from the ground up. He also was behind the creation of the Officio Assassinorum, because he realised that not all problems could be solved with either diplomacy or a public power boot to the arse. He also established the Conservator Order to preserve history and the Order Elucidatum to burn any historical texts deemed religious or inconvenient, so the "modern" Inquisitorial infighting is nothing new.

After the Emperor returned to Terra and set up the Council of Terra, the Emperor appointed Malcador to the position of First Lord of the Council (essentially the Prime Minister of the Imperium at that point, where the Warmaster was the overall military commander), while the Emperor descended into the Imperial palace and set to work on gaining access to the Webway. Though he tried to be some kind of cool uncle/granddad to the Primarchs, most of them seem to have gotten jealous of his closeness to the Emperor; all of them made threatening displays of physical oomph in front of him, and at least two of them straight-up assaulted him, with Mortarion strangling him because muh psyker-hate and Lorgar backhanding him so hard he flew 20 meters somehow (65 Frickin' Feet!); in Lorgar's defense though, this was after Emps burned Monarchia for the crime of being religious. At the time, Mortarion was the most recent Primarch to be discovered, so we don't know if Jaghatai Khan, Alpharius and the rest decided to lay the smackdown on grandpa. Suffice to say, the Emperor only had to deal with the Primarchs at their best on the weekend whereas Malcador had to deal with the behemoth brats for the rest of the week, meaning he got the shit end of the stick. Weirdly, the Primarch that had the best relationship with 'ol Malcy was shown to be Leman Russ, who actually did treat him like a beloved old grandad that he could chill and play hrafnkel with.

His reputation with the Primarchs, especially Horus and "Alpharius", was not helped by the fact that it was him who ultimately made the decision to commit damnatio memoriae on the 2nd and 11th, this prompted Horus to confront Malcador about this, then proceeded to throw a pre-heresy hissyfit so Malcador made sure to force choke him until he calmed his demihuman tits meanwhile Jaghatai Khan & Alpharius watched like children while their drunk dad beat their older brother. Which may have played a part in forming Horus' opinions on humans and not only their ability to, but what right they had, to self-govern.

When the Horus Heresy broke out, Malcador worked closely but-not-always-that-closely with Rogal Dorn (there were some divergences of opinions between the loyal-to-the-point-of-naivety Dorn and the pragmatic-to-the-point-of-cynicism Malcador) in preparing the defenses of Terra and coordinating the logistics of the war effort, as well as overseeing a formation of special projects such as the Adeptus Astronomican and, towards the end of the Horus Heresy, the Grey Knights.

Sometime during the Siege on Terra, Magnus the Red appeared at the Imperial Palace, disguising himself, Ahriman and a handful of Thousand Sons as Custodes to invade the bowels of the imperial palace to reclaim a soul fragment of his. It was there that he found himself in an underground neighborhood with twenty individual houses for all the Primarchs, thereby putting to rest whether or not the Primarchs were ever actually meant to be raised on Terra.

It was here that Malcador and the perpetual Olivia (from the book 'Vengeful Spirit') were waiting for Magnus, where the two super humans shared an exchange of how both parties fucked everything up and it was neither of their intent to do anything wrong. Magnus calls bullshit on Malcador's feigned ignorance, grabs Malcador by the neck and demands to know where his soul shard is. When he's told that it was basically used up like a battery and doesn't exist anymore, Magnus became so enraged that it blinded him to the fact he was burning Malcador to death with his psychic rage, thereby putting to rest who the stronger psyker really is.

Magnus came to when Olivia attempted to intervene and received a bolter round in the gut for her trouble, for which Magnus killed his own son before finally looking (with full cognition) on Malcador's beef-jerkey remains still gripped in his hand. After dropping Malcador's corpse on the ground in shock, a regenerated Olivia looks over and just gifts Malcador her own life (okay) thereby putting to rest when and where Malcador became a perpetual. Except he already was established to be a perpetual circa The Last Council before the Horus Heresy began.

It was at this point Magnus fucked off to make an attempt on the Emperor's life, leaving Malcador to his own devices. Malcador gave a disapproving scowl.

While he globally did a pretty decent job of keeping the Imperium running, there was one decision that in hindsight came to bite them in the ass spectacularly. With the worlds directly around Terra exsanguinated by the demands of the Great Crusade, Malcador and the Council decided to implement supplementary taxes on top of the already existing Imperial Tithe to pay for support for the now-widespread and far-flung Expeditionary Fleets. While this was a good idea in theory, in practice it proved to be a source of discontent and rebellion. Where those worlds that had been visited by the Salamanders or Raven Guard (whose modus operandi was to limit casualties) or the Ultramarines (who wrecked things but rebuilt afterwards) could and did contribute relatively easily, those that had gotten rekt by the likes of the Death Guard or Iron Hands really weren't inclined to pay even more to the Imperium that devastated their planet.

Malcador's Fate[edit | edit source]

Malcador is dead. Very, very dead. During the Siege of Terra, the only chance that the Emperor could get to join the battle would be if someone took his place sitting on the Golden Throne, since Magnus's interference broke it and threatened Terra with a new Eye of Terror. Malcador's psychic power meant he was the only potential candidate to do so while the Emperor fought off the Chaos Space Marines. However, since he was really not on the same psychic level as Big E and neither possessed his nearly divine physical abilities , the process of painfully shutting the door in the daemon's faces each time they tried to open it burned him out (literally) in a matter of hours. He crumbled to dust after the Emperor was returned to the seat by Rogal Dorn and Jaghatai Khan. Keeping in mind that Malcador is a perpetual, that's some pretty hardcore currents flowing through and goes even further to show how ridiculously OP the Emperor is. With his last ounce of strength, he allowed the Emperor to communicate with his mortal servants one last time. Truly, Malcador was an all around awesome bureaucrat and manipulator to the very end.

Though, the fact he disintegrated after being taken off of the golden throne sort of defies the claim made in The Last Council that he's a perpetual. One could argue that he sacrificed his perpetual power to marginally restore the Emperor back to consciousness, what can't be waived away is the fact that unlike any other perpetual, he's a decrepit old man by the time of the Horus Heresy, and it's known he used his psyker powers to mask his age whenever it suited him and he's been subject to rejuvenation treatments to extend his own life; both are things that shouldn't be necessary for a perpetual, impossible in the former's case (unless it happens he was faking being old this whole time). In an attempt to cure this bizarre inconsistency, Fury of Magnus tries to retcon the fact that Malcador was already established to be a perpetual after the Rangdan Xenocides concluded in The Last Council by having a perpetual named Olivia give it to him after he got barbecued by Magnus during the Siege on Terra, making her own sacrifice a total waste and utterly pointless. The very idea that he self-immolated on the atomic level just so the Emperor could speak without having to use his own psyker powers is made all the more monumentally stupid considering how much more good he could've done had he not, unless it happened there was no chance he could regenerate anyway and was just making some last ditch effort to save the Imperium before the inevitable... save for the fact he had another perpetual on tap just to pointlessly waste it on reviving himself from an unnecessary confrontation with Magnus instead of reserving it for when he's about to die on the Golden Throne or have Olivia give it to the Emperor after fighting Horus.

It might be that he was doing more than just sacrificing his perpetual status so the Emperor could open his eyes slightly and slur out some orders like an alcoholic on a binge struggling to stay awake. The going fan-theory is that the Emperor might himself be a perpetual, but the message being sent by this revelation is that while the Emperor is indeed a perpetual himself as of the time he was interred to the Golden Throne, he wasn't always, and it took Malcador giving it to him at the expense of his own life to make it happen, which would make better sense considering that while ordinarily being turned into a rotting corpse means you're not a perpetual as they heal like Wolverine in X-Men 3. Except now Malcador has been given double perpetual status somehow, meaning he should still be alive regardless.

In terms of Malcador's double Perpetual status we know from Vulkan lives that allegedly a sufficiently potent psykic force can overcome a perpetuals ability to regenerate and cause true death (see Fulgurite) making it likely that Magnus incinerating Malcador was a trauma of sufficient potency to strip Malcador of his ability to regenerate this needing Olivia' sacrifice to restore his status. Likewise this would explain true death on the Golden Throne. We also know from Saturnine that not all perpetuals are regenerators; Erda states as much when speaking to John Gramaticus that the ability to ressurect from death is rare amongst perpetuals thus why the Primarchs being perpetuals aren't all able to regenerate (yes Erda states this too, all Primarchs are created as perpetuals) this could explain Malcador's inability to ressurect himself following Magnus' temper tantrum.

Malcador's Insights[edit | edit source]

There was much more to Malcador than meets the eye. He was the last of the Sigillites, a secret order of chroniclers and history-keepers that guided humanity from the very beginning through their knowledge of the past, and that the =][= symbol often associated with the later Inquisition was actually the symbol of his order, therefore he was probably one of the old-school Illuminati.

As a former enemy of the Emperor, he still acted as a devil's advocate to some degree, disagreeing with the Emperor on some very fundamental points:

  • Malcador worried about the Emperor being so far above humanity, so inspirational in his efforts to squeeze out superstition and false religion that it would eventually cause religious cults to form around himself and his sons instead, which is exactly what happened.
  • He also warned that humanity would be so invested in the Emperor that if he were to ever leave or die, humanity would not be able to handle the shock and would be left paralysed and without direction. The Emperor himself dismissed this as nonsense, since his intention was to raise humanity and allow it to think for itself, but again it is exactly what happened in the end - another miscalculation on his part. To be fair, the Emperor’s plan for human independence was not completed by the time things went to hell.
    • When looked at from a different point of view: the Emperor's plan to invade and conquer the Webway (which Magnus was supposed to assist with if he had not broken it), then lead humanity into enlightenment away from the dangers of unrestrained psychic potential (which Mortarion was supposed to be the poster boy for if he hadn't switched sides) was so utterly dependent on the Emperor being the center of it all that he was was practically setting himself up for failure. To be fair no one knows how far The Emperor's plans went, the Imperium could've been step two in his plans. While the Emperor was betting the future of the species on the outcome of his own plan, Malcador was thankfully setting up contingencies just in case everything went tits up.

Therefore it could be said that all of Malcador's efforts to create the agencies that the Imperium would need later were all part of an insurance policy that humanity could deploy if it ever turned out that the Emperor and his Primarchs could not be relied upon to carry humanity on their shoulders. Needless to say, if Malcador were the Emperor, things might have turned out better for the Imperium.

One of his more amusing requests was that the Primarchs be made female instead of male, or at the very least, add female Primarchs into the mix. His primary reasoning was that it would largely deter conflicts within his children, as boys tended to have a competitive "dick-measuring attitude" towards each other, preventing them all from cohesively working with each other. The apparent idea was that girls are generally more level-headed than boys and act more as the voice of reason in a family (according to people who don't have more than one daughter or sister), which would probably have eased some of the tensions that led to the Primarchs despising each other. The Emperor eventually dismissed this, both as a joke and as an impossibility, since the Space Marine gene-seed was keyed towards male subjects. He'd apparently tried to create female Space Marines at one point but it didn't work out; his refusal makes sense as the changes to physiology would effectively change supplicants into hyper-competitive dick-measurers anyway in terms of muscle mass, endurance, stamina, and aggression, what with the sheer amounts of testosterone needed for the rapid growth process. So, males it was; it's worth taking this in particular, with a healthy dose of salt, considering previous paragraphs.

The Emperor expected his sons to be of one mind as he planned to train them under his unified guidance, ensuring they would work utterly objectively with no personal feelings to get in the way (much like him). This expectation went to shit when the Chaos Gods spirited the Primarchs away from Terra and they landed on different planets and being raised with different backgrounds and beliefs, causing friction between those whose home culture did not really mesh with each other. To make matters worse, they tended to have complete faith in their own rectitude, with utter intolerance of anyone who got in the way (much like him). This undiluted brotherly rivalry wasn't helped by the Emperor not bothering to ease the tensions between his sons, which as mentioned above may or may not have been intentional on His part, and it would all eventually royally bite him back in his golden buttplate when the Horus Heresy erupted. As previously indicated, it also caused Malcador quite a lot of physical pain.

Credits[edit | edit source]

He was the third most powerful human psyker of his time after Big E and Magnus the Red (and those two can be barely considered 'human'), being able to do things such as plunging the entire moon of Titan in the Warp to protect what would become the Grey Knights from the attacking Traitor Legions. He was also able to prevent a volkite gun from firing even while surrounded by a squad of Sisters of Silence, who were there to keep the psyker Sevarian's powers in check, without showing any sort of discomfort or loss of concentration.

His powers were strong enough to casually FORCECHOKE (well, he kinda prepped himself up for the confrontation, even went to pickup his power staff to help focus his powers) Horus almost to death, when the latter grew angry about one of the missing Primarch's legacies being erased and tries to say their name. Malcador says he can "unmake" Horus there and then, but relents when the Khan begs. Hard to tell if this was a bluff or not. This is before Horus gets blessed by Chaos, but it is still an incredible feat (especially considering that Forge World gave Horus Adamantium Will and a terminator armour that makes him near invulnerable to psychic powers regardless of the psykers' might), though Horus could resist to the point that it tired out the old man quite a lot. Also led to Horus being obsessed with Malcadors private history for a few decades, which he shared with the Khan before the Heresy.

Though it has never been seen, he must have been one badass warrior too, since he was the Grand Master of the Assassins. Says something that he took a bone-crunching backhand from Lorgar on the chin. This, in addition to his above-mentioned prodigious psychic power, shows what sort of man Malcador was. With his power - and considering only a few Primarchs are psychic or have psychic defenses (actually they all had psychic potential but most didn't realise, or at least understand, their full potential) - he probably could've put Lorgar on a time out. On the moon. With his mind. Because Lorgar's powers hadn't come into their own yet, Malcador could've put him down for the count quite easily back then. It's also worth mentioning that he was more or less able to withstand the strain of the Golden Throne all by himself (and even managed to save some psychic strength for the Emperor) before he died, a feat which in the current era requires the strength of over a thousand trained psykers and the dead Emperor himself to pull off effectively. What a hero.

He proposed the Chaplain edict, ironically taking the idea from Lorgar and Sanguinius though back then they were more like Commissars, keeping order and looking for heresy non-compliance, instead of the modern day warrior-priests.

There is also a tank named after him, though nowadays another tank named after an important hero and leader of the Imperium is used more often, the Leman Russ, passing over yet another perfectly servicable vehicle. Russ is a glory hog like that.

He was also potentially the busiest man in existence, having founded the administration of pretty much the ENTIRE Imperium single-handedly. The organizations he founded - the Administratum, the Officio Assassinorum, the Adeptus Astronomica and the Inquisition - have been borderline fucking up everything else (and each other) ever since without his guidance. So far, however, humans still exist; a testament to Malcador's administrative foresight. After all, a stable government gets the job done even with the worst sort.

His force staff was originally thought to have passed to the Ultramarines, but it turned out it was lost instead and was later found by the AdMech.

What's the best part? He is just a normal dude. A race of potential Malcador's doesn't sound too bad, does it? Yeah, a 6,000 year old wizard who can self-resurrect, just another ordinary human.

As a trivia note, his true name and title, Brahm Al-Khadour the cursed wanderer, is based off of two immortal figures in the real world's cultural legends. One is Al Khadir, an immortal figure in Middle Eastern mythology depicted as a wise sage that acts as a guide. The other is the Wandering Jew, who was cursed, like Cain in the Old Testament, to wander but unlike Cain, is subject to unwilling immortality while his journey would last until the end of time.

MOST IMPORTANTLY without his sacrifice the Emperor couldn't have confronted Horus and thus ended the Siege before Terra was taken (thus forcing Vulkan to blow up the planet thus dooming the Imperium)

See also[edit | edit source]

Malcador's opinion on Grimdark.

Institutes within the Imperium of Man
Adeptus Terra: Adeptus Administratum - Adeptus Astra Telepathica
Adeptus Astronomica - Senatorum Imperialis
Adeptus Mechanicus: Adeptus Titanicus - Explorator Fleet - Legio Cybernetica - Skitarii
Armed Forces: Adeptus Arbites - Adeptus Custodes - Planetary Defense Force - Sisters of Silence
Imperial Army: Afriel Strain - Adeptus Astartes - Gland War Veteran
Imperial Guard - Imperial Navy - Imperial Knights - Militarum Tempestus
Imperial Cult: Adeptus Ministorum - Adepta Sororitas - Death Cults - Schola Progenium
Inquisition: Ordo Astartes - Ordo Astra - Ordo Calixis - Ordo Chronos - Ordo Hereticus
Ordo Machinum - Ordo Malleus - Ordo Militarum - Ordo Necros - Ordo Sepulturum
Ordo Sicarius - Ordo Xenos
Officio Assassinorum: Adamus - Callidus - Culexus - Eversor - Maerorus - Vanus - Venenum - Vindicare
Great Crusade: Corps of Iterators - Legiones Astartes - Remembrancer Order - Solar Auxilia
Unification Wars: Legio Cataegis
Other: League of Black Ships - Logos Historica Verita
Navis Nobilite - Rogue Traders - Ambassador Imperialis
Abhumans & Denizens: Beastmen - Caryatids - Felinids - Humans - Nightsiders - Troths - Neandors
Ogryns - Ratlings - Scalies - Scavvies - Squats - Subs - Pelagers - Longshanks
Notable Members: God-Emperor of Mankind - Malcador the Sigillite
The Perpetuals - The Primarchs - Sebastian Thor
Erda - Ollanius Pius