Warhammer 40,000/3rd Edition Tactics/Orks: Difference between revisions
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*'''[[Plasma#Kustom_Mega-Blasta|Kustom Mega-Blasta]]''' | *'''[[Plasma#Kustom_Mega-Blasta|Kustom Mega-Blasta]]''' | ||
*'''[[Big Mek#Equipment|Kustom Force Field]]''' | *'''[[Big Mek#Equipment|Kustom Force Field]]''' | ||
*'''Kustom Job''': Comes in three flavours; [[MOAR DAKKA|More Dakka]], [[Shooty|Shootier]], and [[Shootas'an Dakkas#Snazzgun|Blasta]]. | *'''[[Warhammer 40,000/Tactics/Orks(8E)#Terrain|Kustom Job]]''': Comes in three flavours; [[MOAR DAKKA|More Dakka]], [[Shooty|Shootier]], and [[Shootas'an Dakkas#Snazzgun|Blasta]]. | ||
*'''[[Da_Orkz_'eavy_Artillery#Big_Lobba|Lobba]]''' | *'''[[Da_Orkz_'eavy_Artillery#Big_Lobba|Lobba]]''' | ||
*'''[[Meganobz|Mega Armour]]''' | *'''[[Meganobz|Mega Armour]]''' |
Revision as of 17:22, 7 June 2020
This is an old Edition's Ork "tactics". The 5th Edition Tactics are here while the 2nd Edition Tactics are here.
Why Play Adeptus Ministorum ORKS!
Because you're a proud fa/tg/uy who can remember the good old days when the models were pewter, the vehicle armour was Papier-mâché, and the universe was populated by Orky motherfuckers instead of whiny 'Eavy Armoured Mary Sues. And with the animal-fest that is the galaxy, an entire army composed of badass 'Eavy-Armoured mushrooms with nothing but a Burna and their Waaagh! is like a breath of fresh air. What's that? Aspect Orks? Fuck your shit. Go play Aeldari. These are blasts from the past, when everything was scratch-built, the force org chart was 50% HQ, and the Warboss had a goddamn Bionik Bonce. You're going to win for the same reason you always have. You're the hardest, Squigiest, motherfucker around and you've been pushing these kids' shit in since they had Yu-Gi-Oh lunch boxes. Welcome to the new hard mode.
Ahem, now we've got that out of the way. 3rd edition Orks are a very adaptable army, they have a lot of Troops choices to choose from, and easy access to weapons and vehicles from other factions to fill gaps in their line.
Faithfully recreated in alphabetical order for your reading pleasure... Y'know, as opposed to, like, something sensible Gork (or possibly Mork) forbid.
Ork Wargear
- Ammo Runt: A single miniature with a Gretchin stat line that follows Ork you bought him for, that can't be targeted by enemy shooting but can get caught in Blast markers and other templates. Once per battle, one Ork model in base contact with this guy can re-roll one To-Hit dice in the shooting phase, after which the Ammo Runt is removed, and this doesn't count for morale or victory points.
- Attack squig: A single miniature with a Squig stat line that follows the Ork you bought him for, roughly equivalent to a Human with S and T 3 and two WS3 attacks at I4.
- Choppa: Much more nasty back in the olden days of yore, this thing limits an opponent's saving throw to 4+, making Space Marines that much more easy to puncture.
- Big Horns/Iron Gob: Two different upgrades with the same effect, +1 Ld for your Warboss or Nob. The two can't be combined for +2 unfortunately, so you can't sport both a pair of horns and a metal jaw. Remember that when assembling your minis'.
- Bionik Arm: For when you design your Ork right after playing Assassin's Creed. The Bionik Arm can incorporate all manner of built-in weapons, with examples given such as small pistols, retractable blades, or even cages containing live and livid wild animals. Whichever one you choose is purely cosmetic, as they all give the same bonus of a single automatic melee attack at S4 and I6, and the target of this attack must be in base contact with the wielder. Additionally, it counts as a regular CCW, and can't be taken with Mega Armour.
- Bionik Bonce: Because who doesn't want to cosplay as the Big G? Bestows +1 to your current armour save, which obviously can't be combined with Mega Armour
- Bosspole: Bought for a Nob but can be carried by one of his Boyz or Grots if he's in a mob, allows you to re-roll any Leadership tests if you fail on the first try.
- Burna: Can be fired in the shooting phase as an Assault 1 template weapon, or swung in the assault phase as a Power Weapon, but not both in the same turn.
- Cybork Body: Your 5++ invuln save for anyone that wants it. Give it to your Nobz along with Mega Armour and they can pretend they're Terminators.
- Dok's Tools: Limited to healing ONE Ork miniature per turn at the end of the enemy shooting phase, but even models reduced to zero wounds can be brought back if the dice gods be with ye. A roll of 1 results in the Mad Dok actually injuring his patient further, whilst a 6 returns a single wound, and anything else means nothing happens.
- 'Eavy Armour: Gives your Ork a 4+ armour save, which can combine with the Bionik Bonce above for a 3+, and if you do this you should totally give him Space Marine Pauldrons.
- Grabba Stik: A tool to increase the range of your Runtherd's melee attacks, allowing him to attack enemy models up to 2" away in close combat, but he can't use any other special weapons like Choppas.
- Grot Orderly: A single miniature with a Gretchin stat line that follows Ork you bought him for, each one in base contact with a Mad Dok gives +1 on their Dok's Tools roll up to a maximum of +3. Overenthusiasm on the Grot's part however means that a roll of 1 before bonuses always fails.
- Grot Oiler: A single miniature with a Gretchin stat line that follows Ork you bought him for, each one in base contact with a Mekboy gives +1 on their Mek's Tools roll up to a maximum of +3. Overenthusiasm on the Grot's part however means that a roll of 1 before bonuses always fails.
- Kannon
- Kombi-Weapons
- Kustom Mega-Blasta
- Kustom Force Field
- Kustom Job: Comes in three flavours; More Dakka, Shootier, and Blasta.
- Lobba
- Mega Armour
- Mega Boosta
- Mekboy's Tools
- Skorcha
- Squighound
- Super Stikkbombz
- Stikkbomb Chukka
- Tankbusta Bombz
- 'Uge Choppa
- 'Urty Syringe
- Waaagh! Banner
- Zzap Gun
Ork Vehicle Upgrades
- Armour Plates: Additional 6+ Feel no Pain protection for vehicles against glancing and penetrating hits, but doesn't help against ordnance. Easy to add to your models by just sticking a load of spare panels to it.
- Big Grabber/Wrecker Ball/Reinforced Ram/Boarding Plank: Functionally identical rules wise, they all allow Ork vehicles to attack enemy vehicles in close combat. You only get one attack per weapon, and can only have one of each, for a maximum of four. Attacks always hit on a 4+ and are S6, but can't be used against walkers, skimmers, or infantry.
- Bolt-On Big Shoota: For Wartrukks only, and has to be operated by a passenger. That's all there is to say, really.
- Grot Riggers: Gives your immobilised vehicle a chance to restart again on a 4+ D6 roll, only once per turn at the start of each turn. Auto-take if you have the points spare.
- Searchlight: Only bring these during Night Fight missions, useless otherwise. Each vehicle with a Searchlight can illuminate one enemy unit per turn, allowing themselves and other friendly units to fire at it as if it were day, but consequently all enemy units can also fire at the vehicle doing the illuminating as if it were day too. So either stick it on something expendable that you can live without, or something tough that can tank the hits.
- Spikes 'n' Blades: Enemy infantry that miss their melee swings against vehicles equipped with these babies suffer S3 hits. Can't be fitted to Wartrukks because it doesn't meet the Health & Safety code. Cute but situational, obviously close quarters is where you want your Orks to be, but if your non-Deff Dred and Killa Kan vehicles themselves are dragged into close combat, they won't last long anyway.
- Stikkbomb Chucka: Spelt differently to the infantry-portable one for... reasons? Allows a non-tank vehicle or walker to perform a Tank Shock attack, and gives actual tanks a -1 modifier to their unfortunate target's Morale check. Adds a bit of extra versatility to your smaller buggies.
- Turbo Boosta: +D6" during the movement phase which doesn't count towards shooting or disembarking limits, but must be in a straight line, and on a 4+ the vehicle and passengers can't shoot or disembark. That means you have a 50% chance of not being able to do anything with your vehicle or its compliment, for only the paltry gain of being up to 6" further up the board. Red Paint Job is more reliable.
- Red Paint Job: +1" to all movement distances. You know it, you love it, and available to Orks of all clans now courtesy of blood splatter.
Unit Analysis
- Warboss: A very different beast to the lovable guy we're familiar with in later editions, he's only T4.
- Warboss's Bodyguard: A motley crew of lackeys for the boss. You can choose from Nobz, Mekboyz, and Mad Doks.
- 0-1 Big Mek
- Big Mek's Bodyguard
- 0-1 Painboss: He's a HQ this time around, and he doesn't get Dok's Tools by default, though it is just a 1pt upgrade.
- Painboy's Bodyguard: Each Painboy can also take a bodyguard of between four and nine Cyborks if he wants, which are considered a single unit with him if taken, so feel free to Counts As with a Looted Techmarine and Servitors. They can't take any upgrades so you're stuck with the base Sluggas and Choppas, but they all get a 5++ invulnerable save and T5, making them pretty resilient.
Special Characters
- Ghazghkull Thraka: Clan GOFF. Only available for use in armies already over 2,000 points, and then only if all players in the battle agree to using special characters, so if That Guy doesn't want you to use him, he can totally say no. As a GOFF, he carries certain army restrictions, and you MUST have at least one Skarboyz mob, but can only have up to ONE each of Kommandos, Burna Boyz, Warbuggies or Wartrakks, Warbikes, Big Gunz, Lootas, and Looted Vehicles. Once per battle, Ghazghkull can call a Waaagh!, giving him a 2++ invulnerable save for the remainder of the turn, and making all Orks on the TABLE pass all Leadership and Morale tests for the duration as well as double their Initiative in close combat as if they had charged, though Gretchin aren't affected.
- Nazdreg Ug Urdgrub: Clan BAD MOON. BACK WHEN HE STILL HAD RULES, I'M NOT CRYING. Just like Ghazghkull above, your army must be over 2,000 points to use Nazdreg, and an elegan/tg/entlemans' agreement to use special characters. He's a real force multiplier for an Ork army, allowing you to include one additional Heavy Support choice, and one Elites or Troops mob of twenty models or less can stay in reserve and enter the battle by either the Infiltrators or Deep Strike rules. To balance that out though, you can't bring more than ONE of Skarboyz, Stormboyz, Kommandos, Slugga Boyz, and Stikk Bommas. He packs his Kustom Blast-X, an Assault 1 Plasma Cannon.
- Mad Dok Grotsnik: Clan DEFF SKULL.
- Wazzdakka gutsmek: Clan EVIL SUNZ.
Special Characters
- Boss Zagstruk: Clan GOFF. An upgrade to a regular Stormboyz mob, he lacks his signature Power Klaw feet, instead having a S5 Assault 2 Slugga as a consolation prize.
- Boss Snikrot: Clan BLOOD AXE.
- Slugga Boyz
- Shoota Boyz
- 0-2 Stikk Bommas
- 0-2 Burna Boyz
- 0-2 Tankbustas
- Gretchin Mobz
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
- 0-2 Big Gunz Battery
- Lootas: A completely different squad to the Lootas we're more familiar with today, sharing only the Fluff and having entirely different Crunch. They can take weapon options from Space Marine Tactical Squads, Devastator Squads, or Scout Squads
- Ork Dreadnought: Better armoured and with more attacks than an individual Killa Kan, it comes stock with two DCCWs, and must choose two guns from either Rokkit Launchas, Big Shootas, Mega Blastas, or Skorchas, for varying prices. It has the option to swap one or both DCCWs for additional guns like a Mortis Dreadnought, but can't swap one or both guns for additional DCCWs, so you can't employ the fan-favourite 3 x DCCW and 1 Skorcha combo.
- Killer Kan: Piloted by Orks instead of Gretchin, so their BS is BS, and they can only be taken in squads of up to three. They can swap their default Big Shoota with either a Rokkit Launcha or a Skorcha for free, though, and the WS is Ork-level, so a pair of them could move up and unleash one more attack than an Ork Dreadnought for only a few points more and at the same Strength and Initiative.
- 0-1 Battlewagon: The OG Battlewagon, absolute unit. You get three twin-linked Big Shootas base, with the option to exchange any of them for twin-linked Rokkit Launchas or Skorchas for free, and one of them for one of the three Big Gunz for +15pts. You can also fit up to five more Big Shootas for +10pts each, which must be operated by passengers.
- 0-1 Looted Vehicle: Just like the Lootas above, you're limited to only Space Marine Rhino and Land Raider variants, or Imperial Guard Chimera and Leman Russ variants, and they use the rules as written in their own codexes, so you'll need two codexes in order to field one. They can take any weapon upgrades listed in their original profiles and their points costs remain the same, but they can only take non-weapon upgrades from the Ork armoury, and their BS is reduced to 2, so they struggle to compete with their non-looted brethren. They also suffer from the Looted Vehicles rule, which forces you to roll a D6 for each Looted Wagon at the beginning of every turn, and if you get a 1 you need to roll again on a Breakdown table, with such Fun results as a fanbelt snapping and not being able to move this turn, or suffering a short-circuit and accelerating 2D6 straight forward.
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Tau | |
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