
This is what happens when you take a regular Dune Buggy and an Imperial Tauros before smashing them together and chucking them off a mountain. The Ork Warbuggy is a two-man Ork fast attack vehicle. Though they came in all shapes and sizes, a standard Warbuggy had a 4 wheeled low-riding chassis and a supercharged engine that enabled it to zoom into battle at incredible pace making them incredibly popular for the Speed Freeks. As a result, Warbuggies were ideally suited for the ash wastes and silt flats of Industrial Worlds. It should be noted that the model was extremely outdated compared to the entire rest of the army list, excluding the Wartrakk. This shows through with the wheels and the Orks themselves, both of which being quite a bit more bland than other Ork vehicles. Considering the general quality of the rest of the Ork List this was especially noticeable here, with the old models being extremely fucking boring. Kitbashing is STRONGLY recommended.
Those Speed Freeks who own Warbuggies will inevitably group together in ramshackle bands that rampage across the battlefield, blasting away at anything they can like they are in Mad Max. There were various patterns of Warbuggy, such as those armed with Rokkit Launchas or Skorchas, though all of them have a speed-crazed driver at the front and a heavy weapons gunner in the back. The weapons used by a Warbuggy are normally Twin-Linked so that the inherent Ork inaccuracy can be offset by a higher rate of fire, and a full horde of Warbuggies has more than enough firepower to mow down enemy platoons or blow apart a tank. Of course they are lightly armored, so anything from a flashlight to a stapler is enough to make this ramshackle vehicle fall apart.
As of the Orktober 2018 event, the long-serving Ork Warbuggy has finally gone to join Gork and Mork in the Great Beyond. In its place Ork players have been blessed with no less than five new war-buggies: the Kustom Boosta-Blasta, the Shokkjump Dragsta, the Boomdakka Snazzwagon, the Megatrakk Scrapjet, and the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy.
Tabletop[edit | edit source]
Warbuggies were possibly one of the most cost-effective and popular fast attack vehicles for the Orks. They are fast, and have decent Twin-Linked firepower that's as strong as most anything that the Orks could take. Being so zippy it's easy to zoom around for side and rear armor shots, which actually might hit due to being Twin-Linked.
Some players liked to run their Warbuggies as single units so that the squadron rules wouldn't apply. Most folk don't find an evil ramshackle go-kart too threatening and they tended to underestimate it and ignore it in favour of the Battlewagon nearby. So you could use this as a good advantage to sneakily go around unsuspecting enemy vehicles too preoccupied with the giant DISTRACTION CARNIFEX of a Battlewagon and attack their rear.
They were low enough to gain cover from grots, but the gun is high enough to shoot over them with relative ease, and buggies (especially single ones) are very easy to hide or gain cover with.
Also, and most importantly, they were dirt fucking cheap for what you get, and can shrug off most small arms fire (barring massive quantities or especially powerful guns) whilst being relatively fast and nimble.
There were frequent arguments over whether a Warbuggy was better than a Deffkopta or vice versa. However, despite this, there was a saying that if you weren't using Warbuggies in your Ork playlists, then you were doing it wrong. That being said, by the time the model was retired it was generally perceived as too old, rather boring, and not really fitting with the aesthetic of the rest of the Ork list.