Blood Reaper

Like most Khornate War Engines from Epic, the Blood Reaper is a heaping mount of Fail. Imagine taking a medieval siege tower and filling it to the brim with guns and spiky bits with a giant skull as a helmet. It is as pathetic as it sounds.
The Blood Reaper has a battery of guns mounted in its main tower which launches constant salvos of fire, whilst its twin main cannons blast apart armored targets such as the would-be Terminators. Any foe lucky enough to survive its deadly barrages is supposed to be crushed beneath its huge wheels, or impaled on its large prow-mounted ram. Seeing on how tall it is, though, the Blood Reaper must be really fortunate of fighting Orks and Nids because there is no way in hell that this thing would be fast enough to crush or impale anything at all without falling over on its face.
It is one of those Daemon Engines that has been mothballed by Khorne, probably due to waking up from a bad case of a hangover only to murmur, "What the fuck! What was I thinking!?" upon realizing that this piece of shit was in his army.