Death Dealer

The Death Dealer is another Daemon Engine of Khorne except this time, it looks even worse than the Lord of Skulls, seriously its like Khorne just saw a drawing of Cultist-Chan's and Khornholio's take on what they think a Daemon Engine looks like and, instead of ripping their heads off in embarrassed rage, somehow became cool with it and actually made it an essential part of his army. The Death Dealer resembles a really stupid mobile siege tower which carries warbands of fanatical Khornate Warriors into battle. At the front of the vehicle is a gigantic mechanical warrior equipped with fearsome close-combat weapons.
To be fair on the Death Dealer however, it did came from Epic which was notorious for their shoddy and hilariously bad models and comical looks. The only good model that ever came out from Epic was the Emperor Battle Titans.
Weaponry[edit | edit source]
The Death Dealer is armed with various weapons such as a hull mounted Gatling Cannon, a tower-mounted cannon, a pair of mechanized close-combat weapons such as a claw, axe or sword and multiple Bolters placed everywhere in order to kill and maim as much people in every angle possible.