Clan Krakhl
Pyromania is the defining aspect of Skryre Clan Krakhl. Their obsession with burning things to cinders has taken more than their sanity, as all of their numbers are riddled with the scars of their trade. Blackened patches of fur, skin stained by ashes and soot, even bare bones are all proudly displayed as trophies by their ranks.
They might be descendants of Clan Volkn, or just unrelated fire-fetishist rats.
Notable Members/Special Units
The Fleshscorchers-A particularly zealous team of enigneers so driven by obsession, that they are often mistaken as fearless. Even amidst battle, they continually toy and tinker with their warp fire throwers to maximize their output, not once even considering the possibility of a fatal malfunction. Not even the risk of death can sway their desire to watch the world burn.