Clan Sleekit
Many of the byways of the Under-Empire are linked by subterranean rivers and seas. While most Skaven avoid these regions for the dark things they are said to contain, Clan Sleekit sees these routes as a commodity. Expert boatmen and navigators, the Skaven of Clan Sleekit are said to have explored the dim reaches of the world below, and harbor terrible secrets about what other things lurk in the sunless world.
These things being said, the members of Sleekit own the most minor fleet at present. Though their sailing knowledge is vast, the same can't be said of their skill for combat at sea. Thus, it should be no surprise that Clan Skurvy and Clan Skuttle overpower the both of them... though Sleekit's knowledge of the underground waterways can earn them decent spots aboard the ships of both the greater clans.