Clan Morbidus

When someone mimics a powerful person, that's usually a good thing. That may not be the case for Clan Morbidus. Although more mercenary than Clan Pestilens, the victories of Clan Morbidus are to be admired. Each time the clan heads to war, it is always for the highest bidder. This has inflated the clan's coffers considerably, allowing for the purchase of rat swarms, Giant Rats and Rat Ogres (all personally customized with a certain disease). Naturally, Pestilens has seen the power play happening... and they're not happy. If anyone's gonna be the plague masters, it'll be them (Pestilens) and not those upstarts (Morbidus)!
Alas, Pestilens has its hands full now; as of Age of Sigmar, these mercenaries have become a Second Echelon ranked clan for the Clans Pestilens. Seems their victories (and, just maybe, their overfull coffers) didn't go unnoticed...
Clans of the Skaven ![]() |