Clan Ektrik

Obsessions aren't just for humans or orcs- Skaven can get them, too! For these guys, they're all about lightning- using it as weapons, as energy, as a decoration (they make their armor with lightning motifs); heck, they even amp up the smallest of their weaponry with lightning (read: cattle-prods that can stun a TROLL)! Naturally, there are a few problems with this lifestyle- death rates in Clan Ektrik are at an all-time high, so that's always a problem. Thankfully, the tons of engineers present means that upgrades for equipment are always easy to come by... but not without a price (and not without the ire of Clan Skryre who look down at Ektrik as potential usurpers and copyright infringers).
In Age of Sigmar, Clan Ektrik are apart of the Clans Skryre and have gained a new obsession; blowing up the Bad Moon with the biggest Doomrocket ever built. As per usual, their efforts had...explosive results for their laboratories.