Clan Carrion

Hoarders, filchers, trash-takers, hobos, scroungers, dumpster divers- whatever you call them, every society has someone picking through trash for "something useful". All of the previously mentioned names (and more) fit Clan Carrion perfectly. They are firm believers in the rule of "Finders keepers, losers weepers". With this in mind, it is advised that any viewers of this page disregard the flag shown on this page; Carrion is so poor that the flag they claim as their own is literally two banners stitched together. Likewise, it should be noted that everything Carrion "owns" (i.e. whatever they can steal) is second-hand... even the Rat Ogres.
Be that as it may, Carrion has a gift for finance. "Nothing is ever wasted and that which can't be used directly is traded". They also mark everything of true value in bright colors, from sophisticated weapons to Rat Ogres. That being said, they do have a few quirks (Rat Ogres are meant to be siege weapons, not colossal meals! ...unless things get crazy desperate). Also, it should be noted that Carrion will steal from other clans the second that they turn their backs, so... bolt down anything of serious value!