Aquila Strongpoint

A more useful building than the underwhelming Fortress of Redemption, the Aquila Strongpoint is centred around a land-based Macrocannon. Unlike the Fortress of Redemption, the Aquila Strongpoint has full 360-degree coverage and firing arc, allowing it to theoretically hit anywhere. Unfortunately, if you are expecting those ECKS BAWKS HUEG Macrocannons in Battlefleet Gothic, you’re in for a disappointment. These are the smaller Aquila-patterns.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Aquila Strongpoints are a type of Imperial fortification. Aquila Strongpoints are large fortifications, often used as bastions in Imperial defensive battle lines. Each consists of a munitions silo, topped by a large turret that houses the aforementioned huge Macrocannon. The munitions silo allows the Aquila Mcrocannon to fire special quake shells, each of which measures several feet in length and has a powerful charge that causes it to reach hypersonic velocity when it is fired.
Aquila Strongpoints can also be equipped with 7 Vortex Missile silos, because fuck you, that's why.