Skyshield Landing Pad

Skyshield Landing Pads are a type of Imperial fortification. They are used to protect aircraft as they unload supplies or evacuate troops to or from the front lines.
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Skyshield Landing Pad is used by the Imperial Navy, which was originally purpose-built to accommodate Valkyrie and Vendetta gunships. However, it has proven robust enough to serve the larger Stormravens and Thunderhawks used by the Adeptus Astartes. With its armoured sides unfurled, Skyshields activate a series of locator beacons that guide incoming aircraft as they make their final approach. Once the craft touches down, the Skyshield’s armour plating transforms into a protective configuration and force field generators shimmer to life, protecting the vulnerable gunship from incoming fire as it refuels, rearms or deploys its passengers. As you might have noticed, the Imperium seems to be using much more energy shielding technology as the editions progress.
It's also known as one of the worst models that GW have made when it comes to flush building, half the parts don't fit together!
Crunch[edit | edit source]
A big change from previous editions, almost all for the better. First, it can actually be attacked (and it's pretty tough). It grants a nice 5++ to units on top OR heals d3 wounds on a Flier, both of which are quite good. Finally, if it's destroyed, it counts as a ruin rather than exploding... which gives cover to any unit still on top of it. It's also well cheap.