Heiran & Nareis

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Heiran & Nareis
Two bloody female hands touching at the fingertips
Aliases The Sisters of Death
Alignment Lawful Evil & Chaotic Evil respectively
Divine Rank Lesser Goddesses
Pantheon Praemal
Portfolio Death
Domains 3E: Chaos / Law, Death, Evil
5E: Death
Home Plane Unknown
Worshippers The dying, The Forsaken, necromancers
Favoured Weapon Scythe

Heiran & Nareis are the twin goddesses of death in Praemal.

Worshippers[edit | edit source]

Though more often feared rather than worshipped, most people appease them due to the stories of what the two will do to the dead when not properly appeased. The sisters have many worshippers among the Forsaken (no, not those forsaken), a group of people obsessed with death and undeath, and the current high priest is their leader.