Father Claw

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Father Claw
Black dragon, or a black dragon's head
Aliases The Serpentine Lord
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Divine Rank Lesser God
Pantheon Praemal
Domains 3E: Chaos, Destruction, Evil
5E: Death
Home Plane Unknown
Worshippers Cultists, evil naga
Favoured Weapon Dagger

Father Claw is an ancient dragon worshipped by some as a god in Praemal.

History[edit | edit source]

Father Claw was worshipped long ago by various people, afraid that he would come to spread death and destruction if not appeased. They erected dark-blue obelisks and made obsidian altars where they performed blood sacrifices to appease the dragon. The priests also took to putting the prefix "Ni-" before their names as a sign of faith in the dragon, learned to use acid as a weapon, and forged the Hungerswords, swords that thirsted for death. Eventually the people grew hateful towards the priests of Father Claw and begun killing them, forcing them to seek refuge in the secret city of Shoggoth.

It was in here that a priest by the name of Ni-Gorth rose through the ranks, and realized that the dragon wasn't someone to be worshipped, but reviled. He labored in secret to create a way to rid the world of the dragon, eventually creating the dragonchain, and used it to bind the dragon into the heart of a mountain, sometime around 8,000 BE. When the other priests of Father Claw found out, they descended upon him and stabbed him death.

For many years the dragon remained bound, until one day he released himself from the chain, and now once more roams the world.

Worshippers[edit | edit source]

Father Claw's worshippers are cultists, who continue to appease their master through sacrfices. A group on nagas called the Children of Mrathrach who dwell in the caverns beneath Ptolus worship him, but depict him as great, black serpent with arms and legs, with the faces of humans he's eaten reaching out from inside his flesh.

Ni-Gorth[edit | edit source]

Golden chain with a dragon's head on either end
Alignment True Neutral
Divine Rank Dead God
Pantheon Praemal
Portfolio Magic, strength
Domains 3E: Magic, Strength
5E: Knowledge
Home Plane Unknown
Worshippers None left
Favoured Weapon Flail

As mentioned above, Ni-Gorth was once a priest of Father Claw who was killed by his fellow priests after he bound his god to a mountain. He rose to godhood after his death, becoming the first of the New Gods. His wizard-priests were known for their wonderous creations and crafts, and they were instrumental in creating the Seven Jewels of Parnaith, seven demiplanes in the Ethereal Plane that would later allow other mortals to ascend to godhood.

His faith eventually started to fall into obscurity around 5,000 BE and now is all but forgotten. The only "living" being who remembers him is his demigoddess daughter and heir, Eruliche, who is trapped in Jabel Shammar.