The Demon Gods

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The Demon Gods
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Divine Rank Demon Princes
Pantheon Praemal
Portfolio Varies
Domains 3E: Chaos, Destruction, Evil
5E: Death, War
Home Plane Abyss
Worshippers The Daragin, the insane, killers, monsters, necromancers

The Demon Gods is the umbrella term used in Praemal to refer to the various Demon Princes of the abyss, though some are also fronts of other evil gods.

Ochremeshk[edit | edit source]

Ochremeshk is unique among the Demon Gods in that he's currently trapped within Praemal. A mighty balor, he supposedly was almost a match for Orcus or Gorgoth-Lol in power before coming to Praemal, where he was eventually trapped within an magical rune around 3,000 BE. The rune now lies hidden within Goth Gulgamel, and from there he calls his worshippers to free him. His symbol is a demonskull talisman.

Worshippers[edit | edit source]

Most worshippers of the Demon Gods worship them as a pantheon, though it isn't uncommon for them to pick a patron amongst them. As they are unable, or rather unwilling, to manifest in Praemal, all of their worshippers have access to the same domains, and this maybe due to how divine magic works in Praemal.

Worshippers of Ochremeshk[edit | edit source]

While not as great as it once was, the cult of Ochremeshk still exists, believing the Demon Prince to be a true god of fire, destruction, and death, and the only being worthy of the title of Demon God. He demands large quantities of living sacrifices from his worshippers, many of which are killed with horrific and bloody methods, and to those who please him he gives unholy symbols with special blessings.