Fellgor Ravager

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Satan's petting zoo.

The Fellgor Ravagers are Beastmen hunters, who live aboard Space Hulks such as the Gallowdark and scavenge its technology. They first appeared in Kill Team: Gallowfall, and became the first independent Beastmen faction in 40k for a long ass while.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Within a Space Hulk lurk many strange cryptids and mutant tribes long forgotten to the wider galaxy. Enclaves of Chaos-worshipping Beastmen dwell in barren outlands, underhives, and Space Hulks as their persecution just goes from worse to shit within the Imperium. However, whilst Beastmen are treated with absolute disdain and are often violent, the most spastically violent of them all are the Fellgor Ravager kill teams.

Fellgor Ravagers are considered the 'elite' of any Chaos-worshipping Beastmen. Whilst they usually hang out by themselves, they are known to be recruited by various members of the Lost and the Damned as shock troops. Do take note that these guys are melee monsters, so whilst they can RIP AND TEAR quite easily, their squishyness makes them vulnerable to ranged combat.

Types of Fellgor Ravager[edit | edit source]

The role of a Fellgor Ravager is as varied as their mutations have given them, these are:

Ironhorn[edit | edit source]

Mr. Tumnus is looking a bit weird here.

The leader of the herd.

Ironhorns act as both military and ideological leaders of a Ravager squad. They kind of act like Bestigors and less like Beastlords from their Warhammer Fantasy counterpart in terms of status.

As the top dog goat of the kill team, Ironhorns are usually more well equipped than the rabble that encompass the Fellgors. They are typically armed with a Bolt Pistol, a Chainsword and a belt of Frag and Krak Grenades.

In terms of armour, they are too poor to even afford Flak Armour. So they go around nearly but-ass naked, with only a piece of gut plate serving as the only source of defence. Not as if that matters much, since Beastmen are known to shrug off pain like an Ork, but it does makes them squishy, especially since they are the top guy. These are murderhobos we are dealing with.

Overall, pretty nasty fellows to face against with in close-range.

On the Kill Team tabletop, they are your pack alpha, your Ironhorn has the ability to pass up on Strategic Ploys in order to mark one friendly operative and let them and anyone within 2"/circle of them make a free Dash action so they can rush towards the enemy. Their two loadouts let them alternate between stronger melee or stronger shooting - The Corrupted Pistol is a bit basic but has Balanced and Rending for some effectiveness and the Corrupted Chainsword is pretty fierce with Rending. On the other hand, the Plasma Pistol is a very potent firearm while your Bludgeon is stuck with 4/4 damage with Brutal backing it up.

They are classified under Combat, Staunch and Marksman.

Fellgor Shaman[edit | edit source]

This is why you should never feed your goat Warp Dust Henry.

The spiritual leader of the herd.

Just like their Warhammer Fantasy counterparts. Fellgor Shamans guide the rest of the herd to the true path to Chaos. These kooks are drawn from Beastmen who have been blessed with psychic powers and lead the sacrificial rites at their tribe's Herdstone.

A Herdstone is essentially a holy menhir of scrap metal or carved rockcrete meant for your typical religious/cultish/oonga-boonga ceremonies. In combat, they invoke warp magic to support their allies and are armed with not only a standard Force Staff, but Frag and Krak Grenades as well..

Like the rest of their cohorts, Shamans do not wear any bits of armour at all. Relying on a Beastmen's natural acumen for RAEG and toughness to shrug off blows that will cripple lesser men.

Nonetheless, they are squishy wizards, so it is best that they don't kiss the barrel of a melta.

On the Kill Team tabletop, they are your lone psyker of the lot. Fortunately, you get three different spells you can make use of. Mantle of Darkness lets friendly operatives within 3"/square count as always being Concealed to enemies beyond 6"/pentagon away, Apoplectic Rejuvenation heals 2d3 wounds (maxed out if they killed someone) to a friendly non-frenzied operative within 6", and Curse Weapon makes an enemy's gun take Hot for their activation, making each roll of 1 to hit deal an additional MW.

They are classified under Staunch and Scout.

Gorehorn[edit | edit source]

The literal G.O.A.T.

In a squad of close-combat monsters, the Gorehorn stands apart from their sheer martial expertise.

Gorehorns are the enforcers and champions of Chaos worshiping Beastmen packs. They throw themselves into battle with wild abandon and use axes to cut off the heads of their foes, making them quite sought after by an Ironhorn or any traitor Guardsmen worth their salt.

As aforementioned, Gorehorns have a dual role in combat assault and enforcing some weird sort of law in Chaos-controlled lands (Yeah...law in Chaos...). Their expertise in close-combat makes them not to be underestimated. Whilst it is true that the Battleaxe is their primary weapon and symbol of office, Gorehorns are also known to take a Autopistol for ranged encounters, as well as carrying a belt of Frag and Krak Grenades.

Like the rest of their cohorts, Gorehorns do not wear any bits of armour at all. Relying on a Beastmen's natural acumen for RAEG and toughness to shrug off blows that will cripple lesser men.

Gorehorns are pretty formidable, so they are not to be fucked with.

On the Kill Team tabletop, they are a big bruiser with a vicious axe with Lethal 5+. They can fight twice each turn (and you need to since that axe is wicked) and every time they kill an enemy outside of Frenzy, they can roll a d3 to recover that many wounds and deal that much on your next crit. As such, you'll be needing a some extra protection so your enemy won't consider sniping them out before they can make a kill.

They are classified under Combat.

Fellgor[edit | edit source]

Your typical angry goatboy.

The typical troop comprising a Ravager kill team.

Fellgors are equipped with a various amount of shit that they scavenged across their journey for Chaos. They are the lowest rank and are akin to the regular Gors from Warhammer Fantasy in terms of their social hierarchy. Since they are the 'runt' of the litter, they are often treated like expendable meatbags for the higher ups.

Of course, these are still dangerous and tough meatbags as your typical Fellgor carry a wide library of murderweapons such as a Shortsword, a Maul, a Hammer to even a goddamn Shock Whip. For range combat, they are only armed with an Autopistol and a few Frag and Krak Grenades. Some Fellgors are known to carry a gong to signal their presence.

Like the rest of their cohorts, Fellgors do not wear any bits of armour at all. Relying on a Beastmen's natural acumen for RAEG and toughness to shrug off blows that will cripple lesser men.

Overall, Fellgors are essentially meatshields for the more dangerous members like Manglers or Fluxbrays. They are there to literally eat the bullet.

On the Kill Team tabletop, these meatbags are your big angry goatmen that turn out to be comparable to Orks with 10 wounds and a 5+ save, and with Frenzy they have a chance to fight a little longer beyond death. The Cleaver has slightly better crits, but you can also grab a Bludgeon, locking your damage to 4/4 but granting Brutal if you're worried about any enemies with shields.

They are classified under Combat and Scout.

Fluxbray[edit | edit source]

Three arms are always better than one!

One of the two Beastmen 'gifted' by the mark of Chaos.

Fluxbrays are devout Beastmen that was gifted with a third arm by the Ruinous Powers – or overexposure to leaking power cores from a ship or a Space Hulk. They are considered the 'finesse' (Finesse in the loosest sense of the term) to the Mangler's brute force (Brute force in the weakest sense of the term) and are willing to turn themselves into a living meat blender.

Because they got three arms, Fluxbrays use that to its full advantage. They equip themselves with a trio of [[cleavers of shortswords to go ham at their enemies. Outside of their close-combat weapons, these guys also wear a belt of Frag and Krak Grenades.

Like the rest of their cohorts, Fluxbrays do not wear any bits of armour at all. Relying on a Beastmen's natural acumen for RAEG and toughness to shrug off blows that will cripple lesser men.

Fluxbrays are often used to support the Mangler which acts the tank.

On the Kill Team tabletop, depending on how you play it, you can either get Relentless for re-rolls or use it to make one hit instantly count as a parry. As they have no guns, you get a special 2 AP action that lets the Fluxbray march forward (moving as normal with an additional +2"/circle in distance) with the ability to walk past any enemy's engagement range to deal d3+1 mortal wounds.

They are classified under Combat and Scout.

Mangler[edit | edit source]

The Minotaurs of the team.

One of the two Beastmen 'gifted' by the mark of Chaos.

Manglers are devout Beastmen that, rather than having any substantial outward mutations, has instead had their senses enhanced. Their bodies and souls had become swollen by the Warp. This has granted them the aforementioned enhanced senses, that allow Manglers to track the very souls of their prey.

Manglers are brutes, even by Beastmen standards, and therefore, lack any weapons outside of a small plethora of Frag and Krak Grenades. Instead, the Beastmen unleash their unflagging rage with their bare, nasty-ass claws, which drives them to smash through objects and foes like the goddamn Juggernaught.

Like the rest of their cohorts, Manglers do not wear any bits of armour at all. Relying on a Beastmen's natural acumen for RAEG and toughness to shrug off blows that will cripple lesser men.

Manglers are therefore, treated like living battering rams and are often the first to head into CQC. They are often supported by the Fluxbrays who can pick apart the more elite enemy troops.

On the Kill Team tabletop, do NOT ask why his hands are so big. Just accept that they are big, they are dangerous, and they are Relentless. Those claws can also score one free crit on an unreadied foe. Fighting is all they can do, as they can't shoot and objective actions require them to spend an extra AP. Good for you that they can fight twice at the cost of 1 AP.

They are classified under Combat and Staunch.

Toxhorn[edit | edit source]

Seems like the Beastmen had learned a thing or two on the Death Guard.

The most technically minded of the herd.

Toxhorns are the closest thing the Beastmen has to a 'dedicated ranged and support unit'. They make use of scavenged technology and chemical brews to sabotage enemy wargear and master their voidcraft habitat. In the heat of battle, they toss odious Pox Bombs that cause metal and flesh alike to decay rapidly. So for all intents and purposes, they are grenadiers.

Outside of their canister, they carry a good ol'Shortsword, a Autopistol, and a belt of Frag and Krak Grenades. They also wear a gas mask so they themselves won't get murked by their own experiments.

Like the rest of their cohorts, Toxhorns do not wear any bits of armour at all. Relying on a Beastmen's natural acumen for RAEG and toughness to shrug off blows that will cripple lesser men.

Unlike the majority of their colleagues, Toxhorns aren't really that suited for close-combat, so they often hang out in the back to lob as much shit as possible.

On the Kill Team tabletop, they totes around Pox Bombs, which they can deploy and can potentially make anyone within 2"/circle of the bomb suffer -1 to APL and potentially even 3 mortal wounds. As this isn't considered a piece of wargear, you can use this as many times as you want to infuriate crowds. This gives them a bit of a defensive edge as well, as they're immune to Stun and other APL modifiers as well as gain a 6+ FNP.

They are classified under Scout and Staunch.

Gnarlscar[edit | edit source]

The Bionic Goat.

The most damaged member of the lot.

Gnarlscars are veterans who have fought for so long and for so hard, that they need to get bionic replacements since they literally punched their way until their punching hand no longer exists. Yeah, pretty hardcore shit.

They are armed with an Autopistol and a few Frag and Krak Grenades. But because of their heavy augmentation, their bionic arm can act as a poor man's version of a powerfist.

Like the rest of their cohorts, Gnarlscars do not wear any bits of armour at all. Relying on a Beastmen's natural acumen for RAEG and toughness to shrug off blows that will cripple lesser men.

Gnarlscars overrall, they are considered as pretty versatile as they don't partake in a niche, they are just there to beat and shoot shit up.

On the Kill Team tabletop, they are cyber-Beastmen wedding the best parts of the Cleaver and Bludgeon. Even better, they can spend an AP to both punch and shoot someone they're engaged with for double the firepower at once. To top it all off, they can switch Orders after activating, letting you hide behind cover after rushing someone.

They are classified under Combat, Staunch and Marksman.

Forces of the Lost and the Damned
Command: Apostate Cardinal - Chaos Champion - Cult Demagogue - Dark Commune
Iconrach - Mindwitch - Renegade Command Squad - Renegade Demagogue
Renegade Enforcer - Rogue Psyker
Human Troops: Accursed Cultist Mutant - Accursed Cultist Torment - Blooded Squad
Cultist - Blessed Blade - Disciple Squad - Heretek - Pontifex Guard
Renegade Infantry Platoon - Renegade Marauder Squad
Renegade Support Squad - Negavolt Cultist
& Beasts:
Beastmen Attack Squad (Khorngors - Pestigors - Slaangors - Tzaangors
Fellgor Ravagers
) - Chaos Beast - Chaos Hound - Chaos Spawn - Mutant Rabble
Ogryn Brute (Ogryn Berserker - Plague Ogryn) - Plague Zombie
Vehicles: AT70 Reaver Battle Tank - AT83 Brigand Super Tank - Chimera - Hellhound
Leman Russ Battle Tank - Salamander Command Vehicle - Stalk Tank - Sentinel
STeG 4
Artillery: Basilisk Artillery Gun - Colossus Bombard - Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier
Hydra Flak Tank - Minotaur Artillery Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Daemon Engines: Blight Drone - Blood Slaughterer - Brass Scorpion - Lord of Skulls - Plague Hulk
Super Heavies: Baneblade - Macharius Heavy Tank - Malcador Heavy Tank - Valdor Tank Hunter
Flyers: Hell Blade - Hell Talon - Valkyrie
Spacecraft: Arvus Lighter