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/pol/ is the other way, spambot.
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:/a/ - Anime and Manga}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:/a/ - Anime & Manga}}
{{Template:Board-tan Index}}
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' An azn trap. Androgynous-looking in the least positive way possible.  Cross-dresses so frequently that everyone believes that he is in fact female. Wears skirts and t-shirts (often labeled "/a/"). Hair is short, black, with a flower hair clip.  An antenna-like strand of hair (ahoge) is always sticking up, used to express emotion.  Wears thin-framed, rectangular glasses. Flatter than a six year-old can of soda.
'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' Quite obviously is very interested in and opinionated about [[anime]] and manga. Is one of the boards, but doesn't act like it in the slightest. He has a habit of dwelling on how much better the past was (it wasn't). Has been overtaken by the moeshit and waifufag cancers. Is paranoid about people finding out the secret of his gender (despite the fact that he's not fooling anyone) or his magical "girl" powers. Is constantly obsessing over power levels, and gets jealous if anyone is stronger than him (though that's not very hard).
/a/ tends to read loli doujinshi and manga openly in public, and enjoys reading untranslated manga despite a very rudimentary understanding of Japanese. (He also has a hidden love of BL, but will vehemently deny it and tell all the fujoshits to go bug /cm/ and /y/ instead.)

He's a master baiter.
'''Gender/Physical Description:''' Male, (though often depicted as female as well) and some what androgynous looking. Cross-dresses so frequently that everyone believes that he is in fact female.  /co/, /d/, and /v/ are among the few that know that he's male. Wears skirts and t-shirts (often labeled "/a/"). Hair is short, black, with a flower hair clip.  An antenna-like strand of hair (ahoge) is always sticking up, used to express emotionWears thin-framed, rectangular glasses.  
'''Relationships:''' Tsundere to everyone, especially /v/. The only person he isn't mean to at all is /c/, who he sees as a little sister. /a/ is protective of /c/. Is relatively friendly with /co/ (though the number of /co/-related anime as of late has been getting on his nerves).  He gets along with /m/ when they watch anime together, because chicks dig giant robots.

'''Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior:''' /a/ is very tsundere towards most other boards due to personal jealousy of some type, or an unwillingness to admit his feelings, but he also embodies several anime stereotypes. /a/ tends to read loli doujinshi and manga openly in public, enjoys reading untranslated manga despite a very basic understanding of Japanese (if any). Is constantly obsessing over power levels, and gets jealous if anyone is stronger than him. Can be somewhat mischievous or conniving. Quite obviously is very interested in and opinionated about [[anime]] and manga. If it wasn't already apparent, he is a huge trap.
Has a good relationship with /g/ after the great Nyaa and Sukebei deletions. They came together to salvage their backups and make a couple indexes for all those magnet links.

'''Special Power:''' Has a transformation ability. He transforms into a magical "girl", following all of the genre stereotypes (amulet as source of power, risque henshin sequence, speeches and attack calls during battle). He remains male but when transformed wears a short fluffy skirt with matching top, all of which is filled with pink lace ribbons and bows. His power is generally combat magic utilizing [[Touhou|all sorts of beam spam]], quick nearly instantaneous flash steps and when needed he can even use his magic wand as a melee weapon.
Doesn't particularly ''hate'' /cm/ and /y/, but wishes they'd keep their fujoshit cancer to themselves.

'''Relationships:''' Tsundere to everyone, especially /v/. The only person he isn't mean to at all is /c/, who sees him as a big sister. /a/ is protective of /c/, can be very moody, but he's also paranoid about people finding out the secret of his gender or his magical "girl" powers. Doesn't actually admit to liking men, and prefers to spend a night in his room with a couple of loli doujins, but is inexplicably attracted to /v/. Jealous of /x/'s extremely high magic potential, and is always attempting to prove that he is the stronger magic user when in his magical girl form. Is friendly with /co/ as long as it isn't about anime or manga.  He gets along with /m/ while they watch anime together, but is secretly jealous of his effortless ability to be "pretty".
Despite his and /b/'s status as the oldest two boards, they rarely interact anymore. It's probably for the best.

'''Job:''' Manages the anime & manga section of /co/'s shop.
Was 'Together Forever' with /sp/ in the 4chan cup until 2016. They were also merged for April Fool's in 2017, and greatly enjoyed the flags.

Latest revision as of 14:22, 20 June 2023


[ a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / vrpg / w / wg ] [ i / ic ] [ r9k ] [ s4s ] [ vip ] [ cm / hm / lgbt / y ] [ 3 / aco / adv / an / asp / bant / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x ] [ rs / q / qa ] [ /mlpol/ ] [ trash ] [ home ]

Gender/Physical Description: An azn trap. Androgynous-looking in the least positive way possible. Cross-dresses so frequently that everyone believes that he is in fact female. Wears skirts and t-shirts (often labeled "/a/"). Hair is short, black, with a flower hair clip. An antenna-like strand of hair (ahoge) is always sticking up, used to express emotion. Wears thin-framed, rectangular glasses. Flatter than a six year-old can of soda.

Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior: Quite obviously is very interested in and opinionated about anime and manga. Is one of the boards, but doesn't act like it in the slightest. He has a habit of dwelling on how much better the past was (it wasn't). Has been overtaken by the moeshit and waifufag cancers. Is paranoid about people finding out the secret of his gender (despite the fact that he's not fooling anyone) or his magical "girl" powers. Is constantly obsessing over power levels, and gets jealous if anyone is stronger than him (though that's not very hard).

/a/ tends to read loli doujinshi and manga openly in public, and enjoys reading untranslated manga despite a very rudimentary understanding of Japanese. (He also has a hidden love of BL, but will vehemently deny it and tell all the fujoshits to go bug /cm/ and /y/ instead.)

He's a master baiter.

Relationships: Tsundere to everyone, especially /v/. The only person he isn't mean to at all is /c/, who he sees as a little sister. /a/ is protective of /c/. Is relatively friendly with /co/ (though the number of /co/-related anime as of late has been getting on his nerves). He gets along with /m/ when they watch anime together, because chicks dig giant robots.

Has a good relationship with /g/ after the great Nyaa and Sukebei deletions. They came together to salvage their backups and make a couple indexes for all those magnet links.

Doesn't particularly hate /cm/ and /y/, but wishes they'd keep their fujoshit cancer to themselves.

Despite his and /b/'s status as the oldest two boards, they rarely interact anymore. It's probably for the best.

Was 'Together Forever' with /sp/ in the 4chan cup until 2016. They were also merged for April Fool's in 2017, and greatly enjoyed the flags.