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A Hagspawn, flanked by two of his possible mothers.

Dungeons & Dragons has a long history of monsters who are only ever of a single gender, usually because that's how they were viewed in mythology. It has an equally long history of fucking humans banging those monsters. The results vary- half-nymphs and satyrs, beautiful creatures of the forest. Gorgon and maedar are slightly different, but still pretty awesome. But what if you just got the total short end of the stick when it came to your D&D parent?

Meet the hagspawn.

Originating from Unapproachable East, a 3e splatbook for the Forgotten Realms "East Asia" regions, Hagspawn, as their name suggests, are the male offspring of hags. Unlike their "sisters", the changelings of Pathfinder, hagspawn get a real raw deal out of it. Like hags, they tend to be very big and very powerfully built, often with clearly inhuman markers (blue or green skin and red eyes, for example), and are frequently kind of ugly - in many ways, they're sort of like playable oni. Unlike hags, they have no real affinity for magic, instead being superhumanly strong and tough. They are resistant to enemy magic, though, which is kind of nice.

Hagspawn are called out as being "natural malefactors", which is a fancy way of saying "usually born evil". Of course, they don't pay a lot of attention to the possibility that this just might be because growing up in places like Rasheman, they tend to get demonized and scorned for their maternal lineage, until they ultimately decide to say "fuck you, if you want a monster, I'll be a monster!" and instead simply assert that hagspawn are naturally full of malice, violence and resentment.

But hey, what do you expect of a monstrous humanoid race in 3rd edition?

Needless to say, most hagspawn don't get along with anyone, although they tend to be less hostile with nonhuman races, seeing as how they often feel a certain sympathy for half-orcs and tieflings and many other humanoids are willing to judge them by deed rather than condemn them for ancestry. In one sense, almost all hagspawn are adventurers, with dim prospects for staying at home and living as normal members of a human community. Many are wandering brigands, thugs, and sellswords, never staying too long in any one spot lest their neighbors blame them for some crime or misfortune. Hagspawn make good fighters and rogues and are well suited to a life of violence and robbery.

They gravitate towards more chaotic company, for that reason: anyone who is willing to judge an individual on their own merits can potentially find a friend in a hagspawn. Whilst not particularly inclined towards religion, Hagspawn most often adopt a faith that appeals to the lonely, embittered, and vengeful. Bane, Shar, and Cyric are common patron deities, although the elemental fury of Talos and the battle skill of Tempus also speak to the hagspawn's violent nature. Good hagspawn most often worship the deity of whatever community they eventually find a home in.

The Hagspawn can be seen on the far right. The other races are Star Elf, Gnoll, Taer and Volodni.

The hagspawn are particularly common in Rasheman, and so usually speak that language and name themselves after it; they usually take simple human names (which, for a Rashemani hagspawn, includes Bor, Dor, Josel, Kurg, Sergel, and Vladir), and may or may not also use their father's surname. Hagspawn who don't care to hide their heritage, or who want to make themselves sound more fearsome, will adapt their monstrous mother's name for their own, and/or call themselves by the surname of "Hagson". Their haggish ancestry also grants them an affinity for the Giant language, and most learn the Common trading patois.

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Base land speed 30 feet
Monstrous Humanoid
Darkvision 60 feet
Natural Armor +2
Spell Resistance 11 + Character Level
Favored Class: Barbarian
Level Adjustment: +2

Hagspawn did get one day in the limelight though: One of them is a companion in the first expansion for Neverwinter Nights II. Gann(ayev) of Dreams is a strangely charismatic and attractive hagspawn. He's an epic level Spirit Shaman with a knack for seducing women in their dreams.

5e Fan Stats[edit | edit source]

Hagspawn have proven surprisingly popular amongst Realms fans, and there are muiltiple attempts to adapt them to Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition to be found on the Dungeon Master's Guild.

Hagspawn are one of the "shadow-touched" PC races who appear in Ulraunt's Guide to the Planes: Shadowfell for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, alongside the Dhampir, Krinth and Shadar-Kai. These hagspawn are not explicitly male-only, and explicitly have lost the victim blaming element of their original counterparts. Here, it is stated that whilst their haggish blood does give them an instinctive pull towards dark behavior, they can resist it and are not themselves inherently evil, although the cruel treatment of their mothers often shapes them into monsters in their own right.

Ability Score Increase: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Darkvision 60 feet
Arcane Aggression: You can cast Magic Missile using Charisma as your spellcasting ability score once per day. When cast this way, it does not require a spell slot or any components.
Fiendish Will: You have Advantage on saving throws against spells that specifically only target Humanoids.
Epic Racial - Ethereal Jaunt: You can use a bonus action on your turn to enter the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane. You return to the Material Plane at the end of your turn.

An alternative and sympathetic take on the hagspawn was created by independent 3rd party developer Dungeon Master Tuz. These hagspawn's signature trait is their spite, which they either manage to control and learn to use in a productive manner, or be consumed by it and become eternal outcasts. This paints them more as underdogs that try to show the world that the dark relation to their vile mothers does not define them, or as malicious renegades that lash out at the world that spurned them at every turn.

Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Spite: You are able to utilize your ill temper to push yourself beyond your limits. Whenever a hostile creature scores a critical hit against you, or you roll a 1 on the d20 for a saving throw against an effect of a hostile creature you can see, you gain advantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Bloodlines: Five subraces of hagspawn are found among the world: Annis Hag, Bheur Hag, Green Hag, Night Hag, and Sea Hag.
Annis Hag
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Claws: You possess powerful claws you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Annis Hag Legacy: Your Annis Hag legacy allows you to summon a fleeting fog cloud around you. You can use a bonus action to summon a 10-foot radius fog cloud centered on yourself. The fog spreads arounds corners and heavily obscures the area. The fog cloud lasts until the end of your next turn or until a wind of at least 10 miles per hour blows it away. Once you use this trait, you can‘t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Bheur Hag
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Winterborn: You have resistance to cold damage and are adapted to cold climates.
Ice Walk: Moving across or climbing icy surfaces does not impose disadvantage on your ability checks. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or snow does not cost you extra movement.
Maddening Display: Utilizing your Bheur blood, you are capable of horrific displays of wickedness, like a disturbing psychotic grin, licking the blood off your blades, or simply describing to your foe how you will feast on their marrow. As an action you can do a maddening display. A creature that is able to see and hear you within 30 feet must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save the creature is terrified by your Maddening Display and must use its reaction to move away as far as its speed allows from you. The creature doesn‘t move into hazards, like a pit or an open fire. A creature that is immune to fear automatically succeeds the saving throw. The DC for the Wisdom saving throw is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. After the saving throw the creature becomes immune to your Maddening display for 24 hours. Once you use this trait, you can‘t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Bheur Hag Legacy: You know the Ray of Frost cantrip. When you reach 5th level you can cast the Hold Person spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma.
Green Hag
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.
Born Liar: You are proficient with the Deception skill.
Vanish: As a bonus action you can vanish from sight of another creature. Choose a creature you can see within 120 ft. of yourself. That creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or you become invisible to it until the beginning of your next turn. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Green Hag Legacy: You know the Friends cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Charm Person spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Night Hag
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Made Out Of Nightmare: Being part creature that spreads dread and horror wherever it goes, there is not much that can affect you. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened.
Inherently Scary: You are proficient with the Intimidation skill.
Night Hag Legacy. You know the Prestidigitation cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Sleep spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Misty Step spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Sea Hag
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Speed: In addition to your base walking speed, you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.
Darkvision 60 feet
Amphibious: You can breathe air and water.
Sea Hag Legacy: You can use an action to give a creature a death glare. The targeted creature must be within 30 feet of you and able to see you. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Yet another version can be found in the Rashemen Campaign Guide, and since Ed Greenwood gets credited as one of the authors, this is probably the closest thing to an official 5e hagspawn we're likely to see. The fluff is clearly rooted in the original lore from Unapproachable East, but it drops the victim-blaming angle; it states outright that hagspawn get a shitty deal from human society and that this leads to a lot of hagspawn being resentful and angry at society. They're no longer explicitly male-only, nor are they hideously ugly, though their skin colors can include inhuman tones based on their haggish heritage. The lore suggests that there have actually been quite a few hagspawn heroes during the timeskip from 3rd to 5th edition, and as a result, the demihumans of Rashemen are warming up to them. Mechanically, the Rashemen Campaign Guide's hagspawn look like this:

Ability Score Increase: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution
Medium Size
Base speed 30 feet
Darkvision 60 feet
Fiendish Heritage: You are immune to spell effects that only effect humanoids.
Natural Armor: Your unarmored Armor Class is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. This trumps inferior worn armor and can stack with a shield.
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition races
Player's Handbook DwarfElfGnomeHalf-ElfHalf-OrcHalflingHuman
Monster Manual I AasimarBlink DogBugbearCentaurGiant, HillGnollGoblinHobgoblinKoboldLizardfolkMinotaurOgreOgre MageOrcPixieTieflingSatyrTroglodyteTrollUnicorn
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Aasimar • Dwarf, Gold • Dwarf, Gray • Dwarf, Shield • Elf, Dark • Elf, Moon • Elf, Sun • Elf, Sun • Elf, Wild • Elf, WoodGenasi, AirGenasi, EarthGenasi, FireGenasi, WaterGnome, DeepGnome, RockHalf-ElfHalf-OrcHalfling, GhostwiseHalfling, LightfootHalfling, StrongheartHumanTiefling
The Manual of the Planes BariaurCanolothGithyankiGithzeraiSpinagonUridezu
Oriental Adventures BakemonoDwarfElfGnomeHengeyokaiHumanKappaKorobokuruNaga, AspNaga, ChameleonNaga, CobraNaga, ConstrictorNaga, GreensnakeNezumiSpirit Folk, BambooSpirit Folk, RiverSpirit Folk, SeaTasloiTengu, Crow-headedTengu, Human-headedTsunoVanaraWang-LiangYetiYuki-onna
Epic Level Handbook Mercane
Monster Manual II Abeil, QueenAbeil, SoldierAbeil, VassalAvolakiaBladelingBraxatChaondDesmoduDurzagonFirbolgFomorianGiant, ForestGiant, MountainGiant, OceanGiant, SunGlimmerskinIxitxachitlIxitxachitl, Vampiric • LoxoNeogiOcean StriderScorpionfolkThri-kreenYak FolkZenythri
Book of Vile Darkness JerrenVashar
Savage Species Desmodu† • Half-OgreLoxo† • Thri-Kreen
Races of Faerun AarakocraBugbearCentaur • Dwarf, Arctic • Dwarf, Urdunnir • Dwarf, Wild • Elf, AquaticElf, WingedFey'ri • Gnome, Forest • GoblinGoblin, Dekanter • Half-Elf, Aquatic • Half-Elf, DarkHobgoblinKir-LananLizardfolkOrc, Deep • Orc, Gray • Orc, Mountain • TanarukkWemicYuan-ti Pureblood
Fiend Folio AbrianCanomorph, HarakninCanomorph, ShadurakulCanomorph, VultivoreDark Creeper Dark StalkerEthergaunt, BlackEthergaunt, RedEthergaunt, WhiteFensirFensir, RakkaFeytouchedJackal LordKaortiKeeperKhaastaMaeluthMaugMechanatrixMongrelfolkNerra, KaraleemNerra, SillitNerra, VarootRilmani, AurumachRilmani, CuprilachRilmani, FerrumachSelkieShadar-kaiShyftSkulkSprigganWisplingYuan-ti AnathemaYurian
Unapproachable East Elf, StarGnollHagspawnNilshaiSpirit Folk, MountainSpirit Folk, RiverTaerTroll, IceTroll, DemonUthrakiVolodni
v3.5 revision
Shining South Cyclops† • LoxoTasloiThri-Kreen
Races of Stone DwarfGnomeGoliath
Frostburn Domovoi† • Glacier DwarfFrost Folk† • Ice GnomeNeanderthalSnow ElfSnow Goblin† • Tundra HalflingUldra
Races of Destiny Half-ElfHalf-OrcHumanIllumian
Races of the Wild ElfHalflingRaptoran
Sandstorm AsheratiBadlands DwarfBhukaCrucian† • Painted ElfScablands Half-Orc
Stormwrack Aquatic ElfAquatic Half-ElfAventiDarfellanHadozeeSeacliff DwarfShoal HalflingWavecrest Gnome
Races of the Dragon DragonbornDraconicHalf-DragonKoboldSpellscale
Dragon Magazine 339 (GiffInsectareScro)