Imperial Knight House Creation Tables: Difference between revisions

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Creation Table: Needs more editing, also needs more work on See, But Don't Be Seen and Specialty restrictions.
Line 65: Line 65:
| Something Else, Chapter of Astartes, Rogue Trader, etc etc
| Something Else, Chapter of Astartes, Rogue Trader, etc etc
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"
! colspan="2" |Succession Laws. Who inherits the Knight Titan and titles? (d10)
! 1
| Gavelkind-- All eligible children receive their own Knight suit. Must be next to a Forgeworld. Also split titles among them.
! 2
| Partible-- All eligible children share the
! 2
| Seniority-- All Knights and titles of the noble are inherited by the oldest member of the immediate family.
! 3
| Primogeniture-- The eldest child of the former noble inherits.
! 4
| Ultimogeniture-- The youngest child inherits. Hopefully they're not still in diapers
! 5
| Feudal Elective-- All other members of the House vote on who gets everything. Politics are often fierce.
| Investiture-- the Head of the House decides who becomes heir apparent of land and Knight.
! 7
| Tyranny-- The head of the House inherits all administrative titles and hoards the Knights, only giving them out to those he trusts.
! 8
| Meritocracy/Peerage-- The current holder decides who gets the title and/or suit. Often for political power, recognition of great deeds, or actual competence. Occasionally happens to commoners or even peasants, but they may just get the Knight and not the titles.
! 9
| Free Knights--  This House tries to hand out Knights to as many nobles as they can, separating them from inheritance. Roll again for title and land inheritance.
! 10
| Unique Succession-- This House uses a rarely used form of succession(i.e., Partible, Rota system,) or has come up with their own convoluted succession laws.
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"
! colspan="2" |Gender laws for Inheritance (d10)
! 1–2
| Agnatic-- Males Only
! 3–5
| Agnatic-Cognatic-- Males first, then females.
! 6–9
| Cognatic-- Females inherit equally to males.
! 10
| Amazon-- Females either solely inherit or take priority.

Line 346: Line 402:
! 10
! 10
| Terror
| Terror
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"
! colspan="2" |Specialty restrictions (units the house cannot field) - Only roll if Unique Organisation was selected (d100)
! 01–20
| [[Apothecary]]
! 21–40
| Assault Marine
! 41-60
| Devastator Marine
! 61-80
| [[Techmarine]]
! 81-97
| [[Librarian]]
! 98-100
| Roll Twice on this Chart or choose something truly unusual (i.e., the House have no Knight Lancers, the House’s Veterans are not formed into the 1st Company, etc.)

Line 393: Line 426:
| No particular preference
| No particular preference
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center"
! colspan="2" |Specialty restrictions (units the house cannot field) - Do not roll if No Particular Preference was selected (d100)
! 01–15
| Lancer
! 16–30
| Crusader
! 31-45
| Castellan
! 46-60
| Baron
! 61-75
| Warden
! 75-85
| Paladin
! 86-95
| Errant
! 96-100
| Roll Twice on this Chart or choose something truly unusual (i.e., the House has no Sacristans, there are no supporting Men-at-Arms/peasant militia, etc.)

Line 398: Line 461:
! colspan="2" |What form do the House's beliefs take? (d100)
! colspan="2" |What form do the House's beliefs take? (d100)
! 01-40
! 01-25
| Revere the Omnissiah - "He's the Emperor. Or the Emperor is him. Look, the point is there's machines, cogs, and it's all really cool. "
| Revere the Omnissiah - "He's the Emperor. Or the Emperor is him. Look, the point is there's machines, cogs, and it's all really cool. "
! 41-65
! 26-50
| The [[God-Emperor of Mankind|Emperor]] Above All - "I don't mind praying in the Chapel. I mind praying to the arc welder ten times a day."
| The [[God-Emperor of Mankind|Emperor]] Above All - "I don't mind praying in the Chapel. I mind praying to the arc welder ten times a day."
! 51-65
| Code of Chivalry - "Duty is honor, and our duty is to protect the innocent and care for the weak."
! 66-75
! 66-75
Line 414: Line 480:
! 86-90
! 86-90
| Servants of the Imperium - "We're all comrades in arms in the Emperor's service. I'm just a good deal better equipped."
| Mechanicus Scions - "We're here for the STC fragments. Your Hive is collateral damage."
! 91-95
! 91-95
| Mechanicus Scions - "We're here for the STC fragments. Your Hive is collateral damage."
| Purity of Man - "Technology makes you weak. Only our giant battle mecha are allowed."
! 96-100
! 96-100

Revision as of 06:21, 29 March 2014

This page is in need of cleanup. Srsly. It's a fucking mess.


Creation Table

Work in Progress, help out!

What is the Nature of our Vow? (d10)
1–3 Strategic Prognostication - "Our tarot cards say there's going to be a threat here, maybe. Call the Knights!"
4–5 Counter - "There are Orks over here! Send the Knights!" "But it'll take 50 ye-" "Do it!"
5–8 Standing Force - "And these stars are ours to defend."
9–10 Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Call the Knights!"

When Was The House Contacted? (d100)
1 Time Immemorial (Houses like Taranis who are on Mars or Houses that were always in contact with a Forgeworld)
2–52 Great Crusade
53–60 Heresy, dire times indeed
61–65 Scouring
66–70 Early Imperium
71–80 Schism/Beheading
81–90 Macharian Crusade/Other Crusade
91-100 Recent

Who is our direct suzereign? (d10)
1-4 Imperial
5-8 Mechanicum
9 Freeblade Band
10 Something Else, Chapter of Astartes, Rogue Trader, etc etc

Succession Laws. Who inherits the Knight Titan and titles? (d10)
1 Gavelkind-- All eligible children receive their own Knight suit. Must be next to a Forgeworld. Also split titles among them.
2 Partible-- All eligible children share the
2 Seniority-- All Knights and titles of the noble are inherited by the oldest member of the immediate family.
3 Primogeniture-- The eldest child of the former noble inherits.
4 Ultimogeniture-- The youngest child inherits. Hopefully they're not still in diapers
5 Feudal Elective-- All other members of the House vote on who gets everything. Politics are often fierce.
6 Investiture-- the Head of the House decides who becomes heir apparent of land and Knight.
7 Tyranny-- The head of the House inherits all administrative titles and hoards the Knights, only giving them out to those he trusts.
8 Meritocracy/Peerage-- The current holder decides who gets the title and/or suit. Often for political power, recognition of great deeds, or actual competence. Occasionally happens to commoners or even peasants, but they may just get the Knight and not the titles.
9 Free Knights-- This House tries to hand out Knights to as many nobles as they can, separating them from inheritance. Roll again for title and land inheritance.
10 Unique Succession-- This House uses a rarely used form of succession(i.e., Partible, Rota system,) or has come up with their own convoluted succession laws.

Gender laws for Inheritance (d10)
1–2 Agnatic-- Males Only
3–5 Agnatic-Cognatic-- Males first, then females.
6–9 Cognatic-- Females inherit equally to males.
10 Amazon-- Females either solely inherit or take priority.

Ceremony (d10)
1–4 Rigid -- Things are literally so boring that Knights go to war to keep their sanity. Just as planned.
5-7 Reasonable -- Things are much like any other organization in the Imperium, with ritual guiding many aspects of life. Just not all of them.
7–8 Nonchalant -- Ceremony, who cares? We've got giant robots.
9–10 Divergent -- Be it blood sacrifice or machine meditation, things are very different here.

House Demeanour (d10)
1 Swift As The Wind - Going slowly and thinking things out? *BLAM* No.
2 Cleanse and Purify - Not destroy everything? *BLAM* No.
3 No Mercy, No Respite - Let the enemy go so we can follow them? *BLAM* No.
4 Purity Above All - Mutants? *BLAM* No.
5 Scions of Mars - Progress? *BLAM* No. Awesome toys? Yes please.
6 See, But Don't Be Seen - Run onto the battlefield in colourful knights screaming like a maniac? *BLAM* No.
7 Suffer Not the Alien to Live - Xenos? *BLAM* No.
8 Suffer Not the Work of Heretics - Heretics? *BLAM* No.
9 Brothers in Battle - Hos before bros? *BLAM* No.
10 Uphold the Honour of the House - Performing unheroic acts? *BLAM* No.

If one exists, what is the House's Flaw? There really ought to be more of these (d10)
1 We Stand Alone - The House is either distrusted for some reason, or shuns contact with others.
2 Honor Any Oath - The House is sworn to honor any commitment, no matter thinly it stretches its forces.
3 Pride in the Colours - The House places the honour of the house first, even above common sense.
4 Our Way- These Knights listen, understand, and then do what they were going to do anyway.
5 Faith in Suspicion - The House particularly hates a single Imperial institution, and refuses to work with them.
6 Enjoys a Bit of the Claret - There's a difference between killing the foe and splashing around in their blood.
7 Eye to Eye - The House hates any method of warfare other than running up to the enemy and stomping them.
8 The Big Guns Never Tire - The House prefers to keep their enemies at range, to the point that this House cannot be relied upon to engage in close assault.
9 Blind Hatred - The presence of an ancient foe or a rival House can drive these Knights beyond reason.
10 Local Cult - The practices of the House are weird and probably quite unsavory.

Figure of Legend (d100)
01-20 A great Hero from days of yore, Dark Age of Technology or before.
21-30 A mighty Knight who crusaded with the Emperor himself!
31-40 A true Hero of the Imperium who stood against the Traitors!
41-50 A Baron
51-53 A Knight initiate
54-74 Just a regular Knight
75-78 A Sacristan
79-85 A Knight's Consort
86-99 A peasant/member of the Fyrd/Militia
100 An outsider of your choice (Inquisitor, Chapter Master, Imperial Guard Colonel etc.).

Deeds of Legend (d100)
01-25 The figure is remembered as the bane of the Orks, to such an extent that his name is known to the vile greenskins even to this day.
26-50 The individual was a stalwart enemy of the servants of Chaos, and slew a Daemon Prince.
51-70 The hero led a glorious campaign against a rebel army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the Emperor.
71-85 The figure led an action against an Eldar craftworld, boarding it and inflicting grievous casualties before withdrawing.

He and his House are especially hated by the pernicious Eldar, for whom the event is still fresh and raw.

86-90 The hero was lost to his House in a warp accident, yet his descendants have cause to believe he lives still and may one day return to them in glory.
91-95 The hero was the first to face some newly discovered alien race, and ultimately responsible for its total destruction. Centuries later, only the House remembers the name of the race, so utterly was it and its works cast down.
96-100 The hero led his House in many glorious campaigns, slaying hundreds of the enemy’s greatest champions. In the end, he was brought down by treachery within the fold of the Imperium, slain by an assassin’s turbo-penetrator round on the field of battle. Just why he was targeted was never discovered, and the House harbours a special hatred for the servants of the Officio Assassinorum to this day.

Size of our Domain(d10)
1-3 Tiny, just the Homeworld/System
4-8 Sizable, several star systems
9-10 Immense -- "My son, some day all of that will be your's"

House Homeworld (d100)
01-30 Agri World
31-60 Feral World
61-70 Medieval World
71-80 Civilised World
81-90 Uninhabited World
91-100 N/A (Freeblade)

Homeworld terrain (d100)
1–25 Jungle
26–50 Desert
51–60 Ice
61–65 Ocean
66–75 Wasteland
76–80 Urban
81–85 Dead
86–90 Airless
90–100 Temperate

Rule of homeworld (d10)
1-4 Direct Rule - "So I have written, so shall it ever be."
5-7 Stewardship - "Hi, Planetary Governor? It's me, the Baron. Just calling you to remind you that I outrank you, even if I don't do anything."
8-10 Distant rule - "Rule? That's peasant's work!"

House Hierarchy (d10)
1-5 Strict
6-8 Flexible
9-10 Every Knight for himself!

Combat doctrine (d10)
1 Close Combat
2 Ranged Combat
3 Armoured Assault
4 Stealth
5 Lightning Strike
6 Planet Strike Vanguard
7 Long Range Operations
8 Siege
9 Shock and Awe
10 Terror

Preferred Knight variant (d10)
1-2 Knight Paladins
3-4 Knight Errants
5 Knight Lancers
6 Knight Crusaders
7 Knight Castellans
8-10 No particular preference

Specialty restrictions (units the house cannot field) - Do not roll if No Particular Preference was selected (d100)
01–15 Lancer
16–30 Crusader
31-45 Castellan
46-60 Baron
61-75 Warden
75-85 Paladin
86-95 Errant
96-100 Roll Twice on this Chart or choose something truly unusual (i.e., the House has no Sacristans, there are no supporting Men-at-Arms/peasant militia, etc.)

What form do the House's beliefs take? (d100)
01-25 Revere the Omnissiah - "He's the Emperor. Or the Emperor is him. Look, the point is there's machines, cogs, and it's all really cool. "
26-50 The Emperor Above All - "I don't mind praying in the Chapel. I mind praying to the arc welder ten times a day."
51-65 Code of Chivalry - "Duty is honor, and our duty is to protect the innocent and care for the weak."
66-75 Honour the Ancestors - "Old members of our House are better than your guys."
81-85 Totem Creature - "You know how we've got a horse as our House symbol? Yeah, we're going to stick that everywhere."
86-90 Mechanicus Scions - "We're here for the STC fragments. Your Hive is collateral damage."
91-95 Purity of Man - "Technology makes you weak. Only our giant battle mecha are allowed."
96-100 Esoteric Beliefs - "Get me the calipers and nails! Ol' Bessy got herself another trophy!"

At what strength is the House? (d10)
1 Few, but Proud: The last remnants of a once proud House, these warriors are few in number. Each Knight is a precious relic that is maintained with what resources the House has left. Every battle is a struggle for survival, every loss irreplaceable.
2-4 Under Strength: The House is recovering from a defeat or accident that occurred several decades ago, or has recently suffered heavy, but not irrecoverable losses. It is probably at a minimum of half strength, and should return to nominal strength within several decades. Connections with the Mechanicus may accelerate this process.
5-9 Nominal: The House can field several Strongholds of Knights, enough to defend its fiefdoms and fulfill its obligations to the Imperium and Mechanicus
10 Over Strength: Some Houses, through luck, long history or ties to a powerful Forge World, can field large numbers of Knights. The daily roll call for Knights, consorts, sacristans and their offspring takes up a depressingly long amount of time.

Who are your House friendly with? (d100)
1-5 Administratum
6-15 Adeptus Arbites
16-30 Adeptus Astartes Chapter (choose one)
31-35 Adeptus Astra Telepatica
36-45 Adeptus Mechanicus
46-50 Adepta Sororitas
51-55 Adeptus Titanicus
56-58 Astropaths
59-60 Chartist Captains
61-65 Ecclesiarchy
66-75 Imperial Guard from a specific world
76-79 Imperial Navy
80-85 Inquisition
86-88 Navigators
89-91 Officio Assassinorum
91-93 Planetary Defence Force of a specific world
94-98 A Rogue Trader dynasty
99 Schola Progenium
100 Scholastica Psykana

Who are the House's enemies?(d100)
01-02 Roll on House Friends table
3-14 The Orks (alternatively, you may select a particular Waaagh! or Warboss)
15-32 The Eldar, Probably one of their Knight Houses (alternatively, you may select a particular Craftworld or leader)
33-51 Chaos Knight house!
52-62 The Tyranids (alternatively, you may select a particular Hive Fleet)
63-72 Chaos Space Marines (you should choose a particular warband, Chapter, or Traitor Legion)
72-79 A particular Daemon, Daemon Prince or Disciple of Chaos
80-87 A particular Chaos-aligned group (i.e., Traitor Titan Legion, Chaos pirates, renegade Imperial Guard, etc.)
88-97 The Dark Eldar (alternatively, you may select a particular Kabal or leader).
97-98 The Tau (alternatively, you may select a particular Tau force or leader)
99-100 Other (choose one force or group, such as aliens or heretics or a specific cult)

Lastly, add a name, colours, and heraldry. God-Emperor help us all.

Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour
Vehicles of the Imperium of Man
Walkers Brutalis Dreadnought - Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought - Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought
Death Company Dreadnought - Deathwatch Dreadnought - Dreadnought - Nemesis Dreadknight
Doomglaive Dreadnought - Furioso Dreadnought - Ironstrider Ballistarius - Invictor Tactical Warsuit
Librarian Dreadnought - Mortifier - Mortis Dreadnought - Onager Dunecrawler - Penitent Engine
Redemptor Dreadnought - Sentinel - Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought - Sydonian Dragoon
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought - Throne of Judgement - Wulfen Dreadnought - Paragon Warsuit
Arachni-rig - Ballistus Dreadnought - Eldthursar - Hrimthursar - Ridge Walker
Auto-Gurney - Ambot - Castellan-class robot - Cataphract-class robot - Colossus-class robot
Conqueror-class robot - Crusader-class robot - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - CATs - Nuncio-Aquila
Robot Crawler - Sanctioner Pattern Automaton - Servo-Automata - Servo-skull - Scyllax-class robot
Thanatar-class robot - Thunderfire Cannon - Vultarax stratos-automata
Transports Aurox - Chimera - Coronus Grav Carrier - Crassus Armored Assault Transport - Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler
Goliath Truck - Gorgon Armored Assault Transport - Hades Breaching Drill - Immolator - Impulsor - Macro-Hauler
Pegasus AAV - Razorback Transport - Repressor - Rhino - Road-Wheeler - Taurox - Testudo - Titan Train
Trojan Support Vehicle - Triaros Armoured Conveyer - Tunneling Transport Vehicles
Atlas Recovery Tank - Achilles Ridgerunner - Bane Wolf - Bike Squad - Cargo-8 Ridgehauler - Centaur Utility Vehicle
Devil Dog - Field Ordnance Battery - Galvanic Servohauler - Goliath Mauler - Heavy Quad-Launcher - Hellhound
Invader ATV - Land Crawler - Outrider Quad - Pegasus AFV - Salamander Reconnaissance Tank - Scylla Light Tank
Siegfried - Squat Bike - Squat Trike - Tauros - Tectonic Fragdrill - Venator - Wolfquad
Castigator Tank - Caladius Grav-Tank - Gladiator Tank - Kratos Heavy Assault Tank - Krios Battle Tank
Land Raider - Leman Russ Battle Tank - Predator - Ragnarok - Repulsor Tank - Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
Sabre Tank Hunter - Sicaran Battle Tank - Spartan Assault Tank - Vindicator
Ordnance Basilisk Artillery Gun - Colossus Bombard - Deathstrike Missile Launcher - Exorcist
Goliath Mega-Cannon - Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier - Hunter - Hydra Flak Tank
Legion Arquitor Bombard - Manticore Launcher Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker - Whirlwind - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Astraeus - Baneblade - Capitol Imperialis - Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade
Leviathan - Macharius Heavy Tank - Macrocarid Explorator - Malcador Heavy Tank
Mobile Cathedral - Mastodon - Ordinatus - Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Skimmers Dawneagle Jetbike - Escher Cutter - Gyrfalcon Pattern Jetbike - Imperial Jetbike
Javelin Attack Speeder - Grav-Cutter - Grav-Rhino - Kharon - Kyzagan Assault Speeder
Land Speeder - Land Speeder Vengeance - Pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica
Skorpius Hover Tank - Stormrider - Storm Speeder - Pallas Grav-Attack - Abeyant
Flyers Archaeocopter - Ares Gunship - Caestus Assault Ram - Container Transporter - Corvus Blackstar
Fire Raptor - Iron Eagle Gyrocopter - Nephilim Jetfighter - Orgus Flyer - Orion Gunship - Overlord Gunship
Sky Talon - Space Marine Landing Craft - Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Stormhawk - Chiropteran
Stormraven - Stormtalon - Stormwolf - Thunderhawk - Whispercutter - Valkyrie - Vendetta - Vulture
Fighters &
Avenger Strike Fighter - Lightning Fighter - Marauder Bomber
Stormfang - Thunderbolt Fighter - Xiphon Interceptor
Spacecraft Aquila Lander - Arvus Lighter - Boarding Torpedo - Devourer Dropship - Drop Pod
Faustus Interceptor - Fury Interceptor - Gun-Cutter - Shark Assault Boat
Starhawk Bomber - Tetrarch Heavy Lander - Galaxy Troop Ship
Titans Imperial Knight - Warhound Scout Titan - Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan - Reaver Battle Titan
Warbringer Nemesis Titan - Warlord Battle Titan - Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan - Emperor Battle Titan