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Alignment Chaotic Good
Divine Rank Greater God
Pantheon Drow, Elf, Faerun
Portfolio the Moon, Beauty, Swords, Singing, Legitimising Drizzt clones
Domains Chaos, Charm, Drow, Elf, Good, Moon, Portal
Home Plane Couch surfing between Arvandor and the Demonweb Pits
Worshippers Drizzt clones
Favoured Weapon Moonsword (BASTARD sword)

Eilistraee is the daughter of Corellon Larethian and Araushnee in the Forgotten Realms setting. Despite being a good deity, she chose exile with her mother because she realised that her people needed someone to look out for them.

Also the topic of considerable Skub especially since her portfolio is pretty much covered by Sehanine Moonbow (even their mythological roles can be considered interchangeable), considering that she only really exists to provide a legitimate avenue for redemption of Drow thereby opening the floodgates to a plethora of Drizzt clones.