Imperial Ordnance
Infantry win firefights, tanks win battles, artillery wins wars.
That's how the saying goes. And it's true. Without the big guns you are doomed to be murdered gruesomely for the lulz of it, get eaten or have your soul used as a condom for all eternity. The Imperium knows this and has devised a truly staggring amount of heavy guns dedicated to ruining your shit into next Sunday from anywhere in between half a mile to half a continent away.
Leman Russ
As the main battle tank of the Imperial Guard, the Leman Russ Battle Tank has nearly a dozen different designs based on it. It was to be expected that over half of these weapons are some form of ordnance.
Battle Cannon
The primary weapon of the Leman Russ Battle Tank, it is the most common and used variation of the tank. For good reason: the Battle Cannon can pull double duty as both an anti-tank and anti-infantry weapon thanks to its considerable range, strength and explosion size.
Conquerer Cannon
Fitted to the Leman Russ Conquerer, this is essentially a lighter and smaller version of the Battle Cannon. Its lower range and destruction power are more than compensated by the reduced recoil and higher rate of fire, allowing for an even greater damage output than a Battle Cannon.
Demolisher Cannon
The Big One. Fitted onto the Leman Russ Demolisher and packing enough heat to turn Terminators and heavy vehicles inside-out with a single shell, the Demolisher Cannon's short range is the only thing that stops it from being a truly amazing weapon. Even then it can cause considerable damage and is one of the few ordnance weapons used by the Space Marines, on the Vindicator.
Nova Cannon
Most ordnance weapons are designed to damage the enemy despite them using cover. The Leman Russ Eradicator's Nova Cannon gives the middle finger to any fortification in the way and flattens infantry and cover alike in a single masive burst.
Vanquisher Cannon
Huge gun, huge range, huge barrel, huge damage. the Leman Russ Vanquisher has its weapon tooled for only one purpose: to fuck enemy tanks and monsters hard using huge shells.
The Baneblade is a huge tank. Therefor it needs huge guts guns. Luckily the Imperial Guard has access to these weapons.
Baneblade Cannon
An upsized version of the Leman Russ Battle Cannon, the Baneblade Cannon is a weapon that will simply destroy any vehicle or tank that it hits.
Hellhammer Cannon
Fitted to the Hellhammer-pattern Baneblade its weapon was named after, the Hellhammer Cannon fires extremely high calibre shells that cause untold destruction over a relatively small area. It might ruin your day, but only if you're too close.
Quake Cannon
Also fitted to the massive Warlord Battle Titan, the Banesword can use its Quake Cannon both as a direct fire weapon capable of tearing through anything it hits and as an indirect siege weapon that allows the Banesword to deal massive damage without being at risk itself.
Stormsword Cannon
The primary weapon of its namesake, the Stormsword Cannon is a short-ranged behemoth capable of uprooting entire fields and leveling city blocks with a single shell. The weapon and its tank are ideal for city fighting and other terrain where things might stand in the way, for the Stormsword does not give a fuck.
Tremor Cannon
Most other shells are designed to explode on impact. Not the Banehammer's Tremor Cannon: after landing it burries into the ground before it detonates, launching large amounts of soil into the air which rains downs on the enemy and slows them down, together with the generated shockwave. If the massive shell did not destroy them first of course.
Most of the afore-mentioned vehicles are tanks designed for frontline combat. This is not the total of all heavy weapons the Imperial Guard employs: a small number of them are designed to fight far away from the front lines and rain death from a distance.
Earthshaker Cannon
Fitted to the Basilisk, the Earthshaker Cannon is the Battle Cannon of artillery pieces: common, highly recognisable and very lethal. It can launch its shells over extreme distances to bring death to foes that are unaware that a Basilisk is even present.
Colossus Siege Mortar
Huge, cumbersome and highly destructive, this weapon is so large it has to be fitted onto a Leman Russ chassis to be able to fire or move. Firing massive concussive rounds that will turn its target to paste, the man-sized shells have to be loaded by a specific loading arm because they are too heavy to do so by hand.
Medusa Siege Cannon
Firing in a more direct trajectory, the Medusa's siege cannon has its niche in destroying enemy fortifications. The weapon can be loaded with either regular siege shells that deliver a large explosion or dedicated bastion-breachers that will flatten a fortification in a single shot.
Griffon Heavy Mortar
A simple yet effective weapon: the Griffon Heavy Mortar has a high rate of fire and a suprising accuracy because of its small shells, allowing huge damage to be dealt to a target in a short amount of time.